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 WATER        Eze 36:25     Jn 3:5 ; 7:38,39
 WIND            Eze 37:1-10
 OIL                Isa 61:1    Heb 1:9
 FIRE             Mt 3:11     Ac 2:3
 SEAL           Eph 1:13 ; 4:30
 EARNEST     Eph 1:14
 DOVE           Mt 3:16

RUACH - Defined by its usage, occurs 389 times in Hebrew text. Translated - Blast, Breath, Spirit, Mind, Courage, Anger, Angels, Cherubim, Whirlwind, Tempest. (Partial List)
- The Source Of......
Creation/Creativity/Skill/Wisdom/Cunning    Pr 8:22-31
    Gen 1:2,26,27,31; 2:1-3 connect to Ex 31:1-11 (Construction)
        2 Sa 23:1-3 (Scripture)
...BUT indwelling was selective and sometimes temporary
     Judges 14:1-6    1Ki 18:40-46 connect to 1 Ki 19:1-4
      Ps 51:11
Some HAD The Holy Spirit
     Gen 41:38     Nu 27:18-23 connect to Deut 34:9
The Holy Spirit CAME UPON Some
     1 Sa 9:27 - 10:10
The Holy Spirit FILLED Others
     Ex 35:20 - 36:1,2
- SPIRIT OF MAN (Breath of Life) / Holy Spirit (Life Force) (Gen 2:7)
    Gen 6:3   Job 27:3; 32:8; 33:4; 34:14,15;   Ps 104:29,.30
    Eze 37:1-14 (Ruach - vv.1,5,6,8,9 (4x),10,14)
      Judges 17:6, 21:25,  3:7-11  6:25-34    11:28-33   13:19-25   14:6, 15-19   15:9-15
        Nu 24:2  1Sa 10:6,10; 19:18-24
 Remember The Definition for Prophecy - "The inspired, revelation, declaration and/or interpretation of the will and/or purpose of God." NOT telling the future!
              Ex 15:20 connect to Ex 2:1-10 (esp. v.7)   Gen 20:1-7,17,18
        Satan has, as always, his own counterfeit  Zec 13:1,2   1Chr 21:1 (compare to 2Sa 24:1)
 TRINITY (Tri-Unity) -The unity of three persons in one.
 The GODHEAD (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)
 Elohim ("God") is plural
 - "Us" - Gen 1:26, 3:22; 11:7   Isa 6:8
 - Why Three, Not Two?
        Gen 18:1-3, 16, 33 connect to 19:1
 TWO is the number of difference, opposition, enmity, division.
        Note: Work of Creation on day 2, Twins, "double- minded", etc.
        Hence, the conclusiveness of two witnesses agreeing.
 THREE is the number of Divine perfection and completeness as well as regeneration and resurrection.
        Note: Work of Creation on Day 3, Jesus, Jonah
 - What about verses like Deu 6:4?
        "One" = Heb."echad"= compound unity: one made up of others.
        Gen 1:5 (1 of 7); Gen 2:11 (1 of 4); Gen 2:21 (1 of 24)
        Gen 2:24 (1 of 2); Gen 3:22 (1 of Trinity); Gen 49:16 (1 of 12)
        Num 13:23 (1 of a cluster)
 NOT Heb "yahid" = single, only one Gen 22:12,16  Judg 11:24  Ps 22:20, etc. Total of twelve times in Hebrew
                   ALL other "one"s are echad.
        - Strength/Power   1Sa 17:32-49 (v. 36 "living God" both words plural)
        - Wisdom    2Chr 1:6-12
        - Prophecy  Eze 1:1; 2:1-10
                                                  ... Giftedness For Service


Teacher's Note: Despite the comprehensive documentation given here, any argument of the person of the Holy Spirit or the nature of the Trinity can be settled by an individual verse of Scripture. The use of the singular "name" in Mt 28:19 instead of "names" is conclusive for all who have no doubt about the integrity of God's Word. (A matter of grammar, not theology).  

(To Pneuma To Hagion) = The Holy Spirit Himself (2 definite articles in Greek) occurs 28 times (7 [Spiritual Perfection] x 4 [Creative Works]) Literally - "The Spirit, The Holy" CANNOT BE DISCERNED IN ENGLISH.
1. Mt 12:32 (The unforgivable sin}
2. Mk 3:29 (The unforgivable sin}   See #4     
3.       12:36  Giving of Prophecy
4.       13:11 The unforgivable sin (see Rev 6:9-11, 11:3-12)
5. Lk  2:26  Giving of Prophecy
6.       3:22  Trinity in one verse
7. Jn 14:26 The Teacher, The Author of Scripture (2Ti 3:16)
8. Ac 1:16 Prophecy given to David (Ps 69)  2Pe 1:21
9.        5:3 Holy Spirit equal to God (vv. 4,9)
10.     5:32 Indwelling for believers
11.     7:51 The Holy Spirit can be disobeyed or resisted (Rev 3:20)
12.     8:18 "was" should be "is"
13.   10:44 The presence, power and consciousness of God
14.   10:47 Baptism not required for salvation
15.   11:15    Ac 2:4
16.    13:2 Giving of Prophecy (see definition above)
17.    13:4 The Consciousness of God
18.    15:8 No respecter of persons
19.    19:6 The Giver of all gifts
20.    20:23 Omnipresent
21.    20:28 Heads the Church
22.    21:11 Giver of Prophecy
23.    28:25 Giver of Prophecy
24. Eph 1:13 Sanctifier provides sealing
25.          4:30 Sanctifier is the seal
26. Heb 3:7 Author of Scripture (Ps 95:7-11)
27.          9:8 Giver of Prophecy (Insight into the Word of God)
28.         10:15 Author of Scripture (Jer 33:8)

COMFORTER( Jn 14:16 ) / ADVOCATE( 1 Jn 2:1 )

Gr. Parakletos -- One called to the side of another for help or counsel. A legal term.

The COMFORTER Jn 14:12-27 (help)
                                   Jn 16:4-11 (counsel)
                                  Jn 16:12-15 (help & counsel)
                      Accessed through prayer    Jn 14:16
                                 Phil 4:6,7 connect to 1Sa 1:1-18
The ADVOCATE - Defense Attorney v. The Accuser
                                 (Rev 12:10)          Ro 8:1-30          Zec 3
                  Accessed through submission  Jas 4:5-7
                                     1 Pe 5:6-9
                 Accessed through intercessory prayer Lk 22:31-32 ("desired"= demanded)
(Remember that Jesus, though human, was indwelt)
JUSTIFIED = not guilty. A legal term.
                       1 Ti 3:16       Isa 53:11
                   (Read Romans 3, Galatians 2)
1Co 12:7 "But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal."
                                             SPIRITUAL GIFTS
Overview: It is important to note 3 different Greek words used for this subject: 
Ro 12:6  "charisma" = spiritual gifts
    1Co 12:7  "phanerosis" = manifestation
Eph 4:8 "doma" = present
Only prophecy and teaching are linked to all 3.
A. Gift: Something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation. A gift cannot be paid for. It cannot be owed to you. It can be rejected, ignored, discarded, wasted or destroyed.
B. Ps 24:1 Everything belongs to God. He owes us nothing. All that we have is from him. Every breath,every heartbeat. Every moment.
C. Mal 3:10,11
D. Lk 6:38
Our gifts are to be used as seeds to be planted and harvested with God giving the increase.
E. Ro 11:29     Once called and anointed: always called and anointed
F. Mt 25:14-30 (?) How do we explain this in light of Ro 11:29? A talent is not a gift until turned over to God. (Our meaning for the word "talent" comes from the parable). Talents are natural, gifts are spiritual. Note that in the parable, the talents are turned over to God Who then returns them as gifts. We are all born with talents and make choices as to their usage.
G. Mt 2:7-11       Give your best to God.
  Ro 12:3-8    1 Co 12:1 -14:40     Eph 4:7-16 (vs 14-16 very important)
 Ro 12:3-8  grace = charis - root for charismata (spiritual gifts)
The gifts are the concrete expression of grace. Grace coming to visible effect in word or deed.
      v. 6 gifts = charisma
1 Co 12:1-14  "spiritual gifts" = pneumatikos (spiritual/supernatural "things" not gifts)
        v. 4 gifts = charisma
        v. 12  Ps 139:13-16       How God puts a body together
 1 Co 13:12          Ps 139 (reminder)
  Eph 4:7      Lk 6:35 (reminder)
                                         Everybody has at least one gift. Jesus had all gifts.
1. Edification Of The Church - 1 Co 12:4-7, 14:12
2. Conviction/Conversion Of Unbelievers - 1 Co 14:21-25
                                                            POTENTIAL PROBLEMS
1. Deception - Ex 7:10-12, 17-22  Ac 16:16-18   1 Co 12:1-3   1 Jn 4:1-6
2.Ambition/Competition/Envy -Mk 10:35-45    2 Co 10:12-19   Gal 5:25, 26
3. Passivity - 1 Pe 4:8-11   Jn 11:33-44    2 Ki 4:1-7
4. Pride - Eze 28:11-19 (origin of the devil/Lucifer; Satan's resume)
5. Complacency - Rev 3:15-19
6. Carnality - 1 Co 1:10-15    2 Ti 4:2-5
7. Tolerance of Unrighteousness - 1 Co 5   Eph 5   Rev 2:14-16, 19-25
8. Idleness - 2 Th 3:6-15
9. Improper Attire - Eph 6:11-18 (need every piece to stand against the wiles of the devil)
10. Distraction - Lk 12:13-14   Mt 12:46-50  Lk 17:32
                       Heb 5:14 -- read your Bible
                       Mark 8:17-25  sight - then we get vision from Jesus
                                   Why Don't I Know What Giftedness I Have?
1. Never Taught    Pr 22:6
2. Insecurity/Self-Image   Judg 6:11-17
3. Improper Teaching/Ignorance    1 Ti 1:12-16    1 Cor 13
 Why Can't I Maximize My Gifts?
1. Sin/Bondage John 8:34
2. Irresponsibility  Lk 12:42-48
3. Anger  Mt 5:21-26  Connect  Eph 4:26,27   Pr 23:7a
4. Comparing Oneself   Ro 12:1-3
                                    How Do Gifts Interact?   Giftedness within Gift  
Example: Music          
              Lyrics/Composition (2 Chron 29:30)
              Instrumentalists (2 Chron 34:12)
              Singers (1 Chron 15:19)
              Directors/Conductors (Neh 12:46)
              Instructors (1 Chron 15:22)
                 Making Instruments  (2 Chron 7:6)
How Many Gifts? No one knows. 18 mentioned. The list is no more complete than the list of the members of the body in 1Co 12:12-18.
Categories of Gifts    1 Co 13:1-3    1 Cor 12:1-18
                                                                 What gifts are not!!!!


Your gifts are in operation at all times in all aspects of your life. Not just in church.
On 7/7 at 7 PM I was serving a 7 course meal to 7 people with 7 gifts. I had taken 7 steps toward the dining room when one of the 7 salad plates I was carrying crashed to the floor and made a mess.
1.     The one with the gift of WISDOM said: “That will happen when you try to carry too many plates.”
2.     The one with the gift of HELPS said: “I’ll clean it up.”
3.     The one with the gift of TEACHING said: “You dropped it because it wasn’t balanced properly.”
4.     The one with the gift of COUNSELING said: “Next time, let someone help you.”
5.     The one with the gift of GIVING said: “I’ll be glad to help you make another salad.”
6.     The one with the gift of COMPASSION said: “Don’t feel embarrassed. It could happen to anyone.”
7.     The one with the gift of ADMINISTRATION said: “John, get a broom. Ruth, bring a mop. David, help me make another salad.”


Word Of Knowledge( Eph 1-3 )       Word Of Wisdom( Eph 4-6 )

Knowledge vs. Wisdom - Knowledge is information. Wisdom is the application of knowledge to achieve proper ends. (2 Ch 1:10)
 WORD OF KNOWLEDGE - The supernatural ability to receive and comprehend truth when it cannot be known by natural means. It is the understanding of God's Word that exceeds human reason (Mt 16:14-17). It is subject to intelligence. The utterance of this knowledge is a manifestation of the teaching gift.
 WORD OF WISDOM - The supernatural ability to apply God's truth. It is Biblically oriented and always consistent with the will of God (Pr 8:10-36). It will cause the receiver to consider God (Ac 6:8-10). The expression of this wisdom is a manifestation of the exhortation gift.
 Hebrew words translated "wisdom" in Proverbs
 1. chokmah (true wisdom) Pr 24:7
 2. binah (discernment, discrimination) Pr 23:4
 3. leb (heart) Pr 11:12
 4. armah (shrewdness) Pr 8:5
 5. sahal (prudence, good sense) Pr 1:3
 6. sekel (insight) Pr 23:9
 7. tushiyah (stability) Pr 2:7 translated "sound wisdom"
                                                                                Isa 11:1-5
FAITH - The supernatural ability to believe God for the "impossible". It is  "mountain-moving" faith as opposed to "saving" faith, and must be used lovingly (1 Co 13:2).
 - The possessor not only envisions what God wants, but also recognizes the obstacles AND REMAINS UNDETERRED (Mk 2:1-5).
 - The gift of FAITH goes beyond hope and trust to expectation and assurance (Gen 22:1-5). The gift of FAITH releases God's blessings (Gen 22:15-18).
 - The possessor is in submission to the will of God. The possessor's requests are limited to what God wants. FAITH does not limit God. (Lk 8:41-56).
 - The witness of FAITH is exemplified by Noah's shipbuilding tasks.
HEALINGS - The supernatural ability to cure illness and/or the restore health.
        - 1 Co 12:9 - "Gift" and "Healing" are both plural in Greek. 3 basic types.
        - Spiritual Healing  Mt 13:13-15  1 Pe 2:21-24
        - Emotional Healing Lk 4:18
        - Physical Healing Ac 3:1-11 Ac 8:5-7
 The rarest of the types is physical. Jesus and his disciples used it as a means of spreading the Gospel. Only 3 people cited in the Book of Acts (Paul, Peter, and Philip). Physical healing is not always operable (Ac 28:8) (Phil 2:25-27,30).
 - Healing is determined by the will of God - not faith of the sufferer.
              Ex 15:26  Lk 22:49-51  Mt 15:22-28
 - God may heal instantly (Mt 9:27-31, gradually (2 Ki 4:32-35), or through medication (2 Ki 20:1-7).
 - God may chose not to heal as discipline for sin (1 Co 5:15, 11:27-30), to add personal growth/humility (2 Co 12:7), or to add glory (Jn 9:2,3).
 CAUTION: Healing is not always from God. Some illness is psychosomatic, some people respond to the power of suggestion. There is also the power of Satan (Mt 24:23,24) (Ac 16:16-18) (1 Jn 2:18) (Rev 13:1-3,11-14)
Deu 13:1-3   Isa 66:1-5   2 Th 2:8-12
  MIRACLES - Events of Supernatural  power, perceivable by the natural man, which authenticate the doer as a servant of God
 Acts 2:22 1. Power (Gr."Dunamis") Mk 9:39  Ac 8:13
                  2. Wonder (Heb. "pala") Judg 6:13  (Heb. "mopheth")  Deu 29:2-4
                  3. Sign (Heb. "owth") Nu 14:21-23  (Gr. "semeion") Jn 6:14  Ac 6:8
 Purpose Of Miracles
 - To display the power of God and to demonstrate the authority of worker.
         Ex 4:1-5   Jos 6:15-20    1 Ki 18:21-40      2 Ki 4:38-44       Jn 3:1,2
 - To cause people to listen to (not necessarily obey) God's message.
            Nu 22:26-35     Ac 8:3-6        2 Co 12:11-12        Heb 2:1-4
 Every aspect of a miracle (timing, location, type, etc.) is determined by the will of God.        Jn 14:12   Ac 5:12-15, 19:11,12
 Although God provides signs, it is contradictory to faith to require or seek signs.
            Mt 12:38-40  1 Co 1:21-24, 14:21,22
 Miracles do not guarantee or increase faith.
           Ex 10:13-20  Ac 4:13-22   Lk 1:11-20, 16:23-31
 CAUTION: Remember part 3 of the definition. Satan is a deceiver and a counterfeiter. He provides pseudo-miracles/magic. Ex 7:8-12    Rev 16:12-16
PROPHECY - Inspired revelation, declaration, and/or interpretation of the will and/or purpose of God. Prophecy is NOT fortune-telling.      Gr. prophetéia (forth-telling, i.e., bringing forth a message)
ALL Prophecy points to Jesus (Rev 19:10)
 - Prophecy comes from God, not the speaker (Deu 18:20, 2 Pe 1:19-21)
 - Prophecy must be 100% accurate (Deu 18:21,22; Jn 19:28; Ps 69:21) AND line up with the Word of God (Deu 13:1-3) BECAUSE God uses FALSE prophets to test us (1 Jn 4:1).
 - Prophecies cannot conflict with one another since they must be 100% accurate.
     (Jer 32:4, 34:3 vs. Eze 12:13)  (Jer 39:6,7)
 - Prophecy is specifically noted as superior (1 Co 14:1-6, 1 Th 5:19-21)
 - Prophecy does not require the speaker's awareness (Jn 11:47-52)
 - Prophecy does not extend beyond Scripture (Deu 4:1,2  Rev 22:18,19)
 - Prophecy is no respecter of persons (Ex 15:20; Judg 4:4; 2 Ki 22:12-14; Isa 8:3; Joel 2:28,29; Lk 2:36,37; Ac 21:8,9) Lk 19:39,40
 DISCERNMENT- Special ability to distinguish between the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.
 - Those so gifted can discriminate between what is raised up by God and what pretends to be. They can unmask Satan's trickery, ferret out false prophets, and detect false teachings. They can detect subtle errors and deficiencies in books or sermons. They can tell whether the atmosphere in a service is emotional or spiritual. Discernment comes from the knowledge of the Word of God (Bible Study) and the gift of the Holy Spirit (Heb 5:12-14). Spiritual claims are to be tested, not trusted (1 Jn 4:1; 1 Th 5:21), thus discernment extends to motive (heart) as well as message (tongue) (1 Ti 3:1-7).
 - Satan is a counterfeiter (2 Co 11:13-15)
 Christ                                             Antichrist (instead of Christ)
 True Prophets                                          False Prophets
 True Apostles                                          False Apostles
 Wheat                                                      Tares
 Sheep                                                      Wolves in sheep's clothing
 Holy Spirit/Angels                                  Unclean Spirits/Demons
God expressly forbids "spiritism" (Deu 18:10-14)
 False teaching is demonic (1 Ti 4:1-4)
 False teachers must not be supported (2 Jn 6-11)
 Church leaders are accountable for discernment (Rev 2:1,2,12-16,18-24)
 Examples      Mt 12:45-50, 16:15-17,21,23     Ac 5:1-10, 8:18-24, 16:16-18   Gal 1:6-9
 TONGUES - Spoken (not written) LANGUAGE
 Interpretation - Understanding,Comprehension (not translation)
         Gr. Glossalia "glossai" (tongues, languages) + "lalein" (to speak)
 - The Holy Spirit
             a) Gave one language   Gen 2:19.20   Gen 11:1
             b) Divided language Gen 11:2-10 (Gen 11 explains Gen 10)
             c) One language restored Ac 2:16-21 (Joel 2:28-31) 1Co 13:8  Rev  7:9-10
 "When the body prays and not the spirit" Mt 6:7 (chanting)
 "When the spirit prays and not the mind" 1 Co 14:14-17
 - Do all believers speak in tongues? 1 Co 12:10,11, 30  (See FAQ #35)
 - Do only believers speak in tongues? It may be Divine, Satanic, Artifical, or Psychological. It is the most easily counterfeited manifestation. It is practiced by Hindus and many other non-Christians.
 - How important is tongue-speaking to the Body?
      1. Ranks last among manifestations 1 Co 12:28
      2. Only 5 explicit references. Discussed only once by Paul. 
          a) Mk 16:17 ("new tongues" = to speak a different way
          b) Authentication of the Apostles in Acts
             - Ac 2:1-13 (1st 3,000 converts)
                   10:44-46 (Start of Gentile Mission)
                   19:1-12 (Start of Mission for followers of John The Baptist
         c) 1 Co 12-14 (Paul discusses abuse of tongues)
              Read 1 Co 12:7-10, 28-30; 14:1-33, 39,40
           Speaking in tongues is not required. Speaking in tongues should not be forbidden (1 Th 5:19, 1 Co 14:39) TONGUES + INTERPRETATION = PROPHECY
 APOSTLE - (Gr. "apostolos"- One who has been sent) Specifically, one who has been sent by one in authority, i.e., an authorized messenger.
 - Disciple vs. Apostle - Disciples are "called to". Apostles are "sent from". All apostles are disciples. Not every disciple becomes an apostle.
                    Mt 10:1,2   Lk 6:12,13
 - God has a process for apostleship
                   Ro 10:14,15 ÷ 1 Ti 3:1-6
 - Paul had to become a disciple first (CALLED)....  Ac 9:1-6
 .... then an apostle (SENT)  Ac 9:10-20
 - There were at least 82 apostles before Pentecost.
     Lk 10:1  Ac 1:13-15
 - Jesus was an Apostle
        Heb 3:1,2
 - Apostles lay foundations that others may build on.
     1 Co 12:28,29 (apostles listed first)
 Remember: Jesus (by occupation) was a carpenter (not a shepherd*), an Author, and Finisher.
 TEACHING - Communicating TRUTH (not knowledge) so that others are caused to learn.
   Knowledge vs. Truth - Satan has full knowledge of Scripture and of God, BUT... Jn 8:44   Eze 28:1-19
 Acquiring Knowledge is a step, not a goal     2 Pe 1:1-11
 Intelligence to Knowledge to Wisdom to Obedience to Love
 What is TRUTH? Ps 119:142 Law of God
 Ps 119:151 Commandments of God
 Jn 14:6 Jesus
 Jn 17:17 Word of God
 1 Jn 2:20-27 Anointing of Holy Spirit
 1 Jn 5:6 Holy Spirit
 What is the source of TRUTH? Jn 1:1,2,14-17    Ps 57:3      Gal 1:11,12
 If some possess the gift of teaching, who needs the manifestation?
                       Heb 5:12            Deut 11:19 (Parents)  Titus 2:3,4 (Older Women)  Lev 10:11 (Priests)
 HELPS - Ministration) - Serving the CHURCH in a way that supports, encourages and strengthens spiritual ministries. THE MINISTRY OF SUPPORTING MINISTRY. MUTUAL SERVICE IN LOVE. It is not the same as showing mercy, caring for the elderly, etc.
            1 Co 12:28 Gr. "antilepsis" (Lit."to take a turn") to support
 - 1st recorded ordination to Christian ministry Ac 6:1-7
 - Christ as the pattern  Mt 20:25-28  Lk 12:13,14  Jn 13:1-17
 - Paul's priority  1 Co 1:14-17  1 Co 9:13-17
 - Baruch Jer 36:1-18
 - Samuel 1 Sa 1:20-28, 2:11,17-20, 3:1
 - Disciples Mt 26:17-19   Jn 4:1-2,7-8
 - Prayer 1 Ti 2:1-3
 - Support/Encouragement 2 Ti 1:16-18
 Ac 13:1-5  Ac 19:21,22  Ac 20:1-4  1 Co 16:10-15  Ro 16:1-15  Lk 8:1-3  Philemon 10-13  Mk 9:35  1 Th 3:2  Jer 36:25-32
 REMEMBER: "Helps" applies only to ministry within the Body. The gifts of serving, giving and compassion are in operation at all times.
GOVERNMENTS -  (Ruling) - The authorized, Spirit-led direction and control of the gifts and ministries of the Body.
             1 Co 12:28 Gr. "Kubernesis" (steering, guidance)
 - 1 Timothy contains the earliest instructions for the orderly arrangement of the Church. It is ETHICAL; not HIERARCHICAL. The organization of modern churches is traditional, not Scriptural.

  CHRIST IS THE HEAD ( Co 1:18 ) ( Eph 1:15-23 )

  - Authority comes from God  Ro 13:1-7  Mt 15:7-14
      Ex. Pharaoh Ex 9:13-16
            Nebuchadnezzar Dan 4:28-32  Jer 25:9
            Prophets Deut 18:15-22
           Judges Judg 2:14-18
           Priest 1 Sa 2:27-36
 - Believers = Leaders   1 Pe 2:5,9   Rev 1:5,6
 - Leadership = Labor    1 Th 5:12,13   1 Pe 5:1-3
 - Titles are functional and service-oriented, often used interchangeably (bishop/elder/pastor/minister), and generally non-specific (Heb 13:7,17,24)
 - Resolution without Rank    Gal 6:1-10   1 Co 6:1-4   1 Ti 5:19-21   Tit 1:7-14; 2:9-11
 - Character and Ethics, Not Rank and Duties   1 Ti 3:1-13; 4:1-11
 - Paul: (In His Own Words)
 Servant/Apostle (Ro 1:1) Steward (1 Co 4:1) Prisoner (Eph 3:1)
 Minister (Ro 1:16) Follower (1 Co 11:1) (Fellow)Solider (Col 4:10)
 Preacher (Ro 1:20) Ambassador (2 Co 5:20) Sinner (1 Ti 1:11)
 Labourer (1 Co 3:9) Worker (2 Co 6:1) Pattern (1 Ti 1:12)
 Masterbuilder (1 Co 3:10) (Fellow) Helper (2 Co 8:23) Teacher (1 Ti 2:7)
  EVANGELIST - One who proclaims the gospel of salvation in relevant terms to unbelievers effecting conversion and discipleship.
 (Eph 4:11,12) Messengers are sent (apostles) to reveal the will and purpose of God (prophets) to provide witness and to convert (evangelists) so believers can be fed (pastors) and brought to maturity (teachers).
 Evangelists provide MILK. Pastor/teachers supply MEAT. (Heb 5:12-6:3)
 REMEMBER: This can all be embodied in one individual
 "Evangelist" appears only 2 other times in the Bible other than Eph 4:11. (2 Ti 4:5) and (Ac 21:8) where Philip is the only one in the Bible specifically called an evangelist. Philip was not a pastor, bishop, elder, etc., he was a deacon (Ac 6:5) (Ac 8:1)
 - Philip as a model for an evangelist
        Ac 8:5-13  Traveling, Preaching, Conversion, Discipleship
        Ac 8:26-40  Traveling, Witnessing, Teaching, Preaching, Conversion
 - Evangelists...
 Reach Out (Mk 1:17)
 Are Effective (Ac 2:36-41)
 Fulfil Prophecy (Lk 24:44-48)
 Present A Simple Message (1 Co 2:1,2)
 Can Be Counterfeited (2 Ti 4:3,4)
 "Evangelism" does not appear in the Bible at all, and didn't come into the English language until about 1626, BUT it is the subject of most of the New Testament activities.
 Mt 9:11-13; 36-38; 16:13-18   Mk 1:1-8  Ac 1:6-8  1 Jn 4:1-6  1 Pe 1:1-9; 2:1-5
EVANGELIST                                 PASTOR/TEACHER
 Person of Christ                                Whole Counsel of God
 Short Term                                        Long Term
 Wins Souls To Christ                        Build Believers In The Faith

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