The counsels of God concerning: Israel’s Ruin, Israel’s Redeemer, Israel’s Redemption (Ex 15:13). Compare “JAH” in Ps 68:4 with Ex 15:3. It starts with Israel’s cry for deliverance, and ends with Israel as a redeemed nation. The Book is concluded with a Benediction and a double “Amen”.
BOOK II Summary:
The Exodus Book. The nation of Israel is the central thought. The Book begins with a cry of oppression as does the Book of Exodus. The Hebrew title for Exodus translates to “AND THESE ARE THE NAMES” because it starts with the names of those who came into Egypt and were subsequently redeemed and delivered. The name of the Redeemer is proclaimed in Ex 15:3 making Exodus a book of Redemption, individually and collectively, from ruin and oppression.
“NAMES” in Exodus
- Moses known by name (33:12,17)
- Moses asks God’s name (3:14,15)
- God proclaims His name (6:3; 33:19; 34:5-7)
- Moses addresses Pharaoh in Jehovah’s name (5:23)
- Pharaoh raised up for declaration of God’s name (9:16)
- 3rd Commandment (20:7)
- Bezaleel called by name (31:2)
- Names engraved on ephod (28:9-12)
- Names on breastplate stones (28:15-21)
The Divine Title “JAH” (He Who Is, and WAS, and IS TO COME) first occurs in Exodus 15:3. The first occurrence in Psalms is in the Exodus Book (68:4).
In Lk 9:31 the word rendered “decease” in the KJV is the Greek word “exodos” in reference to what He “should accomplish at Jerusalem”: His Redemption work paralleling the work accomplished by Moses
Psalm 42
- Linked to Ps 43 which has no title and corresponding structure.
- “Maschil” = “Instruction” The 2nd of 13.
- “for the sons of Korah” = “by the descendants of Korah”. The first of 11 so subtitled (42, 44-49, 84,85,87, 88). See Korah’s death by Divine judgment (Nu 16:31-35) and note “men”. The children were spared (Nu 26:11) and became prominent in the “service of song” for Temple worship (1 Ch 6:22-38). Samuel, the son of Elkanah, was of this tribe.
1 - Israel as a hunted (Persian fallow) deer
- “hart” = Heb. “ayal” = “stag”, “male deer” BUT the verb is feminine and therefore refers to the hind, the smaller, anterless female of the species (Dama mesopotamica).
TEACHER’S NOTE: Parallels for the Nation of Israel
• These deer are quick, surefooted and have exceptional vision as defenses. They spend most of the day hidden in dense woods and underbrush.
• Ps 29:9 references these timid creatures being so terrified by thunder that they will prematurely give birth.
• They were thought to have been hunted to extinction until a small remnant was found in Iran in 1955.
• The vocalization of these deer is called “groaning”.
• The fallow deer is a “clean” animal (Deu 14:4-5) but is not suitable for sacrifice.
- “panteth” = “crieth longingly” as Israel in Egypt. See Joel 1:20.
- “after” = “for”
- “brooks” = Heb. “aphikim” = Constrained, narrow watercourses as in a gorge or marsh hidden from view for safety.
- “after” = “upon” See Jn 4:13,14
- “God” = Heb. “Elohim” = “The Creator” later revealed as Jehovah in the oppression. Ex 3:12-15
2 - “GOD”= Heb. “El” in contrast to lifeless idols.
- “appear before” = “see the face of” as in Ex 23:15.
3 - “continually” = “all the day”
- “Where…?” - Standard question from the wicked. Ps 79:10; 115:2
4 - “remember” - How hope is renewed.
“had gone” = “shall go” and “went” = “shall go”
- Go where? With the congregation (“multitude”) to the “house of God” with “the voice of joy and praise”.
- “holyday” = “feast day”
Understand the repeated demand to Pharaoh (Ex 7:16; 8:1,20; 9:1,13; 10:3)
5 - “Why…me?” - Repeated v.11 and Ps 43:5.
The psalmist examines himself and recognizes his need for the help (“salvations” for emphasis) of his own (“His” should be “my”) countenance. Understand Phil 4:11-13 and the unsuitability of a pity party (Ps 100 and 1 Th 5:18).
6 - “O, my God” - As in Ps 22:1, no matter our circumstances, feelings, or perspective:
God is still God. In this verse, the phrase anticipates deliverance as a Covenant principle.
- “remember” - Remembering the goodness of the Lord is the course that leads to comfort.
- “Jordan” - See Jos 3:11-17; 4:18-24
- “Hermonites” = “Hermons” - Plural because Mt. Hermon has two peaks. See Jos 12:1-5
“hill” = “mountain” and “Mizar” = “little” or “insignificant”. Together, “Little Mountain”. This is an ancient reference to Mt. Sinai, where the Law was given (Ex 20:17-20,24-25). The “Mizar” name for Mt. Sinai is based on its height of 2250 ft. and its situation in the midst of higher peaks on all sides. It is located at the Southern end of the Promised Land while Mt. Hermon (9232 ft.) is at the Northern end. These two mountains and the Jordan River describe the Promised Land bounded on the West by the Mediterranean. This corresponds and connects to “Deep…unto deep” in the next verse acknowledging the sovereignty of God.7 - “Deep…at the voice” - See Mk 4:37-41.
- “
billows” - Imagery of overwhelming misfortunes. Allowed by God and survived by those who are properly anchored. Heb 6:18,19
8 - “Yet” - Omit.
- “the LORD” = Heb. “Jehovah” The Covenant God.
- “command” - All, at all times, is in subjection to God (“day…night”). This includes “His lovingkindness”, “His song” and our “prayer”.
- GOD of my life” = “living (Almighty) God”
9,10 - Enclosed in quotes, therefore spoken aloud. The psalmist cries out to the Almighty.
- “rock” = Heb. “sela`” = “fortress”
(10) - “As with” should be “Like”
- “enemies” = “adversaries”
11 - See v.5. “For” is replaced by “Who is”
- “health” = “salvation”
- “and my God” - Added to verse 5 as praise for the Creator. See Ps 34:1
Psalm 43
- The repeated cry, hope, appeal and praise of Psalm 42 but written at/for the later time of David’s exile.
1 - “Judge” = “Vindicate”
- “plead” - As an advocate.
- “ungodly” = “graceless”
- “deliver” - As a redeemer.
- “deceitful”, “unjust” - Therefore ungodly.
2 - See 42:9.
- “God of my strength” = “my defending God”
- “dost” = “didst”
- “the enemy” = “an enemy”
3 - “Thy light and Thy truth” - A reference to Urim and Thummim (Heb. “Lights and Perfection”) the two stones in the breastplate bag of the high priest drawn out to reveal God’s decisions and judgment. David was separated from Urim and Thummim after his flight from Absalom.
- “lead” = “comfort”
- “bring” = “guide”, “counsel”
- “Thy holy hill” = “Mt. Zion” - Sets the Psalm to David’s time.
- “tabernacles” = “great habitations”, i.e., “the heavens”
4 - “Then…” - After being directed by God’s light and truth we will find ourselves at the altar with joy and praise.
5 - See 42:11
- “health” = “salvation”
Psalm 44
- The circumstances in this Psalm point to Hezekiah as the writer. There is Temple worship. The People are in the land but Israel had turned from the LORD. Judah had returned. Verse 16 references Sennacherib and Rabshekah (2 Ki 18:13-37).
- “For the sons of Korah” - 2nd of nine
- “Maschil” = “Instruction” - 3rd of thirteen
1-3 - The Exodus called to remembrance to inspire hope.
(1) - “We have heard”, “…fathers told us” - Ex 12:26ff, 13:14ff; Jos 4:4-7
(2) - “heathen” - the Canaanites
- “them” - the Israelites
- “people” = “peoples”. i.e., the Canaanites
- “cast” = “spread” as a vine. Referring to the Israelites (Isa 5:1-7).
(3) - “But” = Heb. “Ki” = “For”
- “favour” - See Deu 4:37; 7:7,8; 8:1-20
4 - “Thou art my King” - Emphatic. Means “Thou Thyself art He my King”
- “deliverances” = “a great deliverance”
5 - Victory through the LORD over the “enemies” (“adversaries”)
- Victory because of “push down” AND “tread under”
6 - “trust in” = “place confidence in”
- “bow”, “sword” - Representing military power. See Jer 17:5-8
7 - “hadst” = “didst” - Again, recalling the Exodus.
8 - See 1 Co 1:30,31
- “Selah” - Connects the joys of the past with the trials of the present, the reason for the Psalm. Moves the structure from God’s help to Israel’s trouble in vv.9-22.
9-14 - “Thou” in each verse acknowledging God’s sovereignty.
(9) - “cast off” = “cast us off” (with contempt)
- “
armies” - Contrast with 1 Sa 17:26, 45-48
(10) - “Thou” - The battle is the LORD’s,
for or against. Here and v.11.
- “spoil for themselves” - Literally, “have plundered at their will”. See Judges 2:14.
(11) - “sheep appointed for meat” = “sheep of devouring”. Same in v.22.
- “scattered…heathen” - On Sennacherib’s cylinder he takes credit for removing 200,150.
(12) - “sellest” - A Hebraism for divesting oneself of something. See Judges 2:14; 3:8; 4:2, 10:7 and 1 Sa 12:9
13-18 - 2 Ki 18:13-19:20 details this situation.
(13-15) - “reproach” - Rabshekah in 2 Ki 18:27-35
(16) - “avenger” - A reference to Sennacherib.
(17) - “All this…yet…” - Adversity may turn us back to God or lead us away. See Mk 4:16,17
- “dealt falsely in Thy covenant” - Spiritual adultery. Jer 3:8.
(18) - “steps…Thy way” -
Our way must be His way. Pr 14:12, 16:25
19 - “dragons” = “jackals”. Scavengers gather among the dead, hence “the shadow of death”. Understand 2 Ti 2:3 where “endure hardness” = Gr. “kakapatheo” = “suffer evil”
20,21 - God is not mocked (Gal 6:7). God is a jealous God (Ex 20:1-6). God is all-knowing (Jer 17:9,10)
22 - “Yea” = “Surely” - Quoted in Ro 8:36. Understand Phil 2:8 and Heb 12:1-13.
23-26 - A plea to the Redeemer based on his lovingkindness. Our despair must not cause us to doubt the LORD’s sovereignty over our situation. We must call on His grace and mercy instead of hoping to “cash in our chips” for our accumulated goodness.
Psalm 45
In Praise Of The Deliverer - “For the sons of Korah” - 3rd of nine.
- “Maschil” = “Giving instruction” - 4th of thirteen
- “A Song” = Heb. “Shir”
- Plural to indicate significance. The Psalm is located here, between Pss. 44 and 48 to highlight Hezekiah’s marriage to Hepzi-bah (“my delight is in her” Isa 62:4). Thus, in summary, we have Hezekiah and Hepzi-bah as types for the Messiah and the new Jerusalem. The fulfillment is in the Messiah (Rev 19:7). See Isa 54:5-8.
Why is Hezekiah’s marriage so significant?
Read 2 Ki 20:1-6 and 2 Ki 21:1. Note Manasseh’s age (12). Therefore, at the time of Hezekiah’s prayer he was unmarried and childless. Had he died childless,
the bloodline of Jesus Christ would have been severed!
No marriage, no Manasseh, no Jesus. From Gen 3:15 forward the Old Testament concerns itself with Satan striving to prevent the birth of the Messiah. Each time he neared success, God’s grace intervened. The 15 additional years granted to Hezekiah = #3 (completeness and resurrection) x #5 (grace). Being saved by grace (Eph 2:8) applies to all humanity for all of time until the final marriage transcends time.
1 -
The Psalmist - “inditing” = “bubbling over with”
- “matter” = “subject”, “theme”
2-8 - The King - (2) - “fairer” - In glory following suffering. Isa 52:14, 53:2
- “Grace…” - Jn 1:14
3,4 - The king and The King. See Rev 19:11-16
(3) - “Gird” - Applies to all 3: “sword”, “glory”, “majesty”
- “most mighty” = Heb. “gibbor” = “O, Mighty One”
(4) - “Because of” = “On behalf of”
- “terrible” = “fearful” as in “awesome” in a reverential sense.
5 - The imagery of a conqueror.
6,7 - Quoted in Heb 1:8,9. See Isa 9:6,7 and (“righteousness”) Jer 23:6, 33:16
- “anointed” = Messiah (The Anointed One)
8 - “All” = “So that all”
- “myrrh…” - See Ex 30:22-38
9-15 - The Queen
9 - “honourable women” = Court ladies (“maids of honor”)
- “did” = “doth”
- “queen” - Hephzi-bah and in the future, Israel
- “Ophir” - An ancient port city noted for wealth. See 1 Ki 9:26-28
(10) - “Hearken”, “consider”, “incline” - Emphasizing the importance of what follows.
- “Forget…people…father’s house”
Women in Scripture: Rebekah (Gen 24:58); Rachel (Gen 31:14); Asenath (Gen 41:45); Ruth (Ruth 1:16)
(11) - “LORD” = Heb. “Adonim” - The plural of “Adon”, used of an overlord or proprietor, i.e., “ruler”
- See Eph 5:25-33 1 Pe 3:1-7
(12) - “daughter” = The queen or the people as a whole.
- “Tyre” - A mercantile nation representing material wealth, hence, “Even the rich”. See Phil 2:9-11.
(13) - “The king’s daughter” = Israel
- “is…within” = “sits all glorious enthroned within (the inner palace)”
(14) - “raiment of needlework” = “embroidered robes”
- “virgins…” = “bridesmaids”
(15) - “gladness” = “great gladness”
16,17 - The Queen addressed
(verbs are feminine)
(16) - “…fathers…children” - The continuation of the bloodline.
(17) - “people” = “nations”
- “for the sons of Korah” - Only here and Ps 87 do we find the title given at both the beginning and the end. Psalm 45 celebrates the king’s marriage. Ps 87 celebrates the Ark being brought up from Zion.
INDEX Psalms 46-48
- A trilogy relating to Sennacherib’s siege during Hezekiah’s reign. Psalm 46 acknowledges the help of the Deliverer. Psalms 47 and 48 are in praise of the Deliverer. Read Isa 36.
Psalm 46
- “Song” = Heb. “Shir”, therefore delivered to the chief Musician.
1 - “refuge” = Heb. “hasah” = The place to which one flees. Also in vv. 7 and 11.
- “very present” = “nearby” referring to God. See Jer 23:23,24 Jas 4:8.
- “strength” = Heb. “owz” = “security” or “force”
- “trouble” = Heb. “tsarah” = “tightness”
2 - “be removed” = “quake”. Same as “moved” in v.6.
- “carried” = “moved”
- “midst” = “heart”
3 - “waters…roar” - An image of the invading Assyrians.
- “Selah” - Connects the roaring waters to the silent stream in the channel beneath Zion. The boastings of the enemy contrasted to the secret purposes of God.
4 - “river” = Heb. “hahar”. Specifically, the river flowing beneath Zion and supplying Siloam
- “streams” = Heb. “palag” = “channels”. The rock-cut channels supplying water for Zion when Hezekiah cut off all other supplies to the enemy. 2 Ki 20:20; 2 Ch 32:30
*Pool of Siloam / Hezekiah’s Tunnel - Located near the Temple (Neh 3:15)
The pool of Siloam is fed by a conduit that is cut for a distance of 1,780 feet through solid rock, and which starts at the so-called Virgin's Spring (En-rogel). It was constructed because the Virgin's Spring is the only spring of fresh water in the immediate neighborhood of Jerusalem, and in time of siege it was important that, while the enemy should be deprived of access to it, its waters should be made available for those who were within the city. But the spring rose outside the walls, on the sloping cliff that overlooks the valley of Kidron. Accordingly, a long passage was excavated in the rock by King Hezekiah in 701 BC, by means of which the overflow of the spring was brought into Jerusalem; the spring itself was covered with masonry, so that it could be “sealed” in case of war to protect Jerusalem’s water source, the Gihon Spring, from the invading Assyrians (2 Chron. 32:2-4).
The course of the tunnel is serpentine, and the farther end near the pool of Siloam enlarges into a passage of considerable height. If the tunnel was straight it would have only needed to have been 1070 feet, or 40% shorter. Although the tunnel is far underground (about 131 feet), the slope of the tunnel is precise. The tunnel slopes at a steady 0.6% grade. Once inside the tunnel the head room within the tunnel varies considerably. The tunnel is always about as wide as a man’s shoulders. At the beginning of the tunnel the head room is pretty tight causing people to have to walk through it a bit hunched over. The last 160 feet of the tunnel, however, the ceiling soars up to 17 feet tall. Down this channel the waters of the spring rush to the pool whenever the sudden flow takes place. In autumn there is an interval of several days; in winter the sudden flow takes place sometimes twice a day. A natural siphon from an underground basin accounts for this flow. Hence, the name “Sent” because of the intermittent flow.
Near the exit of the tunnel, the British explorer Captain Charles Warren (who first rediscovered it in 1867) found an ancient Hebrew inscription describing the construction. The inscription on the rock records only the making of the tunnel: That it began at both ends, that the workmen heard the sound of the picks of the other party and were thus guided as they advanced, and that when they broke through they were only a few feet apart. The pool itself is an oblong tank, partly hewn out of the rock and partly built with masonry, about fifty-three feet long, eighteen feet wide, and nineteen feet deep. It was from Siloam that water was brought in a golden vessel to the Temple during the feast of Tabernacles.
How was Hezekiah’s Tunnel constructed without modern day equipment? How could two teams 131 feet underground, without GPS, meet in the middle connecting the two tunnels? How were the workers and subsequent users of the tunnel able to breathe oxygen? Why was the tunnel S-shaped and not straight? How were the workers able to maintain a precise 0.6% grade slope underground for 1,780 feet?
Answer: WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! - “The holy place…” = “The MOST HIGH hath hallowed His habitation”
See Ex 3:5 where “holy” means “set apart” for God.
5 - “midst” = “middle”
- “her” = “Zion”
- “and that right early” = “at dawn”
6 - “heathen raged” = “nations roared”
- “moved” - “carried away”
- “earth” = Heb. “erets” = “ground”. With the “voice”, an image of torrential thunderstorms.
7 - “The Lord of hosts” = Heb. “Jehovah Sabaoth” = The Commander-in-chief title.
- “God” = Heb. “Elohim”. The God of Creation.
- “Jacob” - The natural nation of Israel.
- “refuge” = An impregnable place. Overseen by the Creator, protected by the Lord of hosts.
- “Selah” - Connects the confidence in God’s deliverance to its fulfillment.
8 - “behold” = “gaze upon” as in “stand still and see” used in reference to God’s glory. (The thought concludes in v.10). Here attributed to “the LORD” = Heb. “Jehovah”, the Covenant God. See Deu 28:7.
9 - “He maketh…” - The ultimate design of God’s plan.
- “bow”, “spear”, “chariot” - The weapons of war.
10 - “Be still” = Heb. “rapha” = “Cease your own efforts”
- “I will be exalted” - God’s grace, mercy and favor towards us provide witness to believers and non-believers alike (“in the earth”).
Every knee shall bow.11 - Same as v.7
- “Selah” - Connects Psalm 46 with 47 and 48, all 3 referencing the same events.
INDEX Psalm 47
- “Psalm” - 2nd in the trilogy. Praising Zion’s deliverance from Sennacherib during Hezekiah’s reign.
- “for the sons of Korah” - the 4th of nine so titled.
1 - “God” = Heb. “Elohim” = “The Creator”
2 - “LORD MOST HIGH” = Heb. “Jehovah Elyon” - The Covenant God over all the earth. The Dispenser of blessings.
- “terrible” = to be reverenced
- “great King…” - In contrast to Sennacherib
- “over all the earth” - Hence, “Elyon” over “all the people” of v.1.
3 - “He shall” = “May He”
4 - “shall choose” = “chooseth”
- “our inheritance” - Apportioned/divided to the nations by Elyon.
- “Selah” - Connects the consideration and exaltation of 46:10 with the exaltation in 47:5, 9
5 - “gone up” = “exalted” See Jos 6:20
6 - “Sing (great) praises” - 4x (# of the earth”)
- “God” = “our God”
- “our King” - God, not Hezekiah.
7 - The praises are qualified.
KNOW WHOM YOU ARE PRAISING!!! Understand Ps 49:3; Pr 4:7; Jn 4:24; 1 Co 14:15
8 - The “King of all the earth” reigns over all the people,
including your enemies.
- “throne of His holiness” = “His holy Throne”
9 - “gathered together” - To be a people. Ps 133:1 Eph 4:10-13
10 - “shields” = “defenses”
- “He is greatly exalted” - The subject of the Psalm is its conclusion.
Psalm 48
“Praise to the Deliverer”
- A Song (“shir”) and Psalm (“mizmor”) subscripted “To the chief Musician”.
- “for the sons of Korah” - The 5th of nine. Last of 4 concerning the deliverance of Zion and Hezekiah from Sennacherib.
1-“LORD” = Heb. “Jehovah”
- “city” - Zion
- “God” = Heb. “Elohim”
- “holiness” = “sanctuary”
2 - “situation” = “elevation” (2500+ ft. above sea level)
- “mount Zion…sides of the north” - Moriah and the Temple located immediately north of Zion.
- “city…King” = Jerusalem. Establishing 3 points of reference: the elevated mountain, the south side of Moriah, and the city itself. See Mt 5:35.
3 - “is known” = “has made Himself known”
- “in the palaces” - To Hezekiah himself.
4 - “the kings” - Sennacherib and his lesser rulers (known as vassal kings)
- “assembled”, “together” - Evil acting in accord.
5-8 - “it” = Zion
- “troubled” - By the LORD. 2 Ch 32:20-23
- “travail” = “labor”, preceding delivery.
- “Selah” - Connecting v.14 and to Ps 46:10 and the “Lord of hosts” in 46:11.
9 - “thought” = Heb. “damah” = “been silent” (in thought) or “stood still” (46:10) and rested in thought.
- “midst” - See Ps 46:5
10 - “Thy name” - Which defends and delivers. See Ps 20:1,2
- “right hand” - Power and might “full of righteousness”. The meekness we are to imitate.
11 - “daughters” = “cities”
- “glad”, “judgments” - rejoicing to be set free from Sennacherib. See Isa 36:1.
12,13 - “walk about” - In freedom.
- “towers”, “bulwarks” (outer walls), “palaces” - The centers of the siege now peaceful and symbols to be brought to remembrance.
14 - “this God” = “such a God”
- “even unto death” = “over death”
“To the chief Musician” - Written by Hezekiah (Isa 38:20-22) and turned over for public worship in the Temple.
Psalm 49
The Need for Redemption By The Redeemer. - Written by Hezekiah around 602 B.C. after his recovery from illness (2 Ki 20:1-7). This psalm expresses the humility engendered by the acute awareness of mortality coming to a “Man that is in honour” (v.20). This can often lead to contemplation of God. However, the question is “What kind of soil?” (Mk 4:1-20). The role of the evangelist meets the role of the pastor (2 Pe 1:1-12).
- “…sons of Korah” - 6th (#of man) of nine.
1,2 - All to hear. No exceptions or exemptions.
- “Hear”/”ear”, “people”/”inhabitants”, “low”/”high”, “rich”/”poor”
- “world” = Heb. “heled” = “age”, therefore transitory. Occ. 5x - Here, Ps 17:14, 39:5 (“age”), 89:47 ) (“time”) and Job 11:17 (“age”)
- “low” = sons of “adam” (ordinary men)
- “high” - sons of “ish” (great men)
- “poor” = Heb. “ebyon” = “helpless” or “destitute” in terms of will or wealth.
- “together” = ‘alike”
3,4 - “mouth”/”speak”, “wisdom”/”understanding”, “ear”/”harp”, “dark” (deep) saying”/”parable”
Connect Pr 1:7, 9:10 and Ro 10:1-17 and 2 Ki 3:14,15 where “minstrel” = Heb. “nagan” = “harper”
5 - “Wherefore…?” - Ps 27:1
- “heels” - “footsteps”
NOTE: This verse is prophetic concerning Jesus Christ Who has our iniquity laid upon Him. Heb 12:2-4; 1 Pe 4:12,13
6-9 -
There is no redemption from man. (6) - “trust in” = Heb. “batah” = “place confidence in”
A description of the world’s rich, powerful and influential.
(7) - Read: “Surely no man can redeem (another), nor give to God atonement for himself.” Ecc 2:4-16
- “man” = Heb. “ish” = “great man”
- “redeem” = Heb. “padah” = redeem by power
(8) - Parenthetical for clarity.
- “precious” = “costly”, “dear” Jn 3:16
- “it” = self-redemption
- “ceaseth…” - See Heb 10:10
(9) - Connects to the end of v.7
- “That” = “So that”
- “still live” = “live”
- “corruption” = Heb. “shahath” = “the destruction” (in the grave)
10 - “he seeth” = “it must be seen” (by all)
- “And leave” = “They leave” (lay up)
11 - See Lk 12:16-21
12 - Not redeemed by status
13 - Not redeemed by wisdom.
- “Selah” - Connecting the thoughts of vv.11, 12 and the “folly” of v.13 to the fact of v.14
14 - “feed on them” = “shepherd them”. Contrast the saved in 1 Pe 2:24, 25.
- “in the morning” = In resurrection life. Note “reigned” in Rev 20:4.
- “from their dwelling’ = “far from their former dwelling”. The “grave” is contrasted to the “houses” of v.11.
15 - “the power of the grave” - “the hand of Sheol (the grave)”. See 1 Co 15:53-57
- “receive me” - “take me out of Sheol”. Same as “carry away” in v.17.
- “Selah” - Connects the fear and folly of the unsaved to the hope and wisdom which removes the fear of death.
16 - James 2:1-9. The Bible frequently warns us not to be envious of the wealthy and powerful. Here we are admonished not to be intimidated.
17 - “carry away” - Same as “receive” in v.15. See 1 Ti 6:6-10
18 - “Though” = “For”
- “his soul” = “himself”
- “And” = “And though”
- “men…praise” - A common stumblingblock. Jn 12:42, 43
19 - “He shall” = “Yet he shall”
- “generation…fathers” - Prophetic. See Jn 6:47-51.
- “They” = Those fathers
- “light” - See Jn 1:4, 5
20 - See v.12. Those who “abideth not” “understandeth not”. 1 Co 2.
INDEX Psalm 50
The Redeemer speaks - “of Asaph” - the only one in Book II, the other eleven in Book III. All involving judgment.
1 - “The mighty…LORD” = Heb. “El Elohim, Jehovah” = “The God of Gods, even Jehovah”. Only here and twice in Jos 22:22.
- “spoken and called” - See Gen 1:3ff (“And God said…”)
2 - “Zion” - The true Zion, the city of David, (also called Ophel), south of Mt. Moriah. Not the traditional site SW of Jerusalem. This Zion properly locates Hezekiah’s conduit within the city and fulfills the prophecy of Jer 26:18 and Mic 3:12.
- “perfection of beauty” - According to the Creator (Elohim) who also chose to “shine” from there.
3,4 - A look ahead to Revelation. See Isa 11:11-16 and Ex 15:13-18
5 - “Gather” = “Gather in”
- “My saints” = “My favored ones” Mt 24:29-31
- “by sacrifice” - Ex 24:8 Mt 25:31-46
6 - “the heavens…” - Ps 19:1; 97:6
- “himself” = “alone”
- “Selah” - Connects the call to “Hear” to what comes into judgment: true worship (vv. 7-15) and true service (vv.16-23).
7 - “Hear” = Heb. “shama” = Hear with the intent to obey.
- “speak”, “testify”; “My People”, “Israel” - Doubled for emphasis.
- “thy God” - See “I am the LORD thy God” Ex 20:2, Hos 13:4
8 - “…not reprove thee…” - Not about outward worship. It counts for nothing if inner devotion is not present. See Jesus’s words to the Pharisees in Mt 23:23-29. Read Deu 10:12-14; Hos 6:6
9-12 -
God is the Creator and the Source.
God loves us. He does not NEED us. See Ex 32:7-10; Lk 19:37-40.
- “Mine” occurs 3 times because
God is the Provider. Ps 24:1,2
13 - A rhetorical question to punctuate the preceding verses.
14,15 - The reproof of vv. 7-13 shifts to our duty: praise and prayer.
(14) -
- “Offer” = Heb. “Zabach” = “Slay and offer up”
Thanksgiving is a sacrifice to the LORD. Heb 13:15,16
(15) -
- A one-verse instruction for the true believer and worshiper.
16 - The psalmist turns us to God’s address to the wicked.
- “saith” = “hath said”
- “What…?” - God frequently shows disapproval through questions. Compare Ro 2:21,22
17 - “instruction” - See Pr 1:7, 13:18, 15:32,33; Jer 32:33
18 - “partaker” - 1 Ti 5:22 2 Jn 10,11. Sin may be committed passively by compliance or omission. 2 Co 6:14-18.
19 - “frameth” = “weaves”. Hence the term “fabrications” applied to lies. God is truth. Evil and deceit separate us from Him.
20 - “thine own…” - To emphasize “brother”. The wicked use words to destroy from within. “slanderest” has the implication of being secretive and connects to the “evil” and “deceit” of v. 19.
Ps 10:4 Col 4:6 Jas 3:8-12
21 - “I kept silence”, “Thou thoughtest” - Ps 14:1 Eze 8:6-12
22 - “
GOD” = Heb. “Eloah” = God in connection with his will. The living God, therefore Elohim.
- “tear you…” See Heb 10:31
- “deliver” = “rescue”
23 - The reproof of vv. 16-22 is followed by the duty to praise and a promise.
- “Whoso” - Same as “Whosoever”
- “conversation” = “way”. The meaning is that for those who praise and glorify God there will be a way by which God will show to him salvation. Jn 3:16
INDEX Psalm 51
- T
he People’s response to God’s speaking in Psalm 50 (See 51:14 “when Thou speakest”). The people are represented by their king, David speaking as a penitent (laying) at 2 Sa 12:16. See David speaking as a worshipper (sitting) at 2 Sa 7:18-29 and as a servant (standing) at 1 Ch 28:2-10. - “when Nathan…) - 2 Sa 11:2 and 12:1.
1 - “Have mercy…according…lovingkindness (grace)” =
favor, therefore “tender mercies”. God’s grace is not earned or deserved. It is not bartered. David’s position (laying on the earth) is indicative of the creature approaching the Creator (“God” = Heb. “Elohim”)
- “blot out” = Heb. “machah” - Used 2 ways in the Bible.
1. Erase, as a debt from a ledger - Ex 32:32,33; Nu 5:23; Ps 69:28
2. Remove by wiping out - 2 Ki 21:13; Isa 44:22
2 - “Wash me
throughly”- To wash like an immersed garment. An outer washing would be rendered “
thoroughly”. See v.6 “inward” and “hidden”. See Lk 11:39,40
- “iniquity” - A heart condition, therefore internal.
- “cleanse” - ceremonially clean
- “sin” - The actions manifesting the iniquity
3 - “acknowledge” - Confession is a condition for forgiveness. 1 Jn 1:9
- “ever before me” - We remember what God forgets.
4 - “only” = “alone”. More accurately, in the Hebrew it designates something as “primary” (See Gen 22:2). The primary covers the secondary and any below. When the CEO signs off it doesn’t matter what anyone below thinks.
- “That Thou…” - Quoted in Ro 3:4. God is holy. Man is sinful. Man lies, but God: “when Thou speakest” (“in Thy words”) Pr 30:5. This realization is the basis of humility.
- “clear” = Heb. “zakak” = “pure”. Moral purity belongs to God. Job 15:14, 25:4. Pr 20:9.
5 - Not a reference to procreation. Man’s nature is sinful (Gen 6:5). The expression “sinful flesh” (Ro 8:3) describes us as apart from God and His Spirit.
6 - “inward parts” = Heb. “tuchoth” Only here and Job 38:36.
External acts are insufficient. - “make me…” - Wisdom is from above. 2 Ti 3:16 Jas 3:17
7 - “Purge me” = “Thou wilt cleanse me from sin”
- “hyssop” - A shrub used to sprinkle the atoning blood of a sin offering. Nu 19:6,17-18
8 -
The Joy Of Broken Bones: TRUE REPENTANCE - “Make me…” = “Thou wilt make me…” - Certainty of God’s faithfulness. Anticipation of healing.
- “bones which thou hast broken (Heb. “dakah” = “collapsed”, “smashed”, “crushed”) - See God’s admonishment to David (through Nathan). 2 Sa 12:7-12.
Understand Lk 7:40-43. Sin is sin, but not all sin is equal in impact or consequence (1 Jn 5:16,17). Repentance likewise includes varying degrees of sorrow, guilt and remorse. A broken bone is not the same as a broken fingernail. Multiple smashed bones result in intense, non-stop pain. A couple of aspirin won’t help. There will be no rest. No comfort. No sleep. David’s spiritual bones have been crushed by a loving, sovereign God (Heb 12:5-13). After many months of transgression, God suddenly issues the statement of a parent who has been disappointed, shamed and betrayed by His child. His words hit David like a spiritual sledgehammer.
The closer the relationship, the greater the impact. TRUE REPENTANCE acknowledges the shortcoming and
its impact.
We must understand what Paul means by “godly sorrow” in 2 Co 7:10. The “sorrow of the world” is tied to an unanticipated or distressing outcome. We’re sorry when we get caught or when the plan blows up. Godly sorrow asks, “How could I let my God down this way?” (See David’s “thee only” in Ps 51:4 and Joseph’s words in Gen 39:9).
makes no allowance for “secret sin” because God is all-knowing.
anticipates the healing of the Bonecrusher in recognition of His love and wisdom.
expects joy (Ps 30:5).
In the natural world, a shepherd may have a lamb which habitually wanders away from the flock. The shepherd has the wisdom to know that the lamb will become easy prey for the wolf. He will snap one of the lamb’s forelegs. He will then bind the leg and carry the lamb until the leg heals. Afterwards, the lamb will not stray from the shepherd’s side. David understands that his bones were broken to save his life.
9 - “Hide Thy face” - What omniscient God does not see does not exist. The figure is carried forward by the words “blot out”. See Ps 103:11,12 1 Jn 1:9
10 - “Create…” = Heb. “bara`”. Same as Gen 1:1. A powerful verse requesting something only God can do: create. This is not a repair or a transplant. It is a fresh start and a recognition of Jer 17:9. A literal “change of heart”.
- “renew” - repair, renew, renovate
- “right” = “steadfast”
- “spirit” - representing character
11 - “Cast…not…” - “Hide Thy face from my sins”, but not from me.
- “Take not…” - O.T. only. See Nu 11:16-17, 25. See Jn 14:16 pronouncement of permanent indwelling.
- “Holy Spirit” - Only here and Isa 63:10,11 in O.T.
12 - “Restore” - What was lost.
- “Uphold…free spirit” - The spirit of willingness and obedience which held Jesus up on the cross. Phil 2:8. Isa 41:10
13 - The evangelistic offshoot of v.12 “joy of salvation”. See Mt 28:18-20
14,15 - “Deliver” = “Rescue”
- “bloodguiltiness” - For the murder of Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah. 2 Sa 11:14-21
Uriah was one of the most valiant 37 chief mighty men in the king’s army (2 Sa 23:39). His death weakened the army and undoubtedly led to collateral injury and loss of life. Sin often extends beyond our perception of its effects.
- “tongue”, “lips”, “mouth” - Praise and Testimony.
16 - “desirest not” - No sacrifice for murder, the penalty was death. The child was taken in substitution. 2 Sa 12:18. Even the altar provided no sanctuary for a murderer. See Ex 21:12-14 and 1 Ki 2:28-34.
- “delightest not…” - Deu 10:12,13 1 Sa 15:22 Mic 6:8
17 - Place the colon after “God” and remove “are” to clarify. See Ps 34:18. Our heart and spirit are offered up to God.
18, 19 - Referring to a later time, therefore prophetic. Not added at a later time. Without these verses the Psalm would have an incomplete structure. These verses correspond to the Prayer and resulting Praise of vv. 7 and 8. The condition of the Nation parallels that of its king. David’s relationship required healing and so did Israel’s. Thus the psalm is placed in Book II, concerning Israel’s redemption.
- “Do…thy pleasure” - Submission and obedience to God’s will.
- “Build” - The edification that comes through God. See v. 12 and Eph 2:19-22.
- “pleased” - instead of unacceptable sacrifices. See Pr 21:27 and Isa 1:11-17
- “burnt offering”, “bullocks” - Ex 29:1-25 and Lev 1:1-13 where the failure to include the option in vv. 14-17 indicates overall prosperity for the Nation. See Lev 6:8-13 for its significance regarding the relationship.
- “To the chief Musician” - For public worship.
INDEX Psalm 52
- “Maschil” = “Instruction” (Concerning defeat of the enemy): Applies to Pss. 52-55
“trust” v.8, “praise” v.9, “wait” v.9. The 5th of 13 so titled.
- “when Doeg…” - 1 Sa 21:7, 22:18,19. Full story 1 Sa 21,22. Like Sennacherib and Rabshekah, Doeg is a type of antichrist.
1 - “mighty man” = Heb. “gibbor” - Power directed towards “mischief”, hence an “evil ruler” or “tyrant”.
- “goodness” = “lovingkindness”
- “continually” = “all the day”, i.e., 24/7/365
2,3 - “deviseth mischiefs”, “deceitfully”. The verse speaks of a skilled practitioner of malicious speech (in words and intent). This includes innuendo, half-truths and things out of context. See Mt 4:6 where the devil partially quotes Ps 91 by stopping after vv.11,12 and failing to include v.13. Note the warnings in Jas 3:2-8 apply to what is heard as well as spoken. Speech is for the hearer or reader.
See Pr 26:2 and its illustrations: Neh 13:2(Balaam); 1 Sa 17:43 (Goliath); 2 Sa 16:5,12 (Shimei). Note Mt 5:11.
- “lying” - See Jn 8:44
- “Selah” - Connects the “deceitful tongue” of v.4 to the imprecation in v.5.
4 - “Thou” = Doeg. See 1 Sa 22:18 where he slew 85 priests. This was in fulfillment of the prophecy on Eli’s house (1 Sa 2:27-33; 3:11-14).
5 - “destroy”, “take away”, “pluck out”, “root out” - Pronouncement of judgment for murder (“likewise”)
- “Selah” - Connecting the judgment to the righteous onlookers. See Eze 28:18,19
6 - “righteous” - Plural, “righteous ones”
- “laugh” - In derision at the one who boasted (v.1). The specific words follow in v.7.
7 - “the man” = Heb. “geber” = “the strong man”
The sentence “the man…strength” by gematria = 2,197 (133 - #Rebellion by the #of completion)
- “God” = Heb. “Elohim” = Creator
- “trusted” = “placed confidence in”
- “wickedness” shoud be “wealth”. See Ps 112:3
8 - “green…tree” - Evergreen, in all seasons. A reference to being everlasting, as the Living Word (Lk 23:31). Hence, “for ever and ever”. See Jer 11:16,17 and Hos 14:8,9
9 - “praise Thee for ever” - Tied to the grace flowing to the one in v.8 who “trusts for ever”.
- “Thou hast done it” - All that is worthy of glory.
- “Mahalath” - “The great dancings” - In celebration of victory. See 1 Sa 18:6,7.
INDEX Psalm 53
A partial repetition of Ps 14 which was not for public use as is Ps 53. Ps 14 referenced Jehovah as David’s God. Here it is Elohim (v.1), the Creator.
- “Maschil” = “Instruction” (Concerning defeat of the enemy): Applies to Pss. 52-55. The 6th of 13.
- “of David” = “by David”1-3 - “fool” = Heb. “nabal”. See Nabal in 1 Sa 25:1-39
- “God” = Heb. “Elohim”. 7x in this Psalm. In Ps 14, “Elohim” 3x and “Jehovah” 4x.
- “iniquity” = Heb. “`aval” = “deceit”. In Ps 14 = “alilah” = the doing of iniquity
- “There is…” - Quoted in Ro 3:10-12
(2) - “God” = Heb. “`eth Elohim” = “God Himself”. The verse begins and ends with the same word (encircling). In Scripture this figure of speech indicates universal understanding and application. See Ps 27:14 as another example where the Hebrew has “wait” at each end.
- “that did understand” - This Maschil concerns understanding how to defeat the enemy (by seeking God).
4 - “no knowledge”- of God. The question is NOT rhetorical. See Lk 4:40,41 and Jas 2:19.
- “Who…bread?” - Insert after “iniquity”. See Hos 4:6 and understand:
We cannot assume the enemy is ignorant!
The instruction is that
have the knowledge to “call upon God” and take on
armor. Eph 6:10-18.
5 - “great fear, where no fear was:” - Pr 28:1 and 1 Jn 4:18
- “…scattered…” - An addition to Ps 14. A description of complete, overwhelming victory (See Ps 110:1 and Ro 8:37). The enemy is taken from “encamped” to “scattered” (2 Co 10:3-6).
- “them” - the wicked. In Ps 14:5 the righteous are referenced. Here, God puts the wicked to shame because
He is ashamed of them.
6 - “Oh” - An exclamation of triumph.
- “His People” - “Jacob” (the natural seed) and “Israel” (the spiritual seed). This comes “out of Zion”. See Deu 10:10-12
- “Neginoth” = “smitings” - The words of God against His enemies.
INDEX Psalm 54
- Further instruction on defeating the enemy.
- “Maschil” - 7th of 13.
- “when…” - See 1 Sa 23:19 and 1 Sa 26:1-41,2 - “Save”, “judge” (“vindicate”), “hear”, “give ear” - Supplication to Elohim, Who can defeat by Himself (“Thy name”). This verse describes the believer trusting in the sovereignty of the Creator.
3 - “strangers” = The Ziphites and/or the men of Keilah (1 Sa 23:7-13).
- “oppressors” - Not necessarily different people than the “strangers”. The word implies taking action.
- “soul” = Heb. “nephesh” = “life”
- “Selah” - connecting David’s danger with his Help.
4 - “helper” - Ps 121:2
- “with them…” - The LORD also provides human assistance for our fulfillment of His purpose. The concept of human interdependence is best described in 1 Co 12:12-27.
5 - “reward” = “recompense”. Place a period after “enemies”.
- “Cut them off…” - The request of the supplicant.
- “in Thy truth” - Because of the Covenant. Deu 28:7.
6 - “freely sacrifice” - Sacrifice a freewill offering, i.e., voluntary. See Lev 22:18-25.
7 - “I have seen the LORD’s deliverance.” See Deu 20:1-4 Ps 98:3. This is also prophetic (Heb 11:13).
- “Neginoth” = “Smitings” - Jehovah’s smiting of the enemies.
Psalm 55
“Maschil” = “Instruction”. The 8th of 13 in Psalms. The 4th and last in this series about how to defeat the enemies. References 2 Sa 15 (934 B.C.). In particular the Psalm points to Ahithopel, David’s former counselor (and Bathsheba’s grandfather) who joined Absalom in rebellion. As a betrayer, Ahithopel is a type of Judas.1 - “God” - The Creator (“Elohim”) is addressed.
2 - “hear” = “answer”
- “complaint” = “speech”
= “make a noise” = “moan”
3 - “Because of” - Twice for emphasis.
- “oppression” = Heb. “`akah” Only occ. = “outcry”
- “iniquity”, “wrath” - The character of the words. The impact is in v.4.
4,5 - “sore pained…unto death” - See Jn 13:21; Mt 26:38. See v.18.
- “terrors”, “fearfulness”, “trembling”, “horror” = Overwhelmed.
6,7 - “fly away…rest”, “wander…remain (lodge)” - Never to return.
- “in the wilderness” - 2 Sa 15:27,28; 17:16
8 - “hasten my escape” - 2 Sa 15:14
- “windy” = “wind of” - No rest, no peace.
9 - “divide their tongues” = “cleave their counsels”. This prayer was answered in 2 Sa 17:1-14
10,11 - No relief anytime or any place.
- “Day and night”, “depart not”
- “walls”, “streets”
- “Mischief”, “sorrow”, “Wickedness”, “deceit”, “guile”
12-14 - Ahithopel’s treachery. Vv. 13-14 address Ahithopel directly within the prayer.
- “mine equal” - A sign of David’s esteem. See 2 Sa 16:23
- “guide” = counsellor 2 Sa 16:22,23 and Judas in Ac 1:17
- “in company” = “with the multitude (Heb. “regesh” Only occ.)”. Friendship and fellowship.
15 - “quick” = “alive”. See Nu 16:30-33.
- “hell” = Heb. “Sheol” - sometimes rendered “grave” or “pit”
16-18 - Prayer, Encouragement
(16) - “will call” (on Elohim), (Jehovah) “shall save” - Faith
(17) - “Evening…noon” - 1 Th 5:17 “pray” = “meditate”
- “cry aloud” = Heb. “hamah” = “make a sound” (As in the cooing of a dove. See subscript to this Psalm.)
- “shall (surely) hear”
(18) - “delivered” = “plucked” See Jn 10:27-30. See Jesus in Lk 4:28-30; Jn 8:58-59, 10:39
- “in” = “set it in”
- “many” = “many in conflict”
19 - “GOD” = Heb. “El” - The Mighty Creator
- “hear (
me)”, “afflict
- “Selah” - Connects David’s true confidence to the false confidence of his enemies.
- “no changes” = Heb. “halaph” = “no changes for the better” (improvement). See Lev 27:10 (“alter”) and Gen 35:2 (“be clean”)
20 - “He” = Ahithopel
- “covenant” - Loyalty to the king.
21 - See Pr 27:6
22 - “Cast…upon” = “Commit…to”. Quoted in 1 Pe 5:7
- “sustain thee” = “hold thee up”
- “righteous” = “righteous one”
23 - “half their days” - Not a full life. A specific reference to Absalom. 2 Sa 18:1-18, 31-33 (note the “oak” references, see subscript.)
- “trust” = Heb.”batah” = “confide”
- Jonath-elem-rechokim”= “The dove of the distant Terebrinths (oaks)”. A reference to David in the wilderness. See vv. 6-8, 17
Psalm 56-
The work of the Redeemer. Messianic prophecy.
- “Michtam” = “Engraved” - One of six. These Psalms are so labeled by the Holy Spirit to emphasize their significance. They deal with death, deliverance and resurrection. Psalm 16 is the first of these.
- “When…” - See 1 Sa 21:10; 27:4; 29:2-11
1 - “merciful” = “gracious”
- “would swallow me up” = Heb. “sha`aph” = “thirst for my blood”, used in reference to wild beasts.
- “daily” = “all day”
2 - “Most High” = (not “Elyon”), but Heb. “marom” = “exalted”
3 - “What time” = “Any time”
4 - “In God” - 5x (# of grace) in this Psalm. Grace flows to us through
our faith “in God”.
5 - “Every day” = “All the day”
- “wrest” = “manipulate”, “twist”
6 - Accusers and slanderers actively seek opportunities. Lk 20:19,20 Jn 8:1-6
7 - “Shall they escape…?” - Ex 34:6,7 Nu 14:18
- “the people” = The “they” of v.5.
8 - A multi-layered metaphor. See Ps 139:1-5
- “tellest” = “keeps an account of”
- “bottle” - Used to collect the tears of mourners and subsequently buried with the decedent.
- “Thy book” - See Ro 14:11,12 1 Pe 4:1-5
9 - “When…thee” = “In the day of my cry”
- “for God…me” - “that God is mine”. See Pr 3:6 where “acknowledge” = “own”
10,11 - See v.4. David in submission to Elohim as His child and to Jehovah as His anointed king.
(11) - “man” = “a man”, i.e., “any man”
12 - “Thy vows” - God’s Word. God’s promises. See Jos 1:5 1 Sa 12:22
13 - “delivered” = “plucked”
- “feet…falling” = stumbling. Called “offence” in N.T. See Mt 18:7.
- “light of the living” = resurrection life. See Job 33:30. See “land of the living” in Ps 116:8,9
- “Al-taschith” = “Destroy not” See 1 Sa 26:9 2 Sa 1:14; 24:16,17 Also 1 Chr 21:1-17 .
Psalm 57
- The work of the Redeemer.
- “Michtam” = “Engraven”. One of six, as is Ps 56. Same subscription as Ps 56.
- “when…” - See 1 Sa 22:1
- “cave” - At Engedi. See 1 Sa 24:1-8
1 - “Be merciful” - Repeated for emphasis.
- “God” = Heb. “Elohim” - The Creator.
- “trusteth”, “make my refuge” - Both = Heb. “hasah” = “hath fled for refuge”
- “Until…overpast” - Confidence in deliverance.
2 - “MOST HIGH” - As in Ps 56:2, not a divine title.
- “all things” - Omit. “performeth” is absolute. No exceptions.
- “for me” = “on my behalf”
3 - “shall” - The certainty of faith. Heb 11:1.
- “swallow me up” - Same as Ps 56:1, = Heb. “shalaph” = “thirst for my blood”
- “Selah” - Connecting the confidence with its cause: God’s mercy and truth (see v.10)
4 - “lions” - Connect to “swallow me up”. This is a beautiful multi-layered metaphor. God’s mercy and truth are sent to David’s location “among the lions”. See Ps 23:5a to understand. The lions are “set on fire”, but David is unharmed. See Dan 3:22 where Nebuchadnezzar’s mighty men are slain by the same fire which has no effect on Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. See 1 Co 3:12-15 where the fire which purifies gold, silver and precious stones is the same fire which burns up wood, hay and stubble.
- Their “teeth” are “spears and arrows” defeated by David’s faith (Eph 6:16) and prayer (Eph 6:18).
- “their tongue is a sharp sword” BUT
see Heb 4:12. Heb 12:29 completes the metaphor: truth=God=His word=fire=sword (Eph 6:17). This allows our soul to prosper “among the lions” as we are in the world, but not of it (Jn 17:14-16). The principle applies to the endtimes when the saints who endure will not be destroyed.
5 -“Be thou exalted” - The praise repeated in v.11. The Creator is higher than the creation. (See warning at Ro 1:21-25). Therefore, “above…heavens…earth” - Gen 1:1.
6 - “digged” - See Ps 7:15
- “Selah” - Connects the enmity against him to his confidence in God.
7 - “My heart” - Repeated for emphasis.
- “fixed” = Heb. “kuwn” = “steadfast”. See 1 Co 15:58
- “I will sing…” - No matter the circumstance. A vow. 1 Th 5:16-18
8 - “my glory” - Representing the tongue and the harp which “sing and praise”.
- “awake early” = “awake at dawn”. To begin each day. This is personal. V.9 is public. See Eph 5:17-20.
9 - “sing” = “sing praise” Mt 5:14-16.
10 - “mercy”, “truth” - Intertwined elements of God’s glory. Understand Ps 85:10,11
11 - V.5 repeated to complete the structure of the Psalm.
- “Al-taschith” = “Destroy not”
Psalm 58
The work of the Redeemer. - “Michtam” = “Engraven”.
1- “congregation” = Heb. “`elem” = “silence” (in terms of justice). Only occurs here and subscription to Ps 55.
Translate verse as: “Are you indeed silent when you should speak righteousness?” (And vice versa). The metaphor extends to us (human judges) being deaf when we should hear, often by speaking when we should be listening.
- “judge uprightly” - Man’s “fairness” often differs from God’s. See Eze 18 and Ac 10:34,35
2 - “wickedness” = Heb. “`avval” = unfairness in dealings
- “weigh” = “weigh out”, “dispense”
3 - “wicked” - heb. “rasha`” = “lawless”
- “estranged” - From God. From righteousness. Thus our need for redemption. See Gen 6:5 Ps 51:5
4,5 - The serpent. The charmer. A simile, not a metaphor.
(4) - “deaf adder” - Snakes have no ears. They can feel vibration caused by sound, but actually follow the movement of the charmer’s flute. This is representative of those who CANNOT hear.
- “stoppeth her ear” - representative of those who REFUSE to hear.
(5) - “will not hearken” - Will never respond to the Gospel. Understand Mk 6:11.
- “never so wisely” = “in futility”. Eph 5:15-17 is critical to ministry in general and evangelism in particular. We are mortal. We are finite. The enemy can exhaust our time, energy and resources if we allow it. See 1 Co 6:12.
6 - Lions. Emblematic of the devil. 1 Pe 5:8.
- “Break…break out…teeth” - A death sentence to a lion. Without teeth a lion cannot hunt, kill or feed.
7 - “them” = the wicked
- “melt away” = Heb. “ma`ac” = “disappear”
- “waters…continually” - The image reminds us that the defeated enemy will, in due time, be followed by another.
- “cut in pieces” = “mown down like grass”
8 - “snail…melteth” - Omit “which”. Snails dissolve into slime when salted. The salt penetrates their body and draws the water from the cells (osmosis) causing rapid dehydration, leaving slime. The wicked are destroyed by what preserves the righteous. Understand Lev 2:13; Nu 18:19 and Col 4:6.
- “may not see the sun” - Sufficient salt can prevent the presence of the wicked. See Jn 3:19-21
9 - “thorns” - thorns burn far too quickly to adequately cook. The LORD can remove the wicked before they achieve their ultimate objective. He may remove them from our path or from the earth.
10 - See Rev 14:14-20; 19:11-16
11 - “Verily” - The only psalm with more than one occurrence.
- “righteous” = “righteous one’
- “He is…” = “There is a God, judges in the earth will say.” Phil 2:9-11
- “Al-taschith” = “Destroy not”
INDEX Psalm 59
The work of the Redeemer. The 4th of 5 consecutive. - “Michtam” = “Engraven” - “When…” - 1 Sa 19:11
1 - “God” = Heb. “Elohim” - The Creator
- “Defend me” = “Set me on high”
2 - “Deliver”, “save” - What the Redeemer does.
- “men” = plural of Heb. “enosh” - Used of the depraved (ones incapable of moral good). Translated “men of renown (name)” in Gen 6:4. Similar to Eng. “notorious”
3,4 - “lie in wait”, “gather”, “run and prepare themselves” - The actions of the wicked.
- “Not for”, “nor for”, “without my fault” - Only true of the just. The wicked do not need specific cause. Cain/Abel in Gen 4:8. Ps 35:19, 69:4
- “Awake” - “Arise” (to minister)
- “behold” = “keep watch”
5 - “O LORD God of hosts” = Heb. “Jehovah Elohim Sabaoth” - The Covenant God of Israel as Lord of all the hosts of heaven and earth.
- “heathen” = “nations”
- “transgressors” = Heb. “bagad” = “hypocrites”
- “Selah” - Connects the transgressors to their characterization as dogs of the Gentiles (Mt 15:21-27) and connects the prayers of vv. 1 and 5.
6 - “return at evening”, “like a dog” - Dogs would sleep during the heat of the day and forage for scraps and garbage at night (“round about the city”).
7 - “Swords” - Words designed to injure.
- “For…hear”? - Who understands the true purpose of the words?
8 - “shalt” - Certainty. See Ps 2:4.
9 - “his” should be “my” as in v.17. See “my defence” and “my mercy” in v.10. The LORD is our strength and our defense. Isa 40:28-31
10 - “mercy” = “grace”
- “prevent” = “go before”
11 - “Slay not…forget” - The presence of defeated enemies serves as a reminder and a witness. Good is often highlighted by its contrast to evil. Understand 1 Co 11:19.
- “our” - The personal “my” changes to the plural of a king covering “my people”.
- “shield” - For those who trust Him. Eph 6:16
12 - See Pr 6:12-19
13 - “Consume” - Jer 14:10-12 Eze 20:13,14 2 Th 2:8
- “in Jacob” - A reference to the natural world.
- “ends” - Both geographical and chronological.
- “Selah” - The connector to v.5, with v.14 echoing v.6.
14 - See v.6
15 - “grudge” - Read “stay all night”, i.e., not be fruitful in their efforts.
16 - “But I will sing” - The imprecation leads to praise for the “power” (strength) and “mercy” (grace) of the LORD.
- “defence = “high tower”
- “day” = “season”
17 - “sing” = “sing praise”
- “Shushan-eduth” - (Only here and Ps 79). Testimony relating to the second Passover authorized in Nu 9:5-14. This took place in 2 Chr 30 when the restoration work on the temple prevented the observance in the first month.
Psalm 60
The work of the Redeemer. The 5th of 5 consecutive. - “Michtam” = “Engraven” - Highlighting its importance.
- “When…” - 2 Sa 8:13,14 (“18,000” - A total. 12,000 by Joab six months later. See 1 Ki 11:15,16)
- “Amram-naharaim…” - Mesopotamia (Syria)
1,2 - The recognition of the need for redemption. The plea for God’s re-“turn”.
(2) - “broken” = “made fissures”
- “earth” = Heb. “`erets” = the land (not the planet)
- “Heal…” - Remembrance of 2 Ch 7:14
3 - Also promised by God. 2 Ch 7:19-22
4 - “given a banner to” = “raised a standard for”
- “displayed” - As a witness.
- “the truth” = Heb. “koshat” Only occ. in Psalms = “the precise truth”, or “Thy faithfulness”
- “Selah” - Connects the gift of the banner with its objective.
5 - “hear” = “answer”
6-8 - The promise of the possession of the whole
of Canaan. The source of David’s encouragement. See 2 Sa 7:10.
(6) - “Shechem”, “Succoth” - West and East of Jordan.
(7) - “Gilead”, “Manasseh” - Eastern side
- “Ephraim”, “Judah” - Western side
- “Judah…lawgiver” - Gen 49:10 Nu 21:18
(8) - Moab and Edom expressed as conquered people. 2 Sa 8:11-14
- “washpot” - A lowly vessel used for foot bathing.
- “cast out my shoe” - Expression meaning “take possession”
- “Philistia” should be “Over Philistia”
9 - “the strong city” = Selah (2 Ki 14:7)
- “…lead me into Edom?” - Pursuant to the promise of Nu 24:18
10 - “O God” - The answer to “Who?”
- “cast us off” - See v.1
11 - “help” = Heb. “`ezrath” = “relief”, “aid”
- “help” = Heb. “teshuah” = “salvation”, “deliverance”
12 - “valiantly” - See 1 Jn 4:17,18
- “Neginoth” = “Smitings”
Psalm 61
The next 12 Psalms (61-72) concern Israel’s Redemption. This Psalm begins with prayer and ends with praise as Israel waits.1 - “God” = Heb. “Elohim” = The Creator
- “prayer” = Heb. “tephillah” = “supplication”
2 - “earth” = Heb. “`erets” = “land”, i.e., Israel.
- “Lead me” (“when my heart is overwhelmed”) - This request from the supplicant describes the submissive heart of the saved. The “believeth in” of Jn 3:16 makes this the required attitude for salvation. The perfect tense makes this an ongoing request which is periodically voiced. Jas 4:6-10
- “rock” = Heb. “tsur” = “cliff” as an inaccessible place of safety, hence a refuge.
- “that is higher than I” = “which will prove higher”
3 - “shelter” = “refuge”
- “tower” - The higher position for defense and vigilance. Hence, “from the enemy”.
4 - “tabernacle” = Heb. “ohel” = “tent”
- “covert” = “secret place”
- “of the wings” - The golden eagles of Palestine build nests in riverside cliffs at altitudes up to 12,000 feet. They use their wings to protect their chicks from heat and cold and sometimes to provide shade (Ps 121:5).
- “Selah” - Connects David’s confidence to its source. (“Thou”, “Thou”, “Thy” in v.5)
5 - “given” - Never earned.
- “fear” = “revere”
- “Thy name” = “Thee”
6 - “prolong” = “augment”, “make great” (David died at age 70)
- “many generations” = “from generation to generation”
7 - “abide” = remain enthroned
- “prepare” = “appoint” Same word as Jonah 1:17.
8 - Praise as a precedent for sacrifice and obedience.
- “Jeduthun” = “Confession”. Named Ethan. One of 3 directors of Temple worship appointed by David (1 Ch 15:17-19; 16:41; 25:1-6). The other Jeduthun Psalms are 38 and 76. All 3 reference “vows”.
Psalm 62
A sequel to Psalm 61. Israel awaits redemption.1 - “Truly” - Occ. 6x in this Psalm. Translated “only” in vv. 2,4,5,6. Occ. 4x in Ps 38, also a Jeduthun Psalm.
- “my soul” = “I myself”. Emphatic.
- “waiteth” = “waits in silence”
- “God” = Heb. “Elohim” - The Creator
- “From” = “For from”
2 - “rock” = Heb. “tsur” = “cliff”
- “salvation” - Repeated from v.1 for emphasis.
- “defence” = “high tower”
3 - “imagine mischief” = Heb. “hathath`” Only occ. = “assault”
4 - Shift from 2nd person to 3rd person as David’s focus turns more to God.
- “him” - The “man” of v.2, i.e., David
- “excellency” = high rank - David as king. Points to Absalom’s rebellion.
- “bless”, “curse” - See Pr 12:6; Isa 29:13
- “Selah” - Connects the enmity of his adversaries to his trust in God.
5,6 - Vv. 1,2 revisited as self-exhortation.
7 - “In God is” = “Upon God depends”…“my salvation”, “my glory”, “my strength”, “my refuge”. As always, God Is the SOURCE.
8 - “Trust in” = “Confide in” - The essence of heart-to-heart communication through prayer. See “Pour out” in this verse.
- “ye People” - The king directs his people. Strength in unity. Ecc 4:8-12; Mt 18:19,20
- “…us” - The king joined to his people.
- “Selah” - Connects/contrasts his trust in God to man’s vanity.
9 - “men of low degree” = “sons of adam”
- “vanity” = “a breath”
- “men of high degree” = “sons of ish”
- “altogether” = “together”
10 - “not” 3x. All in opposition to faith in God. Mt 6:21
11 - “once”, “Twice” - A Hebraism for “many times”. See Job 33:14, 40:5
- “power” = Heb. “owz” = “strength” related to security
12 - “mercy” = “grace”
- “Thou renderest…” - See 7x (Mt 16:27; Ro 2:6; 1 Co 3:8; 2 Ti 4:14; Rev 2:23, 20:12-13, 22:12)
INDEX Psalm 63
Awaiting Israel’s Redemption - “when…” - See 1 Sa 22:5, 23:14-16
1 - “God…GOD” = Heb. “Elohim (Creator)…”EL” (The Omnipotent)
- “early” - To put the “whole armor” in place. Eph 6:11, 13
- “longeth” = Heb. “kamah” Only occ. in Bible = “pines away for”
- “In” = “Like”
- “thirsty” = “weary” See Jn 4:13,14 for the application of this verse.
2 - See Isa 6:1-5 where this is a first-time experience. Here, David aches for another opportunity.
3,4 - “lovingkindness” = “grace”
- “life” = natural life
- “praise” = Heb. “shabah” = “extol”. Used only by David and Solomon.
5 - “marrow and fatness” - Symbolic of prosperity and abundance.
6 - “upon my bed”. See “early” in v.1 and remember Ps 34:1.
- “And” should be “I will”.
7 - The reason for praise.
- “rejoice” = “rest”. Peace and comfort due to provision and protection.
8 - “followeth hard” = “cleaves to and follows closely”. Combine with Deu 4:31 to understand David’s assurance. To cling to and follow One Who will not leave forms an unbreakable bond.
See Pr 18:24
9 - “But those…” - As Ahithopel in 2 Sa 17:1-3.
- “lower parts” = “the grave” (Heb. “Sheol”)
10 - “by the sword” - Not a natural death. Typically in combat or by violence.
- “foxes” = “jackals” - Indicating death without the dignity of burial, therefore left to scavengers. See 2 Ki 9:30-37.
11 - “lies” - See Rev 21:7,8 where “all liars” = Gr. “pseudes” = “all the false”
- “To the chief Musician” - For public worship.
Psalm 64
- Awaiting Israel’s Redemption1 - “prayer” = “musings”
- “Preserve” - From “fear” (a sign of weakening faith). 1 Jn 4:18
2-4 - Pr 12:5,6
(2) - “Hide” = “Protect”
- “secret counsel” = “conspiracy” 2 Sa 16:20-22, 17:1-4
- “insurrection” - Not secret, but open.
(3,4) - Words as weapons
5,6 - The actions of oppressors in concert.
- “encourage themselves…commune…lay snares privily…search out iniquities…search diligently”
- “Who shall see them?” - They think their actions will be undiscovered.
- “deep” - Both “inward thought” and the “heart” are hidden from view, not easily discerned. 1 Jn 4:1
7,8 - The enemy is wounded by God.
- “fall upon themselves” See 2 Ki 7:3-7 2 Ch 20:21-24
- “flee away” - No more communion amongst them.
9 - “fear and declare” AFTER “wisely” considering. See Jn 4:28-42 Ac 19:13-18
10 - “The righteous” = “A righteous one”
- “trust” = Heb “hasah” = “make his refuge”
- “To the chief Musician” - For public worship
Psalm 65
Awaiting Israel’s Redemption from Zion. - “A Psalm (Heb. ‘Mizmor’) and Song (‘Shir’)” - In praise of God for meditation and public worship.
1 - “waiteth” - Silently, as in 62:1.
- “in Sion” - The site of David’s tabernacle.
- “Thee” = “Thee only”
2 - “all flesh” = “all mankind”. This Psalm prophetically extends beyond Israel to the Creator of all people and all of heaven and earth.
3 - “Iniquities” - In this case, words of iniquity.
- “purge them away” - By atonement.
4 - A Beatitude
- “Blessed” = “Happy”
- “Thou choosest…” - True worshippers are called by God.
- “courts” - David’s tabernacle in Zion.
- “Thy house” = “Thy holy temple (Heb. ‘heykal’ = ‘palace’)”
5 - “terrible” = “awesome”
- “answer” - God often speaks by His actions. So do we.
- “confidence” = Heb. “batah” = “security”. The reason to not be fearful.
- “earth” = Heb. “erets” = “ground”, in contrast to “sea”.
6-13 - All Mankind Included
(6) - “Which” = “Who”
- “strength” = Heb. “koach” = capacity to produce
- “power” = Heb. “gebuwral” = “might”
(7) - God establishes peace. 1 Co 14:33.
- He “stills” “noise” and “tumult”
(8) - “tokens” - signs, evidence See Gen 9:12-17
(9) - “river” = Heb. “peleg” - Plural everywhere else in Scripture. Always used in connection with a garden. See Rev 22:1,2
(10) - “makest it soft” = “dissolvest it”. God makes the dry hard ground suitable for plowing and planting.
(11,12) - “crownest the year” - A reference to the harvest. Gen 8:22. God completes what he starts (Phil 1:6)
(13) - “They” - The pastures and valleys. All creation is to the glory and praise of the Creator. Ps 19:1-6
- “to the chief Musician” - For public worship.
INDEX Psalm 66
- Praise promised. Trouble remembered. 1- “God” = Heb. “Elohim” = The Creator
- “ye lands” = “the earth”
2 - “Make His praise glorious” = “Celebrate the glory of His praise”
3 - “Say unto…” - Acknowledge and submit to the sovereign power of God.
4 - “sing” = “sing praises”
- “Selah” - Connecting the exhortation of this verse to the reason in v.5. Also marks vv. 5-7 as connecting to v.16.
5 - “Come and see” connecting to “Come and hear” in v.16. The works of the Creator are manifest.
6 - “the sea” = “the Red Sea” Ex 14:21,22
- “the flood” = “the river Jordan” Jos 3:9-17
7 - “power” - Omnipotence
- “eyes” - Omniscience
- “Selah” - Connecting the two halves of the Psalm.
8 - “voice” = “sound”
9 - “holdeth” - See Jn 10:27-30
- “foot…moved” - See Ps 121:3
10-12 - The deliverance that engenders praise necessarily follows trials.
(10) - “proved”, “tried” - by fire
(11) - “affliction” = Heb. “ma`akah” = “a heavy burden” See Ex 1:8-14, 5:4-19
(12) - “wealthy place” = freedom
13-15 The Psalmist’s Promise
(13,14) - “uttered” = “opened”
- “when…trouble” - A time when many vows are spoken only to be forgotten later.
(15) - “offer” = “prepare”
- “fatlings”, “rams”, “bullocks”, “goats” - The best for the Lord.
- “Selah” - The connector to v.4 “Selah”
16 - “Come and hear” (see v.4) - Ro 10:17,18
17 - What the Psalmist did.
18 - What the Psalmist has come to understand.
- “hear” = “answer”
Besides iniquity, what else can hinder prayer? Because God looks at the heart of one who prays (attitude, faith and motivation are factors) we must achieve some standard of acceptability to be allowed in His presence. Anything which hinders our prayer is a sign of trouble for our spiritual walk, our righteousness, and our peace. We cannot "pray without ceasing" under any of the following conditions:
• Unforgiveness Mk 11:24-26
• Doubt Jas 1:5-7
• Lack of faith Heb 11:6
• Disobedience Pr 28:9
• Carnality Jas 4:1-3
• Marital Discord 1Pe 3:7
• Insincerity Mal 1:7-9
• Inhumanity Pr 21:13
19 - “But…” - The words of the Psalm are from a sincere heart.
20 - Benediction
- “turned away” - from Himself. (God can reject payer or worship which is reprobate). Isa 1:11-15, 59:1-2, 65:1-5; Jer 6:16-20; Zec 7:8-13”
- “nor His mercy” - A consequence of reprobate prayer.
- To the chief Musician” - For public worship
- “Neginoth” = “Smitings” - The smiting of Israel’s enemies by God.
INDEX Psalm 67
- Praise for the Deliverer and Ruler extending beyond Israel to “all nations”.1 - The prayer begins with a compound request.
- “Selah” - Connects the prayer with its subject (v.2)
2 - “way” = “ways”, “doings”
- “saving health” = Salvation
- “all nations” - Not just Israel.
3 - “the people” = “peoples”
4 - “judge” = “govern”, “rule”
- “righteously” - Thus, gladness and singing
- “Selah” - Connecting the righteous rule of God to the renewed praise in v.5 (from v.3).
5 - The renewal of v.3.
6 - “increase” - Due to God’s blessing. See 1 Co 3:6,7. Contrast the curse of Gen 3:17-19.
7 - “all…fear Him” - See Phil 2:9-11
- “To the chief Musician” - For public worship (“Song”)
INDEX Psalm 68
- The response to Pss. 61-67. Vv.1-3 introduce praise. - “Song” - Ps 24 relates to the entrance of the Ark into Zion (951 B.C.). This Psalm relates to the setting out of the procession. It celebrates, in part, the deliverance from Egypt and was later appointed for public worship at the feast of the Passover (see subscription).
1-3 - The introduction to the Psalm itself.
(1) - “Let God arise” - Always recited at the setting forth of the Ark. Here it is “Elohim” (26x in this Psalm), in Nu 10:35 it is “Jehovah”.
- “let” = “And let”
(2) - “driven away” = “driven about” (as by wind)
- “melteth” - See Zec 14:12
- “the presence of God” - Represented by the Ark.
(3) - “But” - By contrast
- “rejoice” - Phil 4:4 1 Th 5:16
4 - “JAH” - The “I AM” of Ex 15:2. The 1st occ. in Psalms in the Exodus Book. JAH indicates Jehovah as becoming our salvation.
5 - “holy habitation” - Prepared by David for the Ark on Zion. 2 Sa 6:17.
6 - “setteth the solitary in families” = “brings the absent ones home (Restoration)
- “bringeth…chains” - (Deliverance)
- “dwell” = “have ever dwelt”
7 - “wentest forth” - From Egypt.
- “Selah” - Connects the going up of the Ark to the story of Israel’s deliverance.
8 - “dropped” = “dropped rain” (v.9)
- “Sinai” - Ex 19:14-19
9 - “plentiful rain” - Contrast to “dry land:” in v.6.
- “Thine inheritance” = Israel
10 - “congregation” = “host”
- “poor” = “oppressed one” (sing.)
11 - “company” = “host”, “army”
- “those” = “the women” - See 1 Sa 18:6,7 and (Deborah) Judges 5.
- “published” - Used only of good news.
12,13 - The words of the women.
(12) - “tarried at home” - See 1 Sa 30:21-25
(13) - “among the pots” = “in dirty places”
- “yet shall be” - About deliverance and coming glory.
14 - “the ALMIGHTY” = Heb. “Shaddai” = God as the Giver of blessings.
- “it” = His inheritance.
- “white” should be “as when He scatters”
- “Salmon” - A mountain near Shechem.
15 - “hill” = “mountain”
16 - “leap” = “look in envy” (at Mt. Zion)
- “This” = Mt. Zion
- “desireth…” - 1 Ki 11:32; Neh 1:9
17 - “twenty thousand” = “twice ten thousand thousands” (20 million)
- “even thousands” = “upon thousands”
- “The LORD is…” = “Jehovah among them has come from Sinai into the sanctuary.”
18 - Layers of prophetic imagery
- “Thou” - The poor one of v.10, Jesus Christ
- “ascended…” - the Ark up to Mt. Zion, Christ’s ascension (Eph 4:8,9)
- “led” = led in procession
- “received” = Heb. “lakah” - Two-fold meaning, both “given” and “received”. Render “received and given gifts among men”.
- “men” = Heb. “adam” = “mankind”
- “for the rebellious also” - Prophetic statement of true grace.
- “THE LORD” = Heb. “JAH”
- “dwell” = Heb. “shakan” = To dwell in a tabernacle (tent) where the Ark was placed as a symbol of His presence.
19 - “THE GOD” = Heb. “El” = God the Omnipotent
- “salvation” = Plural, “our great salvations”
- “Selah” - Connects the exhortation to bless Jehovah with the reason for it in v.5.
20 - “God the Lord” = Heb. “Jehovah Adonai” - The superintending Lord over all.
- “the issues from” = “means of escape from”
- “death” = “the death” See Ex 12:12,13,29 (death as a plague).
21 - “wound the head” - See Gen 3:15 Rev 13:1-3
22,23 - “bring” = “surely bring”
- “My people” should be “Mine enemies”
24 - “goings” = “procession”
- “in” = “into”
25 - Appointed in 1 Ch 15:16-21
- “followed after” = “behind”
- “among” = “between”
- “damsels” = Heb. “alamoth” The women of v.11.
- “timbrels” = Heb. “toph” = “drums” See Ex 15:20
26 - “congregation” = “assemblies”
- “from” = “ye that are from”
- “the fountain” - Either Abraham or Jacob.
27 - Four tribes named. Two from the extreme north, two from the extreme south indicating the entire nation of Israel.
28,29 - “strength” = Heb. “`azaz” = strength for defense
- “Strengthen…” = “Strengthen, O God, the strength which Thou hast wrought for us from Thy temple”. End of sentence.
- “at Jerusalem” - begins new sentence, “Unto Jerusalem”
- “bring presents…” - 1 Ki 9:10-14; 10:1-2,24-25 2 Ch 32:22,23
30 - “the company of spearmen” = “the wild beasts of the reeds”
- “the multitude of the bulls” = “the herd of mighty oxen” See Jer 46:20,21
- “pieces of silver” = tribute money
- “Scatter Thou” = “He hath scattered”
31 - “stretch out her hands” - Bringing presents as in v.29, or in prayer or pledging loyalty with an oath.
32 - “Selah” - Connecting the exhortation to praise to Him Who is to be praised.
33,34 - “mighty voice” - “voice of strength”. Strength is the operative word in this verse. Praise to the Sovereign.
35 - “O God, Thou art…” = “God, from His Sanctuary is to be feared.”
- “GOD” = Heb. “El” - The Omnipotent God
- “To the chief Musician” - for public worship
- “Shoshannim” = “Lilies”, i.e., Spring. Therefore used at Passover, the Spring Festival.
INDEX Psalm 69
- Israel’s Redeemer awaits His deliverance. Christ as the trespass offering. Ps 22 as the sin offering. Ps 40 as the burnt offering. This Psalm is directly tied to the 69 weeks of Daniel 9:25 and is largely prophetic. - “of David” = “by David”
1 - “God” = Heb. “Elohim” - The Creator
- “waters…soul” = “great troubles threatening my life”
2 - “sink” = “have sunk”
- “deep mire”, “no standing”, “deep waters”, “floods”, “overflow” = Despair and helplessness.
3 - “wait” - The verse describes an extended wait.
4 - The enemies.
Quoted in Jn 15:25.
- “wrongfully” - Without cause.
- “mighty” = “stronger than my bones”
5 - What the true believer always recognizes. We are saved by grace.
6 - Responsibility to and for others. David as king, and prophetically, the Messiah. Mt 18:6 Ro 14:21
7 - “for Thy sake…” - Covers here through v.12. Heb 12:1-3 Isa 53:4-10
8 - “a stranger” Jn 1:11
9 - “…zeal…” - Quoted in Jn 2:17 as being fulfilled (Jn 2:13-17)
- “…reproaches…” - Quoted in Ro 15:3 See Jn 15:25
10 - “When I wept…fasting” = “When I humbled my soul”
- “my reproach” - Personal. Not for “Thy sake”.
11 - “sackcloth” - Mourning clothes
- “proverb” = “byword”
12 - “They…gate” - The wise elders sit at the gate. See 1 Co 1:18-29
- “song” - A mocking song.
13 - “me” - Emphatic. Indicating a special personal circumstance.
- “in an acceptable time” = “when it pleases You”
- “Hear” = “Answer”. This verse points to the circumstances of 14-20.
14-20 - Gethsemane
Mt 26:36-45
(14,15) - “mire”, “sink”, “deep waters”, “overflow” - See v.2
- “the pit” = “the well”
(16,17) - A call for grace. “Hear me”, “Turn unto me”, “Hide not Thy face”
- “speedily’ - Time is short. See Mt 26:45 (“the hour is at hand”)
(18) - “redeem” = Heb. “ga`al” = redeem by payment of a charge. See Ex 6:6.
(19) - “reproach”, “shame”, “dishonor” = Humiliation
(20) - “some” = “one”
21 - The Cross
Mt 27:34,48 Jn 19:29,30
- “gall” = Heb. “r`osh” = A narcotic drink made from the poppy. Translated “hemlock” in Hos 10:4
- “meat” = “choice meat”. Similar to Eng. “entrée”.
- “vinegar” = sour wine
22-28 - Imprecation
Ro 11:9,10
(22,23) - See 1 Pe 2:7,8
(24) - “Pour out”, “wrathful anger” - Rev 16:1;19:15
(25) - Judas
Ac 1:20
- “habitation” = “palace”
(26) - The Messiah on the cross.
- “those whom…” should be “Thy wounded ones”
(27,28) - A call for the punishment of the unrighteous. Ex 34:6,7
- “book of the living” = “book of life” Ex 32:31-33; Rev 20:12
29 - “poor” = Heb. “`ani” = “afflicted”. Used of Christ 8x (#of resurrection) in the Psalms. (22:24; 34:6; 35:10; 40:17; 70:5; 109:16,22)
- “Let” - Omit
- “salvation” = “deliverance”
30 - “praise” - Always present when suffering is mentioned. Lam 3:19-26
31 - “better” - Praise is the truest sacrifice. Heb 13:12-15
- “horns” - Therefore at least 3 years old. Gen 15:9
- “hoofs” - Divided hooves, therefore ceremonially clean. Lev 11:3
32 - “and be glad” = “they rejoice”
- “shall live” - In resurrection
- “God” should be “good”
33 - “poor” = Heb. “`ebyon” = “helpless”
34 - Let all creation praise God See Ps 19:1-3 Ps 150:6
35,36 - “will build” - Therefore prophetic
- “dwell…possession” - To dwell and possess, to inherit and hand down
- “To the chief Musician” - For public worship
INDEX Psalm 70
- Israel’s redeemer awaits His deliverance. - “to bring to remembrance” - See Ps 40:13-17. The repetition is essential to the structure of Book 2.
1 - “Make haste” = “Be pleased” from 40:13
2,3 - Imprecation
(2) - “my soul” = “me”
- “turned…put to confusion” - 2 Ki 7:5-7
(3) - “That say” = “Who are saying to me”
4 - Intercession
- “all those” - “whosoever”
- “rejoice” = “have cause to rejoice”
- “love Thy salvation” - Necessarily followed by praise.
- “continually” - See Ps 34:1
5 - “poor” = Heb. “`anah” = “oppressed”, “wretched”
- “my” = “my (only)”
INDEX Psalm 71 - Praise promised. In youth and old age.1-5a - Trust
(1) - “LORD” = Heb. “Jehovah” = The Covenant God
- “do…trust” = “have I fled for refuge”
- “confusion” = “shame”
(2) - “escape” - See promise in 1 Co 10:13.
(3) - “strong habitation” = Heb. “zur” = A fortified place, a rock of refuge.
- “whereunto…” = “a place of security to save me”
- “rock” = Heb. “sela`” = “fortress”
- “fortress” = Heb. “matsuwd” = “mountain stronghold”
(4) - “Deliver me” = “Cause me to escape”
- “God” = Heb. “Elohim” = The Creator
(5a) - “Lord God” = Heb. “Adonai Jehovah” = The Controller of Covenant blessings.
(5b) - Youth. Care. (Past)
- “trust” = Heb. “batah” = “confidence”
6-8 - The Promise of Praise (Present)
- “from the womb” - See Jer 1:4,5
- “Thee” - The Source
(7,8) - “I am” = “I have become”
- “wonder” - The sign
- “refuge” - The Substance
9-12 - Prayer for old age (Future)
(9) - “my strength faileth” - But not God’s.
(10) - The enemies look to take advantage.
(11) - “God hath forsaken him” - Unbelievers walking by sight. See God’s promise to the faithful in Jos 1:5.
(12) - See Jas 4:8.
13 - The confusion of the enemies in contrast to v.1.
- The request: “confounded”, “consumed”, “covered…”
14-16 - Promise to Praise
(14) - “But…” - Submission to God’s will, whatever/whenever His response.
(15) - “all day” = “at all times”
- “numbers” - See Ps 40:5
(16) - “strength of the Lord GOD” - See “my strength faileth in v.9. See Isa 40:28-31
17 - Youth. Teaching (Past). Promise of Praise (Present)
18 - Prayer for old age (Future).
- “Yea” = “Now”
- “when…grayheaded” = “to old age and gray hairs”
- “every one…” = “to all who are to come”
19-21 - Declaration of trust.
(19) - “who is like unto Thee” - Written on the heart of all true believers. See Ex 15:11.
(20) - “shewed me” - God allows trials in our lives.
- “quicken me” = “make me alive again”
- “bring me up again” - In resurrection
(21) - “increase” - Always from God. Ps 75:6,7 1 Co 3:6
22-24 - Mercies for the saints. Confusion for the enemies.
(22) - “with” = “with the help of”
- “sing” = “sing praise”
(23) - “lips” and “soul” rejoice
(24) - Our answered prayers manifest the righteousness of God.
INDEX Psalm 72
- Israel’s Redemption. The response to Pss. 69-71 and the close to Book II. - “for Solomon” = “concerning Solomon” - By David for his son Solomon and, prophetically, his Son, the Messiah. Written 921 B.C. (the year before David’s death) after Solomon’s 2nd investiture (crowning). See 1 Ch 29:22,23. The 1st is at 1 Ch 23:1.
1 - “the king” - David
- “thy judgments” - decisions regarding Solomon
- “king’s son” - Solomon. Prophetically, Christ.
2 - “judge” = “rule”
- “poor” = “oppressed ones”
- “judgment” = “justice” See 1 Ki 3:16-28
3 - “peace” = “prosperity” brought “by righteousness”
4 - “judge” = “vindicate” See Ro 8:1
5-10 - Attributes
(5) - “as long…endure” - See Gen 8:21,22
(6) - “like rain” - 2 Sa 23:4
(7) - “the righteous” = “righteousness”
- “endureth” - “Throughout all generations” (v.5)
(8) - “from sea to sea” - from the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf.
- “the river” - the Euphrates
(9) - “lick the dust” = be in complete subjugation. See Gen 3:14
(10) - “Tarshish” - On the west
- “isles” - coastlines
- “Sheba” - On the east
- “Seba” - On the south
- “offer gifts” = “bring near their presents. See Mt 2:11
11 - “all kings”, “all nations” - Omnipotence and Adoration for the King
12 - “the needy” = Heb. “`ebyon” = “a helpless one”. Indicating lacking in will and/or wealth.
13 - “poor” = Heb. “dal” = “impoverished”. Indicating reduced in substance or status.
14 - “redeem” = Heb. “ga`al” = redeem by payment
- “precious” = Heb. “yakar” = “heavy in price”
TEACHER’S NOTE: There are 5 precious things in the Old Testament
- the word of God (1 Sa 3:1) 1st occ.
- redemption (Ps 49:8)
- the death of His saints (here and Ps 116:15)
- the lips of knowledge (Pr 20:15)
- the thoughts of God (Ps 139:17)
15 - “he” - Marked as emphatic in the Hebrew. Singular, not “they” of the previous verses. “They” bring to “him” giving hands, praying hearts and praising tongues.
- “given…” - See 1 Ki 10:2,10 2 Ch 9:1
- “for him” = “to him”
- “daily” = “all the day”
16 - “handful” = “abundance”
- “corn” = “fine corn”, i.e., good food
- “like Lebanon” = “like it does in Lebanon”
17 - “And men…” = “Yea, all nations shall be blessed in him: shall call him happy.”
18,19 - A doxology closes the Second Book of the Psalms.
- “only” = “alone’
- “filled…” - See Nu 14:20,21
20 - See 2 Sa 23:1-7 where the title “son of Jesse” is also used.
- “are ended” = “are accomplished”. When this Psalm is completely accomplished, all prophecy will be fulfilled. Redemption will be complete (Dan 9:24).