The word revelation is written in blue on a white background.

No longer humble flesh riding on a donkey, The King returns to claim His Throne.


“I AM ALPHA (Genesis) and OMEGA (Revelation)” Rev 1:8

1:1 - “Revelation” = Gr. “apokalupsis” = “Apocalypse” = “uncovering” (for His servants) 1Pe 1:11-13

               THE ENTIRE BOOK OF REVELATION IS WRITTEN TO AND FOR THE SAVED!It is not even remotely evangelistic. It is instruction concerning the “patience of the saints” in recognizing and withstanding the “strong delusion” of 2 Th 2:11. It is in this Book that works and rewards are more prominent than grace. It is understood by rightly dividing the word of God. It is confused by man’s interpretations.

         - “...by His angel” - The bulk of this book is given to John in vision. Note “saw” in v. 2.

         - “Jesus Christ” - The Risen Messiah

2 - “record” - Refers to the Gospel of John, defining authorship (cp 1 Jn 1:1-3)

3 - First Beatitude (of 7 in this Book) “read”, “hear”, “keep” (see Lk 2:19, 51).

     “prophecy” occurs 7 times in this book. (“7” occurs 54 times)

4 - Why “Asia”? - (see 1 Pe 4:17-19 for clarity). It is the area of most of Paul’s missionary work and writing, hence the first recipients of the revelation given to him (as the Jews were the first to receive the law). Ephesus, in particular, is addressed first as the initial recipient and/or location of the writing of at least eight epistles. The seven churches as a whole are considered before the unbelieving are addressed beginning in Chapter 6. (See Eze 9:6 for additional clarity). The accuracy and structure of God’s Word require that the final book of judgment and unity must begin here. The tone for the letters is set in 2 Ti 1:13-15.

         - The salutation from “Jehovah”, “I AM”, the everlasting God of Gen 21:33. (Grace, peace). “Which” = “Who” throughout.

         - “seven Spirits” -  OMNISCIENCE, TRUTH. See Rev 4:5 and Jn 5:35

5 - “And” - A joint salutation from God and The Lamb.

        - “faithful Witness”   Isa 55:4

        - “First Begotten…” 1 Co 15:20 Col 1:18

        - “Prince of the….”    prince-ruler   Eze 44:1-3 Rev 6:15-17

        - “Unto” begins doxology (praise to God)   “washed” = “loosed”   Ro 6:17,18

6 - “And”  “kings and priests”    Ex 19:5, 6  Rev 5:10, 20:6  1 Pe 2:9,10

       - “glory” = “the glory”   “dominion” = “the dominion” (“forever” occ. 14 times)

       - “Amen” = “even the Amen” see 3:14

7 - “clouds” = “the clouds” (of witnesses) See Mt 24:29, 30  and Ac 1:9-11  

        - “pierced” - ( see Zec 12:9-14) “Even so” = “Yes” 

8 - Quotation. Add “the” before “Alpha” and “Omega”  Omit “the beginning…ending”

       - Cp to v.4. “Almighty” 9 times in Rev., only once elsewhere in N.T. (2 Co 6:18)

9 - Omit “who also am”   “companion” = “partaker”    “tribulation” = “the tribulation”

      -  Omit “in the”- (Refers to his discipleship and first hand witness)

      -  “of Jesus” = “in Jesus” Omit “Christ”

      -  “patience” occurs 7 times in Rev. Here connected to kingdom and tribulation.

      -  Patmos - “for” = “on account of”   No Scriptural evidence that he was exiled. Since Biblical times tradition holds that the Roman Emperor Domitian ordered that John be executed by throwing him into a cauldron of boiling oil. When John didn’t die but continued preaching from the cauldron, Domitian had him exiled to Patmos, a prison colony off the coast of Turkey, where he couldn’t talk to anyone. But the Lord appeared to him there and had him write the Book of Revelation. Tertullian (160-225) described it as a historical event. According to Tertullian (in The Prescription of Heretics, Chapter 36) “...Apostle John was first plunged, unhurt, into boiling oil, and thence remitted to his island-exile..”.  The story claims that all in the entire Colosseum audience were converted to Christianity upon witnessing this miracle. As Domitian was known for his persecution of Christians in the late 1st century the story removes the difficulty of explaining why the bloodthirsty Domitian would exile anyone he could torture and execute. See Eze 37:1, Ac 8:39 for understanding apart from tradition.

10 - “the Lord’s day” see Zeph 1:14-16

11 - John receives instruction. Verse 3 specifically refers to this Book as “prophecy”.

12 - Compare Ex 3:3, 4 and the similarity of John’s role.

        - Candlesticks defined in v. 20

13-15 - Compare to Dan 7:9 (“Ancient of days” = “Everlasting one”), 10:5, 6    “voice” see Rev 13:11 AND Jn 10:1-6

16 - Seven stars defined in v. 20

              - “two-edged sword” = the Word  see Heb 4:12

              - “countenance” see Ex 34:29-35 Mt 28:1-3

17 - “I fell” see Dan 10:7-12

           - “..First and the Last” - Rev 2:8, 22:13 AND Isa 41:4, 44:6, 48:12

18 - “I am…liveth” (connect to v. 17) and read “And the Living One”

         - Omit “Amen”     “keys” - authority and control. See Mt 16:19 Rev 3:7

19-20 - Instruction, explanation.     “hereafter” occurs 10 times (# of order)


      The letters are written to the angels of the churches, not the churches themselves. Significant for Pergamos in particular.

1 - “angel” = “overseer” (pastor, minister of the Synagogue) (Gr. “episkopos”)

       - Ephesus - Not the Ephesians written to earlier and blessed by grace, but those blessed as overcomers.

2 - “works” - The subject in “the day of the Lord” Is 66:15-24 Rev 20:11,12

        - “tried” - 1 Jn 4:1-3

        - “say they are” = “call themselves”

3 - “for My name’s sake” otherwise, dead works.  See Ps 127:1

4 - “left thy first love” - A Hebraism for covenant-breaking, alienation, loss of commitment

         - See Deu 7:7-9 Jer 2:2  Eze 16:3-15, 35-43 Mal 2:11-17

5 - Warning. See Deu 30:1-3 and 2 Ch 7:12-14

       - “the first works” Mt 28:19, 20   Jn 13:34, 35 Jas 1:26,27

6 - “Nicolaitanes” - Gr. nikao” = to conquer    “laos” = the people

      Rejected by Ephesus, Embraced by Pergamos (v. 15) 2 Co 11:12-15

7 - “overcometh” = “nikao” see Ro 8:37 Gen 2:8,9

        - “Paradise of God” - Promised here, restored Chapter 22:1-5.

8 - “Smyrna” = “Myrrh” (see Mt 2:11) (a sweet-smelling resin). See 1:17-18

9 - “works” - mentioned first for each Church.     “poverty”- financially only!

        See 1 Ti 6:17-19 and UNDERSTAND Mal 3:10

       -  IMPORTANT:  “which say they are Jews …” mentioned again only with Philadelphia

                   2 Th 2:1-12 Mt 24:15-26 1 Jn 2:18-20 Is 66:4 Rev 13:1-9, 19:20 Lk 21:7, 8

        UNDERSTAND Mk 13:19-23 with Rev 12:3, 4 and 20:7, 8

10 - “Fear none” = “fear not”      “suffer”, see Mt 24:9, 10 Mt 10:15-22

     - “ten days” is LITERAL. “a crown” = “the crown” 2 Ti 4:1-8  Jas 1:12

11 - The second death Rev 20:6, 13-14, 21:7, 8

12 - Pergamos = City of The Tower (see Gen 11:1-9)

        - The sword is defined in Heb 4:12 Rev 1:16, 19:11-16

13 - “seat” = “throne”     “Antipas” = “in substitution for the Father”

      - “martyr” = “witness” (This has not yet occurred)

IMPORTANT:The “angel” of the church has been individually faithful, but has given place to Satan in the church.

14 - Balaam (full story Num 22-25) Jos 13:22 2 Pe 2:9-16 (Note v.13 with Eph 5:27)

15 - The Nicolaitanes present a second problem    1 Co 5

16 - “Fight” = “Make war”        Note the questions of 6:17 and 13:4

17 - “Hidden manna” = “Living Bread” Jn 6:48-58 - Revealed in this Book.


Ex 16:32-35 The Lord commands that some manna be kept for the generations.  (Ark was not yet made)

Ex 25:16 The tablets containing the Ten Commandments also directed to be kept in the Ark (Ark of the Testimony)

Jos 5:10-12 Manna ends.

2 Chr 35:3 Last know location (Temple was burned and destroyed)

The Manna and Aaron’s Rod “hidden” since 1 Ki 8:5-9

Jer 3:16 Spoken by God. It was necessary for the symbol of the Old Covenant to disappear along with what it stood for.

Rev 11:15-19 At the 7th (last) trumpet, the manna will be revealed

        - White stone was known as a Victory Stone. (Gr. “psephos”) only other occ. in Ac 26:10 translated “voice” (vote) because pebbles were used as ballots.

        - NEW NAME Isa 65:11-7 A name can only be given by a superior (Gen 2:19, 20)

18 - Thyatira - Smallest of the 7 churches. A commerce and trade union center. Main products were dye and wool. Social functions and business functions mingled into the church.

        - “flame of fire” - Sees all that purports to be hidden

        - “feet…brass” - Capable of crushing whatever is opposed

19 - Church is commended for its works and ministries and their growth. (Note “works” mentioned twice).

20 - The church has a false teacher in place, teaching compromise and fellowship with the world.

           - “Jezebel” - A Baal worshipper, whose skull (thoughts), feet (walk) and hands (works) remained in 2 Ki 9:30-37.

21 - “space” = Gr. “chronos” = “time”

           - Hos 5:3-7

22-23 - Warning to those who compromise and have been corrupted.

            - “adultery” - Definitely spiritual, possibly physical

           - “children” - those of Hosea 5:7    1 Jn 5:21

24, 25 - Promise to those who hold fast

            - “depths” = thoughts, ideas, i.e., doctrine

            - “none other burden” 1 Jn 5:3-5 - The “servants” are no longer laboring in the fields.

            -  “hold fast” = patience  Rev 2:2,3,19; 3:10; 13:10;14:12 Isa 40:28-31

                     Ps 40:1-4 Lam 3:22-26

26-29 - “morning star” Nu 24:17 connect to Rev 22:1-6, 16

         Compare Isa 14:12-20 “Lucifer” = “morning star” another imitation
3:1 - Sardis - A capitol city. A commerce enter. A SPIRITUALLY DEAD Church.

         - The church, like its city, was dying, though outwardly successful (“name”).

2 - Warning, Instruction Mt 24:42

       - Ministries incomplete, unfulfilled and unfinished (see Jn 19:30)

3 - Remember, Hold fast, Repent (Are you “watching” for the thief or “waiting” on the Lord?)

4 - A few still focused on Christ

      - “white” - Victory, Purity, The sum of all colors. See 7:14.

5 - 3 promises for the overcomers.

       - clothed in white raiment Rev 6:9-11, 7:13-15

       - not blotted out of the book of life    Ex 32:31-33

       - name confessed before God and His angels Lk 12:8,9

6 - Again

Philadelphia = Brotherly Love 2 Pe 1:1-11

- Founded as a border town to spread Greek culture, it was always missionary minded, providing an open door to the Gospel. Philadelphia sat upon a giant land fault. In A.D. 17 a huge quake destroyed Sardis and ten other cities, but not Philadelphia. The city was hit by tremors for years before finally being destroyed and renamed and rebuilt by emperor Tiberius. Renamed Neocaesarea (New City of Caesar), it contained a Jewish synagogue which claimed to be the only followers of the true God.

7 - Jesus is Holy, True (genuine), and alone holds the key. Isa 22:21-23

8 - “set” = “given”    “open door” - for evangelism and missionary work

       (1) “strength” - “dunamis” (inherent power) see Phil 4:13 Ps 28:7-9


Lk 15:1-10, 19:10

        (2) “kept my word” - LIVE IT, STUDY IT, PROCLAIM IT TO ALL

Heb 3:12-14 Mt 28:19-20 Rev 1:3 2 Ti 2:15 Mk 13:9,10


THE WORLD WANTS YOU TO GIVE IN! Ro 12:1,2 compare to Mk 7:15, Jas 3:6

9 - The Synagogue of Satan Jn 8:39-45 See Rev 2:9

    -  “I will make them…..” Ps 110:1 Phil 2:9-15

10 - “temptation”= Gr. “peirasmos” = “trial” only occ. in Revelation

        “try” = Gr. “peirazo” = “test” (Test what?)To MISC (#18): Hour of Temptation


                             THE HOUR OF TEMPTATION Isa 13:6-13

                                                                          Zeph 1:14-18

                                                                          Zech 14

                                                                          2 Pe 3:9-18

“Ladoicea” = “people of judgment” - Just as Jesus had no negative comments for Philadelphia, He has no positive comments for Ladoicea.

KNOWN FOR Finance and Banking CALLED Poor.

KNOWN FOR Clothing and Manufacturing CALLED Naked.

KNOWN FOR Medical School/Eyesalve CALLED Blind.

14 - “the Amen” as in 1:6 - Total Truth and Trust to a Church that doesn’t trust in Him.

    - “the beginning…” - The Source to a Church trusting resources.

See Pr 8:22-36 Wisdom, The Faithful and True Witness

15, 16 - COLD before salvation. HOT and zealous afterwards, at first. Now slipped into being LUKEWARM (at least cold people know that they need warmth).

           LUKEWARM = HALF COMMITTED Mt 21:28-32

        - “spue” = vomited out by Christ as distasteful, unpalatable. They cannot be stomached. They are nauseating to God.

                                   COMPARE Hosea 7:8

   THE LUKEWARM do not oppose/do not draw near. Can’t be USED or BLESSED.

Who is LUKEWARM? Those who………

- Stress ritual, ceremonies and programs instead of Christ.

- Are half-committed to:

    living holy
    preparing for church
    attending church
    supporting the church
    Bible Study
    daily devotions

- The HALF-COMMITTED will not tithe if they miss a Sunday in church.

- The HALF-COMMITTED will suggest and even sign on to ministries, but don’t show on a regular basis.

- The HALF-COMMITTED will miss a second service if their favorite team is playing that afternoon.

- The HALF-COMMITTED will yawn throughout service because they stayed up late, but blame the "boring" message.

- The HALF-COMMITTED will always have something to complain about before, after and/or during the service.

- The HALF-COMMITTED will leaven the Body.

- The HALF-COMMITTED exit in large numbers in the Church.

17 - The Church is spiritually bankrupt and destitute… (Contrast Smyrna (2:9))

      … but the Church doesn’t realize its condition.

18 - The call to repentance from Christ who still loves them. To address the conditions of v. 17

       - Buy spiritual gold - Isa 55:1-3 (note 1 Pe 1:7) Rewards not Salvation/free gift)

       - Be clothed in righteousness

       - Use My eyesalve for spiritual blindness Jn 9:1-11

19 - Heb 12:1-13

20 - IMPORTANT: THIS IS NOT THE LORD KNOCKING ATTHE HEARTS OF SINNERS! HE DOESN’T DO THAT, HE DRAWS. (The Book of Revelation is written to the saved and does not involve evangelism or bringing people to Jesus in its context. Knocking at the door of a church is not the logical place for One in search of sinners.) WE HAVE CHOICES AND THE FREE GIFT OF SALVATION PURCHASED BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS. THIS LETTER IS WRITTEN TO THE CHURCH. IT IS THE INVITATION TO THE WEDDING FEAST FOR THE MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB  (Lk 12:35-38)  Rev 19:6-9;22:17   Mt 22:1-14

21 - “am set down” = “sat down”

22 - Again
preparing for church
attending church
supporting the church
Bible Study
daily devotions
 (Chapter 4 is in PRESENT tense) The Throne, The Beasts Rev 4:1-9

4:1- “was opened” = “was (already opened)” By Whom? See 3:7, 8

     - “voice" - The voice from 1:10

2 - “in the (power of the) Spirit” - see 1:10 again


NOTE: * “rainbow” = Gr. “iris” not Gr. “toxon” which is rainbow of Gen 9. This word would more descriptively be translated “halo”

     - “emerald” corresponds to Reuben, the firstborn (Ex 28; Nu 2)

4 - “four and twenty” 24=2x12 (government) = a higher level of government

       “seats” = “thrones”, obviously smaller

     - “four and twenty elders” - The supernatural pattern given to David to duplicate in the natural (1 Chr 24:1-5)

     - “crowns of gold” - Otherwise only for the Son of Man (14:14). Combine with white raiment to indicate exalted status (Jas 4:10)

5 - This verse is present tense (“proceeded” = “proceed”) also.

      - “seven lamps”, “seven Spirits” see 1:4

6 - John now describes what could not be explained before (Heb 9:1-5)

       - “beasts” = Gr. “zoa” = “living creatures”

        These are the cherubim of Gen 3:24, Ps 99:1

7-9 - "Lion, Calf, Man, Eagle" see Numbers 2 for traveling formation of the 12 tribes and the tabernacle.

Lion=Leo=Judah on the east. Calf=Taurus=Ephraim on the west. Man=Aquarius=Reuben on the south. Eagle=Scorpio=Dan on the north.
A page from the twelve stars of genesis chapter 2


       “Six Wings” see Isa 6:1-3 (all seraphim are cherubim,” not vice versa)

         (Gen 3:1 “serpent” = Heb. “nachash” = “shining one” - Satan was a seraph)

SIGNS - Gen 1:14 “seasons” = “appointed times”   Mt 24:30, Lk 21:25

STARS - Design of Creation Ps 19:1-6

               -Naming By God Ps 147:4

12 Tribes referred to as stars in Gen 37:9 connects to Rev 12:1 (Woman is Israel).

Rev 4:11-5:9 encloses the entire Bible. It begins with the Creator and ends with the Redeemer. Its O.T. companion is Psalm 19.

8 - “they were” should be “are”

      -  “Holy, holy, holy ...” - See Ps 93, 97, 99 and Isa 6:3

9, 10 - Changes to future tense (“shall give glory…etc”). They shall cast their crowns in humility and subjection (Mt 20:25-28)

      (See Nu 12:3 “meek” = Heb. “anah” - submit to and endure what can be avoided)

11 - Add “the” before “glory”, “honor”, and “power”

        - “for Thy pleasure” = “because You desired to”  (Ps 135:5-7)

5:1 - Isa 29:9-14     “in” = “upon” Dan 12:1-10

2 - The "Word" was sealed before (Mt 27:66). Who loosed the seal then?

3, 4 - No one…can open…or look

        Ex 3:6 Ex 33:17-23 Ps 139:1-6 Jn 1:18

5 - Gen 49:9, 10 Jer 23:5 “Branch” = “A root from a sprout” (Heb. “zemach”)

       - “prevailed” = “overcome” as in chapters 2 and 3

6 - “Lamb” = “little lamb” as in John 21:15    “horns” = omnipotence

      “eyes” = omniscience

7 - Genesis to Revelation - Creator to Redeemer -THE BOOK IS HANDED OFF TO THE LAMB.

8 - Worship - Music and Incense (Symbolizing Community Prayer)

                    Together with the Book (The Word) = Worship Service

                Lev 16:11-13 & Ps 22:3

9 - The new song - called for in Pss 96, 98 given in Ps 97

        “redeemed” = “purchased” Ac 20:28

10 - “kings and priests…” Rev 1:6, Heb 12:28, 1 Pe 2:9,10

11 - Countless number, literally “myriads of myriads”

12 - Note the 7 things (Heb 12:2 defines these)

13 - “And” connect to v. 12

           Note the 4 things (# of created works) Add “the” before each

        - Fulfillment of Phil 2:9-11 and Rev 3:9

14 - Omit “four and twenty”

      - Omit everything after “worshipped”.

 We will match the seals to Mt 24.

      - “…Was Given”  2 Th 2:1-12
6:1, 2 FIRST SEAL (Mt 24:4,5) The false Christ makes war on the saints

         - “white horse” copy of 19:11

         - “bow” copy of Gen 9:15-17

         - “crown” copy of 14:14

3-8 SECOND, THIRD and FOURTH SEALS (Mt 24:6,7)

   - Seal #2 (3,4) “Red Horse” = Bloodshed, Warfare (The sword is a copy of 19:15)

   - Seal #3 (5,6) “Black Horse” Famine (see Lam 4:4-10) (always followed by pestilence)

          “…Balances” = Scales of Justice (copy of Libra=Levites=Priestly tribe, originally represented by an altar, not scales)

            “Measure…” = Food so scarce that it is allotted in small quantities (Eze  4:10,16,17)

             - Job 1:12, 2:6 {“Oil” = God’s anointed Zech 4:14 "anointed ones" = Heb. "sons of oil"

                                 {“Wine” = Those covered by the blood of Christ 1 Co 11:25

     - Seal #4 (7,8) "Pale Horse" = Pestilence, Death.  Ridden by Death, Followed by Hell (Hades)          See 20:14

           "Beasts of the Earth" Dan 7:1-7, 8, 9-16, 17-18, 19-28

9-11 FIFTH SEAL (Mt 24:8-28) Martyrdom of the saints

           (10) “voice” see Gen 4:8-10

           (11) “white robes” see 7:9

12-17 SIXTH SEAL (Mt 24:29,30) Heavenly Signs of the Advent

         (12) “moon” = literally “whole moon” (FULL)

Note: All prophecies involving the moon or stated in months apply to Satan

        (13) “stars of heaven” THE FALLEN ANGELS OF GEN 6 RETURN!!

       Mt 24:37-39  Rev 9:1,12:4  Lk 10:18  Jude 6  Mt 25:41  Mk 13:17  2 Pe 2:1-5

            - “fig tree” Jer 24   Mk 11:12-14, 20-22

        (14) “heaven…” 2 Pe 3:10

- “WHO SHALL BE ABLE TO STAND?” is the subject of Chapter 7

    - the end of Chapter 6 is followed by the events of Chapter 19

- THE SEVENTH SEAL is opened in Rev 8:1 and contains THE SEVEN TRUMPETS (Rev 8:7-11:14) and THE SEVEN VIALS (Bowls) (Rev 16:1-18-24)

        Rev 6:17 “…who shall be able to stand?” Isa 25:8
7:1 - Stillness on earth… (see Mt 18:18 connect to Rev 8:1) to be followed by stillness in heaven.

      - “east” = “sun rising” The 5th angel cautions the 4 to wait for the sealing (protection) (see 6:6) OF THE ELECT (see Mt 24:31)

      - 2,3 - THE SEAL is defined by Jn 3:33

                 “in” = “upon” Eze 9:4, Eph 4:30

4-8 - Tribes Dan, Ephraim replaced by Levi and Joseph. Why?

           Lev 24:10-16, Deu 29:18-21, Judges 18, 1 Ki 12:26-33, Hos 4:15-19

    Note: Dan & Ephraim will be restored in the millennial kingdom (Eze 48). Why? Rom 11:29

9,10 - Reversal of Gen 11:9 connect to 11:1 "palms" Compare Jn 12:13

11,12 - Note the sevenfold blessing. Add "the" before each one.

          Compare to 5:12 (to the Lamb). Here to God.

        - “Amen” = “even the Amen” as in 1:6

13 - “what” = “who”
 IMPORTANT 14 - “which came” should be “who come”

      -  “great” should be “the great” Dan 12:1, Jer 30:5-7, Mt 24:21

       “have washed” = “washed” - The standing of this group is tied to works, not  grace. Hence, they do the washing.

                                                           Contrast to 1 Co 6:11   - “white in the blood” should be “white by the blood”

15 - “Therefore” - as a result of v.14. We are clothed by our righteous works, thus the white robes. See 19:7, 8 where collectively, these form the wedding garment. The first Scriptural reference to this is Isa 49:18.  See 1 Co 3:11-15  Read Isa 61:10

      - “dwell” - Jn 1:14 is reversed

      - “among” = “over”

16 - “heat” = scorching heat (Gr. “kauma”) see 16:9

17 - “feed” = shepherd See Mic 5:4

      - “living fountains…” “fountains of waters of life”

      - “tears” see 21:4

Isa 49:8-10 Jer 31:9-16 Jn 4:9-14 Rev 22:1 Ch. 8 - Six trumpets (earth), seventh (heaven 1:15). Last three are “woes.”

THE SEVENTH SEAL (Rev 8:7-18:24)

Contains the seven trumpets and the seven vials (bowls) and is followed by the Apocalypse (Unveiling) of the Word (Rev 1:1)
8:1- The silence on earth (7:1) followed by silence in heaven (Heb 11:3)

    - “half an hour” = half of the Hour Of The Lord = 3 1/2 of the final 7 years of Dan 9 when power is given to the false Christ as God sends "strong delusion" 2Th 2:11,12. There was a 400 year period of silence between the  O.T and N.T. With the time shortened to five months, this half an hour = 2 1/2 months. To rightly divide, CONNECT to 15:8.

TEACHER'S NOTE: The level of delusion is appreciated when the “silence in heaven” is combined with Lk 15:10.

2, 3 - See 5:8. “golden altar” - The Tabernacle and Solomon’s Temple  contained copies of this altar. Heb 8:5, 9:23-24

4, 5 - God’s response - See 1 Ki 18:30-39

6, 7 - 1st TRUMPET - Earth smitten

      - Omit “angel”. Add “and the third part of the earth was burnt up.”

8, 9 - 2nd TRUMPET - Sea smitten

      Note: v.9 Life in and on the sea affected. (Ex 7:17-25 - 2nd & 3rd trumpets)

10, 11 - 3rd TRUMPET - Waters (rivers) smitten

            - Waters poisoned. Jer 23:15       Lam 3:15-19

             - Wormwood (Russian = “Chernobyl”) is extremely bitter. Used in medicines and liqueurs. In large doses causes kidney failure.

12 - 4th TRUMPET - Heaven smitten

       - sun, moon, and stars - Foretold  by Jesus Christ

            Mt 24:29, Mk 13:24, Lk 21:25-28

          O.T. Is 5:30   Jer 4:27-29   Eze 32:7,8   Joel 2:10,30,31; 3:14-16

                      Amos 5:20; 8:7-14 Zep 1:14-18

13 - The three woe trumpets commence

         Note: “angel” = “eagle”. This is important to provide the second witness (Jn 5:31,32) to the ass speaking in Nu 22.        

      - The eagle (Gr."aetos") delivers a warning.

Do not add to the Scripture. The events of each trumpet may occur over years and years, not all at once. The events of each trumpet may also overlap in time. All prophecies may have partial fulfillment and/or multiple fulfillment. Note that in Lk 4:18-21 Jesus omits the last clause from Isa 61:1, 2 when He reads. The last portion has not yet been fulfilled.
9 - 5th Trumpet. 1st of the 3 “Woe” trumpets

1 - John is given a flashback to identify the “star” - Isa 14:12-15, Lk 10-18

    - “bottomless pit” = literally, “the pit of the abyss”     Note “was given”

2 - Note Mk 13:24, and continuation from Rev 8:12

3-5 - Locusts, Scorpions

      (3) LOCUSTS - Joel 1:4, 2:25 = Complete destruction in 4 stages. The description of the locust army is detailed in Joel 2:1-10. See the “northern army” of Joel 2:20. Locusts (insects) do not come from the north, further proof that the reference is to men.

          SCORPIONS - Sting and venom delivered by its tail (Rev 12:4). Delivers an extremely painful wound, usually fatal only to children or adults with some other infirmity. Venom paralyzes the victim. A secretion digests the prey before consumption. Scorpions have no stomach. (v. 10).

     (4) Cannot hurt those of Rev 7:2-4

     (5) Five months of torment. Season of the locust is May-Sept. The righteous (other than the 144,000, there are many, many, more) are subject to this torment.  See Job 1:1; Eze 14:14-20; Jas 5:11. Note the absence of Job from Heb 11.

    - For the 5 month period note Job 1:6-13, 14 and Job 2:13.

    - “Torment” = Gr. “basanizo” See Lk 16:23

6 - Job 3:1-13

7-9 - The Army Joel 2:1-11 (The locusts are not literal insects - Pr 30:27)

        - (7) The horses of Rev 6:1-8 are different symbols. These horses signify military might (Isa 43:17, Nahum 3:1:2)

              - “faces of men” 1 Jn 4:1 }                            THEIR KING

        - (8) “hair of women” Nahum 3:4 } in v. 11                  IS

              - “teeth of lions” 1 Pe 5:8 }                           IDENTIFIED

        - (9) Why are they armored? Eph 6:10-18 Dan 10:1-13

                 Imagery of men/locusts/horses combined
10 - 5 months instead of 42 months (11:2, 13:5) See Mk 13:20, Mt 24:22

        Kept in Revelation to correspond to Dan 12:11 (1290 days, 3 ½ years)

11 - Heb. Abaddon = Destruction used in Job 26:6

      - Gr. Apollyon = Destroyer

     Note names in Rev 20:1,2 - refer to Gen 3:1 (no snake in the Garden)

12 - The 1st “woe” is past.

13 - The sixth trumpet. One voice from the altar of Rev 6:9

      - “horns” see Ex 38:1,2 Eze 43:15-20

14 - “in” - Gr. “epi” = on the surface of

       - EUPHRATES - See Jer 46:4-10 for the O.T. description

15 - IMPORTANT (“an hour….” should be “the hour…”) This is an appointed time, not a duration of time.

                               Note the “third part” in Rev 8:7-12.

16 - “army” should be “armies”. John is given a literal number (Gr. myriad of myriads = 10,000 x 20,000 = 200 million)

17 - “..of fire” = flaming breastplates     “jacinth" = "zircon” (an extremely tough crystal as in cubic zirconium. The first army could torment, these armies slay).

18 - Death rendered from their mouths (instead of swords) see Eph 6:17 by the fire, smoke and brimstone    DECEPTION

19 - From the front, the horse has the head of a lion (Rev 5:5) BUT the tail is a serpent, with another head (Rev 12:3, 4) DECEPTION

         Note: Rev 12:9 - 1/3 of the angels barred from heaven cp. 9:15-18

                               See Jer 8:15-17

20-21 - Remove “yet” to clarify. “yet” = “still”

        -"plagues" = the fire, smoke and brimstone

        -"works of their hands" = Rev 2:2, 9, 13, 19 AND 20-23

- Note the difference between the worship of demons (the occult) and the worship of idols (false gods). In this case, very specific, heathen gods.

             See Is 44:9-20 esp. 18-20 to understand the unrepentance.

             See Jer 17:9 to understand its source.

             See Gal 5:19-21 to understand its end.
10:1 - “another” - not one of the seven trumpeters

       "cloud" = see Ps 104:1-3             “rainbow” same as 4:3 (halo)

2 - Note the book is open. The seventh seal contains these trumpets and the seven vials.

3 - Rev 10:3 corresponds to Ps 29:3 "seven thunders"

4 - John is not allowed to reveal this. Note Dan 12:1-4. The "unsealing" is at 22:10.

5,6 - "time no longer" = No more delay. The sixth trumpet will be followed immediately by the seventh. Compare "the end" to Gen 1:1.

7 - Mysteries completed (open book) Eph 3:1-6 Col 1:23-27 Rev 1:20

       Rev 17:5-7 Eph 5:25-32 Rev 19:7-9

8-11 - Eze 3:1-4    Amos 8:10        Judgment is bittersweet.

Note: To "eat up" = figure of speech for receiving knowledge ("Reader’s Digest")
11:1 - "rod"- The temple is measured for destruction, not construction.

         Eze 9:1-8 Isa 28:14-22 Mk 13:1,2

       - “therein” - inside only, see next verse

2 - The outside will be desecrated for 3 ½ years by the unsaved. (Lk 21:20-22)

      “holy city” = Jerusalem           Mt 4:5, Isa 52:1

3 - “My” two witnesses will prophesy for 3 ½ years (expressed in days)

4-6 - WHO ARE THE TWO WITNESSES?  (Note Mt 5:48 AND 2 Ti 3:16)

       (4) “two olive trees…” See Zec 4:1-3, 11-14

       (5) Compare to Jer 5:14

       (6) Provides confirmation for those who rightly divide the Word.

      Gen 5:24 and 2 Ki 2:11 present a problem relative to Heb 9:27 UNLESS: Enoch and Elijah are the 2 witnesses. Heb 11:6 explains the CONFIRMATION OF TRUTH that GOD supplies - Note “the power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy” (3 ½ years).  NOW read Mt 11: 11-14 carefully and note the “if” in v.14. John was a type of Elijah, pending the acceptance or rejection of the kingdom after the First Advent. Here in Revelation is the literal truth. It becomes simple when understood.

                     Jas 5:17,18   Lk 4:25   Mal 4:5    Jude 14  settle the matter.

7 - 1st mention of the beast featured in Ch 13 (while the 2 witnesses are still alive)

8 - Corpses publicly displayed   Isa 59:14 Ps 79:1-3 in the "great city"

      (not "holy" city now), Jerusalem (Jer 22:8,9)

       -"Sodom and Egypt" see Eze 16:46, 23:1-4

9 - An attempt to refute resurrection for those unfamiliar with 2 Co 5:6

10 - "tormented" Those with the "mark of the beast" will be identified by the "touchstone" we discussed in Rev 9:5

11 - Why 3 ½ days? See Mt 27:51-53, Ro 1:3,4 Eze 37:11-14

12,13 - Mt 27:51; 28:2 Isa 45:23

14 - The final meaning of Heb 9:27 now becomes clear.

15 - The 7th (last ) trumpet contains the 7 vials (bowls of plague) of the 3rd woe.

       The prince of this world shall be cast out (Jn 12:28-32)

         “kingdoms…..are” should be “kingdom…is”

16-17 - The 24 elders of Rev 4:4

18 - Judgment for the (spiritually) dead (Rev 20:11-15)

      - “Reward” = “The Reward” for the saints….Ro 8:1;2 Ti 4:7,8; Jas 1:12

           1 Pe 5:1-4 Rev 2:10, 3:11

      - “Destroy” = “Are Destroying” see Rev 9:3 AND Mal 3:10, 11, 16-4:3

19 - The ark which men on earth still seek. Holds the "hidden manna" of Rev 2:17.

      - “great hail” see 16:21, Eze 38:17-23,    a talent = 114 lbs.
12 - John is given a vision of the events between Gen 1:1 and 1:2

1 - “wonder” = “sign” The woman is the nation of Israel. 12 stars are the 12 tribes represented by the 12 zodiac signs (Gen 37:8-10) (see 4:7 above)

2 - See Isa 26:15-21        “travailing” Exe 2:23-25

3 - The dragon is identified in v. 9. The heads, horns, and crowns represent his power (note Dan 7:20-25)

4 - Satan’s first rebellion  “drew” =  “dragged” (as a fisherman) see Jn 21:8

     Note that the angels were cast to earth by Satan, the deceiver.

         (Important) “stood” = “is standing”   from Gen 3:15 to now

5 - Jesus Christ, the seed of Gen 3:15

6 - “wilderness” Eze 20:33-38   2 Co 6:14-18   Mt 24:15-18

      For the 3 ½ year period….see Ps 23:4-5

7 - War between Michael and his angels (less those cast to earth) and Satan and his loyalists (we know them as demons).

8 - Jn 1:5

9 - The dragon identified. The dragon evicted.

10 - The middle verse of Revelation is also the central verse. John has been shown the beginning and told the end.

       “The accuser” appears in Zec 3:1-5 as well as Job

       Note “our brethren” (Rev 22:8,9), the “they” of v.11

11 - Mt 16:24-28

12 - He knows. Eze 28:13-19

13 - The persecution of the woman (Israel) = The Old Testament

14 - See v.6 The Song Of Moses (Deu 32:10-12) connect to Rev 15:3 Isa 40:28-31

       3 ½ years (remember Rev 7:2-4) for all 12 stars (12:1)

15 - “flood” = “river” A RIVER OF LIES, DECEPTION Ps 58:3-6 2 Th 2:5-12

16 - Time to go forth Gen 8:13-16

17 - “her seed” as in Gen 3:15 “remnant” see Rev 7:9
Note 1st clause of 13:1 should end this verse and read “he stood”, not “I stood”

Rev 13 - THE BEASTS (Political 1-10, Religious 11- 15, Economic 16, 17)

- This is 2 Th 2:3

       - Compare to 12:3   Why 10 crowns instead of 7? See Dan 7:23-25

2 - "leopard" See Hos 13:6-8 (leopards generally hide in trees to leap upon unsuspecting prey. Considered more dangerous to humans than either lions or tigers)

            Dan 7:4-7 “his power” see Dan 8:24

       NOTE: The source of his authority will be unrecognized by most. 2 Th 2:9-12

3 - "wounded to death" = "slain"     "wondered" = "followed" Gen 3:15 (again)

4 - "which” = “because he”      The beast will amass disciples (see 12:4)

    - “Who?” The 2nd great question of this book. See 6:17 and Dan 11:21-26

         The answer is 19:11-15

5 - “mouth” - The sword of 6:4,     The flood of 12:15      42 mos. = 3 ½ yrs.

6 - 2 Th 2:3, 4    Jude 17-19     2 Ti 3:1-5     Dan 11:36-39

7 - THE POLITICAL BEAST  See 11:7 Dan 7:19-21, 8:9-14

8 - The magnitude of the deception Mk 13:19-22

9 - The warning to the 7 churches repeated one last time for individuals.

10 - It is pre-ordained.        Jer 15:2 uses the same figure of speech

11 - This Is 2 Th 2:8

      - THE RELIGIOUS BEAST “Like a lamb...” BUT speaks as a dragon Jn 10:1-6

      - Compare to Jn 12:49-50 in light of the “authority” in 13:2

12, 13 - The false prophet performs miracles (cp. 1 Ki 18:36-39)

14 - 2 Th 2:9-11    The image - Dan 3:1

   Mere miracles aren’t enough, they must follow scripture! (Lk 7:18-23)

15 - “life unto the image” - Common with today’s technology

16 - “right hand” = works      “forehead” = mind (Remember the touchstone)

                -see Gen 4:15 “receive” = to be able to receive, i.e. to join up Eze 9:4 Ex 28:26-28

      - The mark of the beast - Rev 15:2; 16:2, 19:20, 20:4

            "mark" - an impression, or seal of authority, ownership (note 9:4, Eph 1:12-14)

17 - THE ECONOMIC BEAST The power to boycott, restrict, control national and individual economics. Once again, technology will be employed.


    “count” = “calculate” (figure out)    “man” = biological man (Homo sapien)

666 represented by Greek letters in the text. The name of the beast, by Gematria, will equal 666 (commonly SSS) but so will others.

His power will peak at the ALIGNMENT of the 6th trumpet, seal, and vial.

                                    “calculate  {6th Trumpet - Rev 9:13 - The warfare

                                          the        {6th Seal - Rev 6:12 - Return of fallen angels, the earthquake

                                       number”  {6th Vial - Rev 16:12-14 - Preparation for Amageddon

There have been many antichrists (Nimrod, Pharoah, Nebuchadnezzar, Hitler, etc) but none have completely fulfilled this prophecy. The number of the man must equal the number of the beast. None has yet satisfied both. 1 Jn 4:3, 2:18
14:1 - "a Lamb" = "the Lamb" "mount Sion" see Heb 12:22-24

        -"144,000" from Rev 7;3,4    There are actually two names written, should

           read "His name and His Father’s name…"

2,3 - "NEW SONG" Ps 33:1-3, 40:1-3, 96:1-6, 98:1, 144:7-9, Isa 42:8-12

          Rev 5:8,9

4 - "virgins" - Spiritual, not physical (see Heb 13:4). They know His voice.

     -"redeemed" = bought (same word as in 13:17)     "being" = "to be"

                1 Co 6:11-20

5 - "no guile" as 1 Pe 2:21,22 and 1 Pe 3:8-11

     -"without fault" Eph 1:3-14 Jude 24,25

6 - Compare to 8:13     Now the time is near. See Mt 24:14 Mk 13:9,10

7 - Remember Lk 4:18,19 where Jesus stopped reading Isa 61:1,2a

     Verse 2 is about to be completed.   "the hour…" see Rev 3:10

8 - The second angel as watchman Isa 21:6-10; Jer 50:2.  Note the reference to the harvest. See Rev 18:1-3

      -Omit "city", should be "Babylon the great is fallen"

9,10 - The third angel    THE GRAPES OF WRATH

        -"without mixture" - undiluted, full strength

        -"indignation" = fury Nah 1:6, Mic 5:15      Hebrews 10:26-31

         -"tormented" see Lk 16:22-24

         -"in the presence…" compare to Lk 15:10

11 - THE SMOKE Isa 34:8-10

      -"for ever…" 1 Co 15:42 and Rev 20:6     All, saved or unsaved,1st or 2nd resurrection, are raised to incorruptible bodies. The torment of Hell is eternal. The irony of Death’s defeat.1 Co 15:52-55

12 - In contrast to those who worship the beast

13 - Beatitude for martyrs (Rev 6:9-11) "from henceforth"

     -"rest" Mt 11:28-30 Heb 4:1=11 "and" should be "for"

                     Jn 16:1-3

14-17 - TWO reapers. TWO sickles. NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND!

              Mt 13:24-51 Both wheat (not barley) and tares will be harvested.

              Mt 24:20 When is harvest time?

             THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES. Lev 23:34-43

              Begins when the moon is full (Ps 81:1-3)

               Firstfruits presented at the end of the harvest (Rev 14:4)

               Nu 29:12-38 Total of 189 animals sacrificed  = 7x27 (spiritual perfection x Divinity intensified (3x3x3)

           The booths of Lev 23:42,43 connect to Jn 1:14 to  Jn 14:1

                          Mk 24:36 Mk 13:28-37

Gen 1:14 to Nu 2 - CONSIDER: Harvest time (October (our tenth month, but the seventh by the Levitical calendar). DURING Libra/Levites. BETWEEN (intercession) Virgo/Virgin AND Scorpio/Scorpion.  All signs converge to let us know the season (not the hour or day).

Mt 24:30-31, 40-42      Back to Mt 13:43

18 - "altar: see Rev 6:9 "fire" = the altar fire for sacrifice

      -"the vine of the earth" Deut 32:33,33 Is 34:1-8

19-20 - The vintage of the grapes of wrath    Gen 49:9-12

        -"a thousand and six hundred furlongs" = 200 miles

15:1 - The seven angels (mentioned 7 times). The seven last plagues.

        -"filled up" = completed.

2 - "Sea of glass" = pure (see 4:6)     "fire" = God is a consuming fire (Deu 4:24)

      - The sea of glass = the Re(e)d Sea.


(3) - THE SONG OF MOSES Deu 31:28 - 32:43

Deu 32: 2 - "doctrine" - first occ. in Scripture "rain" = latter day rain (just before

harvest) Isa 55:6-13

3,4 - Rock (upper case)     5 times (grace)

5 - The tares/Kenites/synagogue of Satan   Jn 8:42-45 Mt 13:38

6 - The Lord creates us, redeems us, establishes us Eze 18:4

7,8 - Important  "separated" (from whom?)

 (This is not possible if all humans came from Adam and Eve)

    -  "set the bounds…." GOD ENSURED THE BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST

9 - God intended Jacob, not Esau.   Mal 1:2,3

10 - "apple…= pupil of the eye. To understand: How fast does your eye blink to protect the pupils?

11 - See Rev 12:14. Note how eagles teach their young to fly

12 - Ps 105:12-15 cp. the 144,000 sealed in Rev 7:3

13 - "flintyrock" - olive trees can grow in such locations

14 - "pure blood" - purified by fermentation = communion

15 - Jeshurun = the Upright One (used of Israel as a prosperous nation)

16-19 - Idolatry.    "New gods" = The wrath of God (v. 19)

20 - 400 yrs. Between O.T. and N.T.       Rev 8:1

21 - Isa 65:1,2 Amos 6:14

22 - 2 Pe 3:10

23 - Both "I"s emphatic in Hebrew.


24 - Beast, Serpents of the dust? Locked in by Gen 3:14

25 - "within" = "the inner chambers" (where the elders/leaders are) Rev 11:1

26 - WE CAN NO LONGER IDENTIFY THE TRIBES OF ISRAEL, nor should we try!   Gal 3:27-29     Titus 3:9

27 - "I will be restrained for My Name’s sake"

28 - "counsel" = "wisdom" Pr 4:7

29 - "Their latter end" - The patience of the saints

30 - "shut them up" - Put a hedge around them Job 1:9,10

31 - "rock" vs. "Rock"      "judges" = "gods" 2 Th 2:3,4

32 - "bitter" = "Wormwood", another of Satan’s names Rev 8:11

33 - Two more of Satan’s names

34,35 - God is holding His vengeance until later (Revelation)

         -"haste" - Rev 3:11; 22:7,12,20 ("quickly" occurs 7 times in Rev.)

36 - The Lord will be our Help and will never forsake us.

37, 38 - When time is full, "See if your false church and gods help you"

39 - Eze 18:4, Mt 10:28

40 - God can only swear by Himself - Heb 6:13

41 - "Reward"     All will get what they deserve (v. 35)

42 - Rev 19:17-21, Eze 39:17-21

Back to Rev 15:3

3,4 - "the song of the Lamb" Phil 2:9-11

5 - In 11:19 His testimony. Here, the congregation’stestimony.

6-8 - THE SEVEN VIALS (Bowls) full of the wrath of God.

    (7) "for ever and ever" = Heb. "dor" by acrostic Ps 37:7,20,34

           (also used in 19:3)

    (8) Isa 6:1-4 The seven last plagues of v.1.

           - "no man...enter...Temple" - The duration is established by Rev 8:1.
16 - God’s wrath is poured out (cp Mal 3:10) (cp to Chapter 8) "upon the earth", NOT "the sea of glass" of 15:2!

1-3 - Referring to spiritual death See 11:6 and 17:15

      (2) "upon the earth"  (Gr. "geo"="land" as opposed to water.)

      (3) "upon"=Gr. "eis"="into". This refers to those "in the sea" NOT to those standing  on the sea of glass. This chapter is about the unsaved.

4 - The 3rd vial matches up to the 3rd trumpet of chapter 8.

5 - "shalt be" - Note that Christ HAS NOT RETURNED at this point.

6 - Who are "they"? Mt 23:31-36

7,8 - Again, 11:6. The fire is God Heb 12:29

9 - See 9:20,21 Men will praise Satan’s work and curse God’s. This is the very essence of blasphemy.

10,11 - See Rev 2:12,13 for the "seat". Note: 2 witnesses killed now (11:7)

12 - See 9:14 The Euphrates is the border between Israel and Babylon

         Important: "kings of the east" are fallen angels. (6:12, 13)

                         "kings of the earth" are men (1 Sa 8:4-18)

13 - The counterfeit trinity. The 3 unclean spirits (9:17). = Satan’s army.

      - 1/3 spiritually killed by their words (9:18). BUT we have power over unclean spirits. (Lk 10:18,19)

14 - "miracles" see 13:13 "kings of the earth" contrast to v.12

     -"great day" - The day of the Lord

15 - A parenthesis. A Beatitude. The voice from v.1.    1 Th 5:2

      -"garments" = righteous acts   . "naked" = uncovered Gen 3:7. Eph 6

16 - Armageddon = Mt. of Megiddo (literally, the gathering place of the crowd). This is Jerusalem’s southern border    Zec 12:8-14

17 - "It is done." see Jn 19:30

      Note: The following vv. will only last a matter of minutes. Rev 3:11

18 - Earthquake - Only the ROCK will not be shaken. Where do you stand?

          Mt 7:24,25 Heb 12:25-29

19 - Isa 51:22,23 (Babylon detailed in Ch 17)

        "three parts" - Saved; Condemned; No opportunity to hear Truth

20 - No more nations, governments. The King of Kings is here!

21 - Eze 38:17-23

     - “Hail” - During the sixth seal (Rev 6:12-17), the winds had been restrained (Rev 7:1-3). They are released to form the massive hailstones   (talent = 114 lbs). Same time as Rev 11:19.
17 is a Parenthetical, Teaching Chapter. It is God’s explanation. Don’t change it.

17:1 - Babylon = confusion -  "waters" explained in v.15. See Jer 51:12,13

    - “the great whore sitteth” = Confusion rests on the people (Re-read Lev 18:23)

2 - "Kings of the earth" = mortal men, not Satan’s fallen angels

    -"fornication" = idolatry

3 - The woman of v.1. Seven heads are the supernatural ones of 13:1.

4 - Royal colors. A cup full of idolatry Ex 20:1-3

5 - The woman identified. "mystery" = Gr."musterion" (A secret symbol requiring silence imposed by initiation into religious rites). This is the false religion (apostasy)of 2 Th 2:3-7 where this word is also used.

6 - "Admiration" = Astonishment

7 - The angel will explain. We need not question it.

8 - See Rev 20:1-3, 7-10 for the names of the beast.

IMPORTANT "that was, and is not, and yet is" - Satan was once physically present on earth (Gen 3:1, Job 1:7). Is not now present (1 Pe 5:8 note "in the earth" is lacking). When did he leave? Jn 12:31, 16:7-11 AND Ac 1:16-18. "and yet is" = " and shall be present" Rev 9:1,2,3,10,11.Satan’s spirit is still present, but now (and at the time John received this vision) he is notphysically present. He is imprisoned behind Jesus and Michael is his jailer (2 Th 2:7, Rev 20 :1) he will not be returned until Rev 20:7, a repeat of Rev 12:9,10.

    -"perdition" - note Jn 17:12 and 2 Th 2:3

9 - "mountains" = "nations" or "kingdoms"

10, 11 - Lk 21:32 tells us that we are in the last generation.

       "SEVEN KINGS"

     - "five fallen" - 1. Babylon (defeated Judah and Benjamin) 2. Medo-Persians  3. Greece 4. Rome 5. Mohammedan (636-1948 A.D.)

         -  "one is" - Israel (the good and bad figs) Mt 24:32-42

                          (Read up to Mt 26 for more understanding)

         - “not yet come” = The false Christ (Rev 13:12)

         - “continue a short space” = five months

              “THE EIGHTH” is “of the seven” because it will also be Satan after the millennium, when he “goeth into perdition” Rev 20:10

12 - (See Dan 2:44 for vv. 12-18) Ten horns/kings are the fallen angel kings

    -"one hour" = the hour of temptation (Rev 3:10, Mk 13:11)

13 - "give" - not deceived, they are willing

14- Remember the questions. Rev 16:17 AND 13:4

    -"called and chosen" see Mt 20:16 (read 20:1-16 so we understand the significance of the last hour of v.12).

15 - The angel begins to explain the symbols. See Jer 51:13

         The waters are the people. Rev 3:15,16 8:10,11 17:1

16 - The devil hates those who follow him ("her" = the city)

       Jn 8:44 HE LEADS ONLY TO PERDITION - Ro 6:23

17 - Delusion is sent by God (2 Th 2:8-12). God often uses the negative in the fulfillment of prophecy.

                  - Pharoah, Nebuchadnezzar, the Pharisees, the soldiers at the cross, etc. HE IS IN CONTROL!

                          Is 54:16,17

18 - The woman = Babylon = the great city. Babylon is a system as well as a geographic location, similar to Madison Ave. or Wall St.

     - “reigneth” - Babylon dominates the human leaders of the world.
18:1 - "power" = "authority" This is not the angel of Ch. 17    Cp Gen 1:1-4

2 - "Babylon…is fallen" - Rev 14:8 (just before the Harvest) Is 21:9,10  Jer 51:6-9

3 - Note - "all" nations IMPORTANT: "abundance" = Gr."dunamis" (power)

    -"delicacies " = "luxury" See Rev 17:18 AND 1 Ti 6:9,10

4 - "Come out from among them!" 2 Co 6:14-18

5 - "reached unto heaven" - Remember the tower of Babel in Gen 11 which

reflected the self-sufficiency of 18:3

6 - ALL THINGS, good and bad, shall be recompensed in full. There will be a double cup for the "firstfruits of sin". See Jer 50:15

7 - “no widow” = "Not on the throne through death"  (HER husband didn’t die on the cross). A powerful rendering of Satan's arrogance and the stance of the unbeliever in rejecting the need for the saving Grace, Truth and Blood of Jesus Christ.

    - “no sorrow” - Babylon will imagine invincibility.

8 - "one day" - The day of the Lord. A sudden, complete disappearance. See Jer 51:8

     -"famine" - Amos 8:11-14 "burned" 2 Pe 3:7-14

9, 10 - Still no understanding of God’s swift judgment by the "kings of the earth." (throughout the hour of temptation, 5 months)

11 - All will be transformed in the twinkling of an eye (1 Co 15:51,52) so, there will be no more buying or selling.

12, 13 - A list of luxuries which no longer have value. (2 Pe 3:10)

         -"souls of men" - Satan has tried to claim them, but…. - Eze 18:4

IMPORTANT 14 - "departed" = "perished"    NEVER TO RETURN

15 - "afar off" - same phrase used in Lk 16:22-24

16-19 - The reaction of the unholy. Contrast to v. 20

20 - The reaction of the holy. Note Lk 18:7,8

21 - Babylon will vanish quickly and vanish forever.

22,23 - For emphasis, certain things are specified.

           -"sorceries" = Gr."pharmakeia" (note Rev 9:21). The implications include drugs, hallucinations, narcotics, doping people up, putting people on a high apart from the Holy Spirit.

24 - Lk 11:47-52
19:1-3 - Equivalent to Jer 51:48. Ps 104:34 - Alleluia

      -Again, "for ever and ever" = Heb "dor" the acrostic for Ps 37:7, 20, 24

4 - "Amen" = "It’s over." The 3rd "Alleluia" of this chapter

5 - The 4th "Alleluia", transliterated as "Praise our God…"

     -"fear" = "reverence"

6 - The 5th "Alleluia" (the # of grace)     "Omnipotent" = "The Omnipotent"

7 - "Rejoice" see Mt 5:12 "honour" = "the glory"

    -"marriage" = "marriage feast" see v.9

8 - The wife (the church) is clothed by the righteous works of the saints  (See CorrectBible notes on Rev 21:2 AND Eph 5:32)

        (Rev 3:5) combine 1 Pe 5:5 with Pr 15:33, 18:12

9 - "he" - the angel from Ch 18. Not the great voice of 19:1,6

     "called" - Remember Rev 3:2-. The 4th of the 7 Beatitudes in Rev.

10 - NO WORSHIP OF ANGELS, SAINTS, etc. see Col 2:18

IMPORTANT "testimony…spirit of prophecy" - ALL PROPHECY POINTS TO JESUS

      -Mt 22:1-14 (To understand, compare v. 14 to an audition)

       -Mt 25:1-13 The oil - knowledge and truth - Some will have enough to last

         almost to midnight.

19:11 - A new vision begins. The King of Zec 9:9,10 returns.

          -"white horse" - The imitation is Rev 6:2

            -"Faithful and True" - "the ultimate, absolute Truth", not as a Lamb

              (sin offering) to be crucified.       "make war" (13:4)

12 - "were as" = "are" (entire verse is present tense)

      -"crowns" - The imitation is Rev 12:3 and 13:1

IMPORTANT "but" = "if not" The name is found in Jn 1:1 and given in vs. 13

13 - "dipped in" = "blood-stained" (Gr."bapto" as in "baptized")

14 - His armies, not the imitations, the locust army of Ch. 9

15 - The word is a two-edged sword (Heb 4:11-13)

       "rule" = Gr "poimano" = "to shepherd", "to pastor"     "rod" - Ps 23:4

      -"winepress" see 14:19,20

16 - See Rev 17:14, Ps 2

17, 18 - The Cleanup Crew        Zec 14 (Gen 7:11, 8:13,14) Isa 34:8-15

             The Invitation Eze 39:17-22

19, 20 - "war against" = "the war with"

            Note that "the beast" (the system) and "the false prophet" (the power), are destroyed, not Satan himself (the dragon) who cannot save them and will not sacrifice himself for them.

     -" a lake….." = "the lake"  THIS IS THE "HELL"  WE OFTEN REFERENCE.

            The word translated "hell" usually refers to the grave.

IMPORTANT 21 - The power of the Word of God to create or destroy.

Post Millenium - The 3rd Age 2 Pe 3:9-14 1 Pe 1:3-13
20:1 -"an angel" = Michael = "he who letteth"  2Th 2:7

          - "key...chain" - God has a locking mechanism for spirits

2 -  Now Satan's body and spirit are bound. He will have NO influence or presence for 1,000 years (a millenium).

3 - Compare the sealing of Satan to Mt 27:62-66 (Despite the reason given in

    v.65, sealing is done to keep in, not out) This is the same pit from Ch.9,

   there is only one.

CRITICAL: NO SYMBOLISM HERE. The chain, the pit, Michael, and Satan are all physical and real.

4 -Who are "they"?-  God,Jesus AND 1Co 6:1-3; 1Ti 5:21 and most importantly, Rev 3:21

       - “beheaded” - Many counted from the beginning through now.

      - “reigned” - Crowns and rewards given (1Pe 5:4)

          2Ti 4:6-6     written by one of the beheaded

5 - The first resurrection is for God's elect. "the dead" are the spiritually dead, not corpses. Remember that all will be resurrected to spiritual bodies, only some will experience a second death.
6 - See Rev. 1:6 (2nd resurrection takes place in v.12)

   - second death - described in 21:8

7 - See v.3

IMPORTANT 8 - The destruction of Gog and Magog (the nations of the world) is detailed in Eze 39 BUT it is BEFORE the millenial kingdom (Eze 39:25) and corresponds to Rev 16:14, 17:14, and 19:21. At this point, there are only spiritual beings and we have recycled to the conditions of Rev 12 (prior to God creating flesh man in Gen 1). Just as Jesus' departure from the sepulchre signalled a new beginning, Satan's release will lead to the New Kingdom in Ch. 21.

9 - Note the fire next time because of Gen 9:11. The only flood in Revelation is the flood of lies from Satan in Rev 12:15.

10 - The false trinity receives final judgment. See 19:20 Eze28:18

11, 12 -  The Great White Throne Judgment     "stand" = 2nd resurrection.

      Note "books" vs. the single "book" of life.

13 - "sea","death","hell" = ALL souls ever created are now accounted.

14, 15 - Jesus defeated death. It is now destroyed.

The end of death in v.14  ENSURES that those cast into the lake of fire receive eternal punishment. The sequence is no accident.
21:1 - New" = Rejuvenated (Ro 8:18-22, since Gen 3:17)

             Isa 51:15,16 65:17 66:22

       -"first" should be "former"       "no more sea" = no flesh and blood AND establishes time as post-millennial. Lake of fire will not be visible to us.

2 - The new Jersualem of 3:12. Gal 4:26, Heb 11-10; 12:22, Isa 65:18

     -"Bride" is not the "wife" of 19:7 (already married) see Jer 3:14. They are completely different words and they are not interchangeable. This bride is the "heavenly called" Israel of Heb 3:1 who comes down in v. 10. God could not remarry the same bride (Deu 24:1-4), therefore He marries a "new" Israel (Hosea does not remarry Gomer in Hos 3:1, it is a different woman).

3 - This = SHEKINAH - A Chaldean word meaning "God dwells there" (with them)  "dwell" = "tabernacle" as it does in JN 1:14. This = IMMANUEL

    - Zec 2:10,11; 8:3,8,23 to "people" in Rev 2:13 should be "peoples"

4 - "shall be no more death" = "death shall be no more" (20:14)

   -"passed away" includes from our remembrance. Is 25:7,8;35:10

5 - “New” - God does not repair, He replaces Jer 18:1-4

6 - “It is done” see 16:17   Jn19:30

    - “Alpha and Omega…” see 1:8

   - “…water….” See Jn 4:14, 7:37

7 - “overcometh” - Last of 17 occurrences in Rev

   -"all things" should be "these things"

   -"inherit" Heb 9:13-17

8 - See 20:8

   -"unbelieving" = "faithless" Heb 11:6

   -"liars" = those who are false


 Mt 10:28  Eze 18:4

21:9 - Angel from 15:1

     -"Bride" (the betrothed) and "wife" (after being wed) because she, the holy Jerusalem, is now descending (v.10).

10 - Remember, v. 7 (all things = these things) and compare these two verses

                         (7,10) to Mt 4:8,9 and  Rev 6:2   Mt 24:21-27

11 - As the millennial kingdom is replaced, perfect purity ("clear as crystal") comes to all things. (Jasper is normally opaque, see v. 18)

   -"glory of God: - see Eze 48:35

"The LORD is there" = Jehovah Shammah = Shekinah = glory of God (remains unchanged, already perfect)

12 - This is NOT the millennial temple of Eze 48:31-34. They are different cities based on God's model. Twelve (12) is the operative number for the city (# for governmental perfection). Compare Neh 3 for the 12 gates beginning and ending "from" and "to" the fish gate.

13 - This is a square, not a circle (v. 16 "foursquare")

Important 14 - Although the “twelve” may include Matthias (Ac 1:26), we CANNOT assume that Judas is not among the twelve.

Mt 19:27,28   Mt 27:3  Remember, the tribe of Dan was not included in Rev. 7, but restored to inheritance (Eze 48:32). See Ro 11:29 and 1 Jn 1:9

15, 16 - A 1500 mile cube (length=breadth=height) (Some Bibles will give a different number by failing to use the metric system)

          - 1500 =3x5x10x10 =Completeness x Grace x Perfect Order intensified.

          - 1200 furlongs=12x10x10= Governmental Perfection x Perfect Order Intensified

       Verses 17-27 Isa 60:15-22 for background

17 - 144 cubits (122) = 300 ft

18 - “building” = “material” or “substance” “pure”, “clear” - same Gk. word, “katharos”, from which we get “catharsis”

19, 20 - The stones worn on the breastplate of the Priest (Aaron) Ex 28:17-21  (The difference in 5 stones are translation differences)

21 - The “pearly Gates”, Absolutely pure gold.

22 - The Temple Jesus promised to raise. No religions. Jn 2:18-21

23 - Gen 1:3 Jn 1:1-9 Isa 60:1-3, 18-22

24 - “nations” = “ethnos”      Isa 19:23-25  These are the “sheep” of Mt 25:31-46

25-27 - No night. No sin. No adversary. The Gates are always open. There is no need for protection.
22:1 - “water of life” = “living water”.  Pure and clear like everything else.

         -“throne” - replaces the millennial throne of Zec 6:12,13

2 - “tree of life” - same as Gen 2:9

    - “healing” - No sickness (21:4), the nations (ethnos) are healed. No divisions, prejudices or biases. Eze 47:12

Note: “the street” = a wide place - compare to 11:8, a place of resurrection

3 - The original curse from Gen 3:14-19 is “no longer”. Its removal eliminates all subsequent curses which resulted.

   - “servants” - This is eternal (Rev 22:4 is for 1000 years) see v. 5

4 - WE SHALL BEHOLD HIM 1 Co 13:12

        We all have His name 1 Co 15:27,28  God is "all in all"

5 - All darkness is eliminated.

6 - The angel "signs off" from the vision.

7 - The words of Christ (see vv. 12, 20 also)

8 - The vision ends and John moves to present time (Rev 1:10,4:1)


10 - John is told to "unseal" the book sealed in 10:4. (Rev 1:3)

11 - Not all can or will be saved, taught or witnessed to. Mt 7:6

12 - “work” doesn’t exclude faith Jas 2:20-26 Rev 14:13

13, 14 - The last of 7 Beatitudes in Rev.( 50 in the New Testament)

         -Not enough to just “know” His commandments. There is only one way in - Jn 10:7-9, 14:6

15 - Compare to 21:8,27

16 - The Lord Jesus Christ speaks (remember Ch. 2&3). This is the True Morning Star, not Lucifer (Is 14:12,13)

17 - Jn 4:14, The invitation of Rev 3:20,21

18, 19 - God’s word is not to be altered at man’s will.

        Science = Man’s rationalization of God’s works.

        Theology = Man’s rationalization of God’s word.

Those who add will have plagues added. Those who take away will have their part taken away (“book of life” should be “tree of life”).

20, 21 - 7th message in Rev. from the Lord of His coming.

       “Amen” = That’s That
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