The Deity Of Christ
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Jn 1:1
Jesus As God - No Temptation In The Wilderness, No Agony In The Garden, No Genealogy, No Transfiguration
There are 8 (# of resurrection, new beginning) “SIGNS” (of Deity), not MIRACLES. 7 during His earthly ministry, 1 after His resurrection.
There are
7 (#of spiritual perfection)
“I am...” metaphors in the Book of John occurring a total of
14 times -
2 (#of conclusive agreement) x
7 .
· “...the
of life...” -
· “...the
of the world...” -
· “...the
of the Sheep...” -
· “...the
Good Shepherd
...” -
· “...the
and the
...” -
· “...the true and living
...” -
· “...the true
...” -
There are 9 (#of judgment) occurrences of “I am” (Gr.“ego eimi”) the equivalent of Ex 3:14 “I AM” (Heb. “`ehyeh”). They are grouped as 2 (agreement) and 7 (perfection). The first 2 ( 4:26 to the woman at the well and 6:20 to His disciples ) are separated from the 7 by the statement to the Pharisees in 8:23 “...I am from above...I am not of this world.” The first 2 are informational and heard and received as truth. The second 7 are emphatic declarations of Divinity and delivered in opposition to the evil one. They are found at 8:24 , 28 , 58 ; 13:19 ; 18:5 , 6 , 8 .
There are 25(5x5) (# of grace intensified) occurrences of “Verily, verily”(Gr. “Amen, amen”). The only single “Amen” in 21:25 is not in the text and should be omitted.
There are 25 occurrences of “truth” (Gr. “aletheia”).
There are only 7 incidents John records in common with the other 3 Gospels.
· The ministry of John the Baptist
· The last Supper
· The Anointing at Bethany
· The Feeding of the 5,000
· The Walking on the Sea
· The Crucifixion
· The Resurrection
There are no parables in the Book of John.Where the KJV reads “parable” in Jn 10:6
the Greek word is “ paroimia
”, the Septuagint word for “proverb” instead of “ parabole
” which occurs 50 times elsewhere but not once in John.
The number 8 is the Divine # of resurrection, regeneration and new beginnings. (Jesus, by gematria = 888)
Miracles are spoken of in the New Testament using three words:
dunamis= power
In the singular, power in the abstract; but in the plural it = mighty works, i.e. the manifestations of power. The word occurs 38 times in three of the four Gospels: 13 times in Matthew, and is rendered "power", or "powers" 5 times; "mighty works" 6 times; "wonderful works" once ( 7:22
), and once "ability" ( 25:15
). It occurs ten times in Mark; and is rendered "virtue" once ( 5:30
); "mighty works" 3 times; "power, or "powers" 5 times; and "miracle" once ( 9:39
). In Luke it occurs 15 times, and is rendered "power" or "powers", 11 times; "virtue" twice; "mighty works" twice. In John it does not occur at all.
2. teras= a wonder.
This word has regard to the effect produced on those who witnessed the mighty work. It is always translated "wonder", and occurs three times in three of the Gospels: Matt. 24:24
Mark 13:22
John 4:48
. Outside of the Gospels it occurs in Acts 2:19
Rom. 15:19
2 Cor. 12:12
2 Thess. 2:9
Heb. 2:4
. It does not occur in Luke's Gospel; and only once in Matthew, Mark and John . The rendering "miracle" should be limited to this word,
3. semeion
= a sign.
This word has regard to the significance of the work wrought, whether in itself, or in the reason, object, design, and teaching intended to be conveyed by it. It occurs in the Gospels 48 times: 13 times in Matt.; 7 times in Mark; 11 times in Luke; and is rendered "miracle" only once ( Lk 23:8
). In John it occurs 17 times, and is quite wrongly rendered "miracle" 13 times, and "sign" only 4 times( 2:18
) . No other word is used for a "miracle" in John, except in 4:48(see 2 above). It should have been rendered "sign" throughout, because it has regard to that which is signified
by the work wrought. Out of all the miracles wrought by the Lord, John records only eight; and these are all "signs", not "wonders" or "mighty works".
The English word "miracle" is from the Latin word miraculum, which means "a wonder", and should therefore be confined to the rendering of teras (No. 2) above, and not used for either dunamis (No. 1), or semeion (No. 3).
- All three of these words occur in one verse ( Heb. 2:4
): "God also bearing (them) witness by signs (semeion), both with wonders (teras) and various mighty works (dunamis), and distributions of the Holy Ghost (pneuma hagion), according to His own will".
- Of the first sign we read, "This beginning of the signs" ( Jn 2:11 ); and of the second, "This is again a second sign" ( 4:54 ). The first sign is called "the beginning", and the next is called the "second", to highlight the enumeration, and thus lead to understanding the signification of each. Hence these eight have been Divinely selected for their special signification. Like all the other words and works of God, their order is perfect as well as all else connected with them. They are arranged so as to tell us that the historical order in which they were wrought must relate to the literary order in which they are recorded. The first corresponds with the eighth; the second corresponds with the seventh; the third with the sixth; and the fourth with the fifth. Thus there are four pairs; the latter sign and signification in each pair is always an advance on the former: so that, while the former deals with what is preliminary and partial, it leads up to the latter corresponding sign, which is permanent and final.
They all manifest ISRAEL'S need, and condition of helplessness and death; and MESSIAH'S glory, and His ability to meet that need and restore Israel's lost condition. Messiah was baptized and anointed by the Holy Ghost "that He might be manifested unto Israel" ( John 1:31 ). It "manifested forth His glory" ( Jn 2:11 ). This is the signification of the whole eight.
The signification is the same in each case, as to Messiah. In the first He "manifested forth His glory" ( 2:11 ); in the eighth He "manifested Himself" ( 21:14 , note the same word in each): as to Israel, it was to manifest the depth of the nation's destitution. He alone could supply that need by becoming "the glory of His People Israel" ( Luke 2:32 ). Apart from Messiah, Israel could have no joy, no supplies, no blessing, no glory.
If in the first and eighth the signification was national destitution of all good, in the second and seventh it is destitution of national life. The "sign" in each case was connected with death; and, as in all the other pairs, the latter is an advance upon the former: so here, the son is at the point of death ( 4:47 ) in the death chamber, the brother is actually dead and in the tomb. The former took place during the first period of our Lord's ministry, which was the proclamation of the kingdom, when the nation was at the point of death, though not actually dead, but in the latter case the "sign" was given in the third period when the King had been already rejected ( 10:39 ; 11:8 , 53 ; 12:10 ), and national life was (in God's sight) practically dead. The nation's only hope was in Messiah, the great Life-giver. He would raise it again from the dead, according to Ezek. 37. There is a reference here to Hos. 13:14.
In both these two "signs" the condition of Israel is "manifested" in another phrase, as being of long standing and hopelessness ( 5:5 ; 9:1 ); and Messiah is manifested in His grace as the only Helper and Healer. In both cases, Messiah is the Seeker ( 5:6 ; 9:1), and takes the initiative; while in both the preceding pairs He was the One Who was sought.
Both "signs" were manifested in Jerusalem ( 5:1 and 8:50 with 9:1 ), and thus have special reference to Government and its seat. Both are associated with a pool ( 5:2 and 9:7 , 11 ), and signify that Pool of spiritual cleansing which in a future day is yet to be "opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness" ( Zech. 13:1 ). In connection with this it is significant that these two "signs" are the only two out of all the eight that have any reference to sin ( 5:14 and 9:2 , 24 , 25 , 34 ), as the second and seventh are the only two connected with death. Sin had been the cause, in the case of Israel , both of impotence and the blindness. It was the cause of Israel's thirty-eight years' helpless wandering before the nation entered into rest; as it was the cause of the suffering of this impotent man, before he met with the great and only Giver of Rest. This rest is emphasized by the reference to a "Sabbath-Day" ( 5:9 and 9:14 ) and by the "sign" that Messiah (the true Joshua) can alone lead them into that true rest and sabbath-keeping that yet remains for Jehovah's People ( Heb. 4:4-10 ). Messiah is Himself not only the Seeker( 5:6 ; and 9:1 ), but He is also the Finder( 5:14 and 9:35 ).
These are the two central "signs", and are emphasized by being the only "signs" which are recorded in the other three Gospels; thus implying that all four Gospels are needed in order to give us their full signification. Both "signs" are followed by the Lord's own signification in the discourses which manifested the special glory of His Deity. The two "signs" are connected together by the parenthesis of 6:23 , which shows that the signification is one, manifesting Messiah as Divine. In the former, as the Creator and the only Supplier of all His People's needs; temporal as in 6:6-13 , and spiritual as in 6:32-51. In the latter, as the Creator and Lord of the elements.
The discourse which follows is to signify the enormity of the sin of His rejection, as shown in 7:1 , 11 , 12 , 25 , 30 , 32 , 43 , 44 , 45 ; as the second and seventh are the only two connected with death. Thus, these two central "signs" manifest the two central truths which are common to all the four Gospels: the glory of the Messiah and His rejection by the nation. They were connected by His departing from them, and going up into a mountain ( 6:3 and 6:15 ), signifying that He was about to depart from them, until His return from heaven on the repentance of the nation.
As to the eight "signs" as a whole, they are divided into seven and one; the seven taking place during the ministry of our Lord; and the one (the eighth) after His resurrection; the number eight being indicative of that fact, having taken place “after eight days” ( Jn 20:26 ). The seven are divided into two, three, and two; the first two occurred in the first period of His ministry, which was the proclamation of the Kingdom. The next three(the third, fourth, and fifth) during the second period of His ministry, which was the manifestation of His Person as Jehovah-Ropheka, the Healer of His People; Jehovah-Ro'i, and Jehovah-Jireh, the Supplier of all His People's needs; and Jehovah the Creator of heaven and earth, the sea and all they signify. The next two(the sixth and seventh) occurred during the third period of His ministry, the period of His rejection, manifesting the enormity of their sin, in the rejection of Him Who is the Restorer of His People's sight, and the Lord and Giver of life. Both were prophetic with reference to His rejection. The eighth stands out alone, in this connection; occurring as it does in the Post-resurrection period, and referring to the future gathering of Israel by the rejected Messiah, Who is seen as the Seeker, the Finder, and the Gatherer of His scattered People, Israel.
JOHN = “Jehovah shows favor” or “The grace of Jehovah”
1:1 - “In the beginning…” (Occurs 4 times in N.T. - Jn 1:1,2 Ac 11:15 (of ministry); Phil 4:15 (the proclamation of the gospel)) - Ties to Genesis but Creation is not referenced until v. 3. This is the beginning of the ages (Gr."aions"). See Heb 1:2 and 11:3 where the “aions” were prepared by Him (Logos).
-“… with God…" (pros) for proximity, closeness “God”= Gr. “Theos” (no article) The infinite, immutable presence and glory of God
2-“The same” - Divine title, should be capitalized
Hebrew = “attah hu” Gr. = “ho autos”
3- "All things…" - Even the tiniest details. UNDERSTAND Col 1:15-18 (note the two "firstborn"s)
“by” = “through” (Gr.“dia”)
…”without Him…” - Apart from Him
“…not anything…” - Not even one thing
“…was made…” - Came into being (even Satan) Eze 28:13
4- “In Him” - the Word as the actual “fountain of life” - See Ps 36:9 and 1 Jn 5:11,12.
“Life” (Gr. “Zoe”) - Life in every sense, including eternal. The opposite of death. “Bios” = life as led by man (as “ bio graphy”). Zoology applies to all life, not just human.
5- “shineth” = Gr. “phiano” - To shine forth and be seen, i.e., to provide light. Note Mt 5:16 ; Lk 8:16 , 11:33
“darkness” = THE darkness
“comprehended”=Gr. “katalambano”=“took down” (overcome, seize, possess), or “overtook”
6 - “was” = arose
“sent” = Gr. “apostello”, hence John was an apostle
7- The statement of John the Baptist’s MINISTRY. To be a witness AND to bear witness. Note “all” and “every man” (v. 9).
8- Restatement for emphasis.
“that” = “THE” - See vv. 19-23.
9- “…every man…” = Without distinction, AND not collectively, but individually. The Son shines on all.
10- Ties back to v.1 to complete introduction AND carries us back to the time of the events in this Gospel.
“was made” = “came into being”
11- “..unto His own…” - What belonged to Him – The Throne of David
“…His own…” - His people, collectively
12- “…as many…” - His people, individually "sons" = children
13- “of blood” - would include artificial, asexual reproduction
“will of flesh” - would include normal reproduction
“will of man” - would include cloning
14- See Rev 21:3
“was made” = “became” Phil 2:6-8 Heb 2:9
“dwelt” = “tabernacled” (temporarily housed in flesh)
“glory” = Gr. “doxa” = The Shekinah Lk 9:28-33
“as of” = “exactly like”
“of (the Father)” = Gr.“para” = “ (sent) from beside (the Father)”
“grace and truth” = the essence of God Ps 40:10,11
15- “after me” - Later in ministry
“preferred before me” = “existed before me”, though 6 months younger
“was before me” = first in time and priority
Ends quote from John the Baptist
16- “And” should be “For”
“grace for grace” = grace in place of grace, continuously. Grace is succeeded by more grace new and fresh .
17- The law is a pattern. Jesus is the personification. His life and death the manifestation. Heb Chapter 9 - 10:10
18- “…in the bosom” - see v.1 “with”
“declared” = Gr. “exegeomai” (from which we get "exegesis" to expand) = “revealed”, “made known by expounding”
Next: Like the first 7 days of Genesis were described, so are the first 7 days of Jesus’ earthly ministry .
19, 20 -"record" = witness
“Jews” - not “Israel”. Known in this Gospel by the name given by the Gentiles due to their rejection of the Messiah. In this case, the high priests.
“confessed...denied not...confessed” - For emphasis.
“Christ” = Messiah (all occurrences in this Gospel)
21 - John says who he isn’t.
“Elias” - Mal 4:5, 6 “that (the) prophet” - Deu 18:18
2 2, 23 - John says who he is by quoting Isa 40:3 . See Lk 3:15-18
24, 25 -Frames v. 19 WHO? Question becomes WHY?
The Pharisees view of baptism was based on Ezekiel 36:25 .
26, 27 - v.10, v. 15
“W hose shoe’s…” see Jacob in Gen 32:10a.
28 - Location is right outside of Jericho
Day 2
29 - “…the Lamb of God” see Isa 53:4-7
IMPORTANT – “taketh away” = “takes on”
30 - vv. 15, 27 (3rd time “preferred before”)
31 - John answers "why" Mt 3:11
32-34 - John testifies see 1 Jn 1:1-3
Day 3
35 - Note that disciples of John became disciples of Jesus
- “two” - One being Andrew (v.40), the other being John who, as a characteristic of this Gospel, does not name himself.
36- v. 29 A sacrificial Lamb in general, the Passover Lamb in particular.
37 - Jn 10:4, 5 and Ps 94:14, 15
38 - Jesus asks what Mt 6:33 answers.
“Master” = “Teacher” (never addressed as “Jesus” by the disciples).
39 - “Come and see” should be “Ye shall see” a statement for all believers.
“tenth hour” = 4 P.M.
40 - 42 - “first” = Before John finds his brother James ( Mt 10:2 )
- Andrew immediately evangelizes. The omniscient One already knows Peter (see Lk 10:18 ) and gives him a new name. Is 62:2 Rev 2:17
Day 4
43 - 46 - “would” = “wanted to”
Philip follows despite being unaware of Jesus’ birthplace ( Jn 7:41, 42 ) or parentage.
“the son of Joseph” - Philip quotes a popular belief at that time.
Nathaniel is unaware of the concept of 1 Co 1 : 27-29
47- 48 - Omniscience
49 - Ro 10:10
50, 51 - Gen 28:12 Jesus Christ Himself is the “ladder” (“stairway” = Heb. “sullam”)
“Verily, verily”- The first of the 25 in this Gospel.
*8= new beginning, regeneration (Jesus, by gematria = 888)
Day 7
2:1 - “third day” – third day after Chapter 1
“marriage” = “marriage feast” usually lasting several days to a week.
Cana - 8 miles north of Nazareth
“…was there” = already there when He arrived
2- “called” = “invited”
“disciples” - six known at this point (Andrew, Simon, Philip, James, John, Nathanael).
3- “wanted” = lacked. They ran out of wine.
“mother of Jesus” - never "Mary" in this Gospel.
4- “Woman” = “Madam” an appropriate term of respect.
5- Last recorded words from Mary. A statement for all believers.
“servants” = Gr. “diakonos” (deacons), i.e., not bondservants, but free servants.
Note the Resurrection tie-in as Jesus brings a dead party back to life.
6- “six” - The number of man. One short of spiritual perfection
firkin = 7.75 gallons
9, 10- “was made” = “had become”. Not merely a change, but a re-creation.
“servants...knew” - God’s servants know what is not discerned by others. 1 Co 2:12-16
God’s way opposite of man’s. He saves the best for last and makes it last.
11- “beginning” – signifies the first of the eight.
“miracles” = “signs” See introduction to this Book.
“His glory” - the signification of the 8 signs.
“manifested” - The purpose of the sign
“believed” - The result. Note: It is possible to "follow" without believing. For the Jews this was the first miracle in 450 years (since Dan 6 when Daniel was 87 years old).
12- Jesus went down, but didn’t stay long.
13- Jesus comes up.
Note the “Jews” Passover, not the “Lord’s”. The former “feasts of Jehovah” ( Lev 23 ) had become an abomination to God. ( Isa 65:2-7 ; Mal 1:12-14 ).
14 - 16 -The first of 2 occurrences. Here, at the beginning, “ My Father’s house”.Later, ( Mt 21 , Mk 11 , Lk 19 ) “My house”.In Mt 23:38 , it became “your house”after His rejection. Similar to the feasts, and the “will worship” of Col 2:23 , much of what we do allegedly in the name of God, and even the “house” itself has nothing to do with Him.
(15) - “made a scourge...” = plaited a whip out of rush cords (Gr. “ schoinion” Only occ.) which were used for bedding animals and thus, at hand.
“drove them all...” - Both animals and sellers ( Note: “and” should be “both”)
“changers” = Gr. “kollubistes” Only occ. = Handlers of small coins (these were more like cashiers as opposed to the “changers” (Gr. “kermatistes” Only occ.) of v.14, part of an authorized class, functioning as brokers. Note “those” in v. 14. Sellers had to be “licensed”.
(16)- “merchandise” = Gr. “emporion” = “market place”, not the goods themselves nor the activity.
18- 1 Co 1:21, 22
19- Misquoted at His “trial” ( Mt 26:61 Mk 14:58 ) changing it to His action instead of theirs. Common to the unrighteous.
“raise it up” = Gr. “egeiro” = “rouse it from sleep”, i.e., death, hence resurrection. the meaning was not discernible to the Pharisees.
20- The temple had been completed that same year (26 A.D.) but was already corrupted.
21- Explained for us. The emphatic “He” contrasts to the emphatic “Thou” of v. 20.
22- Should be in parentheses. Note that His disciples “remembered..and...believed”. His enemies (v.19) remembered and perverted His words.
NOTE: An admonition for those whose objective is memorization of Scripture.
23 - 25 - Belief is individual. God knows all men and each man. (cp Jn 1:11,12 )
“His name” should be “Him” (emphatic)
(24)- “commit” = Gr. “pisteou” = “trust” Same word translated “believed in” (v.23) but here it is perfect tense indicating a continual state. ( Jer 17:5 ) - Jesus not caught up in fame, popularity or people-pleasing. (Contrast Aaron Ex 32:1-5 )
3:1 - “man” - connects to last word of 2:25.
- “Nicodemus” = “victorious among his people”. Tradition has him as one of the three richest in Jerusalem.
“ruler” - a member of the Sanhedrin
2- “by night” - He comes openly after the crucifixion. Jn 19:38-42
“Rabbi…” = “Thou art come from God as Teacher ” (no article)
3- “Verily, verily” - always double in John. Occurs 25 times in this Gospel.
- “again” should be “from above”
- “see” = perceive 1 Co 2:14 (IMPORTANT)
- “born” = “begotten” ( masc. verb meaning from the Father).
- “cannot” - Absolute. Here and v.5.
- “see” = “discern”
4- “born” - Nicodemus uses fem. verb, leading to his question
Note: His question is about himself (old), though he phrases it as a general question. See the question in Ac 16:30.
5- “of water and of the spirit” should be “spiritual water”. See Isa 12:3 and 1 Co 12:13.
“kingdom of God” - 2nd and last time in John
6 - “That” is neuter. Not restricted to humans, or even tangible things. It includes, among others, thoughts and words.
7 - “Marvel not...” - Despite your age and status, even you...”. The conditions of 3-5 are revealed to be non-exclusionary (whosoever).
8- IMPORTANT: “ wind” is Gr. “pneuma” and should be translated "Spirit" as it is everywhere else.
- “bloweth” = “breathes” “it listeth” = “He wills” (See Mt 11:27 )
- “the sound thereof” = “His voice”
- “so is...” - We are called/ chosen/ saved by the sovereign will and grace of God. See Gideon in Judges 6:15.
9, 10- Jesus’ response is not a question and is actually complimentary. “Art thou” should be “Thou art”. It is fundamental to all evangelism to set forth the need for salvation. Nicodemus’ status as “a master” (“ the teacher” was his official position (Gr. “didaskalos”)) was a potential stumbling block for him as it was for many of the Pharisees. Jesus is telling Nicodemus that “if even you don’t know these things” you should understand why I am “come from God” (v. 1).
- “ye” - plural. Refers to the teachers.
12- Ends quotation from Christ
13- Should be in parentheses through v.21. Written by John in this gospel after the events of the gospel, hence the past tense. The Son of Man was not in heaven at the time of the conversation with Nicodemus.
14- Nu 21:8, 9
- “must” = Gr. “deon” = “it was necessary for”
- “lifted up” - always includes the reference to the cross in this Gospel.
15- “whosoever” = “everyone who”
- “believeth in” - perfect tense, thus ongoing
NOT intellectual. To believe in involves surrender, trust and relinquishing one’s life. Gr. pisteuo = entrust
- “eternal” = “for the ages” same word translated “everlasting” in v. 16.
- “life” - refers back to John 1:4
We must understand why…
- Adam and Eve cast out of the garden Gen 3:16-24
- The Flood Gen 6:7,8
- The horrors under Nebuchadnezzar’s siege. See 2 Ki 6:26-30 Deut 28
God’s love involves us having choices. We often make the wrong choices despite God letting us know the consequences. God has contrasted the horrors of Hell with the glory and blessings of Heaven and gives us a choice. Deu 30:15-19 . He even tells us which choice to make (consider Ro 8:32 )
“... if I be lifted up...”
Pronouncement, Prophecy
2 Ki 18:1-5 (835 years later)
The recognition of God’s saving power eventually became worship of a symbolic object. Jesus did not liken Himself to the serpent , only the action . To focus on the physical cross is gross error ( Ro 1:1-4 ). The “heel bruising” is not our assurance - the Resurrection manifests the power.
Fulfillment Jn 12:31 Satan “cast out”. No longer going "to and fro" and "up and down" ( Job 1:7 ) in the earth . Confined, but not yet bound. Guarded by Michael, literally behind Jesus Christ. Bound in the bottomless pit during the millennial period ( Rev 20:1-3 ).
COMPARE Lk 24:36-40 to Rev 13:1-3 ("head" bruised)
COMPARE Eze 28:18, 19 to Rev 19:20 and 20:10
Jn 12:32 Jn 6:41-44 was earlier, before His hour had come (note "Now" in Jn 12:31 ). The Light draws men as a lighthouse draws a lost ship.
Jn 8:12 goes to Ac 26:12-18. HOWEVER, though the Light shines for all ... J n 3:19-21 explains why not all are saved.
17- Completes the thought begun in v. 14
- “condemn” = “judge” Ro 8:1-4
- “through Him” = the plan from Gen 3:15
19- Describes the choice itself as a process of judging. John 1:10-12
“ light”, “men”, and “darkness” are all preceded by "the"
20- Completes the thought in v. 19. Refers to an habitual state, not individual acts. ( Pr 28:1 ).
- “evil” = Gr. “phaulos” (plural) = that which is worthless. Jn 15:2
21- CONTRAST between v. 20 and v.21 ( Ac 26:24-26 ) ( 2 Sa 12:11, 12 )
22- “these things” see v. 10
- “baptized” - NOTE 4:2
23, 24- CAREFULLY - Review Mt 4:12-13 and Jn 4:3 to pinpoint the timing. Their last recorded personal encounter (Note v. 30 ).
25- “Then” = “Therefore”. As a result of the accord between John the Baptist and Jesus (see “also” v.23), the enemy, after failing in the wilderness, attempts to employ division, envy, and strife.
26- Those closest to John the Baptist, his own disciples, succumb to the enemy’s wiles and take the bait. (NOTE: "all men")…..BUT
27- John doesn’t! Envy is carnal( Gal 5:21 )
- “receive” = “take upon himself”. This is true of all gifts.
Heb 4:16 “obtain” should be “receive”. ( Ac 8:18-23 )
28- John rebukes by reminding. This is the principle of the frontlets ( Deu 6:6-9 ).
29- Should the “best man” be happy for the bridegroom, or envious ? John teaches.
30- God is not the author of confusion ( 1 Co 14:33 ).
Note the early church - 1 Co 1:11-17
- John succeeded by Christ Who was succeeded by The Comforter. Jn 16:7-11
31 - 35- John the Baptist continues to teach and effectively sums up the first three chapters.
36 - “wrath of God” Cp. Ro 1:28-32
4 - Direct continuation of Chapter 3. “When therefore…”
- Jesus, like John the Baptist, recognizes Satan’s attempt to engender strife (Note “baptized...more...than John”) and departs. He returns to Galilee, first time since day 4 ( Jn 1:43 )
4- True beginning of Chapter 4 “ And He must needs go through Samaria”
- “must needs” = “it was necessary” - geographically and spiritually
There is a plan and process for all mankind. Ro 8:29 Isa 53:1-12 Phil 2:5-8 Gen 15:13-17 Gen 45:4-8 Mk 10:30 Phil 3:10,11 Heb 2:9 1 Co 10:13
God calls us out of Egypt. We tend to return. ( 2 Pe 2:20-22 )
God directs us through Samaria. We don’t go. ( Jonah 1:1-3 )
5- “Then” = “therefore” because it was necessary.
WHERE? Gen 12:6, 7 ("Sichem" Abraham's first altar); Gen 33:18-20 (Jacob's altar); 48:21, 22 ("portion") AND Jos 24:32
6- IMPORTANT: In vv. 6 and 14 , “well” should be “fountain” or “spring”, the actual SOURCE of the water in the well (a RESOURCE visible to man)
- “sixth hour” = noon (not the normal time for drawing water), see Gen 24:11
7 - “woman” - representative of an entire nation (Eze 16:45,46)
(Go to vv 17, 18 - see 2 Ki 17:28-34 for the five husbands)
-“Give Me to drink” - The 1st of SEVEN times He speaks to her (vv. 7, 10, 13&14, 16, 17&18, 21-24, 26)
(The Lord begins with a request, closes with a declaration)
8- The absence of the disciples was necessary for the “personal relationship process”, not for food (see vv. 31-34)
9- More than a cultural matter. A matter of attitude and humility toward “sinners”.
An attribute of Deity. (Ps 8:4 1 Ti 1:15)
10- “the gift of God” = Gr. “dorea” Only occ. in the 4 Gospels. A reference to God’s Supreme Gift - His Son.
- First of 8 gifts in John (8 = Jesus’ #)
4:10 “living water”
10:11 “His life”
13:15 “an example”
14:16 “another Comforter”
14:27 “My peace”
17:8 “the words (which Thou gavest Me)” Teacher’s note: Spiritual things can be re-gifted without being given up.
17:14 “Thy word”
17:22 “the glory (which Thou gavest Me)”
Note no false modesty on the part of our Lord, only truth.
- “living” = Gr. “zao” = “perennial”, “unfailing”
11- The woman, like Nicodemus in Chapter 3, is still thinking on a physical, natural level and sees only the RESOURCE (the dug out well), not the SOURCE (the spring itself).
- “deep” - At that time approximately 150 feet deep with 15 feet of water, surrounded by ground so level that it was invisible to the unknowing.
The Lord informs the Samaritan woman of her needs rather than address her questions. He proceeds to make her aware of the state of her life and the need for salvation.
12- The woman is skeptical (but keeps listening)
- children and his “cattle” ( Gr. “thremma”) (Only occ. in Scripture) = those he raised up, i.e. beyond blood (flesh) relationships Gal 3:7-9, 26-29
13, 14- The 3rd statement from Jesus includes the essence of the Trinity providing the indwelling Holy Spirit. (Jn 1:33)
(13)- “Whosoever drinketh” = “Everyone who habitually drinks”
(14)- “whosoever drinketh” = “Anyone who may have drunk”, i.e., a single self-replenishing act. See Isa 12:1-3
15- The woman requests the living water, BUT at this point she’s only interested in making her natural life easier.
Ro 10:10-17 (note Isa 43:8)
16- Omniscient God elicits confession. (One is not saved simply by joining a church to make their life better).
17- The woman responds simply and truthfully. The Lord acknowledges her confession.
18 - The five Samaritan husbands(2 Ki 17:28-34). Compare Hosea 2.
19- Her understanding is not yet full.
- “perceive”= Gr. “theoreo” = physical seeing (origin of Eng. “theater”)
20- The enemy immediately throws in a stumbling block. IMPORTANT Mk 4:2-4, 15
- “this mountain” = Mt. Gerizim where the well is located. (based on Deut 27:12).
- “men ought” = “men must”
21- Omnipresent God dismisses the objection. The mission is to bring others to God - not your specific church!
- "Woman" - same as 2:4. The Lord addresses the Samaritan woman with the same respect as His mother.
22- Ac 17:22-34 … “of the Jews” - through the natural birth of Christ (Lk 2:25-32)
23- “cometh and now is” = is on the way already.
- “seeketh” - Note Heb 11:6
24- Eliminate the word “a” (God is not flesh. God is not material).
- Emphasize the word “must”. THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE STATEMENT!
25- Most important word is “know” not “heard” nor “think”
26- 7th utterance “I That” = “I am Who am”. Absolute declaration of deity. First of 9 in this Gospel.
The disciples return. The woman leaves. The people come.
27- With God in control, the disciples do not return until Jesus has finished witnessing. They do not question Him about His violation of Jewish law.
- “ the woman” should be “ a woman”. Rabbis were forbidden by the Talmud to speak to women, much less a Samaritan woman. Isa 55:6-11 reveals even this as a sign of Deity.
28- The woman leaves, and leaves something that is no longer important. (Lk 14:33)
- She has to go and tell it (Jn 1:40-42) (Jer 20:9).
29, 30- The new convert is already an effective evangelist. Othersseek Him, and leave Samaria to find Him.
31-33- The disciples remain puzzled ( But seek answers).
34 - IMPORTANT: ACTION + ACCOMPLISHMENT (Jn 19:30 = Ps 22:31) Jn 17:4 2 Ti 4:7
35- Not a question. “already” - see (4:21,23)
36- The “reaping” is “fruit” (not possible naturally). Sower / Reaper. Heb 11:13, 39-40)
37, 38- “other men” = Here, John the Baptist and Jesus. Deu 6:10, 11
39, 40- “MANY” Ro 10:17a
41, 42- “MANY MORE” Ro 10:17b 1 Th 5:21
- “KNOW”, not “THINK”
- “world” = Gr. “kosmos” all inclusive (Jews and Gentiles)
43- After the two days of v.40.
44- Refers back to Lk 4:16-30 (which precedes Jn:2)
45 - Now He returns (with a reputation) despite the negative experience.
46, 47 - “nobleman” = Gr. “basilikos” = “royal officer” a member of Herod’s court.
- Capernaum about 20 miles away
48- “signs” - Mt 12:39 1 Co 1:22
NOTE: O.T. and N.T. Hab 2:4 goes to (Ro 1:17, Gal 3:11, Heb 10:38)
REV 13:11-14
49- Faith is expressed.
50- Omnipresent God responds though physically 20 miles away.
51-54- “And” = “But already”
- “Yesterday” - His servants intercepted him about halfway through the 2 day trip.
- Faith gives over to knowledge. The saving power extends (“whole house”). Ac 16:22-34
After the 1st phase of His ministry serves to manifest His glory, the 2nd phase serves to proclaim Him as King. As always, the enemy responds, and the warfare escalates.
5:1 -“Up to Jerusalem” - literally. Jerusalem is 2,440 feet above sea level. By contrast, the Dead Sea has the lowest "elevation" on the face of the earth at 1300 feet below sea level.
2- “market” = “gate”. The sheep gate on the northern side of the temple. The sacrificial gate in the millennial temple through which the Lords grants entrance. (Ezekiel 44:4).
- “Bethesda” = “House of Kindness”
3- The world awaits deliverance. (Note: Only the Syriac text includes the words after “waiting” through v.4)
4- IMPORTANT: A legend of the people, not fact. God is not running a lottery, nor timing a sprint. Nor has His arm waxed short. To set up all the crippled people to race for a solitary prize is more the act of an exceptionally cruel school bully than God. The waters from the upper springs of Gihon were intermittent according to seasons of the year and annual precipitation, hence the words, “at a certain season” (“from time to time”). Water accumulates in a subterranean cave which, when full, empties into cracks in the rocks and is siphoned to the surface, causing the periodic “troubling”. The unpredictability of its timing led to legend. The name Gihon is from the Hebrew for “to gush forth”.
Mk 10:31 Ecc 9:11 Mt 20:1-16
5- The man represents Israel, as the woman at the well, also unnamed, represents Samaria.
- “38 years” = the time of Israel’s penal wandering (infirmity) from the time of Nu 14:35. See Deu 2:14
6- As at the well, Jesus speaks first. Here, and in the sixth sign (9:1-41) He initiates (See top notes). Why does He bother to ask this question? Because being made whole, i.e., saved, is a choice for all of us.
7- The impotence is more than physical. He has been convinced by man’s tradition that God’s blessings are limited and that he cannot be made whole. He is a lost sheep who is sought out by the Lord. Mt 10:5, 6 Lk 19:10
8 -The man is made whole by the word of the Lord. He is able to stand and walk on legs unused for 38 years. The impotent man discovers the truth of Ps 146:3
9- “that same...sabbath” - to distinguish from the weekly Sabbath, i.e. a high Sabbath. ...and the enemy is displeased .
10- “not lawful” - The man is in violation only of the Pharisees interpretation of Ex 20:8-10 and Jer 17:21, 22 which refer to “servile labor” (Lev 23:7, 8). The Rabbis, in the Talmud, made it unlawful to carry anything from a public place to a private place, or vice versa.
Curiosity, Jealousy, Disbelief mature into Hostility (1 Jn 3:11-13)
11- “the same” = “the one over there” (emphatic in the Greek).
- The man’s incomplete quote indicates how quickly we can forget our former state as we focus on the present.
12- The Pharisees ask Jesus answers in v. 17
13- The man who “had been healed” couldn’t point out Jesus Who had “conveyed Himself away” (= Gr. “ekneuo” Only occ. = “turned aside” as in avoiding a blow) by disappearing into the crowd.
14- Jesus issues an oft-repeated warning . Note: “worse thing” - Lk 9:57-62, 11:24-26; Mt 12:43-45.
15- The Pharisees get His name (from the healed man), but still don’t know Who He is. Note that the new “convert” still values the worldly relationship more (Mt 13:20-22). Evangelism is a phase of an overall process likened to seed planting in 1 Co 3:4-8.
16- Absurd, but true. The beginning of the road to Golgotha.
17- Jesus announces the New Covenant (Heb 1:2).
18- The two-edged sword cuts deeply.
- “sought to kill Him” - First of 3 attempts to kill our Lord for claiming Deity (8:58, 59; 10:30, 31).
19, 20- Jesus announces that His words and works are the Father’s. Vv. 19-47 are a complete disclosure to the Pharisees of His person and purpose. He is witnessing to them (Ac 26:26).
21- The Jews believed in resurrection power, so the shock was that Jesus claimed the same power.
22- Judgment is “given” to the Son. This is the authority (“exousia”) of Mt 28:18.
2 3 - A further statement of equality with God.
24- Jn 3:16 Ro 8:1-3.
- IMPORTANT: “passed from...” No intermediate step. Note 2 Co 5:8 AND 1 Th 4:16 where “in” should be “through” (Gr. “dia”).
25-“The hour” should be “An hour”.
- “now is” - His rejection could not assumed at this point.
NOTE: “Son of God” is always tied to resurrection in John. “Son of man” is tied to judgment.
26- Equality and authority.
- “hath He given” should be “gave”. This was done at the “beginning” (1:1, 4)
27 -See note on “Son of man” v.25.
28, 29- Proclamation of the Kingdom of Heaven and authority over life and death. See Eze 18:4.
30- Obedience. Denial of self. Submission to the will of God. THE PATTERN FOR ALL BELIEVERS. Phil 2:5-11
31-33- “I” = “I alone” (See Deu 19:15 2 Co 13:1 Mt 18:15, 16)
- “ye sent” (1:19-27)
34, 35- Not a biography of John the Baptist, but an evangelistic discourse with a specified objective (“that ye might be saved”).
36, 37- The ultimate witness. Recall v. 34a and note Heb 6:13.
- “to finish” - the duty of all servants.
38- The Word Himself(1:1, 2) delivers a statement which must be true.
39- “Search” = Gr. “ereunao” = to hunt, as a predator. Sometimes translated “believe” or “remember”
40- “will not” = “do not choose to”
- “might” = “may”
41- “honour” = Gr. “doxa” = “acceptance”, sometimes translated “praise”. Compare v. 34a.
42- See Jn 1:10-12
43- A hidden (at that time) prophecy 2 Th 2:3, 4 Rev 13:6-9
44- “God only” = “the only God” See Mt 6:1-8
45-47 - “Head” knowledge vs. “Heart” knowledge
The same scriptures which they ( mis )used to justify their persecution of Jesus, would be the basis of their own condemnation.
Matthew 23 - 8 “woe”s. Jesus is not condemning The Pharisees, He is in accord with 1 Ti 5:20.
Chapter 6 contains signs 4&5 (the middle signs of the 8). The only two signs recorded in the other three gospels. They are connected by verses 23-40 by Christ.
Jesus - Creator and Supplier of all needs temporal & spiritual. Creator and Lord of the elements.
1- 4- Time and setting.
- Teacher’s note: Tiberias, which still exists, was never visited by our Lord and thus never rejected Him. All the cities which rejected Him have perished.
- Again, “a feast of the Jews ”. Passover is significant because of His departures from the crowd, and their being fed by the “Passover Lamb.”
5- He addresses Philip, a local man (see 1:44), Bethsaida was a neighboring town.
6- When God asks a question, it’s not because He needs information (Gen 3:9, 11)
- “to prove” = “to test”
7- Philip looks to a resource (money)
8, 9- Andrew looks to a resource (people).
- Teacher’s note: “the lad” was a “baker boy” a “street vendor” still commonly seen with their baskets in the area. They were usually apprentices to bakers to learn the trade. He would naturally approach a crowd. It was not his lunch (which he would have eaten at home and, if not, certainly would have carried in a sack instead of a basket) as many like to say. Hence, Philip’s reference to money and Andrew noticing the lad with the basket and how much he had left for sale.
10- The SOURCE supplies, abundantly, for over five thousand.
11- The people are fed by the Lord, spiritually and naturally, through the disciples, “as much as they would”.
12, 13- The Lord wastes nothing. One wicker hand basket ( bread only , representing His body) for each disciple to distribute. (In Mt 15:37 they are much larger baskets as in Ac 9:25).
14- The people proclaim Him a prophet (not The Messiah). Many today stop at that point.
15- “to make Him a king” - Spiritual warfare from the enemy, appealing to pride and people-pleasing. (Lk 4:5-7 and especially 1 Jn 2:16).
- Foreshadowing the Passover to come, Jesus leaves, only to mysteriously reappear later.
16, 17- As night approaches, the disciples leave in a large fishing boat (Gr. “ploion”)
18, 19- “...furlongs” - about 3 miles (midway through the trip).
- “see” = Gr. “thereo” = “gaze at a spectacle” Cp. English “theater”
- “afraid” - They did not recognize Him due to the darkness.
20, 21- “It is I” = “I am He”.
- “ be not afraid” - Precede with “therefore” to understand. This is an imperative statement, a command.
The storm and resulting fear engendered by the enemy don’t matter. 1 Jn 4:4.
22- “boat” = Gr. “ploiarion” = the small boat (dinghy) belonging to the fishing boat. Just as at the sepulchre, no one knows where He went - or how.
23 -“(Howbeit...)” - The word spreads from the 5000. NOTE: There are 21 of these parenthetical phrases in John (KJV). All are noteworthy.
24 -“took shipping” = “entered into the boats” (the boats mentioned in v.23)
25 -“...when did you get here?” - They assumed that they left before He did (v.22).
26 -The eighth “Verily, verily”. Jesus refers to those who attend church to fill a natural void.
27 -“meat” = Gr. “brosis” = “the act of eating”, not the food itself.
A referral to church experience without true worship (4:23, 24), hence the reference to “sealed” which is always about truth.
28 -The new convert will always think in terms of actions and self-righteousness.
29 -What God wants. The sole condition for salvation. See Ac 16:30, 31 for the same pairing of verses.
30 -The people, ready to accept Him as a prophet, stumble at His claim to Deity and ask for a sign.Note “ see and believe” in light of Heb 11:1.
The question itself is a sign of something. 1 Co 1:22; Mt 12:39
31 -Quoted from Ps78:24 (See Ex 16:15).
It was their belief at that time that the Messiah, like Moses, would cause manna to come down based on Ps 72:15,16. They were taught that it was a necessary sign of the Messiah.
32, 33 -Jesus corrects and instructs.
- “the world” - Once again, includes the Gentiles, though the hearers are still blinded to the “mystery”
34, 35- “I am...” - See intro for the 7 “I am...” metaphors in John.
- Jesus responds to the “evermore” with two emphatic uses of “never” (“in no wise at any time”).
36- The word “seen” is emphatic, referring to the request in v.30.
- “and” should be “yet”. Cp. Lk 16:30, 31.
37 - ALL= WHATEVER(Neutral and Singular in Greek) - All of creation is the Inheritance of the Son. (Col 1:16-20)
- “cast out” = “send away”. See Mt 14:15
38- 40 - Connected by “And”, these verses cannot be separated
(38)- The statement of purpose for Jesus Christ ( and all believers ). This is the mind of Christ referred to in Phil 2:5.
- “came down” should be “am come down”
(39) - Jn 17:12. Recognition of calling. The stewardship attached to all spiritual gifts. 1 Pe 4:10.
- “at the last day” - The coming of the Messiah at the end of the age.
(40)- God’s plan. Once again, note “every one” including the Gentiles.
- “seeth” - Note this is God’s will, not reality. (1 Ti 2:3, 4).
- “may” and “will” = “should”.
41, 42 -“then” = “therefore”
- IMPORTANT: “murmured” should be “were murmuring” and “said” should be “were saying”.
The Jews had stopped listening at v. 35 because of a common problem among the “religious” - A belief in a distant, theoretical God, instead of a loving Father.
The “we” is emphatic. The “he” is emphatic. Ironically, by their own words, they dismissed the idea that they could personally know God.
Those who murmur during the message don’t receive.
43 -A serious instruction from the Word. Note 1 Co 10:10.
44- A pointed restatementof v. 40 for the murmuring (non-listening). The last clause is repeated at the end of both verses.
- Those “drawn” is limited to those “given” in v.37. In Jn 12:32, the “all” is without exception. This “draw” is the same used in Rev 12:4. Used for a fisherman dragging a net (See Jn 21:8).
45- “written” - Isa 54:13 and Jer 31:34.
IMPORTANT: “...of God” = “...from God” - through the Holy Spirit, His gifts (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers) and through His wisdom (Jas 1:5-8).
Beware those who wrongly divide 1 Jn 2:27 (“ need not that any man teach you...”) to excuse themselves from Bible Study. It refers to man’s wisdom (Mt 15:9; 1 Co 1:19-21, 25, 2:12, 13). Proper instruction in the Word is “from God”. Never forget that Ro 8:8 applies to teaching (Jas 3:1).
“heard” = “understood” “learned” - the result of having heard.
46- “save” = “if not” Another Divine claim.
- “of” = Gr. “para” = “from beside”
47 -“hath” = “possesses” Establishes faith in Christ as the basis for salvation.
48- The 3 rd occurrence of 4 in this chapter. “that” should be “the”
49- “are dead” = “died”- In contrast to “life”. Note “Your fathers” (not Mine). Another easily overlooked statement of Deity.
50- “a man” = “any man”. Once again including the Gentiles.
51- Compare to 4:10, 14
- “this bread is my flesh, which is my body, which I will give up by death”.
52- “strove” = “were contending”. An escalation of the “murmuring” in v. 41. Their failure to recognize a figure of speech (or vice versa) is a common source of error.
53, 54- To “eat and drink” something was not only a common Hebraism for knowledge and enjoyment of something, but also exists in modern English as to say that a man “eats, sleeps and drinks sports”. Most importantly, when these two verses are aligned with vv. 47 and 48, it is clear that to eat and drink Christ is to believe in Him. See 1Co 12:13.
55- “meat and drink” required for natural life to sustain natural “flesh and blood”. Here it is spiritually reversed.
56- “dwelleth” = “abideth” Connected to Jn 15, we cannot separate salvation, abiding and fruitfulness. Each one requires the other two.
57, 58- “by” = “through”. Note “living Father” as well as living water and living bread. This is about life through resurrection as the only alternative to death. Repeated for emphasis of THE CHOICE (Deu 30:19).
59 - “said...taught” - “action...purpose”. Teaching is a purpose, not an activity.
The second phase of His ministry (The Proclamation of the King) ends. The third phase (The Rejection of the King) begins.
60- The disciples murmur (Compare to v. 41) (not the 12)
61- “you” is emphatic (“you too, as well as the Pharisees?”)
62- If you can’t handle the words, how about this?
63 - Sign of Deity- His words are spirit and life. Gen 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26, 29
64, 65- Sign of Deity- Omniscience, Sovereignty
66- Many of the disciples can’t handle the truth and defect (not the 12). This neither surprised nor disturbed Jesus, nor kept Him from making the statements. A message about ministerial priorities. Churches should not focus on bringing people in as “mission accomplished”. We must make disciplesin order to send forth apostles. Churches must have both “IN” and “OUT” doors. Jesus did not ask or encourage anyone to leave. Nor did He attempt to stop them. Mt 13:27-30 warns against attempting to identify and “weed out” the tares. It does not imply that they are to be accommodated. Some tares will separate themselves. Note 1 Co 7:15 for application of this principle.
Note “ first... then ” in Jas 3:17 and the fact that we often skip the “first” in order to satisfy the “then”. Truth may often be sacrificed for money, membership, friendship, etc. and very easily rationalized by “good” people. Mt 10:34 and Heb 4:12 describe the true nature of truth as a divider.
Preparation is characteristic of the Kingdom of God (Eph 6:15). Read Nu 4:1-3 and Nu 8:24 concerning a five year probationary period for the Levites serving in the temple. They began service at 25 but were not numbered until age 30 ((later changed by David to 20 (1 Chr 23:3, 24-27)). Note the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ also beginning at age 30. Also note 1 Sa 1:21-24; Judg 7:4-7 and most importantly, the warnings given by Jesus to some who desired to follow Him (Lk 9:57-62; 14:26-33).
67- Love offers choice.
68, 69- Only one real choice
- “…believe and are sure...”
70, 71- Compare to the “many” of v.66 Mt 20:16, 22:14
- (Note: Judas was the only non-Galilean of the twelve. Note the accuracy of Ac 1:11, 2:7 and 13:31)
7:1 - New subject, new time. The rejection of the King becomes active.
- “walked...would not walk” = “was walking...did not desire to walk”
- Jewry - any district populated almost exclusively by Jews
2- Once again the “Jews” feast, not the Lord’s.
3-5- His natural brethren reject Him (see Ac 26:26). Verse 5 supplies the inflection not possible with the printed words. The statements were those of haters and doubters. See Mt 4:3, 4; 26:67, 68; 27:39, 40. It is typically pride which makes us conform to such statements.
6- “Then” = “Therefore”. Explains v.1 and answers His brethren.
-“your time” (Mt 3:1, 2)
7- See Jn 3:19, 20
8-10- “Go...up” = Gr. “anabaino” = Go up as part of a caravan. Jesus went alone, later.
11- “sought” - Same word as v.1. A good reason for Jesus to travel separately.
-“he” - Emphatic in the Greek, meaning “that man”.
12, 13- The murmuring continues Mt 10:34-36.
- “openly” - Remember “by night” in Jn 3:2. For this reason, it is still important for those who evangelize to leave contact information.
14 - “midst” - The Feast of Tabernacles lasted 7 days.
- “taught” = “began to teach”
15- See Ac 4:13, Gal 1:11, 12, Jn 16:13
16- Spoke only the Father’s words - (7 times - John 7:16; 8:28, 47; 12:49; 14:10, 24; 17:8). See Isa 50:4 and 51:16.
17 - “If any one desires to do His will, he will come to know...”
18- 1 Co 1:19-31
19- “none of you...” - The actual reason for His incarnation.
- “to kill” - Ex 20:13
20- “Why would anyone bother to kill you?” Unbelief at every point. The crowds didn’t consider Him worthy of being murdered.
21, 22- Focusing on the healing at Bethesda, Jesus makes His point.
- “not because...” - Circumcision to Abraham before the Law (Gen 17:9-14). See Moses Ex 12:44, 48; Lev 12:3.
23, 24- “You can cut a part of the body, but I cannot heal an entire man?”
- “appearance” = “sight”
25- Compare to v. 20 “…of Jerusalem” = home of the Pharisees (see Mt 15:1)
- It was known “on the street” that they sought Jesus.
26- The Pharisees silence gives Jesus credibility with some.
27- But the Rabbis’ teaching (knowledge) collides with truth. They taught that He would come from Bethlehem and then be hidden in an unknown place.
- “whence He is” = “how He may come”
- Compare Jn 9:29.
28, 29- “You don’t know My Father. If you knew My Father, you would know Me.” (Jn 14:9)
30- “sought to take” = “were seeking to arrest”
- Why couldn’t they take Him? (Lk 24:13-16, Jn 8:59, 20:11-14)
31- Answers found through questions. Note “more” rather than alignment with Scripture. See Rev 13:13, 14.
32- The “leaders” send others to do their dirty work. Compare 1:19.
33, 34
- Jesus prophesies
35, 36- The natural minds do not understand (1 Co 2:14)
- “will he go” = “is he about to go”
37-39- “... the last day” (see Lev 23:34-36). Water from the Pool of Siloam was poured into a silver basin by the altar of burnt offering each of the first 7 days. This gave added impact to His words.
(37) - “drink” - See Rev 21:5, 6
(38) - “His belly” - Christ is the source of all spiritual blessing. See Isa 12:3 and Jas 1:17, 18
- “rivers of living water” from the Rock, The Temple Nu 20:11, Isa 55:1, 58:11, Eze 47:1
(39) - The interpretation is given to us. 1 Co 12:13. The Holy Spirit is the living water, i.e., no (eternal) life without It.
40-43- Those with “ears to hear” believe, but truth divides. Knowledge interferes with truth again.
- “a division” - 3 times in John (9:16, 10:19)
44- For the third time in this chapter
45- The ones sent in v.32 report back.
46-48- “rulers” = the Sanhedrin
- As usual, the Pharisees pose an ironic question by professing their unbelief.
49- They make an ironic statement.
50 -“one of them” - Nicodemus was a member of the Sanhedrin
51- The question is ignored for now. Later, the law will be twisted for their purpose.
52- The Pharisees make two errors. Not only concerning Jesus, but also Jonah (who was from Galilee (2 Ki 14:25) ((Gath-heper is 3 miles northeast of Nazareth)). They fail to take their own advice to “Search, and look.”
Note: Amos, Elijah, Elisha and Nahum (Capernaum means “village of Nahum”) were also from the immediate vicinity.
- The condition of the people. Connects directly to 8:1.
- continues Jn 7:53 - “Jesus” should be “But Jesus”
2 -“early” = “dawn” “into” = “unto” actually outdoors for the crowd
3, 4- Why here and now? Apparently, a setup designed to publicly (“in the midst”) humiliate the Lord. Note, “in the very act”.
5, 6- The words “that such” are critical to understanding the setup. The woman was married, yet the Law referenced was from Deu 22:24 and applied to a betrothed damsel , not a married woman (the reason that Joseph was minded to put Mary away privily in Mt 1:19). Furthermore, stoning required that the man also be stoned (Where was he since they were caught in the act?). Verse 5 was cleverly worded by the Pharisees to mislead Jesus. The words “that such” were the key to trapping Him. It is Nu 5:11-31 which applies to wives and required the woman to be brought for trial before the Lord (v.16), which they inadvertently did!The Pharisees had little chance to catch Jesus in error concerning the law, but, failing to recognize His omniscience, were certain that He had no way to know that the woman was another man’s wife. The fact that Jesus began to write immediately had to be connected to this, but the Bible’s silence on exactly what He wrote and how long He was writing means we don’t know. The Pharisees were wrong in either case, whether or not the adultery even occurred.
- “as though...” - He had, in fact, disregarded their clever misdirection.
7, 8- “a stone” = “the stone” A reference to the first large stone used to stun the victim of a stoning. See 2 Ch 28:8-11
- “again...” - Also unspecified.
9 -“they” - the scribes and Pharisees
- “heard”, not “saw” - A reference to what He said, not what He wrote.
- “convicted” - By the light shining on their motives (Jer 17:9, 10) and actions (Pr 6:27, Esther 7:10)
-“went out” - They retreat, but don’t leave (v.13).
-“eldest” = “elders” An orderly retreat as rank and file.
-“in the midst” - The woman is, as yet, unchanged.
10- Again, the Lord asks questions to make a point. He symbolically covers her entire life, from accusation to condemnation.
11- “Lord” = “Master” “thee” - The Lord does not condemn her . The sin is condemned, not the individual. He speaks as Judge.
12- Jesus continues to witness. “Then” = “Therefore”
-“the light of the world” Rev 21:21-25 Jn 1:4-9
- “have” - Not just see the light, but to possess it.
13- Note that the Pharisees don’t refute His truth, but establish a pattern. The hardened, unbelieving heart and ears do not seek truth. They will request proof, reject any proof as insufficient and, if all else fails, reject the Truth. See Mt 28:11-15.
14- The truth is its own witness (Heb 6:13). Though two or three witnesses establish truth (Deu 19:15, 2 Co 13:1), a single witness does not prove untruth. Jesus tells them they have no basis not to believe Him.
15- The Father speaks through the son (see 5:22). Note “judge” is present tense in this verse. The risen Christ will judge later.
16- “Full of grace and truth” as in Jn 1:14. He begins to explain to the Pharisees that if they want a second witness...
17- note “your” law - Deut 19:15
18- The final answer to v. 13. The Lord speaks. The Pharisees listen, but don’t hear. Jesus reveals that He is the I AM of Ex 3:13, 14
19- The Pharisees can’t grasp Jn 10:30
20 - “the treasury” - A 200 square foot section located in the Women’s Court surrounded by a series of columns (a colonnade). Inside were 13 trumpet-shaped, labeled receptacles. Nine were for legally required dues. Four were for voluntary contributions. Trumpets I and II were appropriated to the half-shekel Temple-tribute of the current and of the past year. Into Trumpet III those women who had to bring turtledoves for a burnt and a sin offering dropped their equivalent in money, which was removed daily and a corresponding number of turtledoves offered. This not only saved the labour of so many separate sacrifices, but spared the modesty of those who might not wish to have the occasion or the circumstances of their offering to be publicly known. Trumpet IV similarly received the value of the offerings of young pigeons. In Trumpet V contributions for the wood used in the Temple; in Trumpet VIfor the incense, and in Trumpet VII for the golden vessels for the ministry were deposited. If a man had put aside a certain sum for a sin offering, and any money was left over after its purchase, it went into Trumpet VIII. Similarly, Trumpets IX, X, XI, XII, and XIII were designated for what was left over from trespass offerings, offerings of birds, the offering of the Nazarite, of the cleansed leper, and voluntary offerings. By virtue of the labels the Lord could easily distinguish the contributions of the rich who cast in “of their abundance” from that of the poor widow who of her “penury” had given “all the living” that she had (Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4). There was also a special treasury chamber, into which periodically they carried the contents of the thirteen chests; and also , what was called “ a chamber of the silent,” where devout persons secretly deposited money, afterwards secretly employed for educating children of the pious poor .
- Why did Jesus teach there? Since women had restricted access in the temple and men could go anywhere, He could reach everyone (whosoever) in the Women’s Court.
- “laid hands...” = “arrested”
21, 22- “go my way” = “withdraw myself”
- “sins” should be “sin” The ultimate sin of rejecting the Lord (Jn 3:18)
23- 1 Co 15:45-50. “You are earthly, I am heavenly.”
24- An absolute assertion of Deity
25-27 -The natural man continues not to receive.
28 -Jesus refers to the crucifixion and repeats “I AM”. “When” and “then”, as 12:32, connecting the event with the effect. See Lk 23:42.
- “I only do and speak the things My Father taught Me.” See 7:16.
29- “with me” - Compare 20:21 where “send” = Gr. “pempo” = “send with an escort”
- “always” - place at the end of the sentence
30 - “As He spake” - contrast to v. 31, “continue” (“abide”)
- “Then”, “If”, “indeed”. Note the illustration in Mt 13:18-23. Even good ground needs time to “bear fruit” and “bring forth”.
32- Connect to v.36. He is truth. To know Him is to know the Father is to know the Word is to know the Truth.
33- “never in bondage” - Once again, gross error. These are those who believed “As He spake...” Not believers indeed, but the essence of Mt 13:18, 19.
34 - 12 th “verily, verily”. “committeth sin” = “practices sin as a way of life”
35, 36- Bondservants could be sold or set free by the master. Gal 4:1-7
37- Natural seed. “hath no place” = “cannot find entrance”
38- Spiritual seed. Eph 2:1-3
39- Natural man still not receiving. “Abraham’s children” - See Gal 3:7.
40 - “a Man” - the only time Jesus refers to Himself this way to contrast w/ v.44 where "murderer" means “ man slayer"
41- “do” = “are doing”. This is not an isolated event, but part of a process leading to Calvary.
42- Connect to v.19. “love” = “agapao”. “came” = “am here”
43- “understand” = “come to know” “hear” = “understand. “We’re not speaking the same language, so you can’t understand what I’m saying, nor what I’m talking about.”
44 -“of” = Gr. “ek” = “out of”, i.e., “begotten”
- “devil” = Gr. “diabolos” = “perjurer” - One who willfully swears falsely. One who voluntarily and knowingly violates an oath or a vow by swearing to what is untrue and/or omitting to do what is promised. Here referred to as “ THE PERJURER” as later in this verse “a lie” should be translated “ THE LIE”.
- IMPORTANT: “will do” should be “will to do”. The term “dead works” (Heb 6:1, 9:14) is defined here.
- “murderer” = Gr. “anthropoktonos” Only here and 1 John 3:15 = “manslayer” - Critical to specify “ from the beginning ” which must be from the beginning of the human race since it cannot precede the existence of man.
- “abode not” = “stood not”, i.e., “fell” Isa 14:12
- “no truth” - The reason for v. 43
45- The result. The essence of spiritual warfare 1 Jn 3:5-14.
- “And” should be “But” “tell you” = ‘speak”
46-48- “words” = Gr. “rhema” = “sayings”
- The Pharisees are resentful of being referred to as sinners and attempt to insult the One who witnessed to the Samaritan woman by calling Him a Samaritan. Typical of their exalted thinking. Lk 18:10-14
- “devil” = Gr. “daimonion” = “demon”
49, 50 -
The first “I” in both verses is emphatic to mean “I, unlike you”.
51 - “ see death” - The only occurrence of this phrase in the N.T. Its significance was lost on the Pharisees.
- “death” = Gr. “eis ton aiona” = “death for ever”. See 11:25
52- Again, the Pharisees misquote the Lord. A frequent occurrence and a tool of the enemy. See the misquoting of Psalm 91:11,12 by the devil in Lk 4:10,11.
53 -The predictable response. They accuse the Lord of exalting Himself. A complete perversion of Phil 2:8.
54 -“honour” = Gr. “doxazo” = “glorify”
55 -Humility does not entail denial of truth. The Lord never engages in false modesty. The Truth can only respond truthfully.
56- “rejoiced” = Gr. “agalliao” = “jumped for joy”
- My day” - the day of His coming
57- The natural response.
58- “was” = “came to exist”
- The third “I AM”, introduced by “Verily, verily’
- The murderous response with heavy stones from the still unfinished Temple. Note that “at” should be “upon”. This was not about throwing rocks at Him. Their intention was to stone Him to death. … but they have neither “ears that hear” nor “eyes that see” the Lord
9:1 - “passed by” connects to 8: 59
- “from his birth” (Gr. “genetes” Only occ.) Compare to 5:5 where a man ( the nation of Israel ) became crippled. This man ( another hidden “whosoever” which includes the Gentiles ) was born this way and thus required TWO STEPS (old / new covenant) for healing in v. 6 to represent salvation coming through the Jews to the Gentiles (4:22). Note the same phenomenon required to overcome the unbelief in Bethsaida (Mt 11:21, Mk 8:22-26). Not everyone is made whole all at once.
2- The disciples (not necessarily the twelve) mistake traditional teaching for truth.
3- They receive truth. The man’s blindness has a Divine purpose. Compare to Job 1:6-12
4, 5- Jn 3:21
- “no man can work”, i.e., the works referred to in the first clause. Apart from the Light, there are only dead works.
6 -“into the ground” = “into a crack in the ground”
- “anointed” = Gr. “ epi chrio” = “applied externally”, as a salve. Same as v.11. Compare to Rev 3:14-18.
7- “Go, wash”- The obedience /choice /faith required of the believer. Compare 2 Ki 5:9-14 “according to the saying of the man of God”.
- Pool of Siloam / Hezekiah’s Tunnel - Located near the Temple (Neh 3:15)
The pool of Siloam is fed by a conduit that is cut for a distance of 1,780 feet through solid rock, and which starts at the so-called Virgin's Spring (En-rogel). It was constructed because the Virgin's Spring is the only spring of fresh water in the immediate neighborhood of Jerusalem, and in time of siege it was important that, while the enemy should be deprived of access to it, its waters should be made available for those who were within the city. But the spring rose outside the walls, on the sloping cliff that overlooks the valley of Kidron. Accordingly, a long passage was excavated in the rock by King Hezekiah in 701 BC, by means of which the overflow of the spring was brought into Jerusalem; the spring itself was covered with masonry, so that it could be “sealed” in case of war to protect Jerusalem’s water source, the Gihon Spring, from the invading Assyrians (2 Chron. 32:2-4).
The course of the tunnel is serpentine, and the farther end near the pool of Siloam enlarges into a passage of considerable height. If the tunnel was straight it would have only needed to have been 1070 feet, or 40% shorter. Although the tunnel is far underground (about 131 feet), the slope of the tunnel is precise. The tunnel slopes at a steady 0.6% grade. Once inside the tunnel the head room within the tunnel varies considerably. The tunnel is always about as wide as a man’s shoulders. At the beginning of the tunnel the head room is pretty tight causing people to have to walk through it a bit hunched over. The last 160 feet of the tunnel, however, the ceiling soars up to 17 feet tall. Down this channel the waters of the spring rush to the pool whenever the sudden flow takes place. In autumn there is an interval of several days; in winter the sudden flow takes place sometimes twice a day. A natural siphon from an underground basin accounts for this flow. Hence, the name “Sent”because of the intermittent flow.
Near the exit of the tunnel, the British explorer Captain Charles Warren (who first rediscovered it in 1867) found an ancient Hebrew inscription describing the construction. The inscription on the rock records only the making of the tunnel - That it began at both ends, that the workmen heard the sound of the picks of the other party and were thus guided as they advanced, and that when they broke through they were only a few feet apart. The pool itself is an oblong tank, partly hewn out of the rock and partly built with masonry, about fifty-three feet long, eighteen feet wide, and nineteen feet deep. It was from Siloam that water was brought in a golden vessel to the Temple during the feast of Tabernacles.
Questions: How was Hezekiah’s Tunnel constructed without modern day equipment? How could two teams 131 feet underground, without GPS, meet in the middle connecting the two tunnels? How were the workers and subsequent users of the tunnel able to breathe oxygen? Why was the tunnel S-shaped and not straight? How were the workers able to maintain a precise 0.6% grade slope underground for 1,780 feet?
8, 9- The beginning of the effects of being made whole (saved) on others. The Lord’s interactions with the man frame his contacts with the neighbors(8-12), the Pharisees(13-17), his parents(18-23), the Phariseesagain (24-34), and the Lordagain (35-38).
- “neighbours...They which before” - Those who knew him and those who knew of him don’t trust their eyesight.
- “he (emphatic) said...” - Confession by mouth (Ro 10:10)
10, 11- See 1 Pe 3:14, 15
- The witness of personal testimony. See 4:29, 5:11
- “received sight” = Gr. “anablepo” = “looked up and saw”
12-14 - “And” should be “Now”, i.e., after 3PM
- As with the impotent man, a sabbath in Jerusalem putting Jesus in violation of the law by making the clay.
15-16- Once again, the Pharisees ask an ironic question.
- The 2nd of 3 “divisions” (7:43, 9:16, 10:19)
17- The natural man seeks what he wants to hear, regardless of truth (Pr 27:6). The reason truth divides.
-“prophet” - Compare 4:19
18, 19- The denial reaches epic proportions.
20-23- The truth divides parents from their son (Lk 12:51-53, Mic 7:6).
- “put out of the synagogue” = Gr. “aposunagogos” = “excommunicated”
24-27- Rejection continues (Jn 3:19). The (formerly) blind man strikes a nerve.
28, 29- Again, the Pharisees trip over their own tongues
- Compare Jn 7:27 with this statement.
30- A powerful confirmation of the Lord’s words. (Jn 8:19)
31-33- The blind man becomes a teacher to the Pharisees.
34- The Pharisees ignore Ps 8:2 and fall back on the comfort of tradition as truth resorting to insults and violence.
35- Jesus finds him and asks THE QUESTION (compare to 5:14). At this point, the man still considers Him “a prophet”.
36- “Who is He...” - See Heb 11:6.
37, 38- Ro 10:10
39- He came not to judge, but to allow judgment as the effect of His coming. See 12:47 for the object of His coming.
40- The Pharisees are indignant - “Surely we are not also blind, are we?”
41- Jas 3:1, 1 Jn 1:8-10
(Ezekiel 34) Ps 22( Death) The Good Shepherd ( v. 11)
(Heb 13:20) Ps 23( Resurrection) The Great Shepherd
(1 Pe 5:4) Ps 24( Glory) The Chief Shepherd
Jn 10:11-14
Gen 4:4 reads “And the Lord had respect unto Abel.” The first mention of
respect in the Bible.
It is good to be a shepherd; to care for a flock.
A good shepherd embodies faithfulness, compassion, guidance and protection.
A good shepherd treasures the innocence of a lamb and cares for it.
A good shepherd knows that sheep will stray and require direction, leadership and discipline.
A good shepherd walks before his flock, leading by his voice.
A good shepherd leads the mothers to and from the pasturage and carries the tender lambs in his arms.
A good shepherd sleeps in the field near his sheep in fair weather and leads them to drink when they thirst. He helps those that are lame and uses his crook to rescue them from dangerous places
A good shepherd individually names his flock and causes them to recognize his voice and respond to his call.
A good shepherd separates his sheep from the goats.
A good shepherd exposes himself to danger and protects against robbers and wolves. A good shepherd can triumph in battle with a mere slingshot. A hireling works for money and may quit or flee when trouble comes.
A good shepherd lays down his life to save his flock.
The GOOD SHEPHERD must become a Lamb Himself and thereby be called THE GREAT SHEPHERD Who will rise from the dead to care for His sheep.
when He comes again to lead His sheep to eternal pasture.
It is good to be a shepherd; to care for a flock.
- The 15th “verily, verily” of this Gospel
-“climbeth” - scales the fence
- “thief”- uses guile; “robber” uses violence
(Distinct words translated incorrectly many times.)
- “the” should be “a” (There are often many shepherds who have sheep in the same fold) (see “own” in v. 3)
3, 4- “hear” = to understand “leadeth” = not in the midst of or following - to keep sheep facing forward (see “before them” in v.4)
5- A false shepherd is shunned by sheep (not goats). (Pr 16:17) (1 Th 5:22)
6- Actually not a parable, but a proverb (Gr. “paroimia”). The word for parable (Gr. “parabole”) is never used in John.
7- “ THE” not “A”. THERE IS NO OTHER!!
- “door” = “gate” NOTE: “of” should be “for”, i.e., not the door of v.1 (for the entire fold), but only for the sheep.
8- Refers to false Messiahs, not the prophets who pointed to the Messiah.
- Here, “thieves and robbers” to indicate the enemy’s use of any method at his disposal.
9- “any man” Jn 3:16. Without the distinction in v.8, “any man” would include those who “climbeth up some other way” (v.1). It is important to understand that thieves and robbers may gain access to the fold.
10- thief - Not distinguished from the robber here because it deals with purpose, not method.
- Steal, Kill, Destroy (Mt 10:28) (Eze 18:4)
- “I am Come” = “I came” “life” See Jn 1:4
11 - “ giveth” = “layeth down”
12 - “hireling” = “hired servant”
- “catcheth” = same word translated “pluck” in vv. 28, 29
13 - “because he is an hireling” - All who are present in the fold are not similarly motivated.
14 - Reciprocal relationship (see 15:4)
15- Completes a set of 5 verses (the # of grace) foretelling the crucifixion. Verse 11 “giveth His life” to v.15 “lay down My life”.
16- Many folds must become one (Col 1:18). 2nd occurrence of “fold” in this verse should be “flock”. (Eph 4:4-6)
17- The 3rd mention of “laying down” His life in this chapter is now followed by a reference to resurrection (Jn 2:19)
18, 19- “No man” = Gr. “oudeis” = “no being” and thus includes the devil.
- The reference to divine authority (power) causes the third of the 3 divisions in John (7:43, 9:16).
20, 21- “devil” = “demon”. Still discussion material among academics to this day.
22- Now 2 ½ years into His ministry (winter), another feast, in the temple, with the Pharisees.
- The feast of the dedication (renewal) - Commemorating the cleansing of Ezra’s temple (after the defiling of Antiochus Epiphanes) on December 25, 164 B.C.
23- Solomon’s porch was an honored relic from Solomon’s temple.
24- “came about’ = “encircled”
- A question. Not seeking an answer, but an excuse.
25- “My Father’s name” used only twice by our Lord (5:43) another claim of Divine authority.
- Unseeing eyes
26, 27- Unhearing ears
28- “I” is emphatic in the Greek
29- Eliminate “man” and read “none is able”. Verse 12 lets us know the “wolf” is included.
30- “one” - Neuter gender (Gr. “hen”), not one person (Gr. “heis”). A single essence (See Rev 22:1, 3 where there is a single throne (God is all in all)).
31- See v. 10. Spiritual warfare waged through flesh.
32- “shewed” not“done” (as with teaching: purpose, not activity) (Jn 5:19,20)
- Another question from the Lord
33- Lev 24:16. Their own definition of blasphemy. What we say about ourselves is not blasphemy.)
34, 35- Note: Jesus includes the Psalms as part of the law.
- Jesus quotes Ps 82:6 (see Ex 22:9, 28 where “judges” = Heb. “ha elohim” = “ gods” as rendered in v. 28). The lowercase refers to power or authority (real or imaginary), not Deity.
- “broken” note the question of 1 Co 1:13
36 -The words “sanctified and sent” make His meaning clear.
- “sanctified, and sent” - true of every apostle (Ro 1:1)
37, 38- God’s works speak for themselves (Ps 19:1-4, 148:2-5)
- “the works of My Father” - not supposed miracles or magic (Rev 13:13, 14).
- “know” and “believe” - (There can be knowledge without trust, obedience, and surrender, the aspects of belief. 3:16)
- “ Me, and I in Him.” Jn 14:10, 11, 20; 17:11, 21
39- Another attempt to arrest Him disallowed by God.
It is now December. Jesus goes to Bethany (11:1), then to Ephraim (11:54). He returns to Jerusalem in April, 4 days before Passover.
40- Jesus goes to Bethany (Jn 1:28)
41- “no miracle” - Performance of miracles not required of a prophet. Understand Deu 13:1-3, 18:20-22.
42- “there” is emphatic as opposed to Jerusalem.
11:1 - “sick” same word translated “impotent” in Jn 5:3,7. A reference to the effect s of the illness.
- Lazarus = God helpeth. Same as Eleazar in O.T.
2- Looks ahead to Jn 12:3
3- “lovest” = “phileo” (brotherly love)
- “is sick” - “is worsening”
4- The explanation (see 9:3). The application of this verse (and Jas 1:2, 3) is lost on “stony place” Christians (Mt 13:20, 21) who allow trials to damage their relationship with God.
The instructions of 1 Th 5:18 and Phil 4:6-8 are spiritually inscribed on the shield of Eph 6:16.
- “sickness” = Gr. “astheneia” = “weakness”
- The glory of the Father and the Son are one and the same (10:30).
5- “loved” = “agapao” (agape love). Used only of God, and therefore another sign of deity.
6- Less than two miles away, Jesus remains “still”…. (Gr. “tote men emeinen” = “Then He indeed remained”)
7- THEN, moves.
8- The disciples fear for His safety. “of late” = “just now”
9, 10 -“day” = “daytime”
“the light of this world” - Naturally, the sun. Spiritually, The Son.
- Jn 1:4; 3:19-21
11- Omniscient Jesus knows that Lazarus is dead.
- “awake him out of sleep” = Gr. “exypnizo” Only occ. = “rouse him from sleep”
- Jesus performs a two-part miracle in Bethany.
12 -15 - The disciples don’t understand. Jesus explains (again) see v.4
- “shall do well” = Gr. “sozo” = “shall be saved”
- “is dead” = “died”, i.e., had been dead for some time.
16- Thomas (correctly) assumes Jesus’ death though unaware of the timing. (Compare Lk 22:31-33)
17-18- 4 days to confound Rabbinical teaching. They taught that the spirit wandered for 3 days seeking readmission to the body, then would give up and corruption would set in.
- 15 furlongs = 1 ¾ miles. Jesus waited purposely.
19- Some came to comfort, others to spy (v. 46)
20- Do not assume Mary was aware of His presence (vv. 28, 29).
- “met” = Gr. “hupantao” = “met quietly, or secretly”
21, 22- Martha expresses faith, but doesn’t understand 10:30.
- The word “ask” = Gr. “aiteo” and is used for our prayers (inferior to superior) but never when the Lord addresses the Father. In those instances the word is “erotao” as in 17:9.
23, 24- Jesus explains
25, 26- Jesus explains (again), witnesses, elicits confession. The “I am” is emphatic.
- “the resurrection” - same word used in Lk 2:34 by Simeon
27- Compare to Mt 16:13-17. Martha’s “I” is emphatic.
28-30- Note further delay to go get Mary and return.
31, 32- The mourners (still unaware of the Lord’s presence) follow Mary, who echoes Martha’s words.
IMPORTANT: 33 - EVERY time Jesus is moved with compassion He DOES something. Mercy requires action. Pity does not. (Lk 10:30-37)
34- Another question to initiate involvement in the blessing.
35- Shortest verse in the Bible. God has emotions...and empathy for the mourners.
36 – Even the unbelieving can be amazed by the depth of God’s love.
37- “And” should be “But”
- Even His supporters underestimate His power (Gen 18:14a) (Eph 3:20, 21) (2 Ki 13:15-19) (Nu 11:23) (Mal 3:10)
Human Condition - Overestimate ourselves. Underestimate God.
38 - “stone” - Used to keep out wildlife. Compare the sealing in of Daniel (Dan 6:17) and Jesus (Mt 27:62-66)
39-42- “Take...stone” - Always involved in our blessings.
- Even when God fights the battle, WE MUST SHOW UP! (2 Chr 20:15-23)
(Note where we dine in Ps 23:5a).
- 2nd longest prayer (after Jn 17) recorded from our Lord
43, 44- PART 2 of the miracle is the movement of the bound and blinded Lazarus.
- “Loose him….” More involvement
45, 46- “told” = informed. The sign and the increase in discipleship have the predictable effect.
47- The resurrection of Lazarus leads to formal declaration of war.
- The council (Sanhedrin) - 71 members. The high priest and 70 elders (based on Num 11:24) No “scribes”. The equivalent of a Supreme Court.
48- Note “our” - Neither the temple, nor the nation was “theirs”.
49 -“same year” – Caiaphas had been high priest for six months.
50-52- God sends prophecy as He chooses, through whom or what He chooses. Nu 22:20-31, 38
53- The decision triggered by the fear expressed in v. 48 and Satan’s humiliation
(1 Co 15:25-27 1 Jn 3:8)
54- Not fear, but prudence. Pr 22:3, 27:12
- Ephraim - 16 miles NE of Jerusalem.
55- “Jews passover” - (compare “feasts of the Lord” - Lev 23:4, 5 vs. Jn 5:1, 6:4, 7:2)
56, 57- The word is out
12 - Jn 19:31 “high (sabbath) day” was 15th of Nisan (Lev 23:4-7), NOT the weekly (Sat.) sabbath. Jn 12:1 starts on the 9th of Nisan (our Thursday sunset to Friday sunset). The supper takes place (12:2) on Saturday evening, the 10th, a Sabbath day.
1, 2- First of 3 suppers recorded this week. (Also Mt 26:6-13, Jn 13:1-20).
- “Lazarus” - Now so closely associated with Jesus that he (not the disciples) becomes a target.
3- Second of 3 anointings ( feet- here, Lk 7:36-38 (first); head- Mt 26:6, 7).
- “pound” = Gr. “litra” = 12 oz.
- “ointment...costly” - Spikenard noted for healing and calming and is primarily used today as an ingredient for incense. 2012 cost would be about $325.
4 -First manifestation of Judas as Satan’s tool.
- “should betray Him” = “was preparing to deliver Him up”
5- “three hundred pence” = about 10 British pounds, about $16 dollars American (2012).
When Satan is involved, even questions can be lies.
6- “bag” = Gr. “glossokomoa” = A small shepherd’s bag typically used to carry reeds and pipes for wind instruments. See 1 Sam 17:40 where David used his bag to carry stones. Here, the pouch was apparently sufficient to carry their donations.
7 - The ointment was dedicated unto the Lord as any other sacrifice.
8- Many opportunities to assist the poor. How many chances to anoint the Lord?
9- “Much people…knew” - IMPORTANT for v. 12
- Lazarus is a living epistle, a type for all believers. Delivered from death, manifesting the reflected glory of the Lord.
10, 11- Necessary to understand Mk 14:50-52. The war escalates as many defect from the Pharisees. The enemy becomes more desperate.
12-15- The 2nd of TWO entries into Jerusalem(Mt 21:1-17 a week earlier)
Read about The TWO entries MISCELLANEOUS
- “next day” = 11th of Nisan. 4 days before Passover. A Sunday.
- “Hosanna” = “Save Now” Ps 118:25, 26
- “King” = To the people, an earthly King to deliver them from Rome.
- “written” - Zec 9:9
16- Prophecy understood in retrospect Lk 24:5-8
17, 18- Many respond to eyewitness testimony as with the Samaritan woman (Jn 4:28-30)
19- Pharisees words. Satan’s thoughts.
20, 21 - “And” - Now the 12 th of Nisan (Sunday sunset to Monday sunset). 3 days before Passover.
- Some Greeks approach Philip (a Greek name). If any of them were from Gallilee, they may have known, or known of Phillip.
- “worship” - This would be in the outer Court, called the Court Of The Gentiles.
- “the feast” - These “Greeks” were proselytes, not foreign spectators. See Ex 12:48.
22- Disciples always in groups of 4. Philip finds Andrew’s group.
23- “glorified” - refers to His resurrection, not crucifixion.
24- 17th “Verily, verily” of 25
- “much fruit” = Isa 53:10 Heb 2:10 Gal 4:28
25, 26- “keep” = preserve Remember Phil 2:8
- “serve” - The same word used in v.2. To “wait on” the Lord has more than one meaning.
-“My Father” should be “The Father”
27- Gethsemane prayer is not a part of this Gospel, but feeling, emotion and sensitivity are not apart from Deity.
28, 29- Compare to Paul Ac 9:1-7 AND Ac 22:6-9
- “glorify...again” - Prior time in the wilderness with victory over Satan.
- “thundered” - They heard a sound but could not understand what was said.
- “for your sakes” Jn 3:16
31- Statement of victory (Gen 3:15). See Jn 16:7-11.
- “judgment” = Gr. “krisis” = the moment of decision, i.e., to accept or reject the Lord.
- “prince” = Gr. “archon” = “ruler” Also, “prince of the demons” (Mt 12:24, Mk 3:22) and “prince of the power of the air” (Eph 2:2).
32- “lifted up” - Physically and Spiritually. (“taken up” in Ac 1:9).
- “draw” - see the transition from 6:44
33- Another parenthetical explanation from John to emphasize the reference to the process of crucifixion.
34- “We have heard” should be “We heard” indicating a specific time. The usual reference is Ps 89:29, but Ps 92 (see title) would have been read 2 days earlier on the sabbath and it may refer to Ps 92:8.
- “this” - Emphatic. Not letting go of their concept of the Messiah, they assumed reference to a “second” Messiah to suffer, and the one to reign.
35, 36 - “come upon” = Gr. “katalambano” = “seize”. Evil is both active and powerful, it doesn’t just happen. Compare Jn 11:9, 10
37-40- ALL that occurred fulfilled prophecy, in this case Isa 53:1, 6:9, 10.
“could not” - Possible side effects of unbelief: Persistence in unbelief may result in spiritual blindness and deafness.
41- Note that Isaiah, like Abraham, was permitted by God to see the glory of what was to come. Heb 11:13
42, 43- A not uncommon statement about many “believers” and a frequently used door for the enemy. “praise” = “glory”
44, 45- Jn 10:30. At this point in His ministry, faith required recognizing Him as the bodily manifestation of the Father not an alternative or replacement. See 2 Co 5:16-19
46, 47 - Compare 8:12. This and Jn 3:16-21 eliminate any third option. There is only belief and unbelief.
48- “rejecteth” = Gr. “atheteo” - Often translated “despise”, it means to “count as nothing”. See Rev 20:12.
49-50- “...of Myself” - See 3:34, 7:16-18, 8:28, 14:10, 24, 17:8
“say” - What to talk about. “speak” - The words to use.
1- “feast” - On the 15 th , see Nu 28:17, hence “before”.
- “depart” = Gr. “metabaino” = “pass over from one place to another” “the end” = “the utmost” (Jn 15:13)
IMPORTANT: 2- “ended” = “set out”
- Washing preceded the meal. They are at the table, with food out, until Chapter 18. At this point (“now” = “already”), Judas is possessed by evil thought, later by the Evil One.
3, 4- “supper” = “supper table” (after all were seated)
- “garments” = Gr. “himation” (translated “robe” in 19:2) - an outer garment worn over a tunic (Gr. “chiton”); removed for working, and used as a cover for sleeping. A man was said to be “naked” when this garment was removed.
- “towel” = Gr. “lention” = a linen cloth
5-15- Explained in 12-17
(5, 6) - “wash” = Gr. “nipto” = to wash a part of the body
- Both “Thou” and “my” are emphatic.
(7-11)- “washed” = Gr. “louo” = “bathed” ( whole body ).
TEACHER’S NOTE: See Ex 30:17-21 where the laver in the tabernacle comes after the altar (Ex 30:1). The altar is for sinners . The laver (cleaning for worship) is for priests and must necessarily come after at-one-ment. Hence, the statement in v.8, “If I wash thee not, thou has no part with Me.” To have no part with Christ is to be disallowed access to the tabernacle and therefore to die. It is to come short of the “royal priesthood” of 1 Pe 2:5, 9. The washing was not symbolic, but essential to fulfillment of the Word. The “sent one” of v.16, after being washed (baptized), “needeth not save to wash his feet” (Isa 52:7 and Ro 10:15).
- “not all” - Excluding Judas Iscariot, whose heart was impure (v.2).
(12-15) - “Lord” - never addressed as “Jesus” by the disciples.
- “one another’s feet” - Phil 2:3
16- The 18 th “Verily, verily”
- “he that is sent” = Gr. “apostolos” (an apostle)
17- “happy are ye” - An easily overlooked beattitude.
18- The Lord’s 1st appeal to Judas to repent (Ps 41:9)
19, 20 - The objective of the foot washing.
21- The Lord’s 2nd appeal to Judas (Gen 3:9, 11)
22-24- Peter signals to John to find out which is the traitor.
- (“leaning on Jesus' bosom” = “sitting abreast of” i.e, “next to”)
25, 26- In John's hearing only! Non-verbal overture to Judas was a mark of honor towards a guest from the host. An appeal to the heart after 2 appeals to conscience.
IMPORTANT: 27- Insert “then” before “Satan”. The last rejection of the Lord hardened Judas’ heart sufficiently for Satan to enter. (Ro 1:28). ONLY usage of “Satan” in this gospel to highlight his personal battle with the Lord. As in the wilderness, this was not entrusted to one of his demons. The possession by evil thought escalates to possession by the evil one himself.
- “Then” = “Therefore” Omniscient God sends him forth.
28-30 - “the feast” - the next day
- “it was night” - about 9 P.M. Tuesday night.
31, 32- Compare to 12:31, 32. The departure of Judas was key to the mission. Jesus avoids “I” by referring to Himself as “the Son of man”.
33, 34- The “11 th ” commandment. “New” in terms of time, not concept.
35 - A simple overlooked statement. “one to another” = “among yourselves”. See 1 Co 1:10
36-38- Simon’s spirit is willing, but the Lord knows that his flesh will prove weak.
- “The cock” = “A cock” “denied” = “utterly denied” Jer 17:5-10
2-4- “mansions” = Gr. “mone” = abiding places
- “prepare” - Compare Mt 25:41.
- “I will come again…” Ac 1:1-11 compare to Jn 7:32-34
- The question.
6, 7- The answer - The way. The only way. Gen 3:24, the flaming sword. See Mt 7:13, 14.
8- Compare to Jn 20:24-29. Man’s desire for a God Who can be “seen” is a move away from faith and the root of idolatry. (Ro 8:24)
9-11- “so long time” - Philip was one of the first disciples (Jn 1:43-45)
- “dwelleth” = Gr. “meno” = “abideth” (Jn 10:37,28)
- “very works” = “the works themselves” - As they line up with Scripture.
12- “greater” - more extensive (Ac 8:4), more notable (Ac 5:15, 19:11,12)
IMPORTANT: 13- “in My name”- Not about spoken words, but where one abides (note the last clause).
& 14 Prayer & Armor are inseparable. Eph 6:11-18
15- “keep” should be “ye will keep” 1 Sa 15:22
16-17- “pray” = Gr. “erotao” = to ask a person to do something
- “another” = Gr. “allos” = another of the same kind - means Jesus is also a Comforter (Parakletos), one called to the side of another for help or counsel.
- “the Spirit of truth” should be “the Spirit of the truth” - Unseen and unrecognized by the world.
18 - “comfortless” = “orphans”
- In fact, “I am coming to you”
19- “a little while” - Now about 30 hours from being entombed when the world would no longer see Him.
20 - “At (In) that day” - the 40 days after the resurrection. The 3-way abiding (13:20, 17:21-23).
21- “He that hath...” - see v.15
- “manifest” = Gr. “emphanizo” = “to show plainly and clearly” Rev 1:1a
22, 23 - “words” should be “word” - the commandments of vv. 15 and 21
- “We will come...” answers the question. See Rev 21:3, 22:4
- “abode” - same word as “mansions” in v. 2
24- Converse of v.15. The source of “My word” in v.23, not a correction.
25, 26- The supervision of Scripture by the Holy Spirit. 2 Ti 3:16,17.
- “He” - emphatic. The Holy Spirit (Gr. “To Pneuma To Hagion” = “The Holy Spirit Himself”) will do a new thing, not teach a new thing.
- “ remembrance” = “put you in mind of”. This is the conscience of the believer.
27- Provides a frame with v. 1. Words of comfort from the Comforter.
- “the world” - seeks peace through war, without the subject of Isa 9:6,7, The Prince of Peace.
- “be afraid” = Gr. “deiliao” = “show cowardice”. The peace is of mind and heart, not circumstances.
Note the words to King Josiah (2 Ki 22:20) vs. the circumstances of his death (2 Ki 23:29)
28- “come again” = “am coming”
- “rejoice, because...” - lesson for saints who grieve the loss of a (saved) loved one.
29 - “...before...that, when...” - Truth provided to strengthen (Eph 6:14)
30- “hath nothing in me” - the Devil had “nothing on” sinless Jesus for accusation or slander. Dan 9:26a
31 - “I love the Father” - The only time the Lord speaks of His love of the Father rather than the Father’s love for Him.
As believers, as children, the awesomeness of God’s love (Ro 8:35-39) ministers to us more than recognition of our love for Him.
Understand the weight of 1 Jn 4:19 (omit “Him” which is not in the text)
and note that both “We” and “He” are emphatic. Our humility is tied to recognizing the SOURCE of ALL that is right(eous) and good (Jas 1:16-18); our faith and wisdom and anything we accomplish - all from Him because of
(agape) love. John’s reference to himself as “that disciple Jesus loved” (Jn 21:7) while never mentioning his love for Jesus stands as a witness to his spiritual maturity. It is an honor for God to love us enough to allow us to love Him.
- Phil 2:5-11 “Arise…” = “It’s time to do this”
15:1 - THE TRUE VINE - The Supplier of blessings.
- The former vine was the nation of Israel - Jer 2:20, 21 Ps 80:8-16, Is 5:1-7. It failed.
- The true (real) vine will fulfill Is 27:1-6 as the Husbandman. The former husbandman was Adam (Gen 2:15)
IMPORTANT: 2, 3- The vine’s purpose is to supply lifeblood. It is not good for building or for fuel. The branches bear the fruit.
Note Jn 6:11-13 Purge = Prune = Clean (Note Jn 13:10,11)
- Fruit, more fruit, much fruit (v.5). The desired progression of the Christian life.
GOD will take things (sometimes people) out of your life. (Gal 5:22-24 flesh is crucified) (Ro 12:2 the mind is renovated)
4, 5- Apart from Christ, “ye can do NOTHING” (absolute). The branch is both the individual, and the church since Christ is the Head of the church (body).
6- A branch cannot survive when separated from the vine. The righteous are for fruit, the wicked for fuel. Isa 9:18, 19 Eze 21:32
IMPORTANT - This is NOT about salvation, but rewards. One can be saved and still be unfruitful.
(See 1 Co 3:9-15). Note that men (should be “they”) do this gathering, not God.
7- See 14:12-14. Highly conditional (“If”…) as Jas 1:5-8. For those who don’t abide, see Jas 4:3.
8 - “is” should be “was” ” “Much fruit” evidences discipleship. “so shall ye be” = “and that you may become”
9, 10- “continue” = “abide” Jesus, the “express image” of God (Heb 1:3) is our example.
11- “My joy” added to "My peace (14:27)
see Phil 2:1, 2 Heb 12:1-2 (His joy), 3-11 (purging)
12- A commandment to love. Love is from emotion and will. Emotions cannot be commanded.
13- “man” - The reason that agape love is only used of God (Who gave his life for His enemies ) in Scripture.
No requirement or expectation that we should lay down our lives for enemies, as Christ did, unless it is included in our calling as His was.
14, 15- Conditional (“if”). The Word tells all we need to know.
16- Jewish custom was for disciples to choose which teacher they wanted to follow. Jesus reversed this.
- “ordained” = Gr. “tithemi” = “set in place” the same word translated “lay down” in v.13.
- “remain” = “abide” See Mt 6:19,20
17- The commandment repeated.
18-21- What a disciple should expect
(18) “hate” = “hath hated” (indicating it would continue)
(19) “not of the world” see Heb 11:13, 2 Co 5:20
(20) persecuted (Gr. dioko) = pursued with malicious intent
(21) “for My name’s sake” 1 Pe 4:14-16
- Jesus had left the Pharisees in particular, without excuse. Cp. Ro 1:18-22 “both seen and hated”
25- The Word in the flesh must fulfill all Scripture
- “without a cause” - Pattern in Gen 4:8. Jesus includes the Psalms in the “law”. Quoted from Ps 35:19, 69:4.
26, 27- The disciples would now and later bear witness through speaking and writing (even dying) as eyewitnesses. 1 Jn 1:1-4
16:1 - The preparation and teaching continue.
- “offended” = “caused to stumble”, or “scandalized”
2- Mk 13:9-13 (Truth can make one unpopular in church).
3- 15:21
4- Urgency due to the impending crucifixion
5, 6- Disciples are too grief stricken to ask their usual questions. Jesus wants them to get past natural death, to look past the cross to the crown (whither He was going).
7- “expedient” = “profitable”
- The Comforter could not come until the right relationship was restored. (Indwelling lost Gen 6:3).
- “depart” = Gr. “poreuomai” = to move, as a change of residence. In this case, from earth to heaven.
8-11- (9)- The true definition of sin. 1 Co 16:22
(10)- The Righteous One was departing from the earth leaving the will of God as the standard for righteousness.
(11)- “is judged” = “has been judged” Jn 12:31 Eze 28:17-19. Satan has been judged and sentenced.
See Ro 16:20 where “bruise” = “utterly crush”
12- 1 Co 3:1, 2 - Limited by their capacity to understand and by time.
13-15- The Holy Spirit reveals and glorifies Christ. Leads the way to the truth.
Head knowledge vs. Heart knowledge 1 Co 2
(13) “truth” = “the truth” (2nd occurrence) - Including the “mystery” not yet revealed through Paul.
(14, 15) “Mine” - All things shared by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Rev 1:1-3
16- “because I go...” - As the firstfuits from the dead. 1 Co 15:20-23 Jn 20:17
17, 18- The disciples have questions
19- The omniscient Lord knows their questions
20-22- The “Firstborn from the dead” (Col 1:18) teaches with childbirth as an example.
- “A woman” should be “The woman” - pointing us (not the disciples) to Rev 12:2, 10 (note “in that day” next verse).
See Gen 3:16a to understand childbirth becoming the type for suffering resulting in glory.
The birthpangs (translated “sorrows”) of Mt 24:8 lead to the birth of The New Israel.
Firstfruits (16:16) vs. Firstborn (16:21)
From the same Hebrew root, they are quite similar.
All “firsts” belong to God, Who is First
Both are produced by labor
The Gospel of John highlights the differences.
Firstfruits - produced from death (of the seed)
Firstborn - life produced from life
Firstfruits are sacrificed
Firstborn is redeemed
Firstfruits end a cycle
Firstborn begins a new cycle
Firstfruits are an acknowledgement (given)
Firstborn is a gift (received, returned by God)
Jesus, Who is all in all (Col. 1:17), is both Firstfruits and Firstborn from the dead. Unlike others raised from the dead like Lazarus, Jesus was the first raised to never die again .
23- “ask me nothing” - “You’re going to witness it firsthand, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Pentecost”. The second meaning 1 Jn 3:2.
- “in my name” should follow “give” instead of “ask”
24- “Hitherto” - No abiding or indwelling yet (He had not yet ascended)..
25-26- From “dark sayings” to “open speech”. Heb 10:19-22 (Ex 28:29-35)
27- Jn 3:16. “from” = Gr. “para” = “from beside”
28, 29- The Teacher repeats what He told them in v.16, BUT this time the disciples understand (see v.25)
30- “ask” = Gr. “erotao” = ask to do something. In other words, no more proof or explanation necessary (“by this”).
31- The Teacher asks “Are you really sure?”
33- See 14:27-29
- “overcome” = “conquered” (from Gr. “nike”) see Ro 8:37 where “more than conquerors” = “hypernikao”
17 - THE LORD’S PRAYER- The longest recorded prayer from our Lord. For Himself (vv 1-5), His disciples (6-19), and the Church (20-26). It is less than 2 hours since Ch. 13. During this time the Lord has been preparing the eleven, who are still only beginning to understand. He now prays in their presence, yet doesn’t stop teaching. This is all framed by the departure (13:30) and reappearance (18:3) of Judas Iscariot.
1- Glorified by defeating death. Christians can glorify God in death as well as life. Death is not destroyed until Rev 20.14.
NOTE: 2-3- Gal 5:17 Mt 26:41 Ro 8:26, 27
Jesus the Man speaks of Jesus the Christ (God) in the third person!
The human flesh facing death attempts to rise, but is overcome by the intercession of the Holy Spirit (temporarily) operating with the will of Christ. This conflict climaxes in Gethsemane’s garden. The spiritual victory is won in vv. 4, 5.
4- “finished” - See Jn 19:30. This is the prophetic future tense but holds value as a lesson concerning our “labor” for the Lord. The (pre-Resurrection) work is finished, not the journey. Once our labor for the Lord is done, we do not (necessarily) immediately die. We can still glorify the lord through testimony, obedience and facing death with the blessed hope.
5 - “ with” = Gr. “para” = “beside “. We glorify God by reflecting back His glory.
6 - GOD IS THE SOURCE. Of power over flesh (v.2), glory (v.5), the disciples (this verse), the words (v.8).
- “ word” = Gr. “logos” - thought, concept expressed by words
- There are 3 references, 3 times each about the disciples’ relationships
- To the Word (vv. 6, 7, 8) To Jesus as The One Sent (vv. 8, 18, 25) To the world (vv. 14, 15,16)
7 - The Source must be recognized as The Source to prevent pride. 1 Co 1:26-31.
8 - “ words”= Gr. “rhema” - words themselves (sentences, sayings, parts of speech)
Given, Received, Known, Believed - The true believer must experience all four phases.
9 - “ pray”= Gr. “erotao” = to ask for something to be done
10- The equality between Father and Son.
11 - Holiness separates from the world
- “Holy Father” - in reference to the disciples
- “Father” - in reference to Himself vv. 1, 3, 21, 24
- “righteous Father” - in reference to the world v. 25
- “whom” should be “which” referring to “name”
12 - “ have kept” = “kept guarded”
- “son of perdition” = Judas as a type of Antichrist See 6:39
13 - 15 - “evil” = “the evil one” - One of 3 requests for the disciples - v. 17 - to be sanctified through truth - v. 24 - to behold His glory
16 - 19 - “I sanctify myself” - To consecrate to God. Not a statement of moral character, but of purpose. (Ro 12:1)
- “ the truth” should be “truth” - the separating force in the world.
20 - Omit “shall” “ their word” - necessarily includes the Gospels and epistles
21 - The all inclusive relationship of the true believer. “ hast” should be “didst”
22 - “glory” = victory over death (resurrection to eternal life)
23 - Rev 19:7 - Gen 2:24 - Jn 10:30 = ONE. Note Rev 22:1 - God and the Lamb have but one throne.
24 - 26 - 1 Jn 4:15-19
- “the brook Cedron” - 2 Sa 15:14, 23 David crosses to flee from his own traitorous son, Absalom. Here the true David crosses to go to His own traitorous disciple.
- “garden” = Gr. “kepos” = “orchard”
3- Roman soldiers, Sadducees (chief priests) and Pharisees united to condemn Truth. Note the same phenomenon with Herod and Pilate (Lk 23:12)
- “officers” - The Temple guards
- “weapons” - see Lk 22:52
4 - “went forth” - Compare to 1 Sa 17:48
- “Whom seek ye?” - The first of two offers for repentance. Always God’s pattern (Gen 3:11, Jn 13:18, 21). He always knows the answer.
5- “of Nazareth” = “the Nazarene” a derogatory term.
- “I am He” = I AM (“He” is added by translators)
6- Ps 27:1-3 Ps 40:14
7- He gives them their second chance. 1 Jn 1:8, 9
8, 9- Still protecting His sheep Jn 10:11-15 (refers to 17:12)
10- Malchus = false king “ear” = Gr. “otion” (Used only for this incident in the 4 gospels) specifically, the ear lobe noting the accuracy of Peter’s stroke (sword= word = Heb 4:12) (The healing of this ear is only in Luke, written by a physician and focusing on the humanity and friendship of Christ)
11- Jn 12:23-27 The course God lays for us will always have “off ramps” constructed by the enemy.
12-14- “captain” = Gr. “chiliarchos” = “commander of a thousand”- His rank indicates that the Jews had convinced the Romans of a serious threat since sedition was grounds for crucifixion.
- “to Annas” - Father-in-law to the High priest, a former High priest. Sought to frame a charge against the Lord. The Holy Spirit had spoken through Caiaphas in Jn 11:49-53.
15- “another disciple” - Either Joseph of Arimathea or Nicodemus. Both belonged to the Sanhedrin and had access. Note that Peter stood at the door.
16 - “her that kept the door” -female porters were commonplace.
- Peter enters and the stage is set for denials Jn 13:37,38
17- Peter’s denial # 1
18- Many will deny Christ as part of fitting into the crowd.
- (Note: Roman soldiers no longer present)
19- Another “trap” set for the Lord. An attempt to make Him say something incriminating.
20- Once again, Ac 26:26. Omit “the” before “synagogue”.
21- Actually a simple point of order. Witnesses for prosecution testify before the defendant.
22- The physical indignities begin. Cp Ac 23:1-5
23- The Lord asks the 2nd of this pair of questions (“Why….?”) v. 21
24- Bound, though not charged. This Gospel omits the next “trial”.
25- Peter’s denial #2 (not “I am” but “I am not”)
CRITICAL - There is NO discrepancy regarding the denials!
26, 27- Jn 13:37, 38 - Actually two sets of 3 denials each, two cock crowings.
(Mk 14:30-Read thus, “... twice, before the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice.”)
First series Jn 18:17 entered, questioned by porteress. Mt 26:70, Mk 14:68* sitting in the hall questioned by maid after an hour. Mt 26:71, Jn 18:25, 26 gateway questioned by another maid, bystanders.
Second series Mk 14:63 Beneath in the hall questioned by maid a second time (soon after). Mt 26:73, Mk 14:70 gate questioned by bystanders (after an hour). Lk 22:59, 60 midst of the hall questioned by “a certain one” (masc.)
“ Cock crew” - 1st Mk 14:68* Jn 18:27
- 2nd Mt 26:74 Mk 14:72 Lk 22:60,61
*Lk 22:56-58 Has the same place and time with the same maid, and another person (masc).
28- Compare their attention to Passover ritual to their treatment of the Passover Lamb. It is now after 11 p.m. but before midnight.
- “Then” - This is after the Sanhedrin’s decision (Mt 26:58-27:2)
29- (Note the actions of Pilate vv. 29, 38 and 19:4 as the Gospel unfolds. He would prefer not to be involved). The Jews were not allowed inside the judgment hall, so Pilate goes out to them 3 times.
30- They cannot answer his question. They expected Pilate to believe them and condemn Jesus without a trial. (Note Ac 25:16)
31- Pilate attempts to pass the buck. The Jews respond in error (stoning was legal for certain offenses) wanting the Romans to take the weight of Jesus’ death and thereby avoid the people’s wrath.
32- Fulfillment of Jn 12:32, 33
33- Reveals what the Jews had told the Romans.
34- Jesus answers with a question that actually gives Pilate an opportunity to confess that He is Lord.
35 - The second question from Pilate is “What did you do?”
36- Jesus now answers the first question.
- “servants” - the same word translated “officers” in v.3.
37- Pilate’s 3 rd question. “So then you are a king?” Jesus now answers Pilate’s second question
- “of the truth...” - See 10:4 and 14:6
38- Pilate poses the fourth question while failing to recognize that he is the presence of the answer.
“fault” = Gr. “aitia” = grounds for a charge
39- “the King of the Jews” - Pilate’s usage of this term angers the Jews (19:12)
40- “Barabbas” = “Bar” (Son of) + “abbas” (the father) - Obviously the wrong one. A type of the Antichrist.
- “robber” - Gr. “lestes” - “bandit”, i.e., using force and violence.
2 - “thorns” - The bearer of the world’s sin now wears the sign of the resulting curse (Gen 3:17, 18).
- “purple” = Gr. “porphureos” - Why does Mt 27:28 read “scarlet”? Same color different viewers. Shades of burgundy, maroon, crimson, etc., vary enough to be accurately called either purple or scarlet (particularly in different lighting). Look them up and see the crossovers in color. Blue and green have the same relationship (The Miami Dolphins football uniforms are an excellent means of fine tuning the color on a television. Note also that the Minnesota Vikings (once known as “The Purple People Eaters”) have a purple that often looks blue). This is neither discrepancy nor error.
3 - “smote” - same as “struck” in 18:22.
4 - “no fault” - Yet he had scourged the Lord attempting to pacify the Jews.
5 - “Behold the Man” - Pilate now hopes that the scourging and humiliation will calm the crowd.
6 - “officers” - Undoubtedly remembering the Lord emptying the Temple (Mt 21:12, 13).
- omit “Him” after “Crucify”
- “I find no fault...” - 3 rd time.
7 - “our law” should be “the law”
- “made Himself...” - The Sanhedrin’s specific charge. Not a violation of Roman law.
8 - “more afraid” - Of the Jews, of the Lord, of Herod, of his wife’s message (Mt 27:19).
9 - Pilate’s fifth question - Not who, what or why, but “Where do you come from?”
- “no answer” - Isa 53:7
10 - Questions 6 & 7. “power” = Gr. “exousia” =”authority”
11 - “he that delivered me unto thee...” - Caiaphas (Judas had delivered Him to the Sanhedrin) Ro 13: 1, 2
12 - “sought to” - Pilate’s “power” had been negated by fear. Evil was now in control. (understand Eph 6: 11, 13, 14 “stand”).
- The Jews now frame a charge of sedition: A violation of Roman law punishable by crucifixion.
13 - judgment seat - A raised stone platform with a seat in the open court in front of the hall.
14 - It is the sixth hour (midnight) on the preparation day. Only 3 hours since 13:1.
- “Behold your King” - Compare v.5.
15 - “Shall I crucify your King?” = “Is it your King I am to crucify?”
- The chief priests commit blasphemy (what they have accused Jesus of doing) and verbalize their rejection of the Messiah.
16 - Pilate` literally and figuratively washes his hands of the matter. He pronounces no sentence, but allows the crucifixion.
- See Ac 2:23 - The Roman soldiers carried out the will of the Jews.
17 - “cross” = Gr. “stauros” = “crossbar”
18 - “on either side one” = Gr. “enteuthen kai enteuthen” = “on this side and on that side” A total of five
men crucified, not three.
- 2 malefactors with him before the parting of garments (v.23) and 2 thieves after (Mt 27:35-38). Both thieves railed on Him (Mt 27:44), only one malefactor (Lk 23:39-43).
19 - “Pilate wrote” - only in this gospel.
20 - “nigh” - about ½ mile.
- Hebrew, Greek, Latin - whosoever.
21 - “chief priests of the Jews - Only occurrence. No longer God’s priests.
22 - No change - ever. The title “King of The Jews” stands.
23, 24 - Fulfillment of Ps. 22:18. Note: This provides a fixed point to rightly divide the 4 Gospels.
- “soldiers” - Slaves attached to the legion were employed as executioners and received (translated “took”) the garments of the condemned as a fringe benefit.
- “without seam” = a priestly garment
25 - “Now” should be “But”. John does not mention his own mother who was present with the 3 Marys.
26, 27 - Jesus entrusts His mother’s care to John (indicating that Joseph is dead).
28 - “were now accomplished” - Including the necessary casting of lots for His clothes.
- Fulfillment of Ps 69:21 follows to complete fulfillment. Ps 69:22, 23 will be fulfilled in Revelation (“Christians” will follow Antichrist).
29 - Vinegar - The last of 3 different drinks on 5 occasions. There are no discrepancies.
1. Wine drugged with myrrh (sweet taste) (Gr. “oinon”) - On the way to Golgotha (Mk 15:23) “they gave” = “were offering” (Refused)
Sour wine/vinegar (Gr. “oxos”) and gall (Gr. “chole” = a poppy and wormwood-based narcotic. An imprecise mixture which was potentially lethal. Wormwood, the source of the bitter taste, causes kidney failure at a high enough level.) -
Golgotha (Mt 27:33) (Tasted and refused)
Sour wine (“oxos”) - By the soldiers, mockingly, while on the cross (Lk 23:36)
(“oxos”) - By one who was
stopped. Mt 27:48 “gave” = “was offering” Mk 15:36 “”gave” = “was giving” (Accepted)
5. (“oxos”) - Jn 19:30 (Accepted)
30 - “It is finished” = Gr. “teleo” = Ps 22:31 (Heb. “asah”) = It is accomplished.
See Jn 17:4 (prophetic future tense) AND Ro 4:17
- “ghost” = “pneuma” (spirit) see Jn 10:17, 18
John 19:28, 30 “(…accomplished) (…fulfilled) (…finished)”
Hebrews 4:12
(John 19:28, 30) Teleo ( to complete ) Strong's Number: 5055 (from 5056)
Original Word televw Transliterated Word teleo Phonetic Spelling tel-eh'-o
1 . to bring to a close, to finish, to end
a. passed, finished
2. to perform, execute, complete, fulfil, (so that the thing done corresponds to what has been said, the order, command etc.)
a. with special reference to the subject matter, to carry out the contents of a command
b. with reference also to the form, to do just as commanded, and generally involving the notion of time, to perform the last act which completes a process, to accomplish, fulfil
3. to pay (as of tribute)
King James Word Usage- Total: 26 (finish 8, fulfil 7, accomplish 4, pay 2, perform 1, expire 1, multiple words 3)
Matt. 10:23; 11:1; 13:53; 17:24; 19:1; 26:1 Luke 2:39; 12:50; 18:31; 22:37 John 19:28 ( accomplished ) ; 19:30 Acts 13:29 Romans 2:27; 13:6 Galatians 5:16
2 Timothy 4:7 James 2:8 Rev. 10:7; 11:7; 15:1; 15:8; 17:17; 20:3; 20:5; 20:7
“Teleo” is used to indicate that the Scripture foretold of others was finished.
John 19:28 Teleioo ( to consummate ) Strong's Number: 5048(from 5046)
Original Word teleiovw Transliterated Word teleioo Phonetic Spelling tel-i-o'-o
1. to make perfect, complete
a. to carry through completely, to accomplish, finish, bring to an end
2. to complete (perfect)
a. add what is yet wanting in order to render a thing full
b. to be found perfect
3. to bring to the proposed end (goal)
4. to accomplish
a. bring to a close or fulfilment by event (of the prophecies of the Scriptures)
King James Word Usage- Total: 24 (make perfect 12, perfect 4, finish 4, fulfil 2, be perfect 1, consecrate 1)
Luke 2:43; 13:32 John 4:34; 5:36; 17:4; 17:23; 19:28 ( fulfilled ) Acts 20:24 2 Corinthians 12:9 Philippians 3:12 Heb. 2:10; 5:9; 7:19; 7:28; 9:9; 10:1; 10:14; 11:40; 12:23 James 2:22
1 John 2:5; 4:12; 4:17-18
“Teleioo” is used for the perfecting work of the “Author and Finisher” Heb 12:2
31 - “high day”
- (known as “holy convocation” in the O.T.) A Sabbath. (Not the weekly Sabbath (Saturday), BUT the high Sabbath by calendar date (15
of Nisan)
. Christ was crucified on Wednesday, NOT Friday. There are not 3 days and 3 nights
between Friday and Sunday! This is intended to keep us from error.
In this case, it is The Feast of Unleavened Bread (Lev 23:6-8). The day following Passover, the 15th of Nisan, began the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This feast covered seven days, from the 15th to the 21st of Nisan. The first and last days, (15th & 21st), were “High Sabbath” days, whether or not they fall on the weekly Sabbath. “High Sabbath” days are mandatory rest days which occur during some feast days. They are identified in Lev. 23:7, 8, 21, 24, 27, 28, 32, 35, 36, 39. The day before any “High Sabbath” is a “preparation day.” This means Passover, the 14th, is also the “preparation day” for the “High Sabbath” on the 15th. The feast of Unleavened Bread celebrates the journey of the children of Israel through the wilderness, when God fed them with manna from heaven and supplied water out of the rock. Jesus was crucified on the preparation day. His body was laid in the tomb just before sunset, when the “High Sabbath” of the Feast of Unleavened Bread began. His body lay in the tomb for the first three days of this feast, from the 15th through the 17th of Nisan. Note that the Feast of Firstfruits occurs two days after the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Lev 23:11 “morrow after”) making 3 days after the crucifixion and explaining Jn 20:1.
32 - Note two men’s legs broken before
they get to Jesus.
33 - 37 - Scripture still being fulfilled.
- No broken bones, (Ps 34:19, 20) AND (Ex 12:46). By application for the Church, as His body, “none of them is lost” (Jn 17:12).
- Piercing ( Ps 22:16, Zec 12:10).
- “blood and water” - Covering and cleansing. Apply Lev 17:11, 14 (natural life) and Jn 4:10-14 (everlasting life). Smiting The ROCK produces water (Ex 17:6, 1 Co 12:13).
- John refers to himself. Compare 1 Jn 1:1-3.
38 - Body could only be claimed by a kinsman redeemer therefore Joseph had to be related to Jesus.
(Joseph was Jesus’ uncle according to secular Jewish history). Before secretly. Now openly.
See Nu 19:1-9 for Christ fulfilling Scripture as the red heifer supplying the water of separation and Joseph as the “man” of v. 9.
39 - The one who came by night (3:1, 2) now also comes openly with 75 lbs. of aromatics.
40 - Continued fulfillment (Isa 53:9). Linen only used to bury the rich. Differs from Lazarus' “graveclothes” (11:44) and the old rags which were used to wrap criminals..
41 - The third of 3 gardens (also Eden, Gethsemane)
- New sepulchre required for the New Covenant (Mt 9:16, 17)
42 - The body of the man can only be referred to as Jesus, not “the Lord”.
It is still “preparation day”, therefore this all happens before 6 p.m., less than 21 hours since chapter 12 ended. Jesus Christ becomes Christ Jesus.
Jn 20:1a, 17-19
20:1a - “the first day of the week...” = Gr. “Te mia ton sabbato n”. It should rightly be rendered “On the first day of the sabbath s ” (plural). It is also plural in the other 3 Gospels - Lk 24:1, Mk 16:2, Mt 28:1.
See Lev 23:15-17 - The first day for counting the seven sabbaths (49 days) until Pentecost (50th day), making the Lord Jesus the firstfruits of God's resurrection harvest (1Co 15:20-24). SO... Jn 20:17 - “Touch me not...” = Gr. “hapto” = “Don't be holding me”. The same as our expression “Don't hold me up” (a simple figure of speech).
WHY? - “...for I am not yet ascended (“am ascending”) to My Father”
See Lev 23:10-17 - As the firstfruits, He had to be presented before Jehovah on the morrow after the sabbath. He had to fulfill Scripture TO THE LETTER! (Jn 19:28)
Jn 20:19 - Note that it is evening when He returns, making it the following day from 20:17.
It has nothing to do with the state of His body and it would be contradictory to the events on the Mount of Transfiguration.
We cannot arbitrarily impose some intermediate stage of existence. BEWARE of man's imagination for understanding of Scripture.
THE WORD documents Itself when RIGHTLY DIVIDED! (2Ti 2:15)
1 - “week” = “weeks” (the week of sabbaths - 7x7=49 days to Pentecost)
- “early” = 3 or 4 A.M.
2 - Compare to Jn 4:28, 29 “Come see a Man missing”
- loved = used to love
- NOTE: “have laid” - Implies that she did not suspect foul play, but assumed that Joseph or Nicodemus had relocated the body.
3 - “came” = “were coming”
4, 5 - Cautious John arrives first and doesn’t enter.
6 - Impulsive Peter goes in and stares (“seeth” = Gr. “theoreo”).
7 - Wrapping undisturbed.
- (Lazarus had to be loosed (11:44), the Lord passed through leaving the linen in place as though still wrapped around a body.)
- “wrapped together” = Gr. “entulisso” = coiled around. The napkin was still in the form of a turban lying apart from the “body”.
8 - The condition of the wrapping convinces John that He had risen. Ironically, the Pharisees had remembered what the disciples had not.
Read Mt 27:62-66 (Despite the reason given in v.65, sealing is done to keep in, not out).
Note the five kings (Jos 10:16-18), Daniel (Dan 6:17), and Satan (Rev 20:1-3).
9 - “scripture” = The O.T. prophecies Ps 16:10,11; Isa 53:8-12; Job 19:25-27
- “from the dead” = Gr. “ek nekron” = “out from among the dead people”
10 - “home” - Not back to Galilee, nor in Jerusalem where they had been for the last few days (but not since 10:40) but a nearby lodging place. They had been “on the road” with Jesus for the last six months, since the Feast of Tabernacles..
11 - Once again, the men leave, the woman stays.
12 - Teacher’s Note: - “two angels” - They must be Michael and Gabriel, positioned on the ledge as the cherubim at either end of the mercy seat (See Ex 25:17-20). For God to use any other than the archangels is incomprehensible. They are sitting to minister in the absence of the Lord. They normally stand in the presence of God (Lk 1:19, Rev 8:2)
13 - She still doesn’t grasp the resurrection. She should be rejoicing instead of weeping…
14 - She, as yet, still can’t recognize “The Truth”.
15 - The first Adam was a gardener. The last (not second) Adam was much more. Note 1 Co 15:45-49.
The last Adam is not recognized by the natural man/mind. BUT...
16 - ...When the Lord calls your name…: As Mary did, as the prodigal son did (Lk 15:17), turn yourself.
- She acknowledges Him in the Hebrew she spoke as a child.
17 - The firstfruits must be presented before the Lord (see “Touch Me Not”)
- “My brethren” - Heb 2:11
- “My Father and your Father...” See Gal 4:5, 6. The first “adoption” by the risen Lord is a woman (one who gives birth).
18 - OBEDIENCE, OBEDIENCE, OBEDIENCE. When God sends you somewhere (apostle), go! UNDERSTAND 1 Ki 13:1-26.
19 - The Lord’s first statement to the disciples (see 14:27, 16:23)
- “for fear of the Jews”- The reason they usually met in an upper room (Mk 14:15, Lk 22:12 Ac 1:13)
- “Peace be unto you” - 3 times. Here, vv.21, 26
20 - Even the disciples don’t recognize the risen Lord.
“hands...side” - Lk 24:40 mentions “hands...feet” - Not a discrepancy, all three were pierced.
21 - He repeats His statement (double blessing). They are apostles, not simply disciples. “send” = Gr. “pempo” = “send with an escort”
22 - Compare to Gen 2:7 (Thomas is not present, making v. 28 confession necessary). Here the breathing imparts Divine power.
NOTE: This was not just the disciples, but also those with them (Lk 24:33).
IMPORTANT: 23 - NOT for everyone. Must be done in His name, by authority of the Holy Spirit.
24, 25 - Thomas doubted the disciples (apostles), not the Lord. The others had heard, seen and touched (Lk 24:36-43, 1 Jn 1:1-3). Thomas wanted to do the same.
- FLESH CAN ONLY RELATE TO FLESH. Spiritual things require the Spirit.
26 - “8” Christ’s number (new beginnings). 3rd blessing (Trinity)
- “ after 8 days” = a week later
27, 28 - Thomas obeys (“be not faithless, but believing”) and believes without bothering to touch Him.
29 - Omit “Thomas”.
- “blessed...” - those requiring signs and miracles will fall to Satan’s “miracles” (Rev 13:13, 14).
30, 31 - “these” - Emphatic “are written” - As with Pilate's writing on the crossbar, what is written stands.
- “through His name” should be “in His name”
21:1 - (Parenthetical Intro) “shewed” = not just appeared, but manifested His glory and power.
- “sea of Tiberias” - The scene of the feeding of the 5,000 in chapter 6.
2-3 - SEVEN
return to their former life. (Apostles are sent forth). They discover that FISHING (for men) WITHOUT JESUS DOESN’T WORK.
4 - “morning” (when Joy comes (Ps 30:5b)) - not the normal time for fishing, but the “apostles” need an object lesson.
- They don’t recognize the Truth (Jn 20:21) and the ministry assigned to them in Jn 20:21.
5, 6 - “meat” = Gr. “prosphagion” Only occ. = “something to go with bread”
- The vine provides. The branches produce. Just as in Chapter 6. (DON’T GO TO THE LEFT - Mt 25:33)
7 - Once again, John is first to understand. (Jn 20:8).
- “naked” = in undergarments.
- “cast himself...” - in his haste to get to the Lord.
8 - “little ship” = Gr. “ploiarion” = The small boat normally attached to the ship of v.3.
- two hundred cubits = 100 yards.
9 - Provision. One little cooked fish (Gr. “opsarion”) and a loaf (“bread”) for eight people. (1 Ki 17:10-16).
10 - The Lord’s provision is different from the fruit of ministry (Mt 6:31, 32)
11 - “went up” = “went back”
Why 153? - Many commentators see in this number some connection with the saved, as being definite and particular down even to the last one, making up not a large round number, but a smaller and odd number, 153. Some saw in this a proof that the number of the elect is fixed and pre-ordained. Jerome (primarily responsible for the Latin translation of the Bible, the Vulgate) claimed that there are 153 sorts of fish, i.e., all kinds of men enclosed in the Gospel net. Many other suggestions have been made, but they can’t be pinned down Scripturally.
The specificity of the number cannot be ignored. It does not say 150 or about 150, it is precisely 153.
Let’s start with the number 17
, it is the combination or sum of two perfect numbers (7 and 10) - seven being the number of spiritual perfection, and ten of ordinal perfection. It stands out prominently as a significant number. The significance of these two numbers is clear; and when united in the number seventeen we have a union of their respective meanings: spiritual perfection, plus ordinal perfection, or the perfection of spiritual order. It is not a multiple of any other number, and therefore it has no factors. Hence it is called one of the prime (or indivisible) numbers. What is more, it is the seventh in the list of the prime numbers. The series runs 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, etc. Thirteen, it will be noted, is also a prime number, and is therefore important; but it is the sixth of the series: hence it partakes of the significance of the number 6, and is indeed an intensified expression of it. In like manner seventeen being the seventh of the series, it partakes of and intensifies the significance of the number seven
We may simply multiply 17 by 3 and again by 3 (i.e., 17x3 2 ), and thus arrive at 153. If we employ addition and take the sum of all the digits to and including 17 it equals exactly 153. (1+2=3, 3+3=6, 6+4=10, 10+5=15, etc.) If you add all the numbers that follow up to 17, the whole amounts to the 153.
In other words, (10 + 7) x (3 x 3) = 153 AND 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 +14 + 15 + 16 + 17 = 153.
It is also possible to employ both multiplication and addition. Take the square of 12 (government), and then add the square of 3 (the number of the Godhead). 12 2 + 3 2 = 153, or (12 x 12) + (3 x 3), o r more simply 153 = 9 x 17, the number of all judgment (9) x 17.
The same Divine character is shown by the number of disciples who were present when the miracle was wrought. There were seven. And the seven is divided into 3 and 4, as usual - 3 by name and 4 unnamed.
153 is, quite simply, THE NUMBER OF THE SONS OF GOD!
The expression Myhl)h ynb ( Beni Ha-Elohim ), “Sons of God,” occurs seven times! (One of them is slightly different, yh-l) ynb ( Beni El-hai ), "sons of the living God." Thus the human and divine element is seen in the six and seven).
Now the gematria of this expression is exactly 153. Thus:
b =
n =
y =
h =
) =
l =
h =
y =
M =
153 is a # of perfection. The addition of the 3 is necessary for the spiritual perfection of the number 7 to be realized. The 360º of a perfect circle is evenly divisible by every integer from 1 - 10 except 7. Dividing 7 into 360 = 51, a total of 357, requiring 3 more (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) for perfection.
- No broken net (Jn 14:2)
12 - “durst ask Him” - They freely questioned him before, but the resurrection has changed the relationship.
13, 14 - The dining and foot washing of Chap. 13 is recalled. All that happened since has been overcome. (Jn 16:33)
- now = already
15 - “Jonas” = “dove” (sign of the Holy Spirit) Feed = provide pasture
- “these” - the other disciples. Peter needs to recall Mt 26:33, 35
- “lambs” = those who require milk, not meat. (Gr. “amion”)
16 - Feed = shepherd “sheep” = “adult sheep” (Gr. “probaton”)
17 - Feed = provide pasture (3 denials in a row = 3 confessions in a row.)
Message - To teach, evangelize, disciple on 3 levels at once.
- Nurturing the young in Christ
- Pastoring the mature while continuing to nurture. SCRIPTURE DOES THIS! Feed, Feed, Feed. 1 Pe 2:25
18 - 25th and final “Verily, verily” of this Gospel. The omniscience of God manifested again.
19 - “what death” - Peter said to have been crucified (upside down at his request because he didn’t feel worthy of a death similar to the Lord’s).
- “Follow” - Same as Jn 1:37 - Gr. “akoloutheo” = used of soldiers, pupils and servants.
IMPORTANT: Head of the Church must follow Christ just as a new disciple must.
20, 21 - Peter’s question about John could be from caring, jealousy, curiosity, etc.
22 - “You’ve got enough to do”. 1 Co 12:4-11, 18-20 2 Co 10:12-15
23 - Another parenthetical explanation from John. Misquoting the word is a frequent tool of discreditors.
24, 25 - Jn 19:35 1 Jn 1:1-3
- “Amen” - Not in the text. There are no single “Amen’s” in this gospel. .
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