The DIVERSITY of the Gospels
4 Views of our Lord
MATTHEW - Jesus as KING . Royal genealogy. Uses the phrase "kingdom of heaven" 32 times, not once in any other Gospel. Genealogy is downward from Abraham and David. There are 31 events which are only here. Written for the Jews.
MARK - Jesus as SERVANT . No genealogy. Referred to as "Lord" only twice (both times due to imprecise translation) by others. Called "Lord" twice by the Holy Spirit after His ascension. Begins with His ministry and focuses on His activities and feelings. Written for the Romans (Gentiles).
LUKE - Jesus as MAN . Extensive pre-natal information. Human genealogy upward from Adam. Jesus depicted as a friend. Dependent upon the Father. Six miracles and 11 parables appear only in Luke. Women are emphasized in this Gospel. Extensive use of medical terms by Luke, a physician. Written for the pagan Gentiles.
JOHN - Jesus as GOD . No genealogy. No temptation in the wilderness. No agony in the Garden. No Transfiguration. "Verily, verily" is found only in this Gospel and is used 25 times. Jesus is presented as "speaking" to the Father rather than "praying." (Translated "pray" in Jn 16:26;17:9(2),15,20 but Greek word is "erotao"="to ask familiarly", NOT "proseuchomai" as in the other Gospels). Written for Christians.
Webmaster's Note: There are 4 Gospels to present 4 views. One Gospel cannot present the fullness of our Lord any more than one can view both sides of a car at once or all 4 sides of a house. They are necessarily different. The first 3 are "Synoptic" only from the standpoint of presenting the humanity of Christ rather than the divinity portrayed in John's Gospel. Attempts to harmonize the Gospels result in claims of discrepancy. For example, there are two different women with issues of blood. Satan tempted Jesus twice in the wilderness. See the following subject about the two entries into Jerusalem. It is error to try to force things to agree when they are different occurrences of similar events. Feel free to E-mail such "discrepancies" to us for clarification . Back to INDEX
The TWO Entries Into Jerusalem
Another alleged "discrepancy" disappears
- After leaving Jericho ( Mt 20:29 ) A week later than Mt 20,21
- Lord had arrived in Bethpage Lk 19:29 "come nigh"
Mk 11:1 "came nigh"
- Village is "over against" "over against"= Gr." katen anti "
Gr. " apen anti "="next to" below and opposite (caddy corner)
- Two animals* One animal*
two animals (v.4) fulfilled. Only partially quoted.
- Mt 21:10,11 "Who is this? Jn 12:12,13 "heard He was coming"
Unexpected entry.
- Entry from Bethpage Entry from Bethany after crossing
the boundary with Bethpage.
*Two animals to proclaim *One to announce Judgment .
His mission - Transition When the "colt" is grown, He will
( mother-----foal) return ( Rev. 19:11-16 ) as King
(Law-----Grace) mounted on horseback, not astride
an ass as Servant. (To JOHN )
Jesus Witnesses to the Pharisees
7 Points
2. The Father reveals everything to the Son ( 20 )
3. Both Father and Son can bestow life ( 21 )
5. Father and Son share honor equally ( 23 )
6. Eternal life results from believing in the Son ( 24 )
7. Consummation of this age will be through and by the Son ( 25-30 )
Witnesses to the Deity of Christ
5 Points
1. John the Baptist ( 31-35 )
2. His works ( 36 )
3. The Father ( 37 )
4. The Scriptures ( 39-44 )
5. Moses ( 45-47 ) To John 5 Back to INDEX
2. the king of Babylon - Isa 14:4
3. Lucifer, son of the morning - Isa 14:12
4. the Assyrian - Isa 14:25
5. the Prince that shall come - Dan 9:26
6. the king of fierce countenance - Dan 8:23
7. the vile person - Dan 11:21
8. the wilful king - Dan 11:36
9. the man of sin - 2Th 2:3
10. the son of perdition - 2Th 2:3
11. that Wicked - 2Th 2:8
12. the beast with ten horns - Rev 13:1 ( To REVELATION )
12 = the Biblical number associated with governments in heaven or on earth.
"... And Elisha said, ' I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.' "
1. Shutting Heaven - 1Ki 17:1
2. Oil Multiplied - 1Ki 17:14
3. Widow's Son Raised - 1Ki 17:22,23
4. Fire From Heaven - 1Ki 18:38
5. Rain - 1Ki 18:45
6. Fire From Heaven - 2Ki 1:10
7. Fire From Heaven - 2Ki 1:12
8. Parting the Jordan - 2Ki 2:8
1. Parting The Jordan - 2Ki 2:14
2. Waters Healed - 2Ki 2:21
3. Bears From The Woods - 2Ki 2:24
4. Water For Kings - 2Ki 3:20
5. Oil For Widow - 2Ki 4:1-6
6. Birth Of A Son - 2Ki 4:16,17
7. Raising From The Dead - 2Ki 4:35
8. Healing Of Pottage - 2Ki 4:41
9. Bread Multiplied - 2Ki 4:43
10. Leper Healed - 2Ki 5:10
11. Servant Smitten - 2Ki 5:27
12. Ax Floats - 2Ki 6:6
13. Sight To The Blind - 2Ki 6:17
14. Blindness Inflicted - 2Ki 6:18
15. Sight Restored - 2Ki 6:20
16. Dead Man Revived - 2Ki 13:21 (After Elisha's Death) Back to INDEX
(see "VISIONS" below)
1. Gen 20:3 - Abimelech
2. 28:12 - Jacob
3. 31:10 - Jacob
4. 31:24 - Laban
5. 37:5 - Joseph
6. 37:9 - Joseph
7. 40:5 - Butler
8. 40:5 - Baker
9. 41:1 - Pharoah
10. 41:5 - Pharoah
11. Judg 7:13 - A man
12. 1Ki 3:5 - Solomon
13. Dan 2:3 - Nebuchadnezzar
14. 4:5 - Nebuchadnezzar
15. 7:1 - Daniel
16. Mt 1:20 - Joseph
17. 2:12 - Wise men
18. 2:13 - Joseph
19. 2:19 - Joseph
20. 27:19 - Pilate's wife
Visions are distinct from dreams. Visions occur in an awake state, though sometimes the receiver is entranced. Visions are made understandable to the receiver. Dreams sometimes require interpretation by another human . Divine interpretation through angels was given to Daniel (9:21ff ) and John ( Revelation ). Visions are more tangible and physical and may even involve transportation to another location ( Eze 37:1 ). As all things of God, visions may be counterfeited by Satan through false prophets ( Jer 14:14 ). The first vision in Scripture is sent to Abraham ( Gen 15:1-11 ). The entire Book of Revelation from 1:10 through 22:17 is a vision. It contains no dreams.
Visions may be...
- PERSONAL/INDIVIDUAL Dan 10:7, 8 Eze 1:3
- WARNINGS Isa 21:2-6
*8 References (1 by title, 7 by attributes)
* 1= Unity, Commencement
7= Spiritual Perfection, Completeness
8= Resurrection, Regeneration
v.1 - JEHOVAH-ROI = Jehovah My Shepherd
- JEHOVAH-JIREH = Provider ("I Shall Not Want")
v.2 - JEHOVAH-SHALOM = Sender Of Peace ("Still Waters")
v.3 - JEHOVAH-ROPHEKA = Healer ("Restoreth My Soul")
- JEHOVAH-ZIDKENU = Righteousness
v.4 - JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH = Presence ("Thou Art With Me")
v.5 - JEHOVAH-NISSI = Banner ("In The Presence of Mine Enemies")
- JEHOVAH-MEKADDISHKEM = Sanctifier ("Anointest")
Compiled from Genesis 5 & 11. Dated from Creation forward.
Adam 0 930 930
Seth 130 1042 912
Enos 235 1140 905
Cainan 325 1235 905
Mahalaleel 395 1290 895
Jared 460 1422 962
Enoch 622 987 365 (1)
Methuselah 687 1656 (2) 969
Lamech 874 1651 777
Noah 1056 (3) 2006 (4) 950
Japheth 1556 (5) ? ?
Shem 1558 (6) 2118 600
Arphaxad 1658 2088 430
Salah 1693 2126 433
Eber 1723 2187 464
Peleg 1757 1996 239
Reu 1787 2026 239
Serug 1819 2049 230
Nahor 1849 1997 148
Terah 1878 2083 205
Abram 2008 2183 175
(1) Translated by God Gen 5:24
(2) Year of the Flood. Noah 600 years old. Gen 7:11
Consider: 1,000 years is a day to the Lord ( 2Pe 3:8 ). Even Methuselah didn't live that long!
There are 3 complete listings. There are 3 distinct groupings which DO NOT change and are ALWAYS headed by the same name. The order within the groupings changes. Of the first group, Peter, James and John were present at Gethsemane, the Mount of Transfiguration, and the raising of Jairus' daughter.
(A) Mt 10:2-4 (B) Lk 6:14-16 (C) Ac 1:13, 26
Simon (Peter) Simon (Peter) Peter
Andrew Andrew James
James James John
John John Andrew
Phillip Phillip Phillip
Bartholomew Bartholomew Thomas
Thomas Matthew Bartholomew
Matthew Thomas Matthew
James James James
Thaddeus* Simon the Zealot Simon
Simon the Canaanite** Judas (bro. of James) Judas
Judas Iscariot Judas Iscariot Matthias ( v. 26 )
* "Thaddeus" may be a corruption of "Yaddai" which is a form of "Judas"
Both have the same meaning in Aramaic - "beloved child" ( Jn 14:22 )
** an Aramaic word meaning "zealot" Back to INDEX
To Unbelievers To Believers
A Building People
An Organization An Organism
An Association A Family
Local Universal
Headed by a Pastor Headed by Christ
A Means to Achieve Status A Means to Serve God
A House of Religion A House of Worship
For Stuck-Up People For Humble Servants
For Those On Their Way For The Lost
For Those Doing Well For The Sick
People Who Take Your Money People Who Give
A Place To Get Help A Place To Provide Help
A Place To Dress Up A Place To Come As You Are
An Uncomfortable Place A Place of Peace
A "Special Time" Place 24/7
About Feeling Good About Doing Good
A Place To Gossip A Place To Fellowship
A Place To Get Food A Place To Be Fed The Word
Somewhere To Send The Kids Somewhere To Unify The Family
Since many (too many) of the unbelievers are churchgoers (tares), their concept of the Church is perpetuated by their witness (word and deed). As a consequence, the Church becomes more like the world in focus and structure. The Church, in response, exacerbates the situation by seeking to make itself "relevant" and "up-to-date", forgetting Jn 12:32 .
Introduction: The structure of the Bible reveals a total of ten plagues grouped as 9+1. Nine is used in Scripture as the number of judgment, being the product of the number of divine completeness (3x3). The nine plagues are in three groups of 3, with the 3rd plague of each group sent without warning. The Biblical symmetry also reveals Aaron's participation in the first 3 and Moses alone in the last 3. The 10th plague is the actual judgment and involves the number "1" (# of commencement) as it stands apart from the first 9, and the number "10" (# of perfect order).
God used the plagues to systematically "defeat" the objects of Egyptian polytheism and demonstrate His sovereignty. This Divine demonstration culminates with the ultimate display of sovereignty, the power over life and death ( Eze 18:4 ).
Plague/Scripture Object
1. BLOOD ( Ex 7:14-25 ) The Nile River itself
2. FROGS ( Ex 8:1-15 ) Sacred symbol of fertility
3. LICE ( Ex 8:16-19 ) Unlimited Power (vv.18,19)
4. FLIES ( Ex 8:20-32 ) Beelzebub - "Lord of the Flies"
5. MURRAIN ( Ex 9:1-7 ) All animal worship
6. BOILS ( Ex 9:8-12 ) Typhon - god of burnt sacrifice (v.10)
7. HAIL ( Ex 9:13-35 ) Isis and Osiris - goddess of nature and god of the underworld.
8. LOCUSTS ( Ex 10:1-20 ) Serapis - Protector from pestilence
9. DARKNESS ( Ex 10:21-27 ) Ra - The Sun god. Chief among all the gods of Egypt.
10. DEATH ( Ex 11:1-10 ; 12:29,30 ) Judgment. The redemption price for Israel. See Deu 15:15
Introduction: The titles and subscriptions of the Psalms are often mysterious to Bible students. It is important to understand that the Psalms were originally written in unbroken sequence. Some of the original Septuagint translators lacked sufficient knowledge of ancient Temple worship to rightly divide the order. As a result, many of the Psalm titles are actually subscriptions for the preceding Psalm. We have listed the various titles as they appear in the KJV. At the end of this segment we will address two important words which appear within the text of the Psalms - "Higgaion" and "Selah". Your own usage of this information will verify its accuracy. The titles are presented alphabetically to ease reference.
2. AL ALAMOTH=Pertaining to Maidens (sub to 45 )
- HIGGAION- "To meditate" or, as a noun "meditation". Derives from the Heb."hagah"="to speak to one's self" i.e., "to soliloquize". It is used to indicate the worthiness of the subject for meditation.
- SELAH- From Heb."salah"="to pause". Not musically, but in order to consider something. It is a link which connects what precedes it to what follows. It occurs 74 times, all in the O.T. and occurs 4 times in the middle of a verse ( Ps 55:19 ; 57:3 ; Hab 3:3,9 ) and 4 times it is used for linking Psalms ( 3 & 4 , 9 & 10 , 24 & 25 , 46 & 47 ).
ILLUSTRATION: In Psalm 9:16 , where both "Higgaion" and "Selah" occur together, we are to meditate on the connection between the wicked one (sing.) of v.16 and the wicked one s (pl.) of v.17 and the resulting judgment in v.17. Amen. Back to INDEX
God's system of supporting His house through His people and keeping it unspotted from the world. It is based upon equal sacrifice, not equal giving and its design works for a body of any size. The question put forth by God in Mal 3:8 is the key to spiritual understanding. The word "rob" is better translated "defraud". How? God passes "meat" to His house through the members of the body. The amount of the tithe, 10%, does not belong to us, it has been entrusted to us to turn over. If we do not pass it on we have, in fact, defrauded God by keeping what does not belong to us. It is God's system. It works! He has neither altered nor replaced it. Since we are called to a higher standard under Grace ( Mt 5:17-48 ), it constitutes minimum expectations. Knowing our hearts (1 Ti 6:6-11 ), God challenges us to " prove " Him ( Mal 3:10 ). This is unique in all of Scripture. Take heed.
The first specific mention of tithing in the Bible is by Abraham ( Gen 14:20 ) as an expression of gratitude to God. It is done to acknowledge the authority and generosity of the One who has provided the blessing. A tithe is by definition, ten per cent. For this reason we often encounter the phrase "tithes and offerings." In Leviticus, the tithe is regarded as a type of vow and is included with the other vows. These were given as crops and livestock. Animals were sacrificed and could not be redeemed. The donor could repurchase crop tithes with money plus 20%, as with other vows and pledges (Note Deu 23:21-23 ).
Tithes were for the support of God's house and the ministry thereof including the priests who, in turn, offered a tithe of the tithe as a sacrifice to God. The giving of firstfruits also indicated confidence and faith in God for a good harvest to come. Giving a portion from the land acknowledged that the land belongs to God.
Tithes - Abraham to Melchizedek Gen 14:16-20 Heb 7:2-6
- Jacob's Vow to God Gen 28:22 THE FIRST RECORDED VOW!
- Mosaic Law Lev 27:30-33 Nu 18:21-24
Deu 12:6,7 , 17-19 ; 14:22-29 ; 26:12-15
- Customs Neh 10:37,38 Amos 4:4 Heb 7:5-9
- Storage In The Temple Neh 10:38,39 2Ch 31:11,12 Mal 3:10
- Payment (resumed under Hezekiah) 2Ch 31:5-10
Numbers are an integral part of the supernatural design of the Bible and carry significance in their usage. This has nothing to do with man's superstitions, but accentuates our understanding and the Holy Spirit's authorship.
ONE - Unity, Beginning, Commencement
TWO - Difference or Division (see Day 2 of Creation ).
THREE - Divine completeness and perfection. Also resurrection.
FOUR - The Earth. Material creation. (four winds, seasons, etc.)
FIVE - Grace (4 + 1) God adds blessing to his works.
SIX - The number of Man (created on the sixth day)
SEVEN - Spiritual Perfection (the work of the Holy Spirit)
EIGHT - New beginning, resurrection (Jesus = 888 by Gematria)
NINE - Judgment (3x3 the product of Divine completeness)
TEN - Ordinal perfection
ELEVEN - Disorder (one short of TWELVE)
TWELVE - Governmental order (Tribes, Apostles)
THIRTEEN - Rebellion, Apostasy , Defection, etc. ( Always negative )
SEVENTEEN - Combination of Spirit and Order
TWENTY-FIVE - (5x5 Grace intensified)
FORTY - Probation (10x4 Divine Order applied to earthly things)
All numbers follow their components (factors, multiples, sums,products).
The 10 PASSOVERS Recorded In Scripture
"10" = # of Perfect Order
1. Ex 12:27,28
2. Nu 9:1-5
3. Jos 5:10
5. 2Ki 23:22,23 ( 2Chr 35:1 )
6. Ezra 6:19
- Josiah 1Ki 13:2
- Cyrus Isa 44:28 Back to INDEX
HOUR OF TEMPTATION (Trial,Testing) Rev 3:10
What is being tested?
Let's connect some Scriptures. First, Rev 22:18,19 warn us not to add or take away from the Word. We also know that 2Ti 2:15 tells us to "rightly divide" the Word. This is the Greek word " orthotomeo " which is also found in the Septuagint in Pr 3:6 translated " direct ." It is in this verse that we are told that the Lord will direct our paths if we " acknowledge " Him. This is the Hebrew word " yada " meaning " to take ownership of " something (See the usage in Jer 3:13 ). The question becomes, "How do we take ownership of the Lord?" Let's go to Heb 11:1 and look at two key words. First of all, "substance" = Gr."hupostasis" a word used for title-deeds. Next, "evidence" = Gr."elenchos" ="proof of ownership." It is this "ownership" of God, shown by our enduring faith, which is being tested. ( Jas 1:1-4 written to the twelve tribes.) This concept may be obscured in English by the use of the word "little" for 3 specific Greek words. To understand, read:
Mt 6:30 Heb."oligopistos" refers to to quality or duration
NOT Mt 18:3-6 "paidion" referring to maturity
NOT Lk 19:3 "mikros" referring to size (our "micro" is from this)
Revelation repeatedly mentions "patience", "holding fast", "overcoming". Those who know about God shall waver. Those who know/own God shall stand. Eph 6:13-16 Faith is a shield.
DECEPTION PROTECTION - 1Co 15:51,52 "moment" = Gr."atomos" (only occurrence in Scripture) = something too small to be divided (Eng."atom"). The "rapture" will be instanteous upon His return. THEREFORE, we can be certain that as long as we exist in flesh bodies, ANY and ALL who claim to be Christ are FALSE ( Mt 24:25-27 ). Back to INDEX
To avoid pointless speculation on discerning fulfillment of prophecy based on projected dates, here is a brief discussion of Man's calendars.
Clock times are man-made: 60 sec = 1 min. 60 min = 1 hr 24 hrs. = 1 day
To mark celestial events: Day = 1 rotation of Earth on its axis.
Month = Moon's cycle- New moon to new moon
Year = 1 trip around the Sun by Earth
Seven day week from ancient Hebrew calendar based on Genesis.
BUT , a Day = 23hrs. 56 min. 28 sec.
a Month = 29 1/2 days
a Year = less than 365 1/4 days... SO adjustments were necessary.
Our calendar is from the Romans, based on 12 lunar months = 354 days.
the Romans added an extra month every few years. Eventually, Julius Caesar realized that the calendar was off by 80 days,
he consulted Sosigenes, a mathematician, who informed him that the year equalled 365 1/4 days,
Caesar went to a 365 day year with a 366 day leap year every 4 years, and gave up lunar months. This "Julian calendar" began in 46 B.C., the "Year of Confusion." New Year's moved from March 1 to January 1. Two months were added between November and December and another after February. The year lasted 445 days and ran smoothly afterwards.
a year is really 11 minutes and 14 seconds shorter than 365 1/4 days,
in 1600 years, by 1582, the vernal equinox (Spring) was 10 days early, arriving on March 11 instead of March 21,
Pope Gregory XXIII went to Christopher Clavius, an astronomer, and dropped 10 days,
October 4 was followed by October 15. To prevent this from recurring, he decreed that century years should not be leap years unless evenly divisible by 400,
1900 A.D. was not a leap year, but 2000 A.D. was. Catholic countries adopted this "Gregorian" calendar,
Protestant and Greek Othodox countries did not.
, 170 years later England and the American colonies dropped 11 days and adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1752. Russia did not change its calendar until 1918, Rumania in 1924. The Chinese calendar is about at the year 4710 (as of 2012 Gregorian) and they celebrate New Year's twice: January 1 and again between January 21 and February 19 based on the lunar calendar. The Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) is between late September and early October. Vietnam's New Year is in February,etc.
The Greek Monk Dionysius Exiguus was commissioned in Rome to coordinate the Church's festival calendar. He dated the birth of Christ as March 25 of the Roman year 754, which became year 1. He was proven to be off by 4 years based on Mt 2:1
. This has led to the confusing fact that Jesus' date of birth is unanimously agreed to be 4 B.C.
The dates in most Bibles are off by
110 years
due to assuming an error in Scripture rather than finding a reason for the alleged "discrepancy." Most Biblical dating hinges on
1 Ki 6:1
(480 years). However, the same time frame referred to by Paul (
Ac 13:17-22
) covers 573 years. This 93 year difference has been dismissed as error or estimation on Paul’s part when, in fact, it is a Scriptural safeguard against error. The 573 years are according to the calendar. The 480 years are by God’s reckoning of Israel as a nation. God does not include 93 years during the period of the Judges when Israel was Lo-Ammi (not my people).
Ac 13:17-22 Judges
Wilderness 40 years 3:8 8 years
Judges 450 years 3:14 18 years
Saul 40 years 4:3 20 years
David 40 years 6:1 7 years
573 years less 93 years = 480 years
NOTES: 1. The "four hundred and eightieth year" referenced in 1Ki 6:1 is the 480th year of the 490 years from the Exodus to the Dedication of the Temple (the subject of Ch.6). The remaining 10 years include 7 years of construction ( 1Ki 6:38 ) and 3 years to complete the furnishing.
2. Judges 10:7-9 references an additional 18 years that affected only a specific portion of the nation "on the other side Jordan..." and did not have national impact.
B. There is a gap of 13 years between the reigns of Amaziah and Uzziah which God ignores. There are 6 years that Athaliah usurped the throne. There is a 1 year gap between Uzziah and Jotham ( 2 Ki 15:2 , 27 , 32 )
93 + 13 + 6 + 1 = 113 years of "Not My People"
Specifically: From Eli to Athaliah is off by 93 years
From Joash to Amaziah is off 99 years
From Uzziah to Captivity is off by 113 years
The additional 3 years result from numerous fractional years being counted. This error causes us to miss some of God’s order and sovereignty. For example, this adjustment places David’s anointing at 974 B.C. Exactly 1,000 years before the baptism of Jesus Christ in A.D. 26.
This correction will be necessary to fully appreciate the pinpoint accuracy of many prophecies. Back to INDEX
The 9 Stonings In Scripture
1. Son of Shelomith for blasphemy - Lev 24:10-14
2. The sabbath breaker - Nu 15:32-36
3. Achan - Jos 7:24,25
4. Abimelech - Judges 9:50-53
6. Naboth - 1Ki 21:13
7. Zechariah - 2Ch 24:20,21
8. Stephen - Ac 7:59
9. Paul - Ac 14:19 Back to INDEX
4 (# of the Earth) occurrences in Scripture
1. Ex 10:21-23
2. Mt 27:45
3. Jude 13
The period of Israelite bondage in Egypt was NOT 400 years ( Carefully note the punctuation in Gen 15:13 ). It was 121 years (11x11=disorder intensified). The period of sojourning was 430 years to the day ( Ex 12:40,41 ). The total time in Egypt was 215 years, exactly half.
430 - Abraham begins
at age 75 (
Gen 12:4
(1921 B.C.)
144 - Joseph dies at 110 (
Gen 50:22
71 years after Jacob's arrival
. Joseph was 39 when Jacob came (30 at
, 39 at
after 7 years of plenty and 2 years of famine). Joseph lived 54 years after Jacob's death.
(1635 B.C.)
Ex 1:6
sets bondage
after all
of Joseph's brothers died.
Levi*, 3rd of 7 sons in 7 years, was 4 years older than Joseph and died at 137 (
Ex 6:16
). He was 60 at Jacob's death, surviving him by 77 years and surviving Joseph by 23 years (
144-23=121 years remaining
(1612 B.C.)
80 - Moses born ( 1571 B.C. ) 41 years after Levi's death (Moses is 80 years old at Ex 7:7 ).
The Exodus was in
1491 B.C
. when Moses was 80.
* Gen 29:28 - Important to know that Jacob owed 7 years service for Rachel, BUT did not wait the 7 years first AND the order of children in Gen 29, 30 is NOT chronological. There are, in fact 20 different orders given in Scripture. Note that at Gen 30:17, 19 the sons are numbered according to Leah only. The actual birth order of the first 7 years is Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Napthali, and Joseph. Back to INDEX
The 7 Names Of The Ark of The Covenant
1. The ark of the testimony ( Ex 25:22 )
2. The ark of the covenant of Jehovah ( Nu 10:33 )
3. The ark of Adonai Jehovah ( 1 Ki 2:26 )
4. The ark of Jehovah ( Josh 3:13 )
5. The ark of Elohim ( 1 Sa 3:3 )
6. The holy ark ( 2 Chron 35:3 )
7. The ark of thy strength (
Ps 132:8
Back to INDEX
“The Hebrew words “Urim” and “Thummim” mean, respectively, “Lights” and “Perfections”. (See
1 Sa 14:41
where “Give a perfect lot.” literally says “Give perfections”, i.e Thummim). Urim was therefore indicative of “guilt” (or “no”) as what is brought to light. Thummim was indicative of “innocence” (or “yes”) as what is morally perfect.
There was no command given by God to make Urim and Thummim, there is only the instruction to place the two precious stones into the breastplate of the high priest which contained a bag (a doubled portion). Urim was a dark, or black stone. Thummim was a light, or white stone. The breastplate itself was known as “the breastplate of judgment” (
Ex 28:15
) since the usage of Urim and Thummim was to obtain Jehovah’s judgment and therefore reserved for very serious matters. In the book of Joshua we see the “lot” described as coming “up” (
Jos 18:11
), “forth” (
Jos 19:1
), and “out” (
Jos 19:17
) based on the stones being kept in the bag of the ephod. By default, the use of Urim and Thummim required the presence of the high priest, the wearer of the ephod.
The most commonly used Hebrew word for “lot” in the Old testament is “goral” meaning “stone”. The last Biblical reference to these “lots” is
Ac 1:23-26
. Note
Rev 2:17
where those who overcome are given a white stone also known in ancient times as a “victory” stone
Back to INDEX
The church is led from sin and bondage (Romans) to glory (Thessalonians) to be forever with the Lord. In Romans we are justified in Christ. In Ephesians we are sanctified in Christ . In Thessalonians we are glorified with Christ .
A ROMANS- Doctrine, Instruction – God’s individual justification of Jew and Gentile. The foundation of the mystery. The primary lesson. Error in Romans eliminates “newness”.
B CORINTHIANS – Reproof for practical failure relative to the teaching of Romans. Error in manifesting having died and risen with Christ. Leaven in practice. Pastoral theology.
C GALATIANS – Correction for doctrinal failure relative to the teaching of Romans. Error due to being removed from truth (Spirit) and seeking perfection in flesh. Leaven in doctrine.
A EPHESIANS – Doctrine, Instruction - The mystery revealed. Jews and Gentiles gathered out and made “one new man” in Christ. Romans explains “ Christ in us.” Ephesians explains “ Us in Christ.”
B PHILIPPIANS – Reproof for practical failure relative to the teaching of Ephesians. Error in manifesting “the mind of Christ” as members of one Body.
C COLOSSIANS – Reproof for doctrinal failure relative to the teaching of Ephesians. Error due to “not holding the Head” and not trusting completeness and perfection in Christ.
A THESSALONIANS – Doctrine, Instruction – No reproof or correction, only warnings. An epistle of praise and thanksgiving. The “all truth” of John 16:13.
1 st Seven
2 nd GROUP
3 rd GROUP
Prison Letters
Pastoral Letters
1 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Thessalonians
2 Timothy
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
The 10 Songs Of Praise In The Bible
Exodus 15:1-9
Numbers 21: 17, 18
Deuteronomy 32:1-43
Judges 5: 1-31
1 Samuel 2:1-10
2 Samuel 22:1-51
Luke 1:46-55
Luke 1:68-79
Luke 2:29-32
Revelation 14:3
(1) The Shulamite - (2) The daughters of Jerusalem (Court ladies) - (3) Solomon - (4) The shepherd lover - (5) The brothers of the Shulamite - (6) The companions of the shepherd - (7) The people of Jerusalem
Ch 1 : 2-4 The Shulamite
5,6 The daughters/Court ladies
7 The Shulamite
8 The Court ladies
9-11 Solomon
12-14 The Shulamite to her lover
15 Shepherd lover to the Shulamite
16-2:1 The Shulamite to her lover
3-7 Shulamite to Shepherd
8-14 Shulamite to Court ladies
15 Shulamite quotes her brothers
16,17 Shulamite to Court ladies
5 Shulamite tells Court ladies to quiet down (also 2:7, 8:4)
6-11 People of Jerusalem (4) utterances as procession approaches
#1- v.6 #2- 7,8 #3- 9,10 #4-11
Ch 4 :1-5 Shepherd follows to Jerusalem to express his love as he approaches
6 Shulamite proposes her return (see 2:17)
7-15 Shepherd speaks.
16a Shepherd speaks
1 6b Shulamite speaks
Ch 5 :1a Shepherd responds
lb Court ladies, overhearing, offer encouragement 5:2-6:3 Shulaniite to Court ladies
2-8 Shulamite relates her dream
9 Court ladies ask a question
10-16 Shulamite describes her beloved
Ch 6 :1 Court ladies wish to see him
2,3 Shulamite responds
6:4-8:4 Conversation between the Shulamite and Solomon
4-10 Solomon offers flattery
11,12 Shulamite says their meeting is accidental
13 Solomon asks. Shulamite responds. Solomon flatters through 7:9.
Ch 7 :10 The Shulamite rejects Solomon.
11- 8 :3 Shulamite calls for her lover to take her away
8 :4 Shulamite addresses the Court ladies again
5a The companions of the Shepherd
5b-7 Shulamite and Shepherd revisit their betrothal place and renew their vows
8,9 Brothers of the Shulamite discuss her dowry and virtue
10-12 The Shulamite
13 The Shepherd
14The Shulamite BACK TO INDEX
I. Definitions from the AMERICAN DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE - Noah Webster 1828 (Words in red are teacher’s additions)
A. F'AST , verb intransitive
1. To abstain from food, beyond the usual time; to omit to take the usual meals, for a time; as, to fast a day or a week.
2. To abstain from food voluntarily, for the mortification of the body or appetites (See Col 3:5) , or as a token of grief, sorrow and affliction.
3. To abstain from food partially, or from particular kinds of food; as, the Catholics fast in Lent.
B. F'AST , noun
1. Abstinence from food; properly a total abstinence, but it is used also for an abstinence from particular kinds of food, for a certain time.
2. Voluntary abstinence from food, as a religious mortification or humiliation; either total or partial abstinence from customary food, with a view to mortify the appetites, or to express grief and affliction on account of some calamity, or to deprecate ( pray against ) an expected evil.
3. The time of fasting, whether a day, week or longer time. An annual fast is kept in New England, usually one day in the spring.
II. Though fasting is typically defined and thought of in terms of food, its spiritual objective is not achieved by simply NOT EATING! No part of our Christian walk is fruitful by merely going through the motions. Fasting is about drawing closer to the Lord and moving away from self-reliance and toward the promise of Isaiah 40:28-31.
Let’s start with Isaiah 58 where God Himself lays out Dos, Don’ts, Whys and Wherefores. It is here that the definition of fasting extends far beyond food.
1-4- The people have fasted for the sole purpose of achieving a desired result from the L ORD. They are well-churched and pride themselves on knowing how to handle God as a spoiled child prides himself on being able to get his parents to do whatever he wants. They can’t understand why it doesn’t seem to be working for them.
God explains:
“Behold...” - On the day of your fast the only difference is that you skip lunch.
- You get hungry and irritable and wind up quarreling and fighting. You will not find favor simply because you skipped a meal or two.
5- God is not interested in suffering for the sake of suffering. Fasting must have proper purpose. The phrase “afflict his soul” refers to Lev 16:29, 31 (The Day of Atonement ). See A.2 above.
6 - 12- The fast that God has “chosen” - Self-denial for the benefit of others. A pause from the pursuit of our own objectives. The at-one-ment of peace and charity. God’s fast calls for us to be strengthened inwardly by looking outwardly. As we deny ourselves we are to focus on why we are doing it. Making our “voice heard on high” is conditionally promised in vv.8-12.
Matthew 6:14-18 - To rightly divide, the concept of atonement begins at v. 14. Hence, v. 16 begins with “Moreover”. Fasting that does not mortify the flesh has no spiritual benefit. If everyone is buzzing about how long you’ve been fasting, all you did was go on a diet. If one gives up watching television for a period of time and replaces it with bowling instead of study, meditation or charitable work, for example, it is pointless.
Mark 2:19- Connects to Matthew 6. If the bridegroom is celebrating, the guests at the wedding feast should not be fasting. It’s difficult to fast “in secret” at the family barbeque when you’re explaining to everyone that you can’t have your usual plate of ribs because you are in the midst of a holy fast. Either eat or stay home.
Matthew 17:21 - Prayer and Fasting - In essence, Communion and Atonement. Maximizing the spiritual power that flows through us. This verse lets us know that evil exists at different levels of power, just as there are both angels and archangels. The prayer exercises the faith while the natural man is weakened. We have, in effect, turned the battle over to the Lord. See Psalm 109:4 where David says, “ I give myself unto prayer” which is written, in the Hebrew, “I am all prayer”, that is, no flesh, 100% spiritual. Prayer and fasting is double-edged by spiritual increase operating in tandem with natural decrease. Back to INDEX
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Kingdom Of Heaven/Kingdom Of God
The word “kingdom” (Gr. “ basileia”) refers to sovereignty rather than territory , and to the sphere of its exercise rather than to its extent . In others words, it is not characterized as we regard natural kingdoms.
“ the Kingdom of heaven”, occurs only in Matthew, where we find it thirty-two times.
“the Kingdom of God” occurs only five times in Matthew (6:33; 12:28; 19:24; 21:31, 43).
The Kingdom (or Sovereignty) of HEAVEN
Has Messiah for its King;
The Kingdom (or Sovereignty) of GOD
Has God for its Ruler;
The Ten Who Fell Before Jesus
A review of these varied individuals should produce a fuller understanding of Philippians 2:9-11. Back to INDEX
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