A . No. After all, wisdom comes from God ( Pr 2:6 ). It is a problem to DOUBT God's Word and/or His sovereignty. Note that Zacharias was struck dumb because of his doubt ( Lk 1:11-22 ), but Mary's question "How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?" ( Lk 1:34 ) was not a problem. The Bible tells us to "Prove all things..." ( 1Th 5:21 ) and that God "is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." ( Heb 11:6 ). This implies having curiosity about God and a thirst to know Him and His Word. The Psalms and the Books of the Prophets are replete with questions posed to God. He is our Father and is not obligated to respond. Back to Index
Q - Why is a day as important as Easter only mentioned once in the Bible?
A. The use of the word "Easter" in Ac 12:4 is not correct. It actually represents an assault by the devil on God's Word. The Greek is " to pascha " meaning " the Passover " as it is translated everywhere else in Scripture. " Easter " is derived from " Eastre " a heathen Saxon fertility goddess derived from " Astarte " (the Syrian version of " Venus "), and the goddess " Ashtoreth " in the O.T. ( 1Ki 11:5 , 33 ; 2Ki 23:13 ) as well as " Isis ", the Egyptian fertility goddess. This knowledge makes the connection with rabbits and eggs readily apparent. Note the references in Jeremiah to " the queen of heaven " ( Jer 7:18 ; 44:17-25 ). An increased awareness of this in recent years has led many to refer to "Resurrection Day/Sunday" instead. Back to Index
Q- What can you tell me about Jacob's ladder?
A. In Gen 28:12 , Jacob has a dream and sees a "ladder" (Heb."sullam" meaning "stairway"- only occ. in Scripture) reaching from earth to heaven. Your connection is Jn 1:51 where we find that the stairway is a type for Jesus Christ, "the Son of man." There are also references to a "highway" in Isa 35:8-10 ; 62:10 . Back to Index
Q - What are the " 7 Last Words" and where do I find them?
A. 1. "Father, forgive them" Lk 23:34
2. "To day shalt thou be with Me in Paradise" Lk 23:43
3. "Woman, behold thy son! Behold thy mother." Jn 19:25-27
4. "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" Mt 27:46
5. "I Thirst" Jn 19:28
6. "It is finished" Jn 19:30
7. "Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit." Lk 23:46 Back to Index
Q - There is a scene in "The Passion of the Christ" where the devil appears during the scourging of Christ and he's got a "baby." What's that about?
A. Read the exchange between Jesus and the Pharisees in Jn 8:13-47 . Your answer is located at v.44 . Christ also refers to them as "child(ren) of hell" in Mt 23:15 . Back to Index
Q - How did Noah get 2 of every animal on the Ark?
A. In fact, many of the animals were present in groups of seven (Gen 7:2, 3) , but there was plenty of room. We are given the dimensions of the Ark in Gen 6:15 . The secular cubit is about 18 inches (17.5). The sacred cubit is 25 inches. Let's use the smaller unit. So, the Ark was 75 ft. wide, 450 ft. long, and 45 ft. high with 3 levels. This gives a larger capacity than 550 standard railroad cars which can each hold almost 250 average size sheep. It is estimated that there are fewer than 18,000 different species of air breathing animals. It would take about 190 railroad cars to hold 45,000 sheep-sized animals, leaving over 350 cars for people, provisions, roaming/flying room for the animals, etc. Back to Index
Q - Why did Jesus say "Father, why has thou forsaken me?" from the cross?
A. First, in this case it is important to quote accurately. Secondly, the use of Hebrew and Aramaic for this utterance CANNOT be insignificant. Jesus used the language of a high priest to target His message. The "scripture lawyers" would understand the reference but most of the others wouldn't (as the Scripture indicates). This was actually intended to avoid the misunderstandings that persist today when the quotation is not properly connected to its source. He actually said, " My God, My God , why hast thou forsaken me?" This is significant because Jesus NEVER addressed God as anything other than "Father." This provides our indication to rightly divide the Word. The classic explanation is that Jesus felt forsaken because He "became sin" (the exact translation is "sin offering") and was thus separated from His Father. It may be fruitful for one to pursue this, but these are the important Scriptural facts: The quote is from Psalm 22 and we are pointed there for good reason. This Psalm was written almost 1000 years earlier, before crucifixion was even "invented", yet it contains pinpoint accuracy in its prophecy. Jesus, the Master (Teacher), was teaching and witnessing from the cross. Pay particular attention to the fulfillment by unknowing and unbelieving participants such as the gambling for His clothes ( v.18 ) and the mocking from the crowd in vv. 7,8 . Note the reference to His bones being out of joint and being able to tell (count) His bones (as a result of the whipping) in vv. 14-17 . To complete this brief explanation, during the 3 hours of darkness ( Mk 15:33 ) Jesus had ample opportunity to quote the entire Psalm which is indicated by this: Psalm 22 ends with " he hath done this ". The precise Hebrew equivalent of the Greek for " It is finished " ( John 19:30 ). Imagine the learned Pharisees in the crowd being forced to acknowledge in their hearts the fulfillment of Messianic prophecy AND their unwitting part in it. Jesus was teaching and bearing witness through Scripture just as He did after His Resurrection ( Lk 24:13-27 ). To say that He was separated from His Father presents numerous Scriptural difficulties, especially John 10:30 , "I and my Father are one." Back to Index
Q - Where was Lazarus and what was he doing that God had to call him forth 3 times?
A. Actually, God never called Lazarus 3 times, it's just folklore. In Jn 11:43 , Jesus calls him once. There are 7 instances in Scripture of God calling Man more than once at a time. They are, sequentially: Gen 22:11 (Abraham), Gen 46:2 (Jacob), Ex 3:4 (Moses), 1Sa 3:10 (Samuel), Lk 10:41 (Martha), Lk 22:31 (Simon), and Ac 9:4 (Saul). Back to Index
Q - Why was Samson weakened by a haircut?
A. Because Samson was a Nazarite. (See Nu 6:1-21 to thoroughly understand). The term "Nazarite" is from the Hebrew "nazir" meaning "the consecrated one." The Nazarites in Scripture include Samson ( Judges 13:7 ), Samuel ( 1Sa 1:9-11 ), John the Baptist ( Lk 1:15 ), and Paul ( Ac 18:18 ). Please note that Nazarites may be male or female, and the vow may be permanent or for a specified time. The cutting of Samson's hair violated the vow. Hence, in Judges 16:17-20 , we are told "... the Lord was departed from him." The cutting of his hair defiled the separation ( Nu 6:12 ), restarting the clock, but not cancelling the vow. When Samson's hair grew back ( Judges 16:22 ), he was able to resume the fulfillment of the vow. Back to Index
Q - What's the significance of the 4 faces Ezekiel sees in the visions in chapters 1 & 10?
A. First of all we must reject the commonly held explanation that the lion, ox, eagle and man represent the aspects of God's creation. It is a product of man's imagination and does not relate to the rest of the Bible nor the characteristics of God. He also made fish, insects, trees, etc. Where are they? The Bible is its own best reference and the key is in understanding the immutability of God. He is perfect and therefore does not change. When He travelled with His people in Nu 2 , He arranged them in a designated formation. STUDY Nu 2 and view the graphic representation on this site To Rev 4:7 . This is the same formation described in Eze 1:1-14 AND in Revelation! (Note the lion is on the RIGHT and the ox is on the LEFT in Eze 1:10 ) . Since truth begets truth, we can now understand clearly why Ezekiel says in 10:20 that it was the same creature he saw by the river in Chapter 1 although 10:14 has the face of the ox replaced by the face of a cherub. As Heb 9:11-14 so clearly tells us, the ox as a sacrifice was replaced by the incarnation of Jesus Christ-EMMANUEL-GOD with us. God showed it to Ezekiel's eyes but did not reveal it to his spirit (quite common with the O.T. prophets). We can also grasp the significance of the prophet emphasizing, as in 1:12 , 17 , 20 and 10:22 , that there was no turning, only moving straight forward, i.e., NEVER BREAKING FORMATION.
For further study and meditation, consider the positioning of the priests/Levites/ Libra BETWEEN (intercession) the scorpion/Dan/ Scorpio and the virgin/Zebulon/ Virgo both in formation AND on the calendar. The formation also places the altar between Man and the Scorpion. This is what is meant by Gen 1:14-18 and Ps 147:4 , not the nonsense that passes for astrology today. Back to Index
Q - What can you tell me about the "Songs of Degrees" in Psalms?
A. The key, as always, in in the Word of God itself and its immaculate structure. First of all, the Hebrew reads " Shir hamma aloth ", " A Song of THE Degrees ." This points us to the only "degrees" in Scripture. The ten degrees by which the sun's shadow went backward on the sundial of Ahaz as a sign to King Hezekiah (Read 2Ki 20:1-11 and Is 38:8 ). The number of such Psalms, fifteen ( Pss 120 - 134 ), corresponds to the number of added years Hezekiah received, while the number written by Hezekiah, ten, corresponds to the number of degrees that the dial went backward. Now read Is 38:20 where upon recovery from his illness, Hezekiah refers to "My Songs." These are the 10 untitled Psalms on the group. There is one by (not "for") Solomon ( Ps 127 in the center with two by David on either side. The Songs have another structure of 3 groups of five each. The first group deals with Tribulation . The second with Trust in Jehovah . The third with Blessings/Peace in Zion . The fifteen Songs also correspond to 15 specific events in the life of Hezekiah, which we will not address in this answer (unless you really want it). Back to Index
Q - If we have free will, how can God be in control?
A. Since God is both sovereign and omnipotent, our free will and choices are known to Him before they are known to us ( Ps 139:1-4 ). To illustrate : We sit down to play a game of chess. You are the top chess player in the world. I am playing my first game. I pick and choose my own moves but you will still control and win the game. My exercise of choice and free will will not override your superiority and control. Ask Jonah. Back to Index
Q - Why did God grant King Hezekiah an additional 15 years of life?
A. Read 2Ki 20:1-11 for the story. In v.6 God grants the additional 15 years. Now go to 2Ki 20:21 and 2Ki 21:1 . NOTE Manasseh's AGE (12)! At the time of Hezekiah's prayer the king was unmarried and childless . Had he died childless the bloodline of Jesus Christ would have been severed! Understand that the entire Old Testament concerns itself with this subject from Gen 3:15 forward when Satan was notified that Christ was coming. Back to Index
Q - What is the significance of the 153 fishes in Jn 21:11 , if any?
A. Many commentators see in this number some connection with the saved, as being definite and particular down even to the last one, making up not a large round number, but a smaller and odd number, 153. Some saw in this a proof that the number of the elect is fixed and pre-ordained. Jerome (primarily responsible for the Latin translation of the Bible, the Vulgate) claimed that there are 153 sorts of fish, i.e., all kinds of men enclosed in the Gospel net. Many other suggestions have been made, but they can’t be pinned down Scripturally.
The specificity of the number cannot be ignored. It does not say 150 or about 150, it is precisely 153.
Let’s start with the number 17, it is the combination or sum of two perfect numbers (7 and 10) - seven being the number of spiritual perfection, and ten of ordinal perfection. It stands out prominently as a significant number. The significance of these two numbers is clear; and when united in the number seventeen we have a union of their respective meanings: spiritual perfection, plus ordinal perfection, or the perfection of spiritual order. It is not a multiple of any other number, and therefore it has no factors. Hence it is called one of the prime (or indivisible) numbers. What is more, it is the seventh in the list of the prime numbers. The series runs 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, etc. Thirteen, it will be noted, is also a prime number, and is therefore important; but it is the sixth of the series: hence it partakes of the significance of the number 6, and is indeed an intensified expression of it. In like manner seventeen being the seventh of the series, it partakes of and intensifies the significance of the number seven.
We may simply multiply 17 by 3 and again by 3 (i.e., 17x3 2 ), and thus arrive at 153. If we employ addition and take the sum of all the digits to and including 17 it equals exactly 153. (1+2=3, 3+3=6, 6+4=10, 10+5=15, etc.) If you add all the numbers that follow up to 17, the whole amounts to the 153. In other words, (10 + 7) x (3 x 3) = 153 AND 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 +14 + 15 + 16 + 17 = 153.
It is also possible to employ both multiplication and addition. Take the square of 12 (government), and then add the square of 3 (the number of the Godhead). 12 2 + 3 2 = 153, or (12 x 12) + (3 x 3), or more simply 153 = 9 x 17, the number of all judgment (9) x 17.
The same Divine character is shown by the number of disciples who were present when the miracle was wrought. There were seven . And the seven is divided into 3 and 4, as usual - 3 by name and 4 unnamed.
153 is, quite simply, THE NUMBER OF THE SONS OF GOD!
The expression Myhl)h ynb ( Beni Ha-Elohim ), “Sons of God,” occurs seven times! (One of them is slightly different, yh-l) ynb ( Beni El-hai ), "sons of the living God." Thus the human and divine element is seen in the six and seven).
Now the gematria of this expression is exactly 153. Thus:
b = 2
n = 50
y = 10
h = 5
) = 1
l = 30
h = 5
y =10
M = 40
Total =153
In Greek, the gematria is 3213, or 3 x 7 x 153. It is very remarkable, in connection with this, that in Job 2:1 we have "Beni-ha Elohim with Satan among them." The gematria of this phrase is 1989, and the two factors of this number are 153 and 13 (13x153=1989).
The word ( sunkleeronomoi ), “joint-heirs” ( Rom 8:17 ), amounts to 1071, the factors of which are 153 and 7 (153x7=1071).
The expression ( ktisis Theou ), “the creation of God,” is 1224, or 8 x 153.
In the record of the miracle itself there are some remarkable phenomena: The word for "fishes" is by gematria 1224, or 8 x 153.The words for "the net" by gematria amount to 1224, or 8(new beginning) x 153, for it is unbroken, and carries the precious freight from "the right side" of the ship safely to the shore, and “not one is lost.”
This is the meaning of the 153 great fishes.
153 is a # of perfection. The addition of the 3 is necessary for the spiritual perfection of the number 7 to be realized. The 360º of a perfect circle is evenly divisible by every integer from 1 - 10 except 7. Dividing 7 into 360 = 51, a total of 357, requiring 3 more (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) for perfection. Back to Index
Q - Why do we need both 1&2 Kings and 1&2 Chronicles?
A. In Kings and Samuel, we have an ex oteric (outside), human look at events. In Chronicles we have an es oteric (inside), Divine standpoint. Therefore Kings shows things as man governed them. Chronicles shows things as God reigned. Kings gives us history of the complete nation of Israel. Since Chronicles gives the Divine view, it is concerned only with the kingdom of Judah as leading through the bloodline of Jesus Christ as the ultimate successor to David. Chronicles gives us reasons and morality behind events. Even a quick comparison of the rendering of the same events in each of the books, will make this readily apparent.
Example: 2Ki 16:7 tells us what Ahaz did.
2Ch 28:16-19 tells us why it occurred that way.
Note: In 2Kings , we have 3 chapters ( 18-20 ) concerning Hezekiah's political reign and only 3 verses ( 2Ki 18:4-6 ) about his spiritual change. By way of contrast, in 2Chronicles we have 3 chapters ( 29-31 ) involving his spiritual reign, and only 1 chapter ( 32 ) on his secular reign. Back to Index
Q - Why did Cain kill Abel?
A. Read 1Jn 3:12,13. Conflict between light and darkness. No specific reason required for unbelievers to feel negatively toward believers. Back to Index.
Q - Why isn't Job mentioned in Heb 11, the "faith" chapter?
A. Because God used Job as an example of righteousness and patience. Job 1:1 ; 2:3 serve as definitions of the characteristics of a righteous man. In Eze 14:14,20 Job is linked to Daniel and Noah as examples of righteousness. His patience is referenced in Jas 5:11 . All of this makes Job our O.T. type for the righteous saints which will be chosen to experience tribulation in the endtimes Rev 9:1-6 ; 13:10 . Back to Index
Q - Does God love me?
A. YES. Ro 8:35-39 . He may hate what you do, but His love is unconditional - He's your Father. Back to Index
Q - Is it okay for a Christian to be cremated instead of being buried?
A. We will give many Scriptures that address this question, but conceptually: Would God hold us responsible for what happens to our body after we die? What if a Christian dies in a fire? What if a funeral home made a mistake? What if loved ones simply can't afford a funeral?
God has no requirements for burial. Man has customs and traditions. The Hebrews typically buried people and reserved burning for criminals and others who were somehow dishonored. Many Jewish cemeteries still segregate criminals. Most Asian cultures cremate. Some Native American tribes "bury" above ground. The Egyptians created the most elaborate tombs of all - the Great Pyramids. The fabulous Taj Mahal is a mausoleum. Enoch and Elijah were neither buried nor cremated, they were translated by God Himself.
SCRIPTURES - Ecc 12:7 Our earthly bodies house our spirit and soul and return to the dust from which we were created.
- 2Co 5:6-8 To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. At death our soul goes immediately to God. There is no interim state.
- 1 Sa 31:12 The burning of the bodies of Saul and his sons is direct evidence of no Godly taboo. Note that their bones were buried.
- Gen 18:27 Abraham refers to himself as dust (burial) and ashes (cremation).
- Job 30:19 Job likens himself to dust and ashes.
Traditions of men, no matter how longstanding or ingrained, must not be confused with the Word or will of God. Note that in Jn 11:39 , Jesus waited 4 days before raising Lazarus to refute the traditional teaching at that time that there was a 3 day period before the spirit left the body. Back to Index
Q - How can the Bible be perfect if men wrote it?
A. Read 2Ti 3:16 . The premise of the question is flawed. Men only transcribed the Word. The idea that over 40 different authors over a span of some 1500 years, living in different times and cultures, with varying levels of education, writing in different languages could combine to produce this superbly structured magnificent literary work replete with unerring prophecy without Divine oversight is unacceptable. Back to Index
Q - Where is the Ark of the Covenant?
A. Rev 11:19 . No need to watch TV shows where people search for it. God has it. Back to Index
Q - Why does the spiritual armor of Ephesians 6 only cover the front?
A. Read Is 58:8 . God only wants us to move forward and not look to the right or left. He can't expect us to do that without covering our backs. Back to Index
Q - Is it sinful to get angry?
A. Absolutely not! Eph 4:26 is an imperative statement. Emotions are not sinful. How we deal with them is important. In fact, as we mature spiritually, we should progress from being able to recognize sin, to avoiding sin, to hating sin. Jesus Himself was so angered by the defilement of the Temple that He turned it out twice . First, Jn 2:13-21 ("My Father's house"), and later, Mt 21:12,13 ; Mk 11:15-17 ; Lk 19:45,46 ("My house"). ( At the end, Mt 23:37,38 "your house" ). Think: Since Jesus was "without sin" ( Heb 4:15 ) AND got angry, anger cannot be sinful. Back to Index
Q - Why are there no female angels in the Bible?
A. Chronology. Before God made flesh, there was no need for gender. Take note of Mt 22:30 and Gen 1:27,28 and Gen 2:21-23 . It has nothing to do with anything other than timing. HUMAN reproduction requires two sexes, heavenly existence did not, does not, and will not (UNDERSTAND Mk 12:25 ). Don't allow anyone to make more out of it than this. It's not any deeper. Back to Index
Q - Who Killed Jesus Christ?
A. - Read Jn 10:17,18 . UNDERSTAND! Do not fall into pointless debate about things of no significance. It was ordained by God so that we could be saved. Read the pinpoint accuracy of the prophecies in Psalm 22 , written almost a 1000 years earlier, before crucifixion was even "invented".
1 - TECHNICALLY, Jesus Christ was crucified by the Romans because the Jews had no authority to carry out capital punishment, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, READ ACTS 4:27,28 and eliminate the question.
2 - JESUS CHRIST WAS A JEW! This renders it IMPOSSIBLE for a TRUE Christian to be anti- anybody . James 2:8-10 .
3 - The "Jews" referred to in the New Testament actually refers to the tribes of Benjamin and Judah mixed with those who chose to return or stay. The other 10 tribes were the Samaritans.
4 - It is divisiveness, strife, and ungodliness fostered by those who serve Satan's purposes in pulpits and classrooms. It is hype fostered by the pursuit of revenue. It is what happens when we pursue religion instead of TRUTH (the WORD of GOD). When anyone (and that includes CORRECTBIBLE.COM See Gal 1:6-10 ) expresses a point of view, there must be Scripture to back it up! Carefully read, study and meditate on 1Th 5:18 , 1Co 1:18-31 , Gal 3:29 , 1Jn 3:15-18 . Jesus Christ did not come down and lay down his life so we could argue about who killed him and ignore the fact that He's Not Dead! Back to Index
Q - How do I get peace when I feel stressed?
A. Follow the instructions in
Phil 4:6-9
Sometimes we get so hung up on fine points that we miss the simple instructions about everyday life.
Note: "supplication" is verbal and asks "If You will", not "If You can". Back to Index
Q - Why do some good people die young?
A. Read
Is 57:1,2
Pss 72:13,14
("precious" = Heb. "yakar" = "heavy in price"). Our natural death is God's way of getting us back home. The number of years we live is not some kind of reward from God. In fact, Scriptures that refer to "length" of days would be better translated "fullness" or "value". Remember WHY Enoch was taken up (
Gen 5:21-24
) and "only" lived 365 years (To
Adam to Abraham"
). Believers must understand that death is a release from mortality. When we lose loved ones, our grief should be based on
loss, not theirs. Note Paul's words (
Phil 1:21-24
Back to Index
Q - Can I sin without doing something wrong?
A. YES, YES, and YES. Jas 4:13-17 . Back to Index
Q - Does it matter who my friends and associates are?
A. Yes. Read 2Co 6:14 . Conceptually, if one places muddy hands on a freshly laundered white shirt, the hands make the shirt dirty, the shirt does not make the hands clean ( see Hag 2:11-14 ). Back to Index
Q - Why do I need to study the Old Testament?
A. (1)- If John 1 told us that Jesus was like the Word, or followed the Word, or believed the Word, or knew the Word, we might have some chance of knowing Jesus without knowing the Word. However, since Jesus is the Word, to ignore half of the Word precludes knowing Jesus as we should.
(2)- The Old Testament contains Genesis, the Book of Beginnings, which sets patterns for God and mankind. Many New Testament scriptures are completely baffling without understanding Genesis. Mt 24:38,39 is a total mystery if Gen 6 and the fallen angels is skipped or misunderstood.
(3)- 2Ti 3:16 refers to "All Scripture" and the New Testament has over 600 direct references and allusions to the Old Testament.
(4)- If the N.T. is the fulfillment of the O.T., how are we to know what is being fulfilled? How are we to benefit from the O.T. examples of our nature, our shortcomings, and God's love for us ( 1Co 10:1-14 )?
(5)- Failure to study the O.T. causes us to rely on tradition fraught with error for what we think about Noah, Job, Daniel, etc. It follows that we will be unable to learn from the examples Scripture gives us if we don't really know about them ( Mt 15:1-9 ).
(6)- Do we intentionally watch half a movie? Read half a book? Start a project in the middle? Do we put the furniture in the house before the foundation and walls are in place? IS CHRIST DIVIDED? ( 1Co 1:13 ).
(7)- The O.T. tells us why Jesus came, why He did what He did, and said what He said. The reality of God's omniscience and fulfillment of His prophecy is only a concept without knowledge of the O.T. There are doubtless many Christians who wonder where Jesus was and what He was doing before being born of woman. How is one to really understand the "vail" ( Lk 23:45 ; Heb 10:20 ) minus the knowledge of the Holy of Holies in Exodus 26:31-37 ?
(8)- Revelation and Genesis are complementary. One completes the other. They are two pieces of bread holding the meat between them to make a sandwich instead of a mess. Rev 22:18,19 applies to the entire Word, not just Revelation itself. By not studying the O.T. (avoiding the "schoolmaster" of Gal 3:24 ) we will encounter the same difficulties as we would find by beginning school in 12th grade. You will be without foundation ( Mt 7:26,27 ). Back to Index
9. Iniquity Ps 66:18
10. Timing Dan 10:1-14 Back to Index
Q - Why doesn't God's name appear in the Book of Esther?
A. In keeping with Esther's "hidden" faith, the Divine name appears 5 times (the number of Grace) in Hebrew in the form of an acrostic. Four times as "Jehovah" and once as "I AM." The verses are as follows:
Ch. 1:20 "all the wives shall give"
5:4 "let the king and Haman come this day"
5:13 "this availeth me nothing"
7:5 "Who is he , and where is he " (the "I AM" of Ex 3:14 )
7:7 "that there was evil determined against him" Back to Index
Q - Is Hell real?
A. Hell MUST exist as an alternative choice to Heaven. Choice is fundamental to God because choice is essential to love - and we know God is love ( 1Jn 4:18 ). God has presented us choices since He placed the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the Garden along with the tree of life. If Hell does not exist in diametric contrast to Heaven, then darkness/light, evil/good, sin/righteousness, and death/life must also not exist. Since God does NOT will that any of us should perish ( 2Pe 3:9 ), He has made the choice as easy and obvious as He possibly can - even instructing us as to the correct choice ( Deu 30:19 ).
He has placed the horrors of Hell in stark contrast to the blessings of Heaven leaving us without excuse ( Ro 1:18-32 ). His purpose and method are clearly stated ( Jn 3:18-21 ) leaving us individually and solely responsible for owning hearts which turn away from Him. Condemnation and eternal separation must exist to correspond to salvation and eternal life with God. Heb 10:31 is a loving warning consistent with God always preceding judgment with an offer of mercy. The most clearly articulated example of our "options" is Deu Chs. 28 , 29 , but note Adam's chance to confess ( Gen 3:11 ), Judas' two opportunities Jn 13:18, 21-26 followed by the result of his failure to repent ( Jn 13:27 ).
Spiritual warfare does not allow bystanders ( Mt 12:30 ), nor does it present a third option, a "neutral corner", so to speak. The Word of God must be fully and faithfully believed ( Rev 22:18,19 ). Hell exists because The Word of God says so ( Titus 1:2 )! Back to Index
Q - What constitutes "improper" teaching?
A. 1 - Not relating the Word to Jesus Christ
2 - Not making it practical and effective for everyday living.
3 - Whitewashing a lack of understanding with catch-all phrases
like "You just have to accept it on faith."
4 - Turning God's love story into rituals of restriction.
5 - Perpetuating myth and error through a lack of personal,
Spirit-led study AND relying on man instead of God to illuminate
His Word.
6 - A lack of personal humility as a vessel, not an authority. Back to Index
Q - Is there something wrong if I don't speak in tongues?
A. Absolutely not. 1Co 12:28-30 settles it. Paul's question in v.30 should keep us from misreading any other Scripture which may lead us to think otherwise. 1Co 12:7-11 clearly states that no one gift is universally dispersed among the body. If one were required to speak in tongues, the kingdom would not be available to those who can't speak at all. Many Christians have been unnecessarily distressed by incorrect teaching on this subject. Back to Index
Q - Exactly how do I rebuke the Devil?
A. Only in the name of the Lord. Read Jude 8,9 . We cannot forget that the Devil is a supernatural archangel and cannot be underestimated. Nor should we forget the seven sons of Sceva in Ac 19:13-16 . Beware preaching which speaks of the Enemy in belittling terms. Despite his totally evil character, he is still God's handiwork ( Eze 28:12-15 ) and we are not to insult or lightly regard God's work. That is why even Michael, himself an archangel, must say, "The Lord rebuke Thee." A mindset which takes the Devil lightly correspondingly takes God's protection lightly. Our power comes from God ( Jas 2:19 ). Back to Index
Q - How do I keep the Devil "off my track?"
A. Follow the two-part instructions given in Jas 4:7 . We submit to God and resist the devil by taking a step in one direction or the other when we reach certain decision points in our minds. We are told to bring our thoughts into captivity ( 2Co 10:5 ). When we fail to do this, the process is described for us in detail in Jas 1:13-16 . As an example, note David's actions in 2Sa 11:1-3 . As soon as David asks the identity of the woman he saw, he has stepped in the wrong direction in the tug-of-war between flesh/spirit, God/devil. Lust has conceived. The rest of the story brings forth death. The lesson is clear. Back to Index
Q - You say that the Lord's Supper was not the Passover lamb. Explain.
A. First, let's clear up Lk 22:15 , where Jesus says " With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer ." He wanted to, but He couldn't BECAUSE He was not going to be present for it. Why not?
- (2) Jesus Christ Himself WAS the Passover Lamb. He couldn't very well eat it. He was in fact, preparing to be sacrificed.
- (3) At the Supper they partook of Communion , the true significance of this meal.
- (4) Read Jn 19:31 and remember that the legs were broken to ensure death BEFORE the high sabbath day, i.e., Passover.
Rightly Divide The Word. Prove All Things. Back to Index
Q - Why did God say "I am Alpha and Omega?" ( Rev 1:8 )
A. Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. Omega is the last letter. We would say "from A to Z" to indicate all-inclusiveness. This verse refers to the eternality, or timeliness of God. God is the beginning and end of all things, the Lord over history and time. God is infinite, everlasting, and all powerful. God is (a) Spirit and has certain characteristics:
- Immutability - God is unchanging and unchangeable ( Jas 1:17 )
- Omniscience - God knows all actual and possible things ( Ps 139:1-6 )
- Omnipresence - God is everywhere at all times ( Ps 139:7-12 )
- Omnipotence - God is all powerful ( Rev 19:6 )
- Sovereignty - God is the Supreme Ruler ( Eph 1 )
- Holiness - God is righteous ( 1Jn 1:5 )
- Justice - God practices moral equity ( Ac 10:34 )
- Unity - God is One - ( Deu 6:4 )
- Love - God loves us unconditionally ( Eph 2:4,5 )
- Freedom - God is completely independent ( Isa 40:13 )
God existed before creation (which was). God exists now (which is). God will exist when this age ends (which is to come). The statement " I AM THAT I AM " ( Ex 3:14 ) indicates that God is self-existent. There are variations of Jehovah, Yahweh, etc., but the Hebrew meaning is " Self-Existent One ." God has no source. God is the Source. God has no end. The statement in Ex 3:14 is God's way of identifying Himself. It is His means of introduction and identification in Revelation. Back to Index
Q - Are there angels among us?
A. Yes. See Heb 13:2 for definitive Scripture. Back to Index
Q - It's hard for me to pray on my knees. Does it matter?
A. No. To make it clear, remember that Jonah prayed while in the belly of a fish ( Jonah 2:1 ). However, to document more fully, read the following partial list of relevant Scriptures:
- Kneeling Ezra 9:5
- Standing Neh 9:5
- Sitting
1 Ch 17:16-27
- Bowing Ex 34:8
- Hand's Uplifted 1Ti 2:8
- Prostrate Mt 26:39 Back to Index
Q - If prayer is so important, why isn't it one of the Commandments?
A. Because prayer is a PRIVILEGE. See Ro 5:1,2 . God is not obligated to allow our soul to approach His heart. The vail is torn, and we are "introduced" by Jesus Christ. Back to Index
Q - Should I fast?
A. There is no Scriptural requirement to fast. It is not feasible for many people due to medications, etc. However , fasting involves sacrifice and denial of the flesh (not necessarily food) which can benefit us spiritually. For yourself , study, meditate and pray about the following Scriptures containing the direct words of God ( Isa 58:1-11 ) and the direct words of Jesus Christ ( Mt 6:16-18 ; 9:14,15 ). Back to Index
Q - Where can I find Solomon's other name?
A. In 2 Sa 12:24,25 . ( Note that in v.24, "he called ..." should be "she called..." ). This contrasts the name given by his mother, Bathsheba, ( Solomon = Peaceful) with the name given by Jehovah through Nathan the prophet ( Jedidiah = beloved of Jah), to be connected to David = beloved. Back to Index
Q - Can I lose my salvation?
A. No. You can't "misplace" your salvation and God won't take it back. Salvation is a GIFT and Ro 11:29 tells us that He won't take back a gift. Even the Devil, who began as an anointed archangel, is still anointed. He CHOSE to be evil ( Eze 28:14-18 ). We can also CHOOSE to ignore, renounce, or otherwise throw away our salvation like any other gift. Read Heb 6:4-6 CAREFULLY. It tells us that if we are saved and indwelt by the Holy Spirit and " fall away " that there is nothing else (note " impossible ") that can be done for us. Jesus Christ, our Rock ( 1Co 10:4 ), cannot be crucified a second time and it is insulting to His sacrifice to imply that once wasn't enough. That is why Moses was not supposed to strike the rock a second time in Nu 20:11 after God told him to SPEAK to the rock in v.7 . If the blood of Jesus and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit aren't enough for us, then God cannot redeeem us from the Devil's pawnshop because He already paid the highest possible price for us. Spend some time reviewing the topic on this site. To SALVATION Back to Index
Q. Where did the Sanhedrin come from?
A. Read Nehemiah 10 . It contains a list of men known traditionally as “The Great Synagogue.” This group was originally 120 members strong, later reduced to 70, and existed for 110 years before becoming the supreme Jewish council known as the Sanhedrin. The group included representatives from the priests, Levites, government, citizenry and doctors of the law. All were required to take a solemn oath to:
1. Pay a 1/4 shekel annual temple tax.
2. Observe the weekly and high sabbaths.
3. To observe the sabbatical year.
4. Not to intermarry with non-Jews.
5. Keep the altar supplied with wood.
6. Pay priestly dues.
7. Collect and preserve the Scriptures. Back to Index
Q - Could a human clone be saved?
A. Absolutely. Positively . The “whosoever” of John 3:16 seals it. Conceptually, John 3:18 lets us know that God does not condemn. We make our own choice. None of us chooses the circumstances of our conception/birth so it cannot be a factor. Read Deu 30:19 to see the choice explicitly put forth. A careful reading of John 1:12,13 shows that omniscient God allowed for the possibility of human cloning in His inerrant Word. Note the three circumstances of birth listed in v.13 :
1 . “..blood” Normal conception
2 . “...flesh” Artificial insemination, test tubes, surrogates
3. “...will of man” Cloning Back to Index
Q - What’s the difference between “sin” and “iniquity”?
A. Sin is to miss the mark, to stumble, to fall short, to be morally worthy of blame with regard to deed, thought or action. It may be through error or ignorance and does not have to be wilful.
Iniquity is a condition of the heart. It refers to a course of conduct rather than individual acts or circumstances. It’s many Biblical renderings include “perverseness“, “vanity” and “wickedness“.
The “pure in heart” do not suffer from iniquity , but are not without sin . Back to Index
Q. Exactly what does “ask in my name” mean?
A. “Name” as used throughout Scripture is no different that when we use it in a phrase such as “I’d stake my name on it.” One’s name is the sum total of character, attributes and person. For example, in Jn 14:13 and Jn 15:16 we are promised a positive response from God when we ask in the name of Jesus. This does not indicate that we can play “Simon Says” with God or that there are certain code words or phrases for prayer. Reference Jn 15:7 and understand that when we are exhibiting the character of Jesus Christ (abiding in Him) and indwelt by the Holy Spirit we have an attitude of humility, service and obedience to God. Instead of requesting “things” as in James 4:1-3 , we will be concerned with God’s will, not our own. We will seek God’s blessings for others, for ministry, for service and the fulfillment of our calling in accordance with His will. This is what we are promised. It is not a requirement to frame our prayers with “In the name of Jesus.” Back to Index
Q. Explain the “spirit of fear” in 2Ti 1:7. Is it a sin to be afraid?
A. Let’s rightly divide 2Ti 1:7 . “ fear”= Gr.“deilia”=“cowardice”
1. “sound mind”= Gr.”sophronismos” Only occ .=“discipline” (as in “disciple”)
2. “power”= Gr.“dunamis”= the inherent power of God (as in “dynamic”)
3. “love”= Gr.“agape”= used only of God’s love
The spirit of fear is a manifestation of separation from God, Who is the source of the 3 things mentioned above. (Read 1Jn 4:16-19 ).It is a spirit and not due to a specific perceived danger. Note Adam’s “I was afraid” in Gen 3:10 , (the first verbalization of man’s emotion in Scripture) due to sin's separation. Cowardice is not being afraid. Cowardice is being prevented by, controlled by, or overcome by fear. Fear is healthy and rational and keeps us from being unnecessarily foolish. Where there is no fear there can be no courage. Courage is being afraid, but going ahead anyway. When God tells Joshua to be of good courage ( Jos 1:6-9 ) it acknowledges our recognition of danger and uncertainty. Being afraid is not a sin. It would be psychotic to be incapable of being afraid. The spirit of fear is an approach to life that disregards God’s presence and power. It is when you are afraid and can’t even articulate why you’re afraid. (Remember Y2K). Back to Index
Q. Explain the “threescore years and ten” of Psalm 90.
A. First the answer, then the details. It is a reference to the arbitrarily shortened lives of the 603,550 ( Nu 1:45,46 ) men numbered for war ( Nu 14:29-34 ) who “brought up an evil report” concerning entry into the promised land ( Nu 13 ). The structure of the Bible gives us the context to rightly divide the Word. The Psalms are arranged in correspondence to the Pentateuch ( the first 5 Books). Read Nu 32:6-13 and Deu 2:14-18. For further clarity read Joshua 5, particularly vv. 4-7.
Psalms 1-41 - Genesis - Regarding man
Psalms 42-72 - Exodus - Regarding the nation of Israel
Psalms 73-89 - Leviticus - Regarding the Sanctuary
Psalms 90 -106 - Numbers - Regarding the nations of the Earth
Psalms 107-150 - Deuteronomy - Regarding God and His Word
Note that Psalm 90 leads off the “Numbers” Psalms. The Hebrew title for the book is “Bemidbar” meaning “in the wilderness.” The Psalm is a Prayer of Moses (the man of the wilderness) lamenting the imposed doom of the 600,000+. The context is locked in by vv.7-9. In v.8 the word “secret” is singular, meaning that “sins” should be rendered “sin” pointing to a specific event. We have the numbering of days in v.12 to further point us in the right direction.
years is locked as an approximation by v.10. Since the numbering was done for men “twenty years old and upward” (
Nu 14:29
), the forty year limit would be noticeable and significant for those military-aged men between twenty and forty years of age, with an average age of thirty.
30+40=70, with a topside of 80.
FINAL NOTE: Moses lived to 120 (Deu 34:7), Joshua to 110 (Jos 24:9). Both fruitful until the end. Eli and Samuel both lived to be about 98. Jehoiada lived to 130 (2 Ch 24:15). Caleb's death is not recorded in the Bible, but he was 85 at Jos 14:10. Daniel was serving as a "president" (Dan 6:2-3) when he was cast into the lions den at age 87. See Anna (Lk 2:36,37). John was past 90 when he wrote Revelation, etc. UNDERSTAND
Psalm 92:12-15
Q. Was Jesus hung on a tree or crucified on a cross?
A. Actually both. The O.T. could only refer to a tree because crucifixion had not yet been "invented." In the N.T. the Greek uses two different words. "Stauros" denotes an upright pole/stake. "Xulon" refers to a dead log or piece of wood ("dendron" would be a living, green tree). Every "stauros" is a "xulon" so the words are equivalent in reference to the crucifixion. The stake itself is the actual instrument of death and the lack of any reference to two pieces of wood brings the prophecy and its fulfillment in line without excluding the crossbar. The fact that the crossbar is not mentioned is not evidence of its absence. What our Lord was "hung on" differs from what He was "attached to." Back to Index
Q -
What is the “correct” sabbath day?
Based on
Ex 20:11
, the 7th day (our Saturday) was established as the sabbath day of rest
sabbath day was changed from Saturday to Sunday
by tradition
around A.D. 60 by the daylong fellowship of Ac 20:7 to commemorate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ,
there was no official change. In A.D. 324, Emperor Constantine, the first Christian Roman emperor decreed his support of the observance of Sunday as a Christian holy day to make it "official."
, do not fall into pointless debate. Christ Jesus is our rest (
Heb 4:3-11
) and abides within us 24-7.
Colossians 2:11-16
is UNEQUIVOCAL about the observance of sabbath days. There is no right or wrong and one could choose to observe no sabbath day whatsoever (
Ro 14:4-12
). It is interesting to note that the march around Jericho took seven straight days, so it must have included the Sabbath. Understand the words of Jesus in
Mk 2:23-28
The issue doesn't further your relationship with God, and as such is a step back toward Egypt, the bondage of rules, and the law which could only condemn us. God is about hearts: not rules, observances or anything else that Jesus nailed to the cross.
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Q. - Is there a difference between a prophet and a seer?
"Samuel the seer" - Heb. "roeh" - One who receives visions
"Nathan the prophet" - Heb. "nabi" - One who speaks for another (God)
"Gad the seer" - Heb. "hozeh" - A seer lesser than a "roeh"
So in 1Sa 9:9 we see Samuel going from "roeh" to "nabi" Back to Index
Q - Jesus sits on the right hand of the Father. Who sits on the left?
A. No one sits on the left hand (the heavenly host stands for ministry on the right and the left ( 2 Chr 18:18 )). For judgment the sheep go to the right, the goats to the left. The goats are disposed of because they are unfit (See Mt 25:41 ). The entire section is from Mt 25:31-46 . Also note that in Scripture, standing is for ministry (See Ac 7:56 ), sitting is for judgment (See Rev 20:11,12 ). The right hand is the position of strength, honor and trust. Hence the phrase "right hand man" and the use of the right hand to shake hands as a sign of trust by giving up the weapon-wielding hand (See Judges 3:21,22 ). The entire story is from Judges 3:12-30 . Back to Index
Q - What is an acrostic?
A. A series of lines or verses in which the first, last, or other particular letters when taken in order correspond to the alphabet or spell out a word, phrase, etc.
Examples of Acrostics occur in:
• Psalms 111 and 112 where each letter begins a line.
•Psalms 25, 34, and 145 where each letter begins a half-verse.
• Psalm 37, Proverbs 31:10-31 and Lamentations 1, 2, and 4 where each letter begins a whole verse.
• Lamentations 3 where each letter begins three verses.
• Psalm 119 is the most extensive example of acrostics where in each section of eight verses, the same opening letter is used. The 22 sections of the Psalm move through the Hebrew alphabet letter after letter.
There are many more acrostics and Scriptural connections through acrostics that can only be recognized through advanced study. For example:
The Book of Esther contains the name JEHOVAH hidden acrostically, in the Hebrew, in 5 places (1:20 “ALL THE WIVES SHALL GIVE”, 5:4 “LET THE KING AND HAMAN COME THIS DAY”, 5:13 “THIS AVAILETH ME NOTHING”, 7:5 “WHO IS HE, AND WHERE IS HE”, and 7:7 “THAT THERE WAS EVIL DETERMINED” ).
The Hebrew word “dor” is used 167 times in the Hebrew Bible and usually translated as "generation". While the Hebrew word דור and the English word "generation" are similar in meaning, it is important to understand the differences in order to have a clearer picture of the authors understanding of the word which may impact how the passage is understood.
A generation is time from one birth to the birth of the next generation. While the word דור has the same meaning, there are differences. In our culture we see time as a line with a beginning and an end while the Eastern mind sees time as a continuous circle. While we may see a generation as a time line with a beginning and an end, the Hebrews saw a generation as one circle with the next generation as a continuation of the circle. There is no beginning and no end. Its Greek equivalent (aion), translated “ever” or “for ever” in Revelation ties to Psalm 37 where the verses beginning with “d” (v.7), “o” (v.20), and “r” (v.34) address the end of the wicked and thus, the beginning of the new heaven and earth. The three verses are the seventh from the beginning, the middle verse and the seventh from the end.
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