Gr. SOTERIA (fem.) = Rescue, Safety (physical or moral) also translated as " deliver, health, save, saving" FROM Gr. SOZO = To save, deliver, protect, also translated "heal, preserve, save, do well, make whole" Gr. SOTER = Deliverer, translated "Saviour".
- Although it is critical to understand the birth, life and ministry of Jesus Christ, salvation focuses us on the death and resurrection. We are saved by the blood of His cross.
- THEN, as the Gospel is proclaimed, people hear and respond in FAITH and receive SALVATION. Ro 10:8-10 , 14-17 1Co 1:18-25 1Th 1:4-10
Material Prosperity/Success Ac 3:6 2Co 6:1-10
Physical Health/Well-Being 1Ti 5:23 2Ti 4:20 Phil 2:25-30 2Co 12:7-10
Avoiding Physical Hardship/Danger 1Co 4:9-13 2Co 11:23-30 Ac 7:55-60
Avoiding Injustice/Ill Treatment 1Pe 2:18-25
In fact we are assured of:
- Persecutions Mk 10:29,30
- Chastening by God Rev 3:17-19 Heb 12:1-11
The Ultimate Consequences Of Sin 1Jn 1:8-10 Ro 6:18-23
Death 1Pe 1:3-5 1Co 15:51-58
Guilt Ro 4:23 - 5:2 Heb 10:19-22
The Law and Its Curse Ro 8:1-10 Gal 3:10-13
Judgment Ro 5:6-10 Heb 9:16-28
Fear 2Ti 1:6-10 1Jn 4:16-19
Bondage Heb 2:11-15 Tit 2:11 - 3:6 Gal 4:28 - 5:1
Alienation From God 2Co 5:17-19
Separation From God's Kingdom Ro 8:13-17
2 : 1-5 Restoration/salvation through obedience
13-22 Ro 10:17.
3 : 5 New birth from the Spirit is REQUIRED.
14-18 Trusting in the death of Jesus is REQUIRED.
4 : 22-24 God sends revelation & equips us to worship.
5 : 8-15 Lk 11:24-26.
24 Believers have eternal life
6 : 35 Jesus is the bread of life.
68 Jesus is the source for words of eternal life.
7 : 37-39 Jesus' death was necessary before indwelling ( Jn 3:27-30 ).
8 :10-12 The guidance and safety of the Light.
32,36 Liberty through truth.
9 : 24,25,35-41 Salvation is spiritual sight. Ignorance is blindness.
10 : 7-10 Christ is the only entrance for safety and abundance.
11 : 25-27 Resurrection life belongs to the believer.
47-53 The saving purpose of His death.
12 : 31-33 Jesus, lifted up in death, draws men to Him.
13 : 6-10 Salvation - clean all over, throughout.
14 : 6 The true living way to the Father's house.
15 : 1-6 The Vine provides resources for life.
16 : 7-15 The Spirit guides us for Christ's sake .
17 : 1-3,11,12 He safely keeps those who know Him.
18 : 14,36,37 The saving purpose of His death.
19 : 30 Salvation accomplished through His death.
20 : 21-23 Words of PEACE and PARDON.
21 : 15-19 He re-instills love and reinstates us to service.
1,2,3 John
1 Jn 1 :1-2 Jesus IS Eternal Life
6,7 Believers are cleansed from sin
2 :1-2,12 The Blood of Jesus appeases the wrath of God
20-29 Believers have an anointing and a Promise*
3 :5-14 Born of God, through Love, receiving Life
4 :7-10 God, in Love, provides Salvation through Jesus Christ
13-15 Salvation through Confession
5 :4,5,11,12 Deliverance through God's Gift
13,18-20 Safety through Belief in the Name of Jesus
21 Warning
2 Jn 7-11 Warning
3 Jn 2 The Truth of Salvation Prospers The Soul
11 Warning
1 :5,6 Christ's Blood Saves Us To A Royal Priesthood
17,18 Christ's Resurrection Is Our Evidence
2 :10,11 Promise
3 :5 , 10-12 , 21 Promise
5 : 9,10 Redeemed by the Blood
7 :9-17 Cleansed by the Blood
12 :7-11 Power in the Blood
20 :1-6 First Resurrection
21 :1-8 Delivery from the Second Death
22 Beginning/End
Ch. 1 :1-7 Believers are summoned to salvation. Ro 8:28-30
16-20 Salvation is the manifestation of God's righteousness.
2 :1-11 We have only two options.
3: 19-28 Believers are justified by grace through Christ.
4: 13-25 Believers are the seed of Abraham. Jn 8:31-47
5 Death reigned through Adam, Life through Jesus.
6 : 3-11 Believers die with Christ to live with Christ.
17-23 Believers are servants to God and righteousness.
8 :1-4 The law had no power to save, only to condemn.
11-18 Believers are joint heirs with Christ.
31-39 We cannot be apart from God's love.
10 :1-4 Believers are not under the law.
5-13 Salvation is available to all.
11 God has called some, blinded others. MYSTERY
12 :1-3 God provides the means to serve through gifts.
14 :1-13 Salvation required the death andresurrection of Christ.
16 :17-20 Believers are delivered from the enemy.
MATTHEW 5 - Law vs. Grace
5:1-2 DisciplesTaught
3-12 Sermon On The Mount
13-16 True Discipleship
17-20 Fulfill The Law
21-48 Transcend The Law
21-26 Murder
27-32 Adultery
33-37 Perjury
38-42 Retaliation
- Ex 21:22-25
- Lev 24:17-20
- Deu 19:15-21
43-48 Love
What Price Salvation? How Secure Is It?
Ch 1 : Jesus - Superior to Angels To Save Us
2 :15-18 Jesus - Lower Than Angels To Save Us
3 : Jesus - Superior To Moses To Save Us
4 : 1-11 No entry into God's rest for unbelievers
5 : Jesus - Superior To Priests To Save Us
6 : 4-6 We Need Only To Be Saved Once
13-20 The Resurrected Christ Is Our Forerunner
7: 14-25 Christ: The King-Priest Forever
9: 11-17 Saved By The Blood of Jesus
20-28 Believers Await Christ
10 : 1-18 Jesus - Perfect, Ultimate, Permanent Sacrifice
26-31 Warning
36-39 Believers Await Christ
11 : 1-16 Heaven Is Our True Home
12 : 1-11 Believers Will Be Chastened By God
13 : 10-21 Jesus Was A Sin Offering For All Time
Why Do We Need To Be Saved? ( Jer 17:9 , Col 1:21
Gen 6:5
Ps 14:2,3
Ecc 7:20
Mk 10:18
Ro 3:23
We cannot hide sin Nu 32:23
We cannot cleanse ourselves Pr 20:9
We cannot be justified by deeds Gal 2:16
The penalty for sin is death Eze 18:20
The wages of sin is death Ro 6:20-23
What Can Go Wrong?
Jn 3:16 Do You Believe? Who/What Do You Believe In ?
Falling Away Lk 8:13,15
2 Th 2:1-4
Heb 6:4-6 10:26-31,36-39
Read Ro 10:8-15 , John 3:16 , 1 John 1:9 , Acts 4:12
FORGIVE ME OF MY SINS . I take You at Your Word that You forgive those who ask. I believe that You died for me and my sin, were buried and rose on the third day, and now sit at the right hand of the Father. I ask You and accept You to be my Lord and my Savior. I give myself to You. Thank You for being faithful, forgiving me of my sins and for saving me. I have asked in faith and believe that You have saved me. Lord help me and direct me in living a life that pleases and glorifies You. Thank You Lord for loving me enough to save me. Amen .
*catholic does not refer to the Roman Catholic Church, but has its literal meaning of "universal" or "general" and means the entire Christian Church as one body. Many substitute the word "Christian."
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