Ch 5:1,2
- "Be ye..." Imperative as in 4:26
- "therefore" connects to " God..." in 4:32
- "followers"=Gr."mimetes"="imitators" Ro 8:29;12:2
- "love"="Gr."agape"="spontaneous love",i.e.,without requirement, justification, or partiality 1Co 13:4-7
- "us" should be "you" in correspondence with 4:32
- "sacrifice...savour" - first in Gen 8:20-22
3,4 - "fornication"=Gr."porneia" - Includes harlotry, incest, and adultery within its meaning of "unlawful lust"
- "among you" - within the body
- "filthiness"=Gr."aischrotes"Only occ.="obscenity"
- "foolish talking"=Gr."morologia"Only occ.="buffoonery,silly talk"
- "jesting"=Gr."eutrapelia"Only occ.="vulgar repartee,ribaldry"
- "convenient"=Gr."aneko"="appropriate,befitting"
5 - "whoremonger"=Gr."pornos"="a trafficker in sex", particularly a male prostitute (See Heb 12:16 in reference to Esau)
- "covetous...idolater" - See and understand Col 3:5
6 - "deceive"=Gr."apatao"="to cheat" (out of the inheritance)
- "because of these things" refers to vv.3,4
7,8 - "partakers"=partners read 2Co 6:14-18 2Jn 5-11
- "darkness...light" - We are not just in the light. We do not just have a light. We are light.
9 - Compare to Gal 5:22-24 (An aside breaking up the subject of 6-14)
10,11 - "fellowship"="partnership" "darkness"="the darkness"
- "unfruitful works of darkness"="the works of the devil" 1Jn 3:8
Compare: "works of darkness" Ro 13:10-14
"wicked works" Col 1;19-22
- "reprove"="convict,condemn"
12,13 - "the light"=the saints of v.8 "reproving" the works of darkness Jn 3:18-21
14 - From Isa 60:1,2
- "shall give thee light"="will shine upon you"
- "Awake...dead" - Figurative language echoing v.11. See the double usage/meaning of "dead" in Mt 8:22.
15 - "See then" - Another imperative
- "circumspectly"=Gr."akribos"="accurately,exactly,diligently"
See Mt 7:14 Lk 13:23,24 Deu 5:30-33
- "fools"=Gr."asophos" and "wise"=Gr."sophos"=No 3rd option
16 - "Redeeming"=Gr."exagorazo"="to buy out"
- "time"=Gr."kairos"=a certain limited time/season/opportunity
To understand: We tend to value money more than time even though time is an irrecoverable asset. Assume that we receive $2400 each day instead of 24 hours. At the end of each day we must return all unspent money. We would quickly find ways to spend all the money each day. We are told to treat our time the same way. See 2Ti 4:2 "instant...season;"
- "because..." We cannot afford to miss opportunities to serve. See 6:13
17 - Pr 4:5-7 "the will of the Lord" connects back to 4:1
18 - A key verse regarding the evil one and spiritual warfare
- "excess"=Gr."asotia"="unsavedness" The devil deals in excess/extremes. God is about moderation and self-control. The devil would have us practice intolerance or be totally permissive.He would have us never attend church or spend so much time in church that we ignore our other responsibilities (especially family).
19 - "yourselves" = "each other"
- "psalms...songs" - Instrumental music, songs of celebration, and spiritually sung songs of thanksgiving.
- "in your heart" - Aloud to each other, within to the Lord.
20 - "always" = in every way, on every occasion See 1Th 5:18
*******CRITICAL INFO*******
21- 6:9 - The fourth set of instructions in Chapter 5 begins.
-"4" is the # denoting created works, the earth, things under the sun (as in seasons of the year). The four sets ("Redeeming" v.16, "Speaking" v.19, "Giving" v.20, and "Submitting" v.21) deal with our daily earthly walk, the subject of Ecclesiastes (note Ecc 12:13,14). Section 5 (# of Grace) BEGINS at 6:10 with "Finally" and CLOSES with the fifth action, "Praying" (6:18), to frame this section and connect it to Eph 1:8. It is prayer as part of our daily walk that puts us in position to receive God's grace. Without it, we are "short" at "4" instead of "5".
- This group consists of 6 (# of man) relationship designations in a specific, hierarchical order confirmed by the identical series in Col 3:18-4:1. note the further correspondence between Eph 5:20 and Col 3:17 as well as between Eph 6:18 and Col 4:2. This is an indication from the Holy Spirit of the interdependence of these relationships. To wrongly divide the Scripture is to do Satan's bidding. This group is directly connected to the subject of spiritual warfare for this reason. To extract, quote, or apply Eph 5:22 as a standalone verse is gross error, a violation of Eph 5:21, and a rejection of the lesson taught in Jn 13:3-17.
21 - "Yourselves" brings the group of designations to a total of 7 (# of spiritual completeness). This verse provides the context for the rest of the section and acts as an umbrella of understanding for "submitting"
- Sub/mission = Under the same mission, as one body
See Phil 2:3-8 "Dominance" renders the verse impossible.
22-24 - WIVES
- Carefully read 1Sa 25 (esp. v.19)
- Understand 1Sa 27:3;30:5 2Sa 2:2;3:3 1Chr 3:1
Despite being frequently portrayed as a heroine, Abigail's betrayal and denigration of her husband is not in line with Scripture and is not viewed favorably by God.
(22) - "own husband" - Not a general male/female doctrine.
Not to be separated from v.23, connected by "For", i.e., "because". "as" is a qualifier.
(23) - "For a husband is the head of the wife as Christ also is the Head of the church, He Himself being Saviour of the body." Not to be separated from v. 24, connected by "Therefore"="But"
(24) - "subject" Same word as "submit"
"as" is the qualifier to define the relationship
SUMMARY: Both parties in the marital relationship have specific roles. The husband is the Head.The wife is the body. The husband is Christ. The wife is the church. This relationship cannot be unilateral. A wife cannot submit "as unto the Lord" if the husband is without Christ-like qualities. Submission "as unto the Lord" asks obedience, righteousness, truth, etc. This is not possible if the "body" follows a "head" turned to iniquity. The definition of a "husband" in v.23 transcends legal unions. In addition to God's refusal to recognize Abigail as David's wife, we have other examples such as Scripture referring to Bathsheba as Uriah's wife even after her marriage to David (2Sa 11:27-12:15). In the role of Christ as Head of the church, the term "Saviour" (Gr. "soter") appears only here in Ephesians, not at all in Romans, Corinthians or Galatians.
A Saviour: Protects, Delivers, Heals, Preserves, Makes Whole
A Saviour Does Not: Abuse, Neglect, Disrespect, Harm, Desert
A Saviour will sacrifice his own life if necessary.
The word "But" begins v.24 to keep us from error. Marrying a "Clyde" cannot require a woman to become a "Bonnie." " unto the Lord"
25-33 - HUSBANDS
The epistle crystallizes the vertical, in-line structure of God's design. Christ/The Word is the covering for the husband. The husband is the covering for the wife. (See 1Co 11:3 where "man"=Gr."aner"="husband" and "woman"=Gr."gune"="wife" when used in context with "aner"). When this design is misaligned, it causes separation. Note the difference between the Word Adam received (Gen 2:16,17) and what he relayed to Eve (Gen 3:2,3). Thus, Adam is held responsible for the ensuing events (Ro 5:12).
(25) - "love"=Gr."agapao"= Show favor (love) without qualification,i.e., "because she is your wife"
- "gave"="gave up" IMPORTANT: "it" should be "her"
(26) - "In order that..." "sanctify" - It is the agape love that sets the wife apart, precluding polygamy and adultery.
IMPORTANT: "and cleanse" should be "having cleansed
"...washing of water"=Gr"loutron"= the vessel, not the process, as in O.T. "laver") "by"="in"
An analogy to the sacrificial death and the blood of Christ, NOT to baptism. Think "covered by the blood"
(27) - The concept of King-Priest comes into play.
See Christ (Zech 6:13) and us (Rev 5:10)
PRIESTS (Lev 21:10-15) KINGS (Esther 2:12,13)
- "not having..." - "spot" See James 1:27
- "wrinkle" = Gr."rhutis" Only occ. = A facial wrinkle as a sign of aging/mortality/corruptibility
- "blemish" = cause for blame
- "holy" - See "sanctify" in v. 26
(28) - "wives" should be "own wives" as "own husbands" in v. 23
- "their own bodies"="themselves" as in Ro 12:1
As "one flesh", a united head and body, all emotions, words, actions, etc. are reflected between spouses. This love is manifested in accordance with 1Co 13:4-7.
29 - Omit "yet". This verse is gender neutral. "no man"="no one"
- "nourisheth"=Gr."ektrepho"="to nurture,raise up to maturity"
- "cherisheth"=Gr."thalpo"="to foster, to treat tenderly and affectionately"
- "as...the church" - See vv.23,24,25 Review Eph 1:22,23
30 - "For" connects to v.29. TECHNICALLY, "the church" as defined in this verse, is part of the bridegroom, it is NOT the bride. The new Israel is the bride of Christ. The church is natural, the new Israel is spiritual. Hence the supernatural relationship defined in v.31.
31 - From Gen 2:24. Two being one flesh is impossible according to natural law. Marriage must therefore be a supernatural union which supersedes the parent/child relationship.
- "joined"=Gr."proskollaomai"="glued to"
As Christ loves the church,His own body, so should the husband love the wife,his own body, and model himself accordingly.
32 -IMPORTANT: "a" should be "the"
- Paul's statement explains that he is equating the two relationships without declaring that the church, as the church, is the wife of Christ. The new Israel will be a further refinement of the church.
33 - "Nevertheless" - Don't let v.32 dilute the power of the information given in the prior verses.
- "reverence"- As given to the head. See 1Pe 3:1-7
Once again, the verse contains reciprocal instructions for both parties.
Ch 6:1 -
- Gr."teknon" - A naturally descended child. This word does not indicate nor imply gender or age.
- "obey" - Note Deu 21:18-21 and the reference to both parents
- "in the Lord" - Qualifying statement. Obedience is absolute only to God Who will never require us to sin.
- "right" = "righteous" Pr 17:25; 23:22,24,25
2,3 - From Ex 20:12, the 5th (#of Grace) commandment.
- "long"=Gr."euthutes"="with rectitude" (moral integrity) Pr 20:20
(includes stepfathers in the same role)
-"And" connects the reciprocal nature of the relationship
- "ye" should be "the"
This instruction is specifically directed to fathers as are all Biblical references to parental discipline.
See Heb 12:5-11 Pr 13:1,24; 15:5; 17:21
- "bring them up" = "nurture"
- "nurture" = "discipline"
The relationship between Jehovah (Father) and Israel (child) stands with natural examples in Scripture to give us lessons regarding fatherhood.
- A reflection of character - 1Ti 3:1-5
- Using a "first offense" to set an example and a standard
Lev 9:23 - 10:11 Ac 5:1-11
- Using rules (law) to bring the young to maturity - Gal 3:23-26
- Punishing disobedience (without favoritism) - Nu 20:1-12 Deu 34:1-6
Results of showing favoritism - Gen 37:1-4 ff
- Showing patience - Judges 6:36-40
Limiting patience - Ex 4:1-17
- A lifelong responsibility - Ex 18:8-27
- Provision - Mt 6:31,32
David, Samuel and Eli stand out in Scripture as godly men who were not godly fathers, with tragic results (1&2 Samuel)
SUMMARY: The Lord is the ideal father setting the model for the earthly father. The father/child relationship should not be contentious or argumentative. It is not a relationship between equals. Discipline is for the good of the child and should not be withheld. See Pr 19:18; 23:13,14 (These Scriptures do not dictate nor exclude corporal punishment).
- "admonition"=Gr."nouthesia"= words of warning or rebuke
- "of the Lord" - Fathers responsible for example and Scripture.
5 -
SERVANTS - A reference to position, not title.
The 5th commandment in Ex 20 leads to the commandments addressing relationships with our "neighbors." Paul mirrors that structure by moving outside of the family.
- "obedient" corresponds to 6:1. Christians should respect authority.
See Mt 8:5-10 1Ti 2:1-4
- "according to the flesh" - There is but one spiritual Master.
- "fear and trembling" - A phrase used to illustrate a lack of strength or power, a subordinate attitude
- "singleness of heart" - without pretense or duplicity
6 - "from the heart" = "from the soul" - Christians are not to play the "good servant" role in the presence of the "master" while belittling, denigrating or mocking the master to others. The motivation for a good performance should not be promotion or financial gain.
7 - "good will"=Gr."eunoia"=benevolence as required by the nature of the relationship. See the only other occ. of this word in 1Co 7:3 where it refers to a conjugal duty in marriage.
"as to the Lord" - Another qualifying statement. We are not to be blindly obedient if asked to do something against the Word of God, but otherwise, we must adhere to God's standards. See Col 3:17-24
8 - We should keep in mind the workings of God's kingdom
Mt 18:18 Gal 6:7-10 Eph 5:1,2 Lk 6:31 Mt 5:16 MOST OF ALL 2Co 5:10
9 -
MASTERS (same as v.5) Gr."kurios" = One in authority /control/ ownership
-"And ye masters" should be "The masters also" making the attitudes of vv.5-8 applicable.
-"your Master" reads "both their Master and yours"
Ro 2:11 1Pe1:17 Ac 10:34,35
10 - "Finally"=Gr."toi loipou"="Henceforth",i.e, after the information given in this epistle.
- "my brethren" Omit
- "be strong"=Gr."endunamao"="be empowered" (inherent power)
- "power"=Gr."kratos" (effective power put forth to govern)\
- "might"=Gr."ischus" (physical power)
There is NO aspect of our physical stature, condition or abilities involved in this discussion. This is re-emphasized in v.12.
11 - "Put on" - This is done after 4:24, which is done after 4:22.
(The clothing under the armour is found at 1Pe 5:5)
- "whole armour"=Gr."panoplia"="panoply" See below at 6:13
- "stand" - Position for ministry (seated position is for judgment Ac 7:55,56)
- "wiles" See 4:14
12 - "we wrestle" should be "to us the wrestling is"
- "flesh and blood...principalities" - Re-emphasis of the nature of the conflict and the need to rely on God'spower.
- "against..." - The principalities are defined
-"powers"=Gr."exousia"=authority, delegated power
-"rulers"=Gr."kosmokrator" Only occ.="world-rulers"
Omit "of this world"
-"darkness" - The world condition of Jn 3:19
The reassurance of Jn 1:5
-"spiritual..."="The spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenlies"
Note the correspondence to 6:10 to understand the nature of the warfare. Inherent power vs. delegated power. Governing force (God) vs. governing force (Satan). God has the ability to exert physical power over spiritual beings - Jude 6 Rev 20;1-3