- The absolute key to understanding the Word of God. Genesis and Revelation complete each other as God returns us to where He originally placed us: in Paradise with immortality. Misunderstandings in translation and figures of speech used in this Book can render many things unintelligible.The rest of the Bible cannot be understood without Genesis. Revelation cannot be understood without the rest of the Bible.
2 Corinthians 3:12 - 4:6
F ind someone (or yourself) who has experience working jigsaw puzzles (500 -1000 pieces). Give them the puzzle pieces in a plastic bag and retain the puzzle box without allowing them to see the final picture. Have them notify you when they complete the puzzle. Compare the length of time to their normal completion time ( if they don't get totally frustrated and never finish). GENESIS is the picture on the box showing the proper arrangement of the pieces ( Scripture). REVELATION is the bottom half of the box, being complementary to the top half and holding it all together. Most of us approach the Bible without knowing how the pieces are intended to go together. We have it all in front of us, but we can't quite get it together.
word meaning "generation" or "creation".
title is "Bereshith" = "in (the) beginning"
EVERYTHING begins in the book of beginnings (Ecc 1:9,10) PATTERNS are set.
Ch 1:1 - Nothing before? Jn 17:24 Eph 1:4 1 Pe 1:20 Pr 8:22-31
- God = Elohim, plural. Spirit moves on the waters (v.2), things are spoken into existence, things are made(v.16). See Jn 1:1-3.
- Heaven (sing.) becomes plural in 2:1; 2 Pe 3:7
2- “was” = “became” (no verb “to be” in Hebrew)
- “ without form”= “ tohu va bohu”
The Earth was not created "tohu"(see Isa 45:18) it became so 2 Pe 3:5-7. Remember Rev 12:4,9
- from “deep” ( abyss) to “waters” after the Spirit of God moved (as in all new creation) 2 Co 5:17,18 See Rev 9:1 ff. and 20:1-3 “bottomless pit”
NO ONE knows how much time elapsed between verse 1 and verse 2, but it accounts for all fossils, etc.
The 1st age ended suddenly as the 2nd will end with the return of our Lord.
3- “And God said” - The power of the word of God has not changed or diminished (1 Pe 1:23)
- “Let there be light” (not the sun or the moon (4th Day)). This also has not changed (2 Co 4:6) Jn 1:1-10. See Rev 21:23
What God speaks must come to be (Tit 1:2)
4- “good” = “beautiful” Ecc 3:11
- “divided” - As God still intends. Lk 11:34-38 Eph 5:8
5 - “...Day...Night” Cycles set by God and conditionally promised to Noah (Gen 8:22) connect to Rev 22:3-5
- “first day” = “day one” fixing 24 hour period. When qualified by a cardinal number in Scripture it is always literally a day. It is also limited by “evening and the morning”
Heb 11:3 God has planned the ages to appear separately, not to evolve one from another.
Jer 18:1-4 God, the potter, does not mend mistakes and messes when we mar what He has made. He prepares a new thing, as He did with the old covenant, the heaven and earth, etc. He even makes new creation of us (2 Co 5:17).
Rev 16:16-21 The third age will be brought about forcefully and quickly (Rev 22:7, 12, 20), just as the second age was started. (Hab 2:3)
2 Pe 3:18-13 A thousand years (a millennium) is as a day with the Lord. The day of the Lord (the thousand year kingdom (Rev 20:1-7) subsequent to Rev 16 is the subject, when the elements of the earth will once again be melted to usher in the third age (1 Co 3:12-15).
Isa 65:17 The Potter does not evolve. He makes a new thing. Former things (unsaved family and friends included) will not be remembered. From that day forward , memory will be erased or Rev 21:4, 5 could not be so. Keep in mind that our souls have existed from the beginning but we have no memory before this life. This does not take place for us individually (Lk 16:20-31).
6, 7- “firmament” = “a spread out area”
8- “Heaven” = Heb. “lofty”
9, 10 - All land connected until Gen 10:25
11-13- “after his kind” = NO EVOLUTION
Note: herb before seed, tree before fruit, adults before children. The chicken does come before the egg.
14- “ lights” = Heb. “Maor” = “light holders” as Ex 35:14
- “firmament of the heaven” (vv. 6-8)
- “divide” - Night and Day named Day 1. Divided on Day 4.
- “signs” = things to come (Jer 10:2) (Lk 21:24-27)
- “Seasons” = appointed times (Isa 60:18-22)
15 - “And...” = continuation of purpose
- “light upon the earth” = compare to vv. 3,4
16 - “made” = “fashioned, prepared”, not spoken. The work of Jesus Christ.
- “two” = “the two”
- “the stars” = All named by God. (Ps 147:4). Little more than 100 original names still known and used by astronomers. The source of TRUE astrology (v. 14) (Ps 97:6)
17- “set” = Placed by God after preparation
- “light upon the earth”- Repeated for emphasis (Rev 21:23)
18 - “rule” - to keep order (Lk 23:44,45) (Amos 8:9)
- “divide...” - compare to v.4
19 - “ evening and morning” - entire day. In Scripture, the beginning and the end represent the whole thing (Rev 21:6, Isa 48:12)
20 - Sea creatures and “fowl that may fly” from water. Land creatures from earth( Day 6).
21 - “winged fowl” = “flying”. Does not include ratite birds like the ostrich
22 - First of 3 blessings of Creation (1:22,28; 2:3)
23- 5 = the number of grace. God blesses the living souls.
The “ruach” (1:2) creates housing for the “nephesh” (2 Co 5:1-4)
SIXTH DAY (the first ordinal #, making it inclusive of the first 5 days as God gives mankind dominion over the rest of His creation.
24- “cattle” = primarily large quadrupeds (Heb. Behemah) Lev 11:1-8; Deu 14:4-8
- “creeping thing”= reptiles, insects, amphibians. Lev 11:20-23
- “beast of the earth” (Heb. “Chay” primarily (( animals which would later be (see vv.29, 30) ) carnivores and very large wild animal (elephants, rhinoceri, etc.) (Deu 7:22)
25- “creepeth upon the earth” - Lev 11:29-31, 41-43; Ex 8:1-4; Rev 16:13
26 - “ Let Us” = “Elohim”(plural) as in 1:2. The Triune God of creation, not Jehovah the covenant God .
- “man” = Heb. “Adam” = mankind (Compare to v:27)
- “image...” = “In the likeness of our image.” Refers to physical similitude (Gen 6:1-4). Our moral likeness was lost and passed through Adam (3:7; 5:3). We are now conceived/born into sin. (Ps 51:5; Ro 5:12-14)
- “dominion” = Domain, Sovereignty, Authority
- “fish...” - Hebrew has 4 categories of animal life from this. Land animals. Water animals. Flying (air) animals. Swarming animals .
27 - “man” = “ eth-Ha-adam” = the very man Adam (specifically)
IMPORTANT: The Bible DOES NOT state or imply that the Creator made multiples of every creature except man. Adam is specified because he is first in the bloodline of Jesus Christ, the subject of the Word (Rev 1:1-3; 19:10). The FOCUS of the Bible is established. Though Confucius was a contemporary of Zechariah and Haggai, the Bible ignores him. The Bible is NOT a history of the world, nor mankind - It is the story of God's love for us and his salvation plan. ALL Scripture must be tied to this, (Gen 38:1-10, 24-30) (Mt 1:3) to rightly divide the Word.
28 - “And God...” the connective thread continues
- “blessed” - Grace continues to abound
- “them” - Both occurrences are emphatic in Hebrew
“replenish” = “fill”
- note “sea”, “air”, “earth” (for “heaven” Mt 16:18,19)
This verse constitutes a “ Prime Directive”. Before sin, sacrifice, etc.
29 - "given" - Ps 50:7-12 Col 1:12-17 Rev 6:8
"you" - emphatic. We gave it away Mt 28:18 due to Ro 5:12
"for meat" - vegetarians until Gen 9:3-7. An animal population large enough to feed us initially would have become too numerous ( carefully note God's words to 2,000,000 Israelites entering a single country in Ex 23:27-30). Foundation for the law, sacrifice, substitution, and atonement. Note that 9:7 unlike 1:28 does not mention filling the earth.
30 -"green herb" - not just fruits and vegetables for man, but also grasses and other plants provided for animals .
Note no mention of carnivores, including carnivorous plant life, like the Venus flytrap to underscore Gen 3:21 as the first shedding of blood.
Before sin entered THERE WAS NO DEATH!
31 - “every thing” - No mistakes by God
“very good” = Emphatically beautiful
"Sixth day - 1st 5 days numbered "day one, day two", etc. Now the days are connected as parts of God's overall plan, no separate activities. They were not a part of a whole until now, when Man is given dominion. Mankind created last to ensure that we can claim no part. Creation is the sole province of God. Note Gen 2:21 when Adam is caused to sleep.
SEVENTH DAY (as all of the first six days is included under God).
2:1 "finished" - No evolution to something else
"all the host" not just heaven and earth, but their contents
2 - "seventh"- should be "sixth" and is so read in most manuscripts
"made" - fashioned, designed, and put into place
"seventh" - correct
3 - "rested" = "abided" God fellowshipped with his works.
Ps 90:1.2, "dwelling place" Lev 23:1-3
(Heb 4:1-10)
4 - "Generations" = Histories from a family perspective
"in the day" = "when" (not 24 hours)
"Lord God" = "Jehovah Elohim", (1st occ)
Jehovah = the I AM, covenant God (supreme)
Elohim = the creator (fellowship)
5 - "plant...herb"= plants requiring cultivation (1:11,12)
"before it grew" = ungerminated, in the ground - SEED
"not a man" = Adam's specific purpose- to tend the garden
6 - "mist"= See 1:5 for source. Before: no water, mist, man
- "earth" = "eretz " (area of land, country) "ground" = adam ah (soil)
7 - Note the word for mankind (adam), word for soil (adamah)
- "formed" = Isa 64:8
- “man” = “eth-ha-adam” The very man Adam(with 2 definite articles)
- "dust" =" tiny particles" (atoms?)
- "breath" = "neshamah" contrast with "ruach"
- “soul” = "nephesh"
8 - God sets up His place on earth for the first time. Later, we will see the tabernacles, the temples, etc. God places His specifically formed gardener, the man Adam, in this “permanent” home. Unlike “them” in Gen 1:27, the man Adam had a specific place to be and a “job” to do. (Note Gen 3:24)
2:8 -2:14 are in parentheses in the manuscript indicating a change of subject. The subject becomes the garden itself reverting to the man Adam.
- “Garden” - 1st of 3 Biblical Gardens
- Eden Death IN Sin
- Gethesmane Death FOR Sin Mt 26:36-46
- Sepulchre Death TO Sin Jn 19:40-42
- “Planted” - A special planting with special plants/trees
9- "out of ground" - Just as man was formed
- "pleasant to sight" - Shade trees as well as fruit trees
- TREE OF LIFE- "Of" is genitive, i.e. the tree that gives, supports and continues life. Placed in the “midst”, not hidden or guarded.
Rev 2:7; 22:1-3
Note: Heb for tree is “ates” from root word “atsah” meaning “eyes shut” (See Gen 3:7)
- TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL- Also placed in the "midst" , not hidden or guarded.
- “Knowledge” = perception, awareness
OBEDIENCE, LOVE, TRUST Deu 30:15-20 (Choices)
The need for sacrifice (Disobedience) Gen 3:21
The end of sacrifice (Obedience) Phil 2:8
CRITICAL : From the beginning we have had choices BECAUSE God is Love. Love requires choice . Love cannot be imposed or forced.
10 -14- Precise location of Garden is UNKNOWN.
10 - “river” - Heb “nahar” = "stream" or "sea". In this case, the Persian Gulf (Mesopotamia/Iraq). Known by the four heads, including...
14 - “Hiddekel” = "Tigris", and Euphrates is STILL...The Euphrates, and the Nile, are frequently referred to in Scripture. The Euphrates is referenced as "the river" or the "great river". Gen 15:18, Deu 1:7; 11:24, 1 Chr 19:16. Dan 10:4 refers back to the Tigris
12 - Gold and onyx - Prominent in the tabernacle Ex 28,35,39 AND Rev 21:20 (beryl)
15- Returns us to 2:7 after the description of the Garden.
Defines the man Adam's position, place & purpose.
Contrasted to 1:28. Note: "put" - our presence in paradise is only through God's grace .
16- “commanded” - FIRST commandment. Instruction given to this point. Patterns established.
IMPORTANT: Adam is the only one given a commandment. The rest of mankind was instructed to “be fruitful, ...”. This is why the devil came to the Garden. It was his first opportunity to bring sin into the world. Read Ro 4:15 and note that the law did not come until the time of Moses. In the very next chapter , Ro 5:13, 14 Paul mentions Adam's trangression. There is no error. The mistaken assumption that God populated this entire planet from only 2 people propagates error throughout the rest of Scripture. It leaves no explanation for Deu 32:8. If we all came from Adam, how could God separate the sons of Adam from anybody else?
17 - God tells what to do, what not to do, AND why. God's Word not to be added to/subtracted from. Rev. 22:18, 19
18- The man Adam was alone. Contrast to 1:27,28
- "help meet" = Heb. "ezer" = counterpart, complement
Used elsewhere of God. Ex 18:4 Deu 33:7,26,29
Ps 20:2, 33:20, 70:5, 115:9,10,11, 121:1,2, 146:5, etc. 2:19 Returns us to 1:24
- "brought" - from someplace else, and likely returned
- naming - A right of sovereignty/dominion
Isa 62:2, 65:13-15 Phil 2:9-11 Rev 3:12
20 - Adam's obedience. Returns us to subject of 2:18
21, 22 - “sleep” - Man cannot think of himself as Creator.
- “ brought”- The Father gives away the bride
- "rib", "ribs" - from root word meaning "curve"
- Women have 2 more ribs than men
- Women have more curves than man
- DNA is curved
- "man" = "ish" "woman" = "ishah" - Sets precedent for wife taking husband's name. See Jer 33:16
23 - The man Adam names "Woman" Compare 2:19
Note: 1 Co 11:3 Eph 5:23,24
24 - Why? Mal 2:15 1 Co 7:14
1st occ. No ring, marriage license or wedding ceremony! Only "cleaving " to one another. GOD NEVER SEPARATED MARRIAGE FROM SEX!
It is the work of the enemy. They are the same in God's eyes. It is necessary to understand this to rightly divide the Word and to "renew" our minds. Read Mk 10:1-12 for clarity on God's grace. The Bible does not specifically address premarital sex because the term is an oxymoron.
: Here, in the Book of Beginnings, Adam and Eve are established as types for
husbands and wives
, not men and women. This removes most of the difficulty in rightly dividing many of Paul's New Testament writings.
- "Not ashamed" - Innocence, just as infants are not embarrassed by being unclothed.
3:1 - "snake" = Heb. "nachash" = "shining one". Used interchangeably with "seraph" (Num 21:8,9) meaning "burning one". Used of the fiery serpent and angelic beings ("seraphim") Isa 6:1,2,6
Q: Why would Eve talk to a snake?
Q: How could a snake talk? What are the implications?
CAREFULLY consider Num 22:28 -If God made a donkey talk and Satan made a snake talk, we would have to give the devil credit for working a greater miracle than God since snakes have no organs of speech! A completely unacceptable premise!
A: A COMMON figure of speech("Hypocatastasis" = Implication) See Gen 49:9,17 Mt 23:33 Lk 13:31,32 2 Ti 4:17 (Nero)
LOCKED IN by Rev 20:1,2 (" old serpent")
Q: Who/What did Eve see?
A: Eze 28:12, 13, 15,17 Consider: 2 Co 11:3,14
(...the description continues...)
- "subtil" = "wise" (good or bad sense) Eze 28:12 vs. 28:17
Heb. "arum" - Same wd. as "naked" in 2:25 (meaning "smooth")
- "than any..." - NOT "any OTHER"(Simple grammar dictates that if Eve were speaking to a literal "snake", the word "other" would be necessary.
- "beast" = Heb. "chay" = "living creature", as it does in Rev 4:6-9 where the cherubim are referred to as "beasts".
- "And he said..". - Note Satan's use of the Word of God against the first Adam and the second (Mt 4:6). Satan's first utterance in Scripture sets pattern.
- " Yea, hath God said....." - Compare Mt 4:3,4 This is actually a statement, not a question.The 1st Question in the O.T. occurs at Gen 3:9 (God seeking man) to correspond to the 1st Question in the N.T. at Mt 2:2 (Man seeking God)
Satan appeals to the very thing which got him ousted from heaven - PRIDE (Eze 28:17) Pr 11:2, 16;18
He uses the LETTER of the Word vs. the TRUTH of it...
Ro 1:25 Note: Mk 3:1-6
...misapplying, misquoting, preferably from pulpits and professors 2 Ti 3:7
2:23 Adam's Words Gen 2:24 God's Words
- Marriage Is Ordained by God Mt 19:4-6 note 2 Sa 12:15
NO closer HUMAN relationship 1Co 11:11,12 Eph 5:28 Deu 24:5
- Subordinate to our relationship to God Deu 13:6-10 Lk 14:26
Why Monogamy? Mal 2:11-15 1st polygamy Gen 4:19
Marriage Reflects God's relationship to Israel ...
Isa 54:4-8 Jer 3:6-10 Eze 16:1-42
... And Christ's Relationship to the Church
Eph 5:22-6:9 compare to Col 3:18-4:1
What Are The "Rules"? 1 Co 7:3-5,10-16,39 Lev 18:6-18; 20:14,17,19-21
How Does God deal with two people as one? Ro 5:12
1 Co 11:1-15 note v.10 compared to Gen 3:1-6
Note Mt 1:20; 2:13,19
When/Why Does God Operate Differently?
Judges 4:1-9 (Deborah) 2 Ki 22:14-20 (Huldah)
What If We Operate Differently?
Adam Gen 3:1-6 Ahab 1 Ki 21 Herod Mt 14:1-11
Same Sex "Marriage" (Is Not Possible By Definition)
Lev 18:22; 20:13 Ro 1:26,27 1 Co 6:9,10
No Marriage In Heaven (Mt 22:30). WE ARE ALL ONE!
Adam's Silence
Gen 2:16,17; 3:1
3:2- SUBTRACTION from the Word
3- ADDITION, CHANGE to the Word Jas 1:13
4- CONTRADICTION to the Word
- "unto the woman" as in 3:1
5- Appeal to PRIDE - now includes Adam
Jas 1:14 Mt 4:3 Eze 28:17
6- "good for food" Lust of the FLESH
- "pleasant to the eyes" Lust of the EYES 1 Jn 2:16
- "make one wise" Pride (boasting) of Life 1Jn 2:16
- "with her" Adam's Presence noted
1st occurrence of "husband"
Jas 1:15 Mt 4:5
7- "eyes...were opened" = they became aware
"naked" = "uncovered" compare to 2:25
Moses Ex 34:29-35 note "vail"
Stephen Ac 6:8-10,15
"aprons" - Man's covering inadequate. Replaced by God.
8- First intercession by God.
-Sinners hidng from God instead of seeking Him.
Jer 23:24 Jonah 1:1-3
9- First question in O.T. God seeks sinners
First question in N.T. Sinner seeks God (Mt 2:2)
10- Sin separates us from God (not His love) 2 Chr 28:19
- Adam's guilt hinders God's grace 1 Jn 3:19-22
11- "Who told thee...?" Adam considers his condition to be permanent, BUT... Nu 11:23, Gen 18:14
- "Hast thou.." Another chance for confession and forgiveness. God's judgment always preceded by an offer of mercy Eze 33:10-16
- "..I was afraid..." Fear from Satan 2 Ti 1:7
- "...I hid myself." FUTILE Ps 139:7-12
12 - Pattern set. Adam blames God and Eve, forgets Satan
Ex 32:15-25 1Sa 15:16-21
13- Eve's chance. Confession/Salvation is individual.
( Teacher's Note : It is PRECISELY at this point that dominion was lost. Had Adam, the covering/husband, repented and confessed (v.12), Eve's original sin AND his own second act of sin would have been forgiven and cleansed (1Jn1:9, remember that God NEVER changes. Grace has always been present and available). Had Eve repented and confessed to the first act, it would have cancelled the resultant act by Adam. Their failure to take advantage of God's grace necessitated the shedding of blood (v.21) for the remission of sin. This understanding is necessary to rightly divide the Word. The punishments arose due to the failure to confess, not the act).
14 - NO questions for SATAN. Why?
- 1st punishment pronounced. In reverse order to vv. 9-13.
- Figures of speech as in Ps 44:24, Ps 72:9 to prophesy humiliation and defeat for Satan. Eze 28:17-19
CRITICAL 15 - The CONTEXT for the rest of the Bible is set. At Rev 21,22 we connect to Gen 1 (the whole world)
- "... the woman..." Specifically Eve. Necessary due to Adam's inadequacy as a covering/husband. Gen 6:3
- "...seed... S eed" (Satan's seed is later study)
NOTE:" Seed" is the first of 6(# of Man) Pentateuch titles for Jesus Christ . They are: "Seed" Gen 3:15, "Shiloh" Gen 49:10, "Sceptre" Gen 49:10, "Shepherd" Gen 49:24, "Stone" Gen 49:24, and "Star" Num 24:17.
Eve's Seed is Jesus Christ and Christians v.20
- "...head...heel." - Jesus will suffer for a time. Satan will be destroyed .
16 - Eve's Punishment
- The "Curse" ( prior to this, no death = no menstruation)
- "Sorrow"
- Pain in childbirth Jn 16:20,21
- Subjection to Husband (compare to 2:20)
17 - Adam's Punishment
- Note "Because" as in 3:14, but NOT to Eve in 3:16. Her Punishment was a consequence to Adam's sin of DISOBEDIENCE Ro 5:12-14, 17-19
- "cursed" - Sin affects all Creation Ro 8:19-23
- "sorrow" - Reiterated for Adams as well as Eve
We are made from the Earth. It shares ourcondition.
- It is defiled when we are defiled. Deu 11:16,17
- It is blessed when we are blessed. Lev 25:18,19; 26:3,4
Deu 32:43
- It mourns when man sins. Isa 24:1-6
- It is glad when God avenges His people. Ps 96:10-13
- It has been corrupted by sin. Gen 6:11,12 Rev 19:2
Also read Micah 2:10
18- "Thorns" - Sign of the curse Jn 19:1,2
- "herb of the field" - Not the Fruit of Paradise (Gen 2:16)
19-Man sentenced to labor for survival
- Mortality Replaces Immortality Ro 6:23a
- "dust...unto dust" Ecc 12:7
20- "Eve" - 1st time of 4 Gen 4:1 2 Cor 11:3 1 Ti 2:13
- "all living" - refers to God's pronouncement in Gen 3:15, hence, eternal life through "the Seed" Ro 5:17,21
21- 1st shedding of blood. God's covering superior to man's (3:7)
CRITICAL - We now switch from PUNISHMENT to PROTECTION! The eviction from the Garden was to SAVE us. Had we achieved eternal life while in a fallen state, we could NEVER have been saved (apparently Satan's plan until interrupted by God in 3:8). Recognize the presence of grace as God gave both Adam and Eve an opportunity to repent and confess (1 Jn1:9). Their failure to do so forced the shedding of blood and the punishments (atonement). GOD DOES NOT CHANGE! GRACE IS NOT A NEW TESTAMENT PHENOMENON.
- Statement Unfinished (indicating the horror of the thought of losing all of His children).
23- "taken" - Adam formed outside of the Garden (Gen 2:8)
24- God guards the tree of life to allow his salvation plan to unfold (the subject of the Bible) until Rev 22:1,2 (Rev 3:7)
- "flaming sword" Word=Jesus Christ=two-edged sword=The Way=Consuming Fire,etc.
For God so loved the world..........
Background: Who is the Adversary?
Where did he come from?
What's the battle about?
Rev 12:7-9, 4a
Lk 10:17-20
Eph 6:10-13
Eze 28:12-19
Jude 6
1 Pe 3:18-20
Gen 3:15-Gen 6
- “ men” -
, not plural (ha-adam "the man Adam") Also incorrectly pluralized in Isa 43:4 and Mt 13:25.
"earth"= "ha-adamah" = ground, land ( NOT the planet earth)
"them" = Adam and Eve
2- "men" = same as 6:1
3- "strive" = Heb "deen" only occurrence = have dominion, control, rule
- "man" = same as 6:1,2
- "hundred and twenty years" - Adam was 810 yrs old (Gen 5:5)
- A point of chronology. NOTHING to do with human lifespan.
4-7"giants" = Heb. " Nephilim"= fallen ones
"after that" - 2nd irruption AFTER the Flood
- "mighty men.." - This is the basis for Greek and Roman mythology. The hybrids created by the fallen angels cohabiting with women. Satan's goal was to prevent the birth of Jesus Christ by contaminating every womb of the daughters of Adam. when there was only one pure family remaining, God interceded (AGAIN). Satan's focus precluded any need for the flood to be worldwide.
8,9 - Compare to Job 1:1 and Gen 5:22
10- First of multiple occurrences to set Canaan as child of Noah's wife by his son Ham.
Gen 5:32, 6:10, 7:13 connect to 9:18, 22 connect to 10:1
CRITICAL: Gen 9:21,22 "uncovered...nakedness" A simple figure of speech detailed in Lev 18:6-20 ( and other places) = "to have sexual relations with". Ham was guilty of the same sin Reuben would later commit in Gen 35:22 - incest with his father's wife. This is why Scripture is so careful to document that Noah had only 3 sons, AND that "Ham is the father of Canaan" (Gen 9:18, 22). Noah had 3 sons. His wife had 4! To think that seeing someone naked is a grievous sin is not worthy of discussion.
11- See previous notes on 3:17. The land shares our sin.
12- "all flesh" "his way" =" HIS way" Ro 8:8
13- Compare to Ex 32:7-10
Satan has consistently attempted to raise up a HUMAN universal ruler. The first was Nimrod. The last will be "that man of sin" (2 Th 2:3,4). What Satan would divide, God will unify. What Satan would unify, God will divide.
TO DIVIDE= Heb."palag" = to cleave by disruption Gen 10:25
parur = to divide by breaking off Gen 10:5,32
nahal = to apportion Deu 32:8
THE SETUP Gen 10:6-11
v. 8 "Nimrod" - a pre-Hebrew word = Heb. marad (to rebe l)
Actually 1st person plural - "Let us rebel"
v.9 "before" = in the face of
Gen 10:15-18
Preparation to battle Abram (Gen 12:6, 13:7)
THE PLAN Gen 11:1-4
v.1 Unity in language
v.2 "Shinar" see 10:10
v.3 Unity becomes conspiracy
v.4 "...let us...name" Isa 62:1,2
v.7 "let Us..." The Triune God
Man attempts to lift himself up (v.4). God comes down in judgment (Gen 18:21, Ex 3:8)
THE RESULT Gen 11:9 Gen 10:21,25,31,32
Satan - Attempts
- The Pharoahs, Sennacherib, Nebuchadnezzar, The Roman Emperors, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Hitler, etc.
God - Choices
- Cyrus, Jesus (see Isa 44:28, 45:1)
NIMROD Gen 10:8,9 1 Chron 1:10
1. JOSEPHUS - "Nimrod persuaded mankind not to ascribe their happiness to God, but to think that his own excellency was the source of it. And he soon changed things into a tyranny, thinking there was no other way to wean men from the fear of God, than by making them rely upon his own power."
2. TARGUM OF JONATHAN - "From the foundation of the world none was ever found like Nimrod, powerful in hunting, and in rebellions against the Lord."
3. JERUSALEM TARGUM- "He was powerful in hunting and wickedness before the Lord, for he was a hunter of the sons of men, and he said to them "Depart from the judgment of the Lord, and adhere to the judgment of Nimrod!" Therefore it is said: "As Nimrod (is) the strong one, strong in hunting, and in wickedness before the Lord. "
4. CHALDEE version of 1 Chron 1:10- "Cush begat Nimrod who began to prevail in wickedness, for he shed innocent blood, and rebelled against Jehovah."
Satan inspires HUNTERS of men.God inspires FISHERS of men.
11:26-29- Lot is Abram's nephew (relating Moabites and Ammonites to Israelites) Gen 19:36-38
30 God establishes a pattern of diversion (Isa 66:9)
-Gen 11:30 SARAH IS BARREN (Isaac)
25:21 REBEKAH IS BARREN (Jacob & Esau)
29:31 RACHEL IS BARREN (Joseph)
31,32 Abram's connection to his father hindered his obedience
(See Isa 6:1)
12:1 Lk 9:57-62
2, 3 SEVENFOLD Promise (Great Nation; Be Blessed; Great Name; Be A Blessing; Bless Them...; Curse Them...; Bless All Families)
4 - Point of Chronology with 11:32
7 - Abram's 1st Altar located (Also: Jacob 33:18; Christ Jn 4:1-5)
See Isaac (26:1,2)
11, 12 - ABRAM'S FEAR
13-16 - ABRAM'S LIE(see Isaac 26:6,7)
13:1-4 -The mission resumes.
God provides restoration and increase.
5,6- The enemy uses prosperity 1 Ti 6:6-10 Rev 3:14-17
7- STRIFE Jas 3:16 Satan's agents present
8,9- Abram, though the elder, seeks peace Mt 5:9,23-26
Satan successfully divides
10- Lot walks by sight "Lust of the eyes" 1 Jn 2:15-17
"Sodom" = "Burning" "Gomorrah" ="Heap, Ruin"
11- Lot makes his own choice Pr 3:5-7
"east" = "away from God" Gen 3:24, 4:16, 11:2, Mt 2:1
12- "cities" = the world
13- Emphasizes the nature of Lot's choice
The separation is completed.
14- God makes Abram's choice
"after Lot..." God avoids rekindling envy
15- God reaffirms His covenant Gen 12:2,3,7
16,17- The seed of Abram Gal 3:26-29
18- Unlike Lot, Abram lives in the "plain"
14 - Satan begins phase 2 - To kill Abram. God counters and intercedes (again).
1-3- Babylonians and Assyrian nations united
-"Salt sea" - geographical reference point for the Hebrew readers. Not actually salted until Gen 19:24-26
4- "Twelve: - first occurrence= Number for government
"Thirteen" - first occurrence= Number of rebellion
God divides Satan's union Mk 3:26
5,6- Elimination of the Giants begins (Gen 6:4)
Deu 2:9-12, 18-23
See "Og" - Deu 3:11 (cubit = 18 in.)
See Arba/Anak (Anakims) Jos 15:13; 21:11 Num 13:32,33
Rapha (Rephaims) Proper name translated "dead" or "giants"
Isa 26:14 (no resurrection), Ps 88:10 See 2 Sa 5:18,22
7- God continues to use Satan's divided force against itself.
8,9- 5 Kings vs 4 Kings (#9 =judgment)
10,11- Defeat of Sodom & Gomorrah endangers Lot
12 -"...who dwelt in Sodom..." compare to Gen 13:12
-mission accomplished, the armies leave
13- "...came one..." God preserves a remnant Isa 1:7-9
"Hebrew" - first occurrence (from Eber Gen 11:14)
...in the plain..." compare to Gen 13:19, contrast to Lot
14- "trained" = "initiated" (only occurrence) Into what?
- 318 pursuing 4 nations Lev 26:6-8
15- "...by night..." Wars not fought at night Joshua 10:11-14
How could they see? Ps 119:105 Ps 27:1-3
16- God provides restoration and increase. Compare v. 12
17- The rich, famous and powerful greet Abram Lk 11:43
18- "Melchizedek" = "King of Righteousness" Ps 110:4
"Bread and Wine" = Communion
"Priest" - first occurrence. Indicates other worshippers.
"Most High God" = Heb. "El Elyon" - first occ. (DOMINION)
19,20- "tithes" first occurrence Hebrews 7:1-7, 14-17
21- Satan's appeal to pride, respect of persons
22-24- Abram, strengthened by the blessing of Melchizedek, does not obligate himself and blesses others.
15:1 - Blessed assurance against reprisals.
Abram Asks. God Answers. Sarah Lacks Faith. Abram Listens - To Her .
2,3- "Lord God" - 1st time "Adonai Jehovah" (earthly blessings)
- Abram childless 10 yrs. after the Promise.
4,5- God rephrases Gen 13:16
6,7- "believed" = Heb. "aman" Gal 3:6-9 Ps 24:1,2
8- Question vs. Doubt Lk 1:12-20, 30-38
9- Note 5 animals (# of Grace) Unconditional Covenant
10- How covenants were executed Jer 34:18-20
- Birds not divided Lev 1:17
11- "Fowls" - Birds of prey, not vultures. Satan attacks.
12- Abram has no part in the covenant Gen 2:21,22
- "darkness" - Foreshadowing Israel's bondage
13- God prophesies Israel's sojourning and bondage
- 400 years (from Isaac's birth); 430 years (from now)
14- Ex 12:35,36
15- Abram lived to 175 (Gen 25:7)
16- "Fourth generation" - Levi, Kohath, Amram, Moses
17- Furnace = Israel's bondage Dan 3:15-17
Lamp = Israel's deliverance Isa 62:1
18-20- God sets His Boundaries, not man's.
16:1 - "Hagar"= "flight"
2- Abram repeats Adam's error Gen 3:1-6
3-5- Abram now 85 yrs old. Hagar becomes prideful (1 Sa 1:1-6)
- "thee" should be "her"
6- Abram repeats his mistake. Hagar becomes fearful.
7-"angel of the Lord" - first time. To ensure Hagar's safety.
8-9- God prevents another return to Egypt.
10-12- God promises, and names the child.
- "Ishmael" = "God hears"
13-16- "Beer=lahai-roi" = "The well of living after seeing"
God's Pattern Of Preparation: The Furnace and The Lamp (Gen 15:17), The Wilderness Before The Promised Land, The Cross Before The Crown, Bitter Water Before Sweet (Ex 15:22-27) AND .......Suffering Before Glory
Lk 24:26,46 2 Ti 2:11,12 Ro 8:17,18 2 Co 4:17,18 Jas 1:12 Rev 2:10 1Pe 1:11,4:13,5:1,10,11 Heb 12:11 Ps 126:6 Ps 66:10-12 Jn 12:24 Mt 5:4 Jn 16:20-22
Man's Pattern - God provides worse before better. Man is, as always, opposite... even in worship.
Jn 2:10 Ps 106:10-22 1 Sa 18:5-9
17- God adds the 5th letter (#5=grace) of Hebrew alphabet to the names of Abram and Sarai
- Circumcision; Promise/Ishmael. Covenant/Isaac.
18:1-5 Abram, now Abraham, encountered by 3 men, addresses "Jehovah" All references singular.
6-8 They eat. Lk 20:40-43, Ps 78:24,25
9-15 God promises. Sarah laughs. (Note Gen 17:19, God already names Isaac (laughter)).
16-22 God informs Abraham. The two depart.
23-33 Abraham pleads for mercy, returns home.
19:1-5 - ( EVENING) - Lot meets angels. Confronted by men of Sodom.
6-9 - Lot goes outside to talk.
10-13 -( NIGHT) - Angels protect Lot, inform him of their purpose.
14 - Lot goes to speak to his sons-in-law.
15 - (DAWN) - Angels hasten Lot's departure.
16 - Lot lingers.
17-20 - Lot, warned again, wants to negotiate.
21-26 -( SUNRISE) God grants Lot's request, and... waits until Lot departs. Destruction. Lot"s wife (Lk 17:29-33)
27-29 - Lot spared for Abram's sake.
30-38 - The adversary retaliates. Moabites and Ammonites begun.
After The Destruction Of His Stronghold, Satan Resumes His Direct Attack On Abraham. God Intercedes. Satan Engenders Strife And Division. God Uses The Results To Eventually Save The Bloodline (Isa 54:14-17).
20:1, 2 - Abraham To The Land Of The Philistines. Satan Uses What Worked Before - Fear. (Gen 12)
3, 7- God's Intercession.
1st occurrence "prophet" (Heb. "Nabi") To speak as an intermediary, not To predict.
8- Abimelech spreads the Word
9,10- Abimelech addresses Abraham
11-13- Abraham explains
14- God restores and provides increase, as before.
15, 16- God uses Abimelech to instruct Sarah
17, 18- God responds to intercessory prayer
21:1-8 - Isaac Born. Abraham 100. Sarah 90 but able to nurse Isaac. 5 years pass.
9, 10- Satan uses the firstborn son, Ishmael, and Sarah to divide.
11-13- Abraham fails to take charge. God comforts and assures him.
14- Hagar departs. Note: Ishmael is now 19 years old.
15,16- Hagar despairs.
17-20- God delivers. God's plan requires that Ishmael survive due to the role of the Ishmeelites in getting Joseph to Egypt.
22:1-19 - Isaac (the bloodline) survives (Heb 11:17-19)
1, 2 - "only" = "beloved"
3, 4 - Note THIRD day as Isaac is a type of Christ.
5 - “come again” Verb is PLURAL accenting his faith
20-23 - Isaac's future wife, Rebekah, the granddaughter of Abraham's brother, is born
24:1-4 - Abraham, age 140, ensures that the holy seed is not mixed with the seed of Gen 6.5 The servant (note 15:2) expresses concern.
6-9 - Abraham trusts God (Heb 11:8-16)
10-14- The servant prays SPECIFICALLY ( Mt 21:21,22)
15-21 - God responds
22-27 - The servant responds appropriately
28-32 - The servant is hosted
33-48 - The servant recounts his story
49-51 - The marriage is set
52 - The servant again thanks God
53,54 - The servant is not distracted from his mission
55,56 - Still undistracted (Jn 20:16,17)
57-61 - Rebekah agrees and departs
62-67 - Isaac, age 40, meets and marries Rebekah .
Patterns repeat: Gen 25-28
- Famine
- Barrenness
- Strife
- Lies
- Deception
Stymied By The Faith, Focus, and Obedience of Abraham and His Servant, Satan Attacks The Son (Isaac) As He Attacked The Father (Abraham).
25:1-10 - Abraham now 135.
Ishmael & Midian - Cousins to the Israelites.
vv.5,6 - Only Isaac inherits.
25:1-5,11 The spiritual firstborn inherits
25:19 -(not completed until Gen 35:28,29)
20, 21 - Childless for 20 years, Rebekah conceives (Gen 11:30 )
22 - Rebekah enquires
23 - God answers (Ro 9:6-13, Mal 1:2,3, Num 16:5)
24-26 - Esau is the natural firstborn , Jacob the spiritual
27, 28 - Contrasts/Division (only other hunter Gen 10:9, Nimrod)
29-34 - Birthright is exchanged for temporary satisfaction of the flesh
Compare Gen 3:6,7
26:1, 2 - Patterns repeat, God intercedes (Gen 12:10)
(Explains Esau's hunger)
3-5 - God reiterates the covenant
(Note 5 (# of grace) "My" s in verse 5 )
6 - Isaac obeys
7-11 - Like father, like son (Gen 12,20)
12, 13 - Like Abraham, Isaac is blessed
14-17 - Strife, envy. Isaac moves to the country.
18-23 - Isaac literally walks in his father's footsteps .
24, 25 - As the wells are renewed, the oath is renewed.
26-33 - Compare to Gen 21:22-33
34 - At age 40 (Isaac 80), Esau marries twice AND marries Canaanite women
35 - Parents are not pleased. The specific issue is revealed by translation of Heb 12:16 (Gr.”pornos”) “fornicator” = “male prostitute”. Expressly prohibited later (Deu 23:17).
37 years after the end of Chapter 26, the parents continue to play favorites, and the conflict between the twins continues unabated. (Isaac is 137, Jacob/Esau 77). Ultimately, Isaac's faith (Heb 11:20) overcomes his flesh.
27:1 Isaac's flesh - " my son". Note lack of sight.
2-4 - Isaac was to live 43 more years
5-6 - Rebekah's flesh " her son".
7-10 - Rebekah's plot described.
11, 12 - Jacob unconcerned with deception, only detection
13, 14 - Rebekah reassures. Jacob obeys.
15-17 - Rebekah's plot initiated.
18 - Isaac is immediately confused, doubtful
19 - Jacob lies.
20 - Isaac questions. Jacob lies.
21 - saac's flesh
22, 23 - Isaac's faith begins to overcome (Ro 10:17)
24, 25 - Isaac's flesh is satisfied
26-29 - Isaac's faith wins out (Heb 11:20)
30 - With divine timing, Jacob leaves, Esau arrives
31, 32 - Isaac repeats v. 18
33 - Isaac fears Esau's reaction
34 - Esau reacts
35 - Isaac points the finger
36 - Esau blames Jacob (“took away”), wants to change the rules (Jn 3:18, Jn 14:6, Mt 7:21-23)
37-39 - Esau reacts (Lk 13:28)
40 - Prophecy (2 Ki 8:20-22) from Gen 25:23
41 - Esau vows vengeance
42 - Rebekah
43-45 - “a few days” becomes 20 years
46 - BOTH parents finally come together
The Family Is Divided, Esau Has Two Canaanite Wives, Jacob Is Childless and Womanless At Age 77. God Separates Jacob from Rebekah, ( his god Gen 27:8,13)
As Abraham (had to be separated from his father), Isaiah (from King Uzziah),and Joseph (from Jacob himself).
28:1-5 Isaac blesses and charges Jacob, instructing, him to marry a cousin. ( Mother's brother's daughter). Jacob continues Isaac's retracing of Abraham's steps .
6-9 - As Jacob leaves, Esau (heart unchanged) seeks to please his parents by going to his father's brother to obtain his third wife.
10- Jacob approaches Haran (Gen 12:1-4)
11, 12 - Jacob sleeps and dreams (as his Son, Joseph, would later dream)
"ladder" = "stairway"
13 - "above" = "beside" (God to the left of Christ)
God repeats HIS UNCONDITIONAL promises of Gen 13:15 and 26:3
14 - "all" Not just the Israelites
15 - Covenant Grace
16,17 - Jacob recognizes God's presence AND his own unworthiness. (Is 6:5)
"dreadful" = worthy of reverence; awesome
18 - Anointing BEFORE the Law
19 - "Beth-el" = “House of El”
20, 21 - 1st recorded vow in Scripture
This vow + v.15 = Mt 6:25-34
22 - Tithing continues BEFORE the Law
Satan steps up strife. God uses it to return Jacob to Bethel (in Canaan). Jacob has 11 sons (only 1 daughter named ) in 14 years and serves Laban 6 additional years.
30:1-8 - Barren Rachel, like Sarah (Gen 16:1-5) gives her husband her handmaid, Bilhah, to her husband to bear children.
9-13 - Leah retaliates .
14-16 - Jacobs’ wives negotiate for his services.
17-21 - Leah bears Issachar, Zebulun, and Dinah.
22-24 - Rachel finally bears her first son, Joseph.
25-43 - Jacob negotiates with Laban. God prospers Jacob.
31:1, 2 - Laban’s envious sons influence their father.
3 - God intercedes to abort Satan’s efforts.
3-13 - Jacob informs his wives.
14-16 - The wives decide that following God’s instruction is in their economic best interest.
17-19 - As Jacob prepares to leave, Rachel steals IDOLS from her father.
20-23 - Jacob steals away. Laban pursues.
24 - God intercedes. Speaks to Laban.
25-29 - Laban questions Jacob. Note "MY GODS"
31-33 - Jacob protests. Laban searches.
34-36 - Rachel deceives. Jacob gets angry.
37-42 - Jacob vents his anger.
43-44 - Laban suggests a covenant
45-53 - The covenant is struck.
“His brethren” after the covenant (v.23). Laban returns.
Jacob is now 97 years old, going back home."Jacob" becomes "Israel", meets up with Esau. Rachel dies.
32:1-8 - Jacob dreads his encounter with his twin .
9-23 - Jacob PRAYS and PLANS
24-32 - Jacob wrestles with God
33:1-16 - The brothers meet and split.
18-20 - Jacob comes to the land of the Hivites
34:1,2 - Young Dinah (14) is raped by Shechem
3-5 - Shechem proposes marriage, Jacob is cool.
6, 7 - Hamor arrives, Jacob’s sons are not cool.
8-19 - The plan is set
20-29 - The plan is carried out
30, 31 - Jacob is unhappy, his sons are unrepentant .
35:1 - God instructs Jacob
2-4 - Jacob removes al l idols
5-15 - The family travels to Bethel
16-19 - Rachel dies in childbirth. The 12th patriarch is born.
21, 22 - Reuben loses his birthright. Compare Ham Gen 9:22
23-26 - Genealogy
27-29 - Isaac (180) dies. The twins bury him together, at age 120.
36:10-12 The Amalekites descend from Esau
35 - Edomites slay Midian, Abraham’s son by Keturah
Outside of God’s will, Esau marries 2 Canaanite wives and becomes the grandfather of Amalek. 700 years later, Saul is ordered to destroy the Amalekites and disobeys. Over 500 years later, an Amalekite almost succeeds in ending the bloodline to Christ. (Detailed in the Book of Esther).
37:1-11 - Joseph thoroughly antagonizes his brothers. His father, though disturbed, recognizes the prophetic dream.
12-14- Israel sends Joseph to his brothers
15-17- God ensures that the finds them.
21-24- Reuben intercedes
25-36- Joseph sold to his "cousins"
see Judges 8:24
Note that the last verse of Chapter 37 connects DIRECTLY to the 1st verse of Chapter 39. The "interruption" is inexplicable if one does not perceive Satan's assault on the bloodline of Jesus as the true subject. If Judah dies childless, OR if Joseph is not sold into slavery to prevent his family (including Judah) from starving to death, then Our Savior would not have been born. The placement of Gen 38 within Joseph's story is compelling evidence of the Holy Spirit's focus on the spiritual warfare against "the seed of the Woman."
38:1-2 - Judah's forbidden marriage
3-5- 3 sons unsuitable for the bloodline
6- God selects Tamar
7-13- Satan succeeds. Tamar is childless. Judah's wife dies.
14-30- Satan, full of arrogance and excess, promotes incest. God uses evil for good.
Compare to Bathsheba's double representation.
“From The Pit, To The Prison, To The Palace”
Omniscient God Prepares And Positions Joseph 20 Years Before Satan's Great Assault (Famine) On the Bloodline, BUT The Plan Requires OBEDIENCE.
39 : 1-5 - Joseph Serves (Eph 6:5-8)
6-10- Joseph Tested Repeatedly By Potiphar's (unnamed ) Wife (Jas 1:13,14)
11-12- Joseph Flees From Evil (1 Co 6:18)
13-20- Falsely Accused, Joseph Is Imprisoned, But Not Executed, (Ps 105:8-15)
21-23- Satan appears to have victory, BUT GOD IS IN CONTROL.
40:1-4 - God sets up Joseph's release.
5-7- Joseph's compassion aids the plan.
8 - Joseph offers help.
9-13- The cupbearer's dream. PROPHECY.
14, 15- Joseph's REQUEST.
16-19- The Baker's dream. PROPHECY.
23 REQUEST delayed , not denied.
41 - TWO Years Later, THIRTEEN Years After Being Sold, Joseph Is Now 30 years old.
1-14- Pharaoh DREAMS
- Cupbearer REMEMBERS
- Joseph RELEASED (Delivered) n 3:15 Eph 6:10-13 Gen
The Israelites Arrive In Egypt. Satan Zeroes In On The Tribe Of Judah
41:53-57 - Joseph is 37. The Famine Begins.
42:1-3 - 2nd year of famine. Joseph now 39.
5-8- After 22 years, Joseph is not recognized.
43:1, 2 - A year later, they return to Egypt
19-34- Joseph communes with his brothers.
44:1-3 - Joseph's Plan
4-15- The return
16-34- Judah's confession spurs Joseph's forgiveness.
45:1-6 - Joseph explains
7, 8- Joseph articulates God's purpose
17-21- Pharaoh's commandment
25-28- Jacob prepares to leave
46:1-7 - Jacob/Israel seeks Godly counsel. (note v.13)
47:11-27 - God's prophecy and plan unfolds as Joseph enriches and empowers the eventual oppressor with wealth that God would return at the Exodus.
48:8-22 - Once again, God bypasses the natural firstborn. Jacob also bestows upon Joseph the double portion of the firstborn. (1 Ch 5:1, 2)
49:1-2, 8-10 - Though Joseph is firstborn, Judah is designated for the Messiah's bloodline. The Adversary now has his target. Gen 3:15 Eph 6:10-13 Gen 12:9,10
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